VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2444: : Attack teleportation array

Because of the Tokyo Mythology, they still did not return to the Japanese service to stop them. In addition, most of the dual-professional masters of the previous Japanese service were killed and used ulterior moves, so the thousand-person brigade in front of them could not help Ye Luo and the others. The situation was turned sideways. Massacre, it didn't take long for them to kill this thousand-man brigade, and then they started to go to another thousand-man brigade, and launched another attack according to the previous tactics.

The slender jade hand, the Space Assassin, came to support, and she was far away from Ye Luo and others. This also means that she can use the [Space Portal] to send Ye Luo and the others away at any time, so there is no need to worry. Will be surrounded by players in the Japanese server, they can kill without restraint.

1. Twenty minutes later, more than 10 thousand-man brigade were killed. They could no longer form a siege, and then Ye Luo and the others once again smashed back to Black Hawk City, easily occupying a city wall as before. The mobile magic crystal cannon was installed, which further increased the casualties of the Japanese service.

"Hey, it's been half an hour. We killed tens of thousands of Japanese server players, and the defensive equipment on the Black Hawk City was destroyed seven or eighty-eight. The Tokyo Mythology they didn't come back, they really can bear it." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said with a smile, and did not forget to continue the attack while talking.

"It seems that they really want to die with us." Ye Luo said solemnly. He looked at the fireworks and was easy to get cold: "Fireworks, it seems we should put more pressure on them, otherwise they really think we won't Take down their gang resident."

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi responded indifferently, and then changed his tone: "Before Jiansan and the others went offline to notify Sister Shi, Sister Shi will send Jianliu and Jianba to come, and then we will try to destroy Black Hawk City. Teleportation Array, this will let them see our determination to attack Black Hawk City. The most important thing is that their casualties are already high. I think Tokyo Mythology will come back."

Destroy the teleportation array in Black Hawk City. If you can destroy all of them, then the Japanese players will not be able to teleport to support them. Then, as long as Ye Luo and the others kill all the Japanese players in the city or destroy the heart of the city. Use [Cross-server*City Heart] as your own. Once the resident is completely restored, the players in the Chinese server can also be teleported through the teleportation array. At that time, it will be difficult for them to recapture the Tokyo Mythology, and the Black Hawk City is Seizing also means that Ye Luo and the others have inserted a nail in the Japanese uniform, and they can transmit it at any time to start hunting operations.

The reason why the double-professional masters like Jian Liu and Jian Ba ​​rushed back was naturally when Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others attacked the teleportation formation, they intercepted the players who came to stop them. Besieged and intercepted by a large number of Japanese players.

"But if you want to destroy the teleportation array, you have to rush into the Black Hawk City, so many Japanese players will rush in from different directions, so we may still be surrounded by groups." Sitting on Qin's heart, her expression was slightly condensed. "Even we will be entangled by them. Once the Tokyo Mythology returns immediately, then we may be trapped by them and be besieged by many masters..."

"Hey, what's to worry about, if they come, we can fight with them." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Once the Tokyo Mythology they come over, Ye Luo will use [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], and we It is also possible to use [Thunder God’s Skyfall], [Five Elements Array], and even we can use a [Group Blessing Scroll]. Tsk tsk, in this case there is still a great chance to kill all of them, and once they are hit Killing can grab the national weapon in their hands."

"It’s not that simple, because under the command of Tokyo Mythology, the control class of the Japanese server can charge and control in turn. There are many of them, millions of them, even if they have used [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] and [Thunder God Heaven]. Descending] I’m afraid it’s hard for us to endure it, so it’s not them who were killed but us. At the worst, we don’t have enough power to deal with them in the dark night." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the people like Po Lang Cheng Feng and others. With a puzzled look, she continued: "So once the Tokyo Mythology and them come back, we'd better evacuate it in time. If we can’t do so, then we will use all the means we can use to kill the Tokyo Mythology and them, as long as we can **** them. Their national weapons are so worthy, and as for Dark Night, they can also bring the Eastern Killing Sky back to deal with them."

In fact, they don’t believe that they will be killed by the Tokyo Mythology. After all, they have too many assassins. There are even 3 assassins like [Thorizon], and as long as Ye Luo displays [Heaven Tribulation] Black hole], then there is absolutely no problem.

It is precisely this way, and some even expect Tokyo Mythology to come back and the two sides will start a war.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, more than 10 minutes passed. During these times, Ye Luo also tried to rush into the black eagle city near the teleportation array, but every time he was strongly counterattacked by the Japanese server players, after all, the Japanese server players also Knowing that once the teleportation array is completely destroyed, they have a great chance of losing the Black Hawk City. Faced with hundreds and thousands of players, the Japanese players rushed to Ye Luo and they had to retreat temporarily, and then waited for them. The invincible state ends and then kill it.

Although Ye Luo and the others were unable to destroy a teleportation formation during these periods, they killed thousands of Japanese server players. Among them, there are many dual-professional masters with hidden professions and no big moves. This is also great for Japanese server players. Loss.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others also destroyed several arrow towers, mobile magic crystal cannons, and catapults around the teleportation array in a few times, so that it would be much easier for them to destroy the teleportation array next.

After more than 10 minutes, Jianliu, Jianba and others arrived with dozens of melee masters. Most of them were berserkers and knights. They possessed very strong defensive power and vitality, but they were also very good at charging forward.

Ye Luo used [Space Portal] After sending all of Sword Six and the others, the fireworks became cold and they gave them an order-when Ye Luo and others attacked the teleportation array, they had to try their best to intercept the players coming from the Japanese server, even if they used it. Big move and invincible skills are also at no cost.

Then the firework Yi was cold and gave orders to Xianxianyu's men to follow the orders and use the [Space Portal] to send Jianliu and the others away.

They did not hesitate to execute the command of the fireworks and the coldness of Jian Liu. Of course, they took out more mobile magic crystal cannons and placed them on the city wall, and then waited for 1, 2 minutes before starting to act— —The attack range of the mobile magic crystal cannon has reached 100 meters, and the damage output is considerable, especially after the number of mobile magic crystal cannons reaches a certain level.

The fact is also true. Under the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon, a large number of Japanese server players were killed. The Japanese server players close to the teleportation array became sparse, and many Japanese server players were forced to use invincible means. Let Ye Luo, Jian Liu and their next actions become a lot easier.

Following the order of the fireworks easy to cold, everyone began to take action. The first to take the shots were Ye Luo, fireworks easy to cold and other dual professional archers. Their main task was to attack one of the teleportation formations in the Black Hawk City. The people formed a fan-shaped defense, ready to intercept the players who rushed up from the day service-it is worth mentioning that Black Hawk City has only 2 teleportation formations, which is one less than Wushuang City. After all, Wushuang City is a special gang resident. With two city walls, there are more teleportation formations, while Black Hawk City is just an ordinary resident, with only two teleportation formations.

At the same time, the priests sitting on the piano and Saturday have also prepared equipment to add [笔趣阁www.biqugetv.info] blood and dispel negative states at any time. Of course, they did not forget to impose [spell immunity] on everyone. , [Ambush on Ten Sides], or [Resurrection Prophecy], sitting on the piano heart is also ready to use group control skills at any time.

Because of the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon, many Japanese players have retreated a long distance. It will take some time for them to rush back when they see Ye Luo and others launch an attack. It is only troublesome for some players to teleport out from time to time, but they They were all intercepted by Jianliu and others. In a short time, Ye Luo and the firework are easy to be cold. They can attack unscrupulously. Even Breaking the waves and riding the wind also participated in the ranks of the attacking teleportation array. Of course, breaking the waves and riding the wind is the deliberately cold fireworks. Ordered, because her damage output is very high after she kills and fills up her attack power. With Ye Luo, she can destroy the teleportation array in a short time.

Of course, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Ye Luo also used their clone skills. The melee clones are used to intercept the players in the day suits, while the remote clones are controlled to attack the teleportation array, which greatly speeds up the teleportation array being destroyed. Speed, and also helped to intercept many day server players-Ye Luo’s reincarnation clone took turns using control skills such as [Reincarnation Break] and [Charge], but it could also intercept many day server players.

I have to say that Ye Luo, who is full of attacks, has a very high damage output, especially the [Moxie] of Waves and Wind, and there are some hidden attributes, such as attacking building types with damage bonuses, so under their attack The toughness of the teleportation array is rapidly decreasing, and it may not take long to destroy it depending on the situation.

"Hey, our damage output is too high, especially when Ye Luo and Sister Feng fill up the attack power and attack the teleportation array with all their strength. If you continue to do so, you can destroy a teleportation array in less than 30 seconds." Yan Yumiao said with a smile: " As far as the Tokyo Mythology is concerned, they still have no intention of returning to support, so we may still destroy all the teleportation formations and then take down the Black Hawk City."

Fireworks Yicold has an agreement with Samadhi. Once Tokyo Shinhwa and other Japanese elite masters leave the service, they will notify Fireworks Yicold as soon as possible. However, Samadhi has not notified them yet, which means Tokyo Shinhwa has not returned to Japan. If it goes on like this, Ye Luo and the others are really likely to capture Black Hawk City. Thinking of the benefits of capturing a gang resident, Misty Rain is naturally excited.

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