VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2359: : 6 vs. 10 wheel battle

I have to say that the luck on Monday is very good. The 3 Primordial Saint-level treasure chests have opened 2 Primordial Saint-level equipment, but it is not Ye Luo, Breaking Wave and Riding Wind that they can equip. They can only give a smile to Hongchen and Jianba. Waiting for someone, and their strength has also been greatly improved after updating their equipment.

"Uncle Ye Luo, after you complete this mission, the brain system will directly reward you with 100 [Flying]. Doesn't it mean that just these skill books can create a flying team?!" June Feixue Excitedly said: "If we can create a team of flying wizards for us magicians, what can be done..."

"Feixue, let's give all those skill books to the archers. After all, flying archers can play a greater role in team wars and national wars." Samadhi Shi interrupted June Feixue's words: "Not to mention in You can hit the Linglong suit in the Linglong Tower, so you magicians don’t lack flying skill books at all, and it’s a lot of trouble for archers to get flying skill books."

Think about it, even though the explosion rate of Linglong suits is not high, Miomi Pavilion has arranged some elite masters to spawn monsters all the time, so there is no shortage of flying magicians, but archers are different. After all, they can’t be casual Get the five poison suits in the Indian server.

Knowing that the samādhi poem was true, June Feixue curled his lips, but said nothing more.

"Uncle handsome, what is your seventh-ring cross-server mission?" Suddenly every night, unless asked curiously, she said with excitement without waiting for Ye Luo to speak: "The cross-server missions that I and Sister Fireworks and others received before have also been completed. Yes, hee hee, I got some rewards, which is not bad."

"It's not a big problem to complete some cross-server tasks with your strength." Ye Luo smiled, and when he said these, he checked the cross-server task system, and then frowned slightly: "3 random and pick 2 A friend with a friend degree of 10,000 points participates in a team wheel battle in the arena mode..."

"It's a team battle again?!" Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Ye Luo's words, she was very excited: "And this time we randomly selected 3 friends and picked 2 friends. Doesn't this mean a team battle of 6 people, hey, and There are two more people selected. Tsk tsk, both me and the fireworks will be selected, so that the odds of winning will be higher, and we will win without any accident."

That’s right, this time the team wheel battle is not the same as the previous one. There are only 3 random teammates, and the other 2 teammates can be selected by themselves. This will undoubtedly select a stronger teammate to participate in the battle, so the chance of winning is naturally better than before. It's much easier to face Hanbok.

Think about it, even if you can’t randomly pick fireworks, break the waves, ride the wind, etc., you can directly select them, and as long as they are in the team, plus Ye Luo, then they have a high chance of winning in a team battle. Chengfeng almost certainly won in their hearts.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is so excited not only because it is possible to participate in the team wheel battle to fight against the masters of other servers, the most important thing is that after completing the task, those who teamed up with Ye Luo can also get some rewards, such as the previous fireworks easy Leng and others were rewarded with full attribute points and skill enhancement.

"Uncle Ye Luo could easily defeat Hanbok in 4 vs. 6, but now it's a 6-person team, so the odds of winning are even greater." June Feixue said, and then she looked at Ye Luo expectantly: " It would be great if I could also randomly participate in this round of wheel warfare, so that I can also get some rewards, such as skill enhancement, such as getting rewards for all attribute points and so on."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Samadhi suddenly said, while talking to her while looking at Ye Luo: "This is the seventh-ring cross-server task. Based on previous experience, the difficulty of the cross-server task is generally increasing. So it’s impossible for Yeluo to be so cheap. Not surprisingly, there may be more opponents than Hanbok, or even multiple servers at the same time."

Hearing that, everyone thought of this, and then they looked at Ye Luo, the meaning is self-evident.

"Yes, this time, we are facing three servers at the same time, namely Australia, the United States, and Canada." Ye Luo said in a deep voice. Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Not only that, each of them dispatched 100 people, of course. They are also the top 100 players in their server arena, which means that all of them are elite masters, and no surprises are double professional masters."

"What, they dispatched 100 people to each server?!" Zhiyue was stunned after hearing Ye Luo's words: "Oh my God, so many people, it would be too difficult for us to win if the wheel battle is exhausted. After all, 300 people means there are Fifty teams of 6 people, one team by one, are consumed..."

"That, the large number of people doesn't necessarily make Ye Luo's mission difficult." Suddenly, black and white chess said: "Don't forget that Ye Luo killing people can increase attack power. Tsk tsk, the opponent has 300 people. If you count all these players, Kill, then Ye Luo’s attack power can be filled up. This is a very high number. In this case, Ye Luo can kill the target in seconds, and even if it only kills 100 people, Ye Luo’s attack power is terrifying. This advantage does not necessarily mean that the task cannot be completed."

Hearing that, June Feixue and the others nodded, and they all agreed.

"The problem is that the opponent's team is not a team of six." Ye Luo said, seeing the stunned look of Samadhi and the others and then nodded: "Yes, every time Japan and South Korea play 10 people, we 6 to 10, we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, so even if we have 2 teammates to choose from, we will be at a disadvantage, not to mention that we are facing 30 10-man teams."

Hearing that, everyone's expressions have become difficult to look at. They naturally know how disadvantaged they are in a 6-to-10 situation, especially when the opponent is still engaged in a team-wheel battle.

"This is the end of the matter, and there is no objection to entangled in these." Fireworks Yi said coldly, while talking to her while looking at Ye Luo: "Not to mention that we still have a lot of advantages. At least we have 2 teammates to choose from. The 6-man team that matches in this way will also have better cooperation, while the Australian server, the US server and the Canadian server can only be randomly selected. Our odds of winning 6 to 10 are also great. In my mind, this is even better than 4 to 6 Bigger."

Without waiting for Ye Luo and others to speak, she continued: "What's more, as Sister Qi said before, Sister Ye Luo and Sister Feng can kill people to increase their attack power. Once the attack power increases by more than 50%, things become very simple. They won’t be able to help us even if they are exhausted."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold: "Fireworks, I will first randomly select 3 teammates, and then choose another 2 teammates according to the situation, so that we can select a relatively perfect 6-person team."

Hearing that, Fireworks Yi was cold and nodded, and Ye Luo also started random teammates, and after seeing 3 random teammates, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He secretly said that this time his luck was not bad-Ye Luo arrived randomly. The 3 teammates of's are sitting on the piano, Zhiyue, and Yeye unless.

In fact, Ye Luo was a little relieved after seeing that he was sitting on the Qinxin in a random line. After all, there must be a priest among the 6 people who want to complete the task. That is to say, sitting on the Qinxin is a must. If you can’t get it randomly She can only use 2 selected places, but Ye Luo's place is one less.

In addition, unless Zhiyue and Yeye are also very powerful existences, the role of the latter is needless to say. Zhiyue can also play a great role in this mission, and it is not even better than sitting on the heart of the piano. Every night unless the difference is much.

This time, there will be a lot of opponents in the wheel fight. If 10 people from the opposite side rush over, then only relying on Ye Luo, sitting on the piano, breaking the waves and riding the wind to resist will not necessarily be able to intercept them. After all, they only have 3 people, and there are 10 people on the opposite side. People, and once the opposite person is approached, Ye Luo and the others must use displacement, acceleration or invincible means, which will undoubtedly make them have a greater consumption.

But with Zhiyue, it's different. Although Zhiyue is a commoner class, she can summon 3 summoned beasts to resist the opponent's multiple players. After all, let the Black Dragon King, Ice Fire, and Golden Winged Eagle King want to entangle the target or not It is difficult, especially after the ranks of Ice and Fire and Golden Winged Eagle King have been upgraded.

The Black Dragon King, Ice Fire and Golden Winged Eagle King all have group control and group damage skills, so that they can not only entangle their opponents, but also deal very good damage. So Zhiyue can play a role in this wheel fight. Big.

"Without me, my luck is too bad." After seeing the random list of 3 people, the waves were quite dissatisfied, but she looked at Ye Luo expectantly when she thought of something: "Ye Luo, no matter what Said that this time I will also participate in your mission, hey, don’t forget that killing people can also increase the attack power. Anyway, there are 300 opponents. If you and I share a few, you can greatly add up the attack power."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "Moreover, this time is a 6 vs. 10 wheel battle. There are too many players on the other side. They can chase and intercept them from all directions, so we need a strong melee professional to stop them. In our Misty Pavilion The melee strength is me except you, so this time I can definitely help a lot."

"Actually, Yue'er can block and control opponents after summoning 3 summoned beasts, so Feng Sister's effect is not too great." Othello is very casual and idiomatic, but when he says these, his eyes show a sly light : "So I suggest letting Feixue or Lingyiyiyun go, they can provide a powerful damage output."

"Of course, it would be nice to let Jian XI or Xiaoxiao beauties, plus fireworks, tuts, and 4 dual professional archers. It is estimated that the 10 people on the opposite side can't get close to you at all, so it's easy to defeat them." Othello Added a sentence.

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