VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 247: : Magic Cloak

The people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance did not change, and Ye Luo did not find any invisible units around. If there were no accidents, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind would be the first to complete the second round task and then the second round, so she would receive a generous reward.

"Ye Luo, the level 70 dungeon will be officially opened in two days." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold, and she looked at Ye Luo: "Those people in Tiandi received generous rewards for completing tasks, and their strength was greatly improved. They can form a team. The six-player team with all hidden professions is very threatening to us for the first kill of the instance."

"Yes, they got a level 70 gold weapon and skill book..." Ye Luo was interrupted by June Feixue before he finished speaking.

"Uncle Ye Luo, level 70 gold weapons are not a threat to us. After all, most of the people in Heaven and Earth have their own weapons in hidden professions, so they don't use those gold weapons and will only leave them to others." In June, Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "It is the Sword Demon of Heaven and Earth that threatens us. In addition, I don’t know what kind of hidden occupations Damo Guyan will find. Moreover, Heaven and Earth and others will be rewarded for completing the task this time. Most of them are level 76, and Tiandi, Tiandijie and others are already level 78, so it will not be a problem to upgrade to level 80 within two days."

"After the second rank, the growth qualifications will be greatly improved, and there will be strong skills, and the strength will be improved a lot. This is the biggest threat to us." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she looked at Ye Luo: "So, fireworks The meaning of this is to let you quickly rise to level 80 and rank two, so that you won't be disadvantaged in this respect."

Hearing this, Ye Luo finally understood. He nodded: "The three of us ate the experience of the gold-level boss alone. I have risen to 35% of level 77. There is nothing wrong with upgrading to level 80 in two days. , You are only level 76..."

"89% at level 76, there is nothing wrong with upgrading to level 80 in two days." Fireworks said coldly, and she looked at June Feixue and others: "Next, I plan to team up for level training. Me, you, Feixue, Tuesday, Sword Five and Sister Feng, all of them are hidden classes. It’s easy to kill 100 war song monsters, so the upgrade speed will be very fast."

Ye Luo didn't have any objections to this. He nodded: "Well, no problem. If all six of us can get the second rank of 80, then the chance of getting the first kill of the instance will be much greater."

"Well, that's what I planned." Fireworks Yi cold nodded, and then she glanced at Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, with a hint of worry in her tone: "Sister Feng's operation is not worse than the lonely smoke in the desert, but it is easy to get angry. , She doesn’t have much chance of winning against the desert solitary smoke, so you have to share some of the burden of dealing with the desert solitary smoke in the future. Feixue and I have to deal with the people in Tiandi, so..."

"Well, leave it to me." Ye Luo said, and he chuckled lightly: "I also want to learn from the celebrity list master of Damo Guyan. It must be very helpful for me to improve my operation."

"If it's just a fight, your chances of winning are not high, but the reincarnation profession is very strong. With professional advantages and equipment advantages, your chances of winning against him are not small." Fireworks said coldly, and then he looked at June Feixue: "Next, I will let Feixue find out all the videos of Damo Guyan fighting against people. You study and research, get used to his operations, and know yourself and the enemy to survive the battle."

"Yeah." Ye Luo nodded.

"Hey, Ye Luo, I guess you will be very busy next." Othello looked at Polang Chengfeng and then smiled strangely: "Sister Feng didn't compete with you before because the profession is too different from yours. Now she wants to hide her job. Profession, so indispensable to learn from you, she is a fighting madman."

"This is also a good thing, after all, you also said that my operation is not proficient, and learning more with masters will also make me more familiar with the operation in the game." Ye Luo didn't care.

After a few more minutes, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind finally killed a hundred monsters. She didn't stop and used the Scroll of City Return to hand in the task again.

"Hehe, until now, there is no level 80 in the desert solitary smoke, so there is no surprise at all." Seeing Polang ride the wind to hand in the task, Othello laughed.

Not only she, but everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

After half a minute, the system prompt sounded:


System Tips (Chinese server): Congratulations to Polang Chengfeng for completing the Second Rank Trial quest, because she is the first player who successfully completed the Second Rank quest and the system specially rewards her with a random hidden sword class. However, because she chose to reject this hidden occupation, as compensation, she specially randomly rewarded her with a spiritual weapon and a sword skill book, a general skill book, with a lucky value of 1 point and a reputation of 5000 points.

"Uh, Sister Feng is too awesome, she actually refused the hidden career, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Tribulation game will only have her share, it is really bold." Jianba was impressed by the choice of breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"The random hidden sword profession should be just an ordinary hidden profession. From the eyes of Sister Feng, she can't admire it. She decides to choose the profession with hidden profession scroll." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed: "Hey, but There is compensation for refusing to find a job, hiding a job, tusk, a spiritual weapon and a sword skill book, which is also very good."

"Yes, when Long Teng Tianxia and Dongfang Xiaotian first changed their jobs, they only rewarded a general skill book. My sister rewarded more than them. This is the benefit of hiding the profession." Midnight calligraphy, he was somewhat Curious: "I don't know what type of spiritual weapon Feng Sister acquired..."

While talking, the system prompts the sound for a while:


System reminder (Chinese server): Because of the guidance of [Thunder Orb], Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind obtained a piece of thunder-type spirit equipment-[Crazy Thunder Cloak].

"Hey, under the guidance of [Thunder Pearl]?" On Monday, she was stunned for a moment, and then remembered something, she showed a stunned look: "Yes, the third characteristic of this bead says that it can guide the trajectory of some things. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to really work. [Crazy Thunder Cloak], it was a thunder attribute cloak, it should be very powerful, don't know what attribute it is? Also, she has obtained two skill books. "

When speaking on Monday, Firework Yi Leng had already picked up the communication device, apparently asking about breaking the waves and riding the wind.

After a while, Firework Yi Leng shut down the communication, watching the curious expressions of everyone, she said: "The two skill books that Sister Feng obtained are a rare skill of the sword type [Scary Slash], and the other general skill book is [ A knowing blow], increase the critical strike by 10%."

"What, Horror Cut?!" Midnight Shu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ye Luo: "Tsk tsk, my sister's luck has improved recently. First, she obtained the rare skill [Sword Qi Aspect], and now she has obtained it again. [Fright Slash] This control skill. In addition, there are [Thunder Orb] and Hidden Career Scrolls. Tsk Tsk, these are all brought by Big Brother Ye. It seems that Big Brother Ye is a lucky general."

"What does it have to do with me? It's that Sister Feng's own luck is good." Ye Luo didn't care, and then looked at the fireworks easily cold, he changed the subject: "Fireworks, what is the attribute of that cloak, let us see, Ling This is the first time I have seen you with a cloak."

Fireworks are easy to be cold and are not sold off, and a picture book of equipment is posted.

[Crazy Thunder Cloak] (cloak*Spirit Tool—Golden Grade)

Physical defense: 600—600

Magic defense: 600-660

Strength: +240

Constitution: +240

Agility: +240

Intelligence: +240

Additional feature: Make the attack contain 200 points of lightning damage, with a 5% chance to paralyze the enemy target for 1 second.

Additional features: increase the power of the wearer's lightning skills by 20%, and increase the resistance to damage spells by 20%.

Additional skills: [Armor of Thunder]

Long-lasting equipment: it can automatically recover energy from heaven and earth

Additional features: Bound players to break the waves and ride the wind, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, and cannot be destroyed.

Additional features: upgradeable (the next upgrade needs to be equipped with 120 level three)

Additional feature: the level can be upgraded as the owner learns experience, current level: 80

Need level: None.

[Thunder Armor] (active skill): Use the power of thunder and lightning to attach an armor to the equipment. It lasts for 30 seconds, increasing the overall defense power by 20%. When the hostile target attacks, there is a 20% chance of being countered by lightning, causing 300 points of lightning damage, and paralyzed for 3 seconds, the movement speed is reduced by 30%, 500 magic points are consumed, and the skill display interval is 5 minutes.

"Wow, it really is a spirit weapon, with a defense of 600 points and an increase of 240 points of all attributes. This is too powerful, it is a spirit weapon." Wednesday said, her face was full of surprises: "Sister Feng has [ Thunder Pearl] She has lightning damage, and now with this spirit weapon, her lightning damage is even higher."

"It's a pity that Sister Feng doesn't have any lightning skills. The second feature of this equipment is useless to increase the power of the lightning skills, but it is very good to increase the damage spell resistance by 20%." Week 8 muttered: "Hee hee , Sister Feng likes violent attacks. This piece of equipment suits her best."

"If I'm not wrong, Sister Feng will be a Thunder system for completing that hidden career scroll job." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold. Seeing everyone's doubts, she continued: "Don't forget, [Thunder The Pearl] can guide the development of certain things, and with it, there is a 90% chance that Sister Feng’s career is of the Thunder system."

"Under the influence of [Thunder Orb], Sister Feng got [Crazy Thunder Cloak], so it is not impossible to guide her to a hidden career of thunder." Samadhi said, she scanned for a week, her pretty face He was full of joy: "Thunder profession, this profession is dominated by a violent and swift attack. This is the most suitable for Sister Feng's character, so it can best display the strength of Sister Feng. This is also good news."

"Yes, this kind of profession is the most suitable for Sister Feng." June Feixue became excited: "If you really find a job in the Hidden Thunder Department, Sister Feng will have a higher chance of winning against Damo Guyan. Hey, it will be fun next. ."

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