VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2445: : Finally back

Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind have extremely high attack power. In addition, double professional archers such as fireworks and easy cold also help to attack. Even if the toughness and defense power of the gang resident's teleportation array is relatively high, it will not take long to be Destroyed, and once the two teleportation formations of Black Hawk City are completely destroyed, it will be difficult for Japanese players to support them again-players who want to support the teleportation arrays are destroyed and must rely on teleport skills or space players. However, the number of players with teleport skills in the Japanese server is quite limited, and only one or two of the space-based professions are left behind. Their efficiency in teleporting players is not high, especially after Ye Luo and the others killed them. There will be a chance to capture Black Hawk City.

"In fact, even if the teleportation array is destroyed, it will not prevent Tokyo Mythology from coming back to support them. After all, they have teleportation skills, so it is still difficult for us to capture Black Hawk City." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then said in a cold tone. One turn: "But our goal is to force them back, so our goal is achieved when they return."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and when they said this, they did not forget to continue attacking the teleportation array, intercepting the people who were violently culled, and of course they did not forget to alert the Tokyo Mythology at any time whether they would rush back to support-in fact, the wave ride Feng and they are not so worried that Tokyo Mythology led the dual-professional elite masters of the Japanese service to return and entangle them, and they even have a faint expectation. After all, in their hearts they have a great opportunity to kill and then grab the country in their hands. Device.

Soon after more than 10 seconds passed, and Samadhi still did not send anyone to notify, which means that the Tokyo Mythology and the others have not returned to the Japanese clothes, and they are also excited when they are puzzled. Tokyo Mythology, if they do not return, then they will have a chance to capture Black Hawk City, and this is almost equivalent to a nail in the heart of the Japanese server.

Seeing that the teleportation formation was about to be destroyed, and the Tokyo Mythology they still did not come back, the Japanese players defending the Black Hawk City were crazy, and they rushed crazy with invincibility, but at this time Sword Six, Sword Seven, and Sword Eight were used. The big move, coupled with the Japanese players rushing over and wasting a lot of invincible time, they are easy to deal with, at least it is okay to buy Ye Luo some time, especially the Raikage clone and the Samsara clone. In the case of interception.

Sitting on Qin Xin, Saturday, and other priests fully used the blood increase skills, Jian Liu also used [Healing Guard], so the healing output is extremely high, at least the damage output of the player is not enough to kill Jian Liu and the others in the day service. , And as long as it can’t be killed, naturally there’s not much opportunity to contact Ye Luo and others and prevent them from attacking the teleportation array. In addition, many people are controlled, so the damage output they can hit is not very high, at least it can't pose too much threat to Jian Liu and the others.

Soon after more than 10 seconds passed, and the teleportation array was finally destroyed, and then the waves and wind brazenly greeted the Japanese players who rushed in, [Kuang Lei Jian Ying], [Sword Qi aspect] and other group attacks The skills were displayed, and Ye Luo, Firework Yi Leng and others also changed the attack direction. For a time, their damage output was greatly increased, and more Japanese players were killed.

As time passed, a vacuum belt was cleared out of the waves and the wind, and even the Japanese players were pressed tens of meters away under the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon, so they also escaped from the sword six. Up the fight.

"Sister Qin, take away all the mobile magic crystal cannons, let's go to the other side." Firework Yi Leng gave the order. While sitting on Qin Xin and they cleaned up the magic crystal cannons, she was also calculating: "Sword Six and theirs The big move still has 4 minutes and 30 seconds. It takes about 1 minute for Ye Luo to destroy the defensive equipment around the other teleportation array, and it’s enough if we include the time on the road."

When the fireworks were easy to be cold, they sat on Qin Xin and the others quickly recovered all the mobile magic crystal cannons, and then everyone moved to another teleportation array at the fastest speed. Of course, they were walking around the city wall. Go, after all, there are still tens of millions of Japanese server players in Black Hawk City at this time. It will take a long time for so many people to stop them from wanting to get past. Even if they are blocked by too many people, they may be surrounded and encircled. Just get entangled, and then more time wasted.

Ye Luo and the others are very mobile, especially Ye Luo, and after approaching another teleportation formation, he used [Space Portal] to teleport all the sword six and others back, and then sit on Qin Xin and the others to the others. While adding blood and adding states, mobile magic crystal cannons were installed, while Ye Luo, Firework Yield and others used ultra-long-range attack advantages and high damage to force Japanese players back or destroy all the defense equipment around this teleportation array. Coupled with the support of Sword Six and other players who used their ultimate moves, the goal was quickly achieved.

When Ye Luo and the others destroyed all the city defense equipment, they sat on the Qin Xin and they also installed all the mobile magic crystal cannons. The next step is to attack and kill the closest Japanese players and consume their invincible skills, just like before. .

In addition, some of the more'idle' players under the orders of Firework Yicold also began to attack the surrounding city walls, which can cause some damage to Black Eagle City. Firework Yicold did not intend to capture Black Eagle City, so right The greater the damage caused by Black Hawk City, the more resources and time it takes to repair this resident. Then Ye Luo and the others can continue to make a fuss on this gang resident.

Think about it too, the damaged Black Hawk City is naturally easier to be destroyed, which also means that Ye Luo and the others are more likely to occupy it, and this can also greatly restrain the elite masters of Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese clothes, because they have to Send over to guard at any time, as long as they don't go to the middle server, Ye Luo and the others can do a lot of things.

"Hey, it's easy. If the Tokyo Mythology doesn't come back, we can destroy this teleportation formation. Then it will be difficult for them to come over and support." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

"Black Hawk City is only a level 3 county city. There are no resident defense items. Naturally, we can attack more easily." Sitting on Qin Xin said, and then thinking of something, she started to improve: "But this is also the last one in Black Hawk City. The teleportation formation is over. Once it is destroyed, it will be easier for us to attack it again. Tokyo Mythology will definitely not want to see this, so they are likely to return, and we have to be careful."

"Hey, I wish they would come back and fight us." Po Lang Chengfeng said nonchalantly.

"I've told Xiaoshou to follow orders at any time to use the [Space Portal] to teleport Jian Liu and the others away." Yi Leng Yi Leng ignored the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then she looked at the priest sitting on Qin Xin and waiting for the priest: "Sister Qin, next You must keep the negative state of everyone out of the shortest possible time, and you must also be prepared to use invincible means at any time, and it is best not to be intercepted by Japanese players."

Speaking of the end, the fireworks are easy to be cold and look towards breaking the waves and riding the wind, which is self-evident.

Naturally, I heard the intention of the fireworks Yield to say these things, breaking the waves and riding the wind curled his lips, and muttered: "I know, if you don't fight the Tokyo Mythology, we can't fight it, after all, we have other goals."

With the assurance of breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to be cold and no longer say anything, she is ready to attack the teleportation array.

At this moment, Kenzo's voice sounded in the team channel: "Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi asked Xiaohachi to inform us that they have returned to Tokyo Mythology, and they have all left our Chinese server."

Hearing this sentence, the firework was easy to be cold and didn't say much, and directly gave orders to Xianxianyu's men, and the latter decisively used the [Space Portal] to teleport players other than Ye Luo, Jianliu and other big moves. For a time, only Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and other double professional archers, sitting on the heart of the piano, were left here.

Of course, the fireworks are easy to be cold and they also retreated a little distance, and they didn’t even have the intention to take back the mobile magic crystal cannons. Anyway, it is not troublesome for Ye Luo and others to make mobile magic crystal cannons, and these mobile magic crystal cannons Staying on the wall can kill many Japanese players and even cause some trouble to Tokyo Mythology, so even if they are all destroyed, it is worth it.

"Fireworks, since Tokyo Mythology has all come back, what are we going to do next?" Sitting on Qin Xin asked, she is different from breaking waves and riding the wind who wants to fight Tokyo Mythology and they want to solve some of the problems in the Chinese server safely: "Next, should I return to the server or sneak into other servers and then drive the heroes out of the unknown?"

"First deter the Tokyo Mythology and the others, so that they dare not easily sneak into the middle service, otherwise we can kill it again." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Next, if the Tokyo Mythology they no longer sneak into the middle service, then we will pass by. Go to the US service, next..."

"The next thing is to repeat the old tricks and force them back without name." Breaking the waves and riding the wind took the stubborn words: "After pushing all the players on these two servers back, the pressure on our server will be much easier, and then We can return to the Chinese server or enter the Indian server. Hey, the initiative will be in our hands by then. Anyway, they will have no chance to capture the gang on our server."

"Well, that's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

When talking about this, the Japanese space players hiding in the crowd displayed the [Space Portal], and then Tokyo Mythology and Mt. Fuji all came, and they saw the Black Hawk City’s corpses across the wild, and all the defense equipment was After destroying or even destroying a teleportation array, their faces became difficult to look at. Heilong Tianzhan and the others were so gloomy that they could drip water, and their eyes flickered when they looked at the fireworks and they were so intent to kill.

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