VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2364: : Red snowflake

As the waves and the wind said, Ye Luo 3 people completely played with the 10 people in the Australian server such as the emperor wild beast, and this also made her rush to help, and in her heart the Australian server quickly The player will cast the second invincible skill, and she can hold on to the status of [Spell Immunity] and [Crazy Thunder Clothing] until the invincibility status of the 4 dual professional archers in the Australian server ends, plus the Australian There are only 2 melee players in the service, and she rushes over to do many things.

"Wait, wait until they use their second invincible means, Feng Jie will come up again." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "At this time, you are still 2, 30 meters away from us, and you can slowly retreat. , It will be easier for you to rush up after they use all of their 2 invincible means, and you will even be able to kill them all in one [Spell Immunity] time."

"In addition, we have to use these time to kill the three summoned beasts. They can also pose some threats to us when they are alive." Firework Yi Leng added.

That’s right, the four dual-professional archers in the Australian server can use invincible means, while the three summoned beasts of the emperor beasts cannot. They have also become the main targets of fireworks and others. After all, they can be attacked. Killing can greatly reduce their pressure.

Ye Luo’s attack once again triggered a critical crit when the fireworks were easy to be cold, and this crit finally killed a summoned beast. Because it was a spike, the emperor beast did not have time to add blood to it. , What's more, at this time, the other two summoned beasts have little blood left. The amount of healing he treated the summoned beasts is not as good as Ye Luo's damage output.

After 3, 4 seconds, the other two summoned beasts were also killed, and the emperor wild beast became a summoner without a summoned beast. At this time, he can do quite limited things, and he can't even cause Ye Luo and others. Threatened—he couldn't attack the three Ye Luo at all.

After such a long time, the four dual-professional archers in the Australian server also had to use a second invincible method, and they also wanted to retreat, but they also knew that even if they retreated, it would be difficult for them to escape the Yeluo three. The pursuit of killing, and the other people in the Australian service could not stop Ye Luo and them.

The fact is also true. The two melee occupations of the Australian server can do too much. After all, assassins and boxers are also crispy occupations, especially for high-explosive players like Ye Luo.

Maybe it’s because they know that if this goes on, they will definitely lose, so other Australian players have also used displacement skills to forcefully rush over, but the distance between them and Ye Luo and others is a bit long, so all the displacement skills are also 1, 20 meters with it. At this distance, their ability to control the target is quite limited, not to mention Ye Luo and the others can use skills such as [God Dance Step] to avoid control at any time.

Not only that, at this time, the distance between them and Ye Luo and others is not too far, which also means that they can rush to support at any time.

The fact is also true. When they saw the players from the Australian server rushing up and approaching the fireworks, breaking the waves and riding the wind, the first time they performed [God Dance Step] and then [Charge] to greet them. Of course, I won’t sit on the piano at this time. Forgot to cast [Spell Immunity] to it, so she can intercept players in the Australian server unscrupulously.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind alone intercepted the assassins and boxers of the Australian server, and even the magicians and archers who had free time to harass the Australian server. With the passage of time, the invincibility status of the Australian server players is also time. Next, Ye Luo The others also launched a counterattack.

The battle was over in less than 30 seconds. Ye Luo and the others killed all 10 players in the Australian server. It is worth mentioning that all of these people were killed by Ye Luo and the waves by the wind, which means that their attack power increased again. some.

Next, the players of the additional server, the US server, and the Australian server will play separately. Because they have no particularly strong opponents in the 10-person team, they continue to use this kite-flying tactic. The three of them use archers. The advantage is consumed in the front, and unless breaking the waves and riding the wind, knowing the moon, and night and night waiting for an opportunity in the back, they easily won a few rounds of team battles.

After solving three ten-man squads, Ye Luo’s attack power has been increased to 35%. Although Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind only increases her attack by 20%, her killing will also increase the murderous value, so her damage output at this time The increase is higher than Ye Luo.

With the increase in attack power, Ye Luo and the others will be easier to deal with summoned beasts and clone clones, and even as their attack power increases, they can kill them in seconds, which will undoubtedly give them more advantages.

It is worth mentioning that in these few team battles, Ye Luo almost didn’t use any skills for long CD time. Not to mention the full state is almost the same, and this also made the players of the US, Canada and Australia look serious, because in They seemed to Ye Luo and their kite flying tactics to be almost invincible.

Even so, they could only bite the bullet, and soon the seventh 10-man team came on the field. This time it was the turn of the extra server to play. The red snowflakes in the team made Ye Luo and the others take it seriously, not just because Red Snowflake is the fifth best player in the added service master list. The most important thing is that he has a middle-grade national weapon in his hand-[Sword of Wind].

The Red Snowflake is the Wind Dragon Swordsman, and the middle-grade national weapon in his hand is the Wind Longsword. The two fit the best, and his strength has also improved a lot.

"Red Snowflake seems to be a national weapon in his hand..." Seeing the long sword in Red Ice's hand, the beautiful eyes of breaking waves and wind lit up, and her tone was full of envy.

"[The Sword of Wind], a middle-grade national implement, the most suitable national implement for red snowflakes." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "This national implement not only increases the high attack power, but also increases the movement of the wearer. Speed, which also includes a displacement skill similar to the [God Dance Step]-[Wind God Step], the CD time and displacement distance are the same, but the red snowflake has 1 second to be immune to any attacks after the [Wind God Step] is cast. Said that he can use this skill to resist control skills."

"What, [Fengshen Step] is immune to any attack. Isn’t this the same as Ye Luo’s [Strong Concealment Technique], but the CD time of 3 seconds is much shorter than [Strong Concealment Technique], which means Red Snowflake is invincible for a third of the time, which is not counted as the other invincible skills he has mastered." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was full of shock.

"Yeah, that's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she heard the worries about breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "However, our attack is a continuous ordinary attack. As long as we stagger our time, we can still control him, so face Our attack he still has to use other invincible skills."

"Oh, this is also true." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she laughed: "After we force him to consume all the invincible skills, we can always control him, so it is not too difficult to kill him."

"The Red Snowflake is the Swordsman of Wind Dragon. [Sword of Wind] has increased its movement speed. Not surprisingly, his movement speed is not slower than ours. If we use displacement skills, we can approach us, so although we can force him Use invincible means, but he can also force us to use invincible skills or displacement skills." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "So we have to be careful, we have many opponents besides him, so we can't consume too much from him. skill."

"Hey, it's easy. I'll go with you later. As long as he rushes over, I will entangle him. This time, although the team with him has 3 melee classes, they are all heavy armors and all landed. The movement speed of the fire system and the fire system is relatively slow, so we can also deal with them, especially to draw the red ice away from other people alone." Ye Luo said casually.

After a little hesitation, the firework is easy to cold say: "Well, okay, if the red ice casts the displacement skill and then casts [Charge] Ye Luo, you will meet him and slightly force him back, and then you cast [God Dance Step], use [Wind Thunder Wings] His advantage and [Kuang Lei's Clothing] offset his control skills and distanced him, so there should be no problem."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "In addition, Sister Feng can also be behind us. If the red ice rushes up again, you will deal with him like Ye Luo, so there should be no problem."

"Well, good." Po Lang said, and then she thought that the corner of her mouth smiled thicker: "Although Red Snowflake has a very high level of operation, it is even slightly better than me, but he has a bad temper and will be furious if he is a little teased. , So it is very easy for us to lure him out of the large army, especially in the absence of Maple Leaf and the Red Giant Eagle."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the red maple leaf and other add-on services are very good, and they do not deal with less, and they all understand it well. It is normal to know that the red snowflake is hot and irritable.

In fact, the fireworks are easy to cold know this, so she decisively agreed to Ye Luo's proposal.

While saying this, Ye Luo and the others moved towards the Red Snowflake and the others, and Po Lang Riding the Wind, Zhiyue, Sitting on the Qin Xin also followed, but they were separated from Ye Luo and the others a little bit, so even the Red Snowflake They also have some buffer time when they directly cast their displacement skills to rush over.

When the distance to the red snowflake was 50 meters, Ye Luo, Ye Ye unless, and the firework were cold and attacked the red snowflake directly, and the firework was so cold that they hooked their fingers, a provocative gesture, and this was also an instant He angered the Red Snowflakes, and he rushed out of the formation and killed them, completely ignoring them from blocking them, just as they speculated that fireworks were easy to get cold.

"Hehe, I was really fooled." Po Lang Riding the Wind said with a smile: "But seriously, the red snowflake moves too fast after being equipped with [Sword of Wind], as if I did not learn the speed before [Thunder Wing] Not as good as him, but now his speed is slightly worse than ours, but also a little faster than the fireworks, of course, much faster than his teammates, which means that he will soon leave the team, and we can have Deal with him according to plan."

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