VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2363: : Kite Flying Tactics

There are not many dual-professional archers in the Australian server. It is good to have 10 people. However, Ye Luo and the others have 4 of the 10-man team this time, and the dual-professional summoner of the Emperor Beast Now, I don't know if Ye Luo and the others had good luck or bad.

However, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and tactics are quickly developed-fireworks are easy to be cold, Yeyewu and Ye Luo directly greet them with the advantage of ultra-long range attack to consume the invincible means and displacement skills of the Australian players, and break the waves and ride the wind. Waiting people are on standby at any time.

Although the Australian server has 4 double professional archers, their equipment level and various rewards are much worse than Yeluo and others. This also means that their attack range is closer than Yeluo and Yeluo. Luo and the others can attack the target without worrying about being attacked.

Of course, the most important thing is that the four dual-professional archers in the Australian server are wind, fire, sacred and dark. Although their damage output is very high, there are no control effects in ordinary attacks, that is, even They used their displacement skills to move closer to Ye Luo and they couldn't control Ye Luo and others.

Although these archers also have some control skills, most of the control skills with a CD time of less than 2 hours are less than 20 meters away, and it takes some time to accumulate energy. With this time, Yeluo can pull with it by moving speed. A longer distance, not to mention that Ye Luo and Ye Ye unless there are [Bright Clothing] and [Kuang Lei Clothing] can be immune to one control effect-Ye Luo's equipment level and overall attributes are better than those of the Australian server The 4 dual-professional archers are much better, and with the addition of [Wind Thunder Wings] and other bonuses, their speed is naturally faster.

In addition, even though Ye Luo switched to the archer mode, he still holds the [Blade of Reincarnation] in his right hand, which means that he can fight the archers and summoners in close hands at any time, and the opponent has only 2 melee classes, and still Assassins and boxers, such a profession poses little threat to Ye Luo.

As for the emperor beast, although he and Zhiyue generally can summon 3 summoned beasts, and these summoned beasts also have some control skills, but the rank of these summoned beasts is slightly lower than that of the black dragon king, plus the **** emperor. The equipment level of the wild beasts is slightly worse, so the threat that the 3 summoned beasts can pose to Ye Luo and the others is not too big—there is only one of these summoned beasts of long-range attack type, and the speed of the 3 summoned beasts It is not much faster than Yeluo and the others, which means that the Yeluo 3 can also use kite-flying tactics against them.

Although the speed of the 3 summoned beasts may be faster than Ye Luo and the others, the fireworks are easy to be cold and their attacks contain effects such as slowing, paralysis, and freezing. In this case, it is not a big problem to prevent them from getting close-summoning After all, the beasts do not have invincible means and displacement skills, so they are not too threatening to Ye Luo and others, and it will not take too long to kill them with Ye Luo and their damage output, even if the emperor beast can Add blood to it.

Think about it, fireworks are easy to be cold every night unless the damage output is very high, let alone Ye Luo, especially after he defeated two 10-man squads and increased his attack power by 12%, even just cast ordinary energy arrows. Attacking has a chance to kill the summoned beast.

It is precisely because of these that the fireworks are easy to be cold before deliberately formulating such a tactic, and let Ye Luo follow.

The facts are also true. When the fireworks are more than 30 meters away from the target, they are easy to get cold. They attacked. For a time, energy arrows containing various attributes such as thunder and ice screamed away, and the emperor beast summoned All of the 3 summoned beasts were shrouded. They were either slowed down, or frozen or paralyzed. In this state, they couldn’t get close to the three Yeluo, so naturally they couldn’t cause any threat to Yeluo. .

Not only that, but Ye Luo's damage output is also fully reflected. Under their attack, the blood of the three summoned beasts is losing at a faster rate, especially the one targeted by Ye Luo has a long range. Fire Phoenix Bird with offensive ability, after all, it threatened Ye Luo 3 people slightly.

After learning [Split Arrows], Ye Luo and the others can distinguish 7, 8, or even more than 10 energy arrows, which means that not only the 3 summoned beasts are covered by energy arrows, but also the emperor wild beasts and those of the Australian server Dual-professional archers-if fireworks are easy to cold, it is speculated that their attack distance is generally longer than that of the dual-professional archers in the Australian suit, and their movement speed is faster than that, so the archers in the Australian suit just don’t use it. Displacement skills could not attack Ye Luo 3 people at all.

Although Ye Luo and the others were frozen and paralyzed from time to time under the attack of Ye Luo and the others, the emperor wild beasts did not immediately use invincible means, because in their hearts, Ye Luo and others would not be able to rush over directly, let alone. They had been prepared for a long time-the two melee classes were in the back place. They avoided the attack of Ye Luo and others. If Ye Luo charged, they could rush to intercept at any time. In their hearts, two people intercepted Ye. There is still no big problem with Luo.

In fact, the players of the Australian server are eager for Ye Luo to rush over, so that their people can use invincible means and then use control skills to force Ye Luo to use invincible skills. Even if someone entangles Ye Luo, the others can It poses a threat to nights and fireworks.

Ye Luo and the others did not intend to rush over. They were not worried when they saw that the other party did not use invincible means, and then continued to attack. The next Ye Luo attack triggered a crit that made them aware of the threat-Ye Luo's vital violence The hit is 8 times the critical hit. Although the damage bonus of the split energy arrows is mostly around 60%, it can also pose a great threat to those dual-professional archers and summoners, even the emperor beast of the commoner profession. 70% of his vitality was directly lost. In addition, he was almost killed in seconds by the attacks of night and night unless the fireworks were easy to cold, and he hurriedly used invincible means.

Not only the emperor beasts, but other people also realize that such tactics are dangerous, especially when Ye Luo and fireworks are easy to be cold when their attacks trigger high-power critical strikes or when they trigger ice, paralysis, etc., so They have also used invincible methods-the emperor wild beasts, as well as the US server, plus server, and Australian server players who participated in the team wheel battle this time, have no priests, which means that the emperor wild beasts have no [resurrection prophecy]. Status, as long as they are killed, there will be no chance of resurrection, so they can only use invincible means decisively.

Although they have used invincible means, the attack distance and movement speed of those in the Australian server are still slower than those of Ye Luo and others. In this case, they are just living targets and let them attack.

Also aware of this, the four dual-professional archers in the Australian server have used their displacement skills once, and the distance between them and Ye Luo is about 20 meters. At this distance, they can also attack Ye Luo and others, and then they They were preparing to use their control skills to control, but they soon discovered that the control skills they could use were quite limited at this distance, and they also needed time to accumulate energy. Ye Luo would have been away from them a long time ago.

In addition, they also know that Ye Luo and Ye Ye can avoid being controlled unless they have [Knightly Lightning Dress] and [Lighting Dress]. This means that it is not enough for them to only use one group control skill, they can only use more than two. , The most troublesome thing is that when they were preparing to use their control skills, Ye Luo and the others once again pulled away from them, beyond their attack range-Ye Luo and the others moved much faster than these people, not to mention Ye Luo and Ye Ye unless they have the [God Dance Step] displacement skill with a short CD time.

As for the fireworks are easy to get cold, although she does not have [God Dance Step] and the skills similar to [Bright Clothes], she has been in Yeluo and Ye Ye unless the distance behind is 3 or 4 meters. After all, her equipment level is better than Ye Ye unless It's better, and [Shooting Sirius] has an extra attack range, which also prevents her from getting better than control.

The next four archers decided to use the displacement skills again, and of course they did not forget to ask their people to use the displacement skills at any time to come and support them. After all, Ye Luo might still rush to fight them in close combat.

Seeing that the four archers once again used their displacement skills and they were less than 15 meters away from Ye Luo and Ye Ye Wu, the fireworks issued an order: "Ye Luo, Xiao Fei, you perform [God Dance Step], respectively to the left and right. And go, don’t worry about the control skills they use, your passive skills can resist."

Ye Luo and Ye Ye unless they performed the [God Dance Step] the first time, and they were withdrawn to both sides, so the distance between them and the four archers in the Australian server was more than 18 meters, although they were individually separated The control skill hits, but the [Light Clothing] and [Kuang Lei Clothing] offset-the reason why the group control skill is not used is because such skills have a longer charge time and a smaller coverage area.

To counteract the control effect, Ye Luo and the others also opened a distance of more than 20 meters with them, and then they can deal with them unscrupulously-the four dual professional archers in the Australian server displayed two displacement skills. After that, there is no displacement skill, and those people behind are farther away from them, they can only use 2 or 3 displacement skills to get over.

Unless Yeluo and Yeye withdraw to the rear left and right, respectively, while the fireworks are easy to be cold, they are in the middle. This makes it difficult for the people of the Australian service to decide who to chase. After a little hesitation, Ye Luo and the three drew them away. The distance is also greater.

"Hey, play them completely on the palm of your hand." Po Lang Cheng Feng laughed, and then her tone changed: "Fireworks, most of them have used invincible means, and the first invincible state will soon disappear. Is it our turn next?"

Seeing that Ye Luo and the others were dealing with the players of the Australian server, they couldn't wait to break the waves and wind, even Zhiyue and Yeyeun were the same.

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