VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2360: : Victory again

In fact, Po Lang Cheng Feng can play a great role in the seventh ring mission of Ye Luo. After all, Ye Luo, Zhiyue, and Qin Xin are the only ones in the team to intercept opponents, and it may not be able to intercept them. Feng, a super master, will be much easier, not to mention that she can kill people to increase her attack power, which also means that her role in the team will become more and more important-there are 300 opponents, and Ye Luo only needs to kill 200 players. It can increase the attack power, while the wave of the wind only needs to kill 100 people to increase the attack power, so she will not fight for too many heads of Ye Luo, not to mention their attack power is only increased by about 50%. Already have the strength to kill opponents in seconds, especially if it is matched with the attack of the night and the others.

Of course, Othello said this deliberately, in order to ‘toke’ about breaking the waves and riding the wind to make her anxious.

Sure enough, she suddenly became anxious when she heard the words of Othello. "Four double-professional archers or a powerful dual-professional magician are not necessarily a perfect formation match. Don’t forget that the Black Dragon King and the Golden Winged Eagle King are Flying, it’s not easy for them to intercept opponents. After all, it’s not too difficult for players to avoid the summoned beasts. At this point, I can play a bigger role."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, I can kill people to increase my attack power. This is a great potential. At this point, Feixue can't compare to me."

"Sister Feng, they are teasing you." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. After she finished speaking, she ignored the waves and rides the wind. She turned to look at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, choose Sister Feng and me for the last two places. The 6-person combination is more perfect."

Fireworks are easy to be cold, but smart people. Naturally, I know that breaking the waves and riding the wind can play a bigger role in this team wheel battle than June Feixue or Yanyu Xiaoxiao. After all, the team needs her to block and control the opponents. She can also kill people to increase her attack power, and even the firework behind it is easy to get cold.

As for choosing fireworks to be easy to be cold, it is natural, not only because she has strong damage output, control and ultra-long range attacks, but the most important thing is that the team also needs her to develop tactics. Of course, she also knows very well about the enemy’s information. Detailed, and knowing these is also convenient for Ye Luo and the others to achieve the final victory.

"Well, this is natural." Ye Luo nodded, and when he said these, he rated the two selected names as fireworks easy to cold, breaking the waves and riding the wind.

She was completely relieved to see Ye Luo nodding and breaking through the waves and riding the wind, and then she was very excited, and of course she did not forget to show it in front of Othello, June Feixue and others, especially Othello-she was against the previous Othello. The "teasing" of chess [Bequge www.bequge.vip] is very concerned.

"Although Ye Luo has accepted the task, tomorrow is the weekend." Samadhi poem said, seeing the puzzled look of the waves, the wind, the Othello and others, she chuckled: "Don't forget that the weekend is for a national war duel. , We can only carry out the task after the completion of the national war."

"Fortunately, after receiving the cross-server task, you can choose the time to perform the task. As long as you choose to do the task, the brain system will send it to the destination. This is a very human setting." Samadhi Shi added.

After hearing this, they remembered that there was a national war duel, and this also made them excited. After all, victory in the national war duel will also get rich rewards, and even have the opportunity to obtain national equipment. This is the broken wave ride. What Feng dreams of-the last time she invited a toast to the Shanghai Australian service, Fengxing Kyushu obtained a national weapon, which made the waves and wind admire envy, so this time she would naturally not miss the national battle.

"Hey, yeah, there are also national battles." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed and said: "If you win, you have a chance to obtain a national weapon. At the worst, you can upgrade your level or something. Recently, I have only been doing cross-server tasks. There is not much improvement, so it can make up for it a little."

Yes, although there are also cross-server missions that kill BOSS, for example, Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding Wind have all ended up killing Sage-level BOSS missions, but there are too few such missions, and other missions will not improve even if they are completed. Level, Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind for so many days, their level has fallen slightly.

"I just don't know who our opponent is this time." June Feixue said, but she chuckled out what she thought of: "However, with our strength, no matter which server we run into, we can win the final victory, hope The opponents we encounter are stronger, and defeating them will slightly prevent their development. In the future, the opponents we face in official national wars will be much weaker."

"As for which server is facing us, I will know tomorrow." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually, and then they continued to be busy, either doing tasks or hunting high-rank monsters around.

Time passed, another day passed in a blink of an eye, and the weekend was here again, which meant that another national war duel was about to begin.

At 11:30 noon, Ye Luo once again drew a lottery on behalf of the Chinese server, and his opponent this time was also quickly released-Pakistan server.

"It's Pakistani server. The strength of this server is not very strong." After seeing his opponent this time, June Feixue said dissatisfiedly: "Even they are worse than the Australian server. They are always bullying against them feel."

Again, Ye Luo and the others hope to meet a stronger opponent. After all, after defeating a strong opponent, the overall strength of this server will be more or less weakened, and the least favorable development trend will also stagnate a little, which also means After the start of a large-scale national war, the opponents facing the Chinese server will be slightly weaker.

Not only that, after defeating a powerful opponent, the tax rewards that China Server will get will be higher. After all, the more powerful the server, the higher the tax.

"No way, who made their luck a bit bad." Othello said casually: "Besides, Bafu also shot us before, but they are a little far away from us and couldn't teach them. This time is also a rare opportunity. , It’s just beating them."

The list of battles has been released, and it doesn't make much sense to entangle this. Everyone can only wait patiently for the start of the national battle.

At 12 noon, the national war duel officially began, and the players in the Chinese server started to act right from the beginning-the fireworks Yi Cold ordered the implementation of the previous tactics against the Australian server, and a quick battle. After all, the Pakistan server is weaker than the Australian server. , There is almost no suspense, not to mention the original tactics against the Australian server were perfect.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others have no suspense about the upper Pakistani server. Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they forcibly broke into the relay of a fortress in the Pakistani server and occupied it, and then installed some mobile magic crystal cannons. The next battle became easier.

Soon Zhongfu captured 3 forts, and this also made the battle without any suspense-Zhongfu won the final victory after 2, 30 minutes.

Like defeating the Australian server, Ye Luo and them all received good rewards, especially the players with the top ten kill points, and Ye Luo also won the MVP again, this time he also won a very good one. Rewards, such as the enhancement of 2 pieces of equipment to 7, such as a random piece of equipment lower than the Primordial Saint-level upgrade by one rank, etc., these have also improved his strength, no surprises, then make the right The odds of winning will be higher for the teams in the US, Australia and Canada.

It’s worth mentioning that Ye Luo’s equipment that randomly upgrades a rank is [Boots of Reincarnation]:

[Boots of Reincarnation] (Shoes*Heavy Armor-Primordial Sage)

Qi and blood: +100000

Magic: +20000

Physical defense: 10000—10000

Magic defense: 5000—5000

Strength: +3000

Constitution: +3000

Agility: +3000

Intelligence: +3000

Additional feature: After equipment, 10,000 points of power of reincarnation damage are added to the wearer. This damage is pure damage and ignores defense. Only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature. This feature can only be triggered by reincarnation and six-level occupations.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's movement speed by 35% and evasion rate by 20%. The evasion feature is only effective for normal attacks.

Additional features: Increase the wearer’s resistance to various attributes by 3000 points. When receiving attribute damage, 20% of them can be absorbed into the wearer's blood and blood. The full blood status is converted into the wearer's mana.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's 3000 physical and magic defenses, and reduce damage by 25%, including spell damage.

Additional feature: Every step of the wearer's movement has a 5% chance to generate a reincarnation phantom. The reincarnation phantom can automatically attack a random hostile target within 15 meters, causing 50000 points of damage to it and stuns it 1 second.

Additional feature: Ignore the 20% defense of all hostile targets, this feature is only effective in normal attacks.

Additional features: Allow the wearer to ignore the level 5 suppression of monsters.

Additional skills: [Shattered Body Shadow]

Additional skills: [Sacred level driving easily]

Long-lasting equipment: 650/650

Need level: 400

Equipment restrictions: Only male players can equip this equipment. It has been bound to Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and cannot be broken, damaged, or traded.

[Shattering Shadows] (Active Skill): Use the power of reincarnation to create 8 afterimages. After appearing, these afterimages will appear at a distance of 20 meters from the wearer, and they will encounter them wherever the afterimages pass. All hostile targets of, cause 100000 points of damage, the afterimage exists for 3 seconds, and the wearer can teleport to any afterimage in an instant, and can only teleport once. The ability to cast this skill consumes 50000 points of mana, and the skill is cast at an interval of 12 hours.

"Unexpectedly, the [Boots of Reincarnation] has improved a rank, the overall attributes and additional attributes have been improved a lot, and it has added a feature that ignores the suppression of the monster's 5th level. This feature is very useful. After all, we encountered The monster level is getting higher and higher." Ye Luo said to himself: "Of course the most important thing is that the effect of [Shattering Shadow] has been improved a lot. The teleport distance has been increased from 15 meters to 20 meters, which is the best. There are two ordinary displacement skills, and the damage caused by the afterimage to the hostile target has also increased a lot, but it is a pity that this skill cannot be used in the Arena mode."

"Of course, overall, this piece of equipment can also improve my strength a lot, and the next team will have a better chance of winning." Ye Luo smiled lightly.

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