VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 248: : Ring of the Tiger King

Analyzed that it is very likely that Polangchengfeng will be employed under the guidance of [Thunder Pearl] to find a hidden career in the Thunder system. Everyone is a little excited. After all, this kind of profession is most in line with the character of Polangchengfeng. Undoubtedly, she can best play the advantages of this profession .

"Hey, Damo Guyan is already level 80." On Saturday, he whispered, and then his tone changed: "But Sister Feng has already taken office. At best, he is the second successful transfer, which is nothing."

"Yes, the second reward is far worse than the first one, and there is not even an ordinary hidden profession." Black and white, and then think of something, she said to herself: "He must have a hidden profession scroll, but I don't know him. What kind of hidden occupation will you find, but it must be very powerful. I don’t know if Sister Feng can defeat him."

"Don't worry, Sister Feng is so powerful, plus the hidden occupation that best suits her characteristics, so there is no problem facing the solitary smoke in the desert." June Feixue is very confident in breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then looks at Ye. Luo and others: "Besides, there are also Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Fireworks. It is very easy for us to join forces to destroy Tiandi and Damo Guyan."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, knowing that they are not at a disadvantage in terms of hidden occupations and the number of masters, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's hurry up and upgrade, and strive to reach level 80 in these two days." The fireworks said coldly. She was about to act while she was speaking, but was stopped by June Feixue.

"Hey, Sister Fireworks, we were worried about Sister Fengfeng, but we haven't investigated the explosion of the Ice Demon Tiger King." June Feixue said, seeing everyone's eyes brighten, she chuckled: "Tell me You guys, there are good things about this explosion. Let me tell you first, there seems to be a purple skill book and an ordinary color skill book."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they all looked forward to it.

Seeing that everyone was mobilized, June Feixue was quite satisfied, and then took out a golden crystal reflecting the image of the glove. There is no doubt that this is a level 80 gold boxing glove, with high attack and additional attributes. The additional features also increase the damage of fist skills. In addition, it also comes with a group attack skill, which is quite good.

Because the level 50 gold-level gloves that Sword Fourteen possessed were better than those of Samadhi now, this gloves belonged to her.

Next is an 80-level gold ring with very good attributes:

[Ring of the Tiger King] (Ring-Gold)

Physical attack: 400-400

Magic attack: 400-400

Strength: +160

Constitution: +160

Agility: +160

Additional features: Increase the success rate of 20% skills against the wearer and increase the damage against sword skills by 15%.

Additional feature: Increase the dodge chance of the wearer by 15%.

Additional skills: [Armor of Ice]

Long-lasting equipment: 250/250

Need level: 80

[Ice Armor] (Passive Skill): Condensing the power of ice to condense a layer of ice armor for the wearer, increasing the overall defense by 15%, and the ice armor can emit the air of ice. The hostile target causes 100 ice damage per second.

"Tsk tsk, it's a very good ring, it has a high attack, and the attached characteristics are also very good. It is very suitable for sword professions." Tue said, and then her face was full of regret: "Why is it not a magician's ring? This ring is attached His [Ice Armor] is a passive group damage skill, and it can greatly increase defense, so my life-saving ability will be much stronger."

"Unexpectedly, the [Pupil of Reincarnation] was not copied to this skill, but there is on this ring." Ye Luo said to himself.

"Ye Luo, you still have a ring with level 40 silver equipment." The firework is easy to cold. She looks at June Feixue: "Fei Xue, let Ye Luo use this ring, [Ice Armor ] Superimposed with [Copper Reinforced Iron Bones], his defense is not much worse than that of all knights with added quality points. This way, he is more competent for the work of knights, and we can also fully output when we pass the level 70 dungeon."

"[The Armor of Ice] has a cold invasion range of only 5 meters. This is the most suitable for close combat, and it is also suitable for Ye Luo." Sitting on Qin Xin said.

Knowing this, Ye Luo didn't decline either. He took the ring, but he hadn't reached level 80 yet, he couldn't equip it yet, so he could only wait for a while.

Next is an ordinary skill book, for the profession of an archer.

[Burst] (Common Skill Book)

Skill introduction: Archer is a skill that can shoot multiple energy arrows continuously after learning. The specific number depends on the skill level, and the damage is also related to the skill level. The time interval for using the skill is 30 seconds.

Learning restrictions: Some archers are hidden classes and can learn for archers of level 80 second rank.

"Tsk tsk, the skill of the second turn of the archer is [Burst], which is very similar to the [come] of a swordsman, but because the archer is a long-range professional, the effect of this skill is even better." He shook his head: "Unfortunately, neither I nor Twelve are at level 80..."

"Even if you are at level 80, the second level will not be for you to learn." Wednesday said, she looked at the firework and easy to cold: "The firework sister is a hidden occupation, can not learn skills from the instructor, can only learn skills by comprehension and learning skills , So I have to give it to her. As for you, you can learn it by spending some gold coins from the instructor after the second turn."

In this regard, Jian Twelve did not have any opinions.

Next, the firework is easy to be cold and click to learn, and it is no accident that it is advanced under the action of [Ice Spirit Power]:

[Ice Spirit*Burst] (Active Skill*Elementary)

Skill introduction: Ice Spirit Archer is an advanced skill after learning [Continuous Shooting]. After learning, he can shoot multiple energy arrows containing the power of Ice Spirit. At present, only two can be shot, causing 80% and 70% to a single target. % Damage, each arrow has a 5% chance to freeze the target for 1 second, the ice seal effect cannot be superimposed, the skill consumes 50 magic points, and the skill display interval is 30 seconds.

"Tsk tsk, the damage is higher than the fighter's [combo], and it can freeze opponents. This is much better, but the CD time is longer." Kenbadao, he looked at the firework and became cold: "Sister Firework , This can be considered a semi-control skill."

"Well, that is, if the level is higher and you can shoot three or four energy arrows, and the probability of freezing the target is higher, then the possibility of freezing the target is not small, and the effect will be very good." The firework is easy to cold and nodded. .

"Congratulations to Sister Feng for having another powerful skill." said June Feixue, taking out a pet egg when talking, and then looking at Ye Luo, her face was teasing: "Uncle Ye Luo, this is what What you have been talking about these days, send it to you to coax the little girl."

"Pet egg?! Sister Feixue, what kind of rank is this?!" Zhiyue became excited, her face full of expectation.

"Guess it." June Feixue sold Guanzi, and then his tone changed: "But let's say it first, this is Uncle Ye Luo's trophy. I can only give it to him, not you."

"Sister Feixue, you are too bad, knowing that Brother Ye will give me this pet egg." Zhiyue said, she couldn't wait: "Quickly tell me what kind of pet egg this is."

"Hey, gold-level BOSS." June Feixue no longer sells Guanzi, but instead gave Ye Luo the pet egg as previously said. From the sly smile on her face, she knew that she wanted to watch a good show.

Hearing the word'Golden Grade', everyone present was shocked, and then they were surprised.

At present, Summoner’s pets are mostly Bronze BOSS, not even Silver. The Tigers and Broodmothers of Zhiyue and Thursday are quasi-silver bosses, so they are already first-class pets. Now suddenly They were shocked to hear that there were gold-level bosses.

The special thing is to wait for the summoner on Thursday, and they all look at Zhiyue enviously, after all, they also know that this pet egg will definitely be given to her.

After receiving the pet egg, Ye Luo changed hands to Zhiyue. He chuckled, "Yue'er, I have been busy and have no time to level up with you. This pet egg should be given to you as compensation..."

He took the pet egg happily, Zhiyue smiled, but still pouted: "This is not enough, Brother Ye, you also promised that I will accompany me to level up after this dungeon."

"Uh, this..." Ye Luo smiled bitterly, but watching Zhiyue pouting, he hurriedly nodded: "Okay, okay, this is natural."

"It seems that after the dungeon, we are going to carry out the mission of [Resisting the Demon Army]. Sister Yue will naturally also come." Suddenly said Tuesday, she teased: "Sister Yue, I see, men are very good at coaxing girls Yes, so you should pay more attention to it in the future, be careful..."

"Brother Ye won't lie to me." Zhiyue pursed her lips, and then turned to look at Ye Luo: "Brother Ye, let's say it first. You don't count as your company with me for the [Resist the Demon Army] mission."

"Uh, okay, okay..." Ye Luo said, and then he hurriedly changed the subject: "Hurry up and let everyone see the attributes of this pet egg, it should be pretty good."

With Ye Luo's assurance, Zhiyue was completely relieved, and then checked the attributes of the pet egg:

[Ice Demon Tiger King Pet Egg] (Gold BOSS)

Item introduction: This is an egg condensed from the soul of the Ice Demon Tiger King after his death, which can hatch a Ice Demon Tiger King.

Restrictions on use: Only the pet system or the exclusive summoner can be hatched. If the summoner hatches, it will be added with a skill called "Summon the Ice Demon King", and the summoner will also occupy a pet of the summoner space.

How to use: Drop blood to recognize the master.

I have had the experience of dripping blood to recognize the master, Zhiyue is proceeding in an orderly manner, and as a tiger exuding an icy atmosphere appears, she has an additional skill in her skill bar:

[Summon Ice Demon Tiger King] (active skill cannot be upgraded)

Skill introduction: You can summon a golden boss Frost Tiger King from the pet space. The Frost Tiger King's level can be 10 levels higher than the summoner's level. It consumes 500 magic points. The Frost Tiger King will die. The level is reduced by 1, and it will take 5 minutes to summon again.

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