VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2066: : See through the conspiracy

Although mobile magic crystal cannons can be moved, they are more suitable for defense or fortification due to various restrictions, but if they are used against moving targets, they are not very useful, especially for those with strong mobility. Ye Luo and others, it is precisely because such a person who printed clothes did not use the colorful sacred cow.

While they were chatting casually in the waves and the wind, the people from the Assassin’s House came to some news. For example, most of the 10,000-strong army of Indian clothing and other areas have been withdrawn, such as the colorful demon fox leaving the system city and going out. .

That’s right, according to the requirements of Wucai Shenniu and others, in addition to dealing with Yeluo’s ten thousand army, most of the ten thousand army in the other three directions have been withdrawn, or they may find some hidden places to level up, or go directly. In the ancient battlefield, killing monsters and exploding magic spar fragments, so that the elite teams of the British server, German server and other servers can drive straight and then rush to the place where Yeluo and them are. Especially these people know that the colorful monsters are in Yeluo. After the regional action.

"Hey, although the Ten Thousand Army Corps did not have much effect on us, there are still some gains in several other directions. Why did they withdraw the Ten Thousand Army Corps on their side instead of our side? This is too strange. Got it." June Feixue said in a puzzled manner.

"Did the colorful demon fox leave the system city?" asked Yi Leng Yi Leng. After getting the affirmative reply from the ten steps, she soon had a judgment: "The colorful demon fox left the system city, except for our 10,000-person army. The 10,000 corps in other directions dispersed. It seems that Wucai Shenniu has figured out a way to deal with us."

"What way?" Po Lang blurted out by the wind, and then she sneered: "At this time, they don't seem to have a good way. Is it possible that they want to gather the other three groups of ten thousand troops to come over and deal with us? Hey, even then we The enemies we face will triple, but it seems that they still can’t help us.”

"It is naturally difficult for the players of Yinfu to use the army of ten thousand people to help us, but what if elite players from other servers also come to deal with us?" Ye Luo asked back.

"What, players from other servers are coming to deal with us?" Wei Wei was taken aback, and the waves and the wind hurriedly said: "Could Yinfu team up with other servers, right? Yeah, if it weren't like this, how could they be direct It’s a bit of a hassle to withdraw the 10,000-strong army in the other three directions. We can't act unscrupulously just against the players of India Server. Now that there are more masters on other servers, our pressure will be even greater."

Think about it, the other three directions of the Indian server have been withdrawn, except for the area bordering the Chinese server in the north. It is understandable that the waves and the wind directly suspect that the Indian server has formed an alliance with other players.

"It doesn't mean that they have formed an alliance, because the people of Yinfu also killed some people from other servers. How easy is it to form an alliance." Othello was disapproving, and she just said the sound of ten moves. Rang.

"According to our news, the British server players are sneaking on a leveling point of the Indian server. Obviously they are not allied." Ten steps and one kill said in a deep voice: "Although it is only a British server player who did it, the other servers should be the same. In this way, because the British server, French server and other European servers have always had a very good relationship, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are moving forward together.

Think about it too, if the Indian server has formed an alliance with people from other servers, the latter will naturally no longer sneak attacks on their level-level people, and the servers from the British server, the French server and other servers have always been alliances to send other servers. India clothing alliance.

"That's weird. Since Yinfu didn't form an alliance with the British server and other servers, why did the colorful **** cow and the others withdraw the ten thousand army?" Po Lang Chengfeng was even more puzzled: "Isn't this letting the players of the British server and other servers drive in? And this poses a greater threat to Indian clothing."

"In addition, if Yinfu does not form an alliance with other servers, then how will they deal with us?" Polangchengfengdao said that she looked at the fireworks and Ye Luo, which was self-evident.

"Obviously, the colorful sacred cows want to use the hands of other server players to deal with us, or they want us players who sneak into the Indian server to kill each other, and they come to a fisherman to benefit." Ye Luo said, look. When he arrived at Polangchengfeng and the others, he chuckled lightly, "Yes, this is why the colorful monster fox left the system city. No accident, he should have rushed to our side. No accident, he will next He shows up here from time to time, and news of his activities here will soon spread. Next..."

"Next, players from servers such as British and German servers will naturally come over to prevent us from taking back the [Dragon Scale Dagger], because these countries don’t want us to take back this national weapon. It can even be said that their main purpose of sneaking into the Indian server is In order to prevent us from snatching the [Dragon Scale Dagger] back." Po Lang Riding the Wind took the stubbornness, and then she sneered: "It's a good trick to kill with a knife, no, it should be the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman's profit."

"That's right, so it makes sense for Wucai Shenniu to withdraw the Ten Thousand Army Corps in the other three directions, because the elite players of those servers can reach us in the shortest time without the Ten Thousand Army Corps raids. The active area then prevented us from snatching [Dragon Scale Dagger]." Ye Yufei’s voice sounded in the team channel: "Hey, the picture of the colorful sacred cow is huge. I actually want to gather all the people who invaded their servers. Together, and doing so will undoubtedly cause us invaders to break out of the fiercest conflict and then kill the most people, and then they will deal with us, tusk, really smart."

"What's smart? We haven't seen it through." Dongfang Xiaotian said disapprovingly, "What if people from other servers also come, let them fight for [Dragon Scale Dagger] first, and we will stand on the sidelines. , And we can make another move when they are about to decide the winner."

"The people on other servers prevented us from obtaining [Dragon Scale Dagger], which means that if we didn’t do it, they wouldn’t do it. After all, they also know that the current [Dragon Scale Dagger] is a hot potato. Whoever grabs it will bear it. Our anger." Dongfang star said solemnly: "No accident will soon be confronted with people from other servers, and once the confrontation is unavoidable, conflicts will inevitably erupt, and the conflicts will become increasingly fierce and casualties will also occur. getting bigger."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and for a while they also realized the trouble.

"Fireworks, if that's the case, then what should we do?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked: "Should you just grab [Dragon Scale Dagger] and return or just ignore it?"

"It’s not so easy to grab [Dragon Scale Dagger], because people on other servers are very reluctant to get another national weapon, and we want to grab [Dragon Scale Dagger] when other countries interfere. It’s difficult, and it’s in the arms of the colorful sacred cows." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued after a short pause: "The best way for us now is to ignore the colorful monster fox, or go deep into the printing server. Let them not know where our whereabouts are, so the people waiting for the server of British server will naturally not be able to target us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Next, we will mainly hunt down players or high-ranking bosses, and we will end as soon as possible after launching the operation and then change to another place, so that they can't lock our position. Small groups of enemies can be killed by thunder."

If the positions of Ye Luo and others are not locked, it is naturally difficult for the people of Yinfu or other servers to gather and deal with them. With the strength of Chinese server players, as long as they are not entangled by too many elite masters, no one can do it. They pose a threat.

At this time, Ye Luo and others who encounter other servers can also wait for opportunities, such as small targets. Killing them can also reduce some enemies. After all these people are killed, Ye Luo and the others will **** [Dragon Scale Dagger] There are not too many scruples.

"Don't we ignore the colorful monster fox?" Po Lang Chengfeng said unwillingly.

"If you have full certainty to kill the colorful monster fox, you can naturally do it, and once the [Dragon Scale Dagger] falls into our hands, the initiative will fall into our hands." Ye Luo took the words: "For example, we You can continue to perform hunting missions, but you must avoid the main force of other servers, and only start with them or small teams. Of course, we can also return to our server directly. After all, we can get back [Dragon Scale Dagger] from our trip. The goal was achieved."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then changed his tone: "Then what we have to do next is to get rid of these ten thousand army of Indian clothing as soon as possible, so that they don't know where we are. For example, we go directly to the other three directions, so it is impossible for Wucai Shenniu to use people from other servers to deal with us."

"Yes, what we have to do now is to expand the scope of our activities." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "But we don't need to worry, because people from other servers will take a long time to come over, even if they ride. Flying mounts also take a day or more, and for such a long time we can deal with Indian players, and we should be able to get around to the other side of their secondary cities for such a long time."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they were also confident about the numerous search lines that crossed the Yinfu within a day.

At this moment, Jian San's voice sounded on the team channel: "Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, I found the traces of the colorful monster fox, should we do something to him?"

"What, did you find the whereabouts of the colorful demon fox?!" The voice of Polangchengfeng increased by a few points, and then she looked at Polangchengfeng and Ye Luo: "Fireworks, leaf fall, if we get close to the colorful demon fox and then let jade hands or flowers Nong Yue casts [Space Enchantment] to trap it, and the next thing is simple, which means we can..."

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