VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2602: : Discuss countermeasures

At this time, there are still many masters of major servers in Yinfu. The most important thing is that you need some masters to stay in Yinfu. After all, you can’t use [Cross-Server*Group Transmission Scroll] to bring Ye Luo, They sent the book back in the middle of the night, so letting the waves and the wind stay and sit in town is the best choice.

Although I also felt that the fireworks were easy to get cold, it was prevarication, but breaking the waves and riding the wind did not care about it. She enthusiastically went to the Yinfu and other server players to trouble. Of course, it was the people who left the gang station. , After all, with her strength, she can’t attack the gang resident. At this time, most of the major servers supporting the masters of the Indian server are killing monsters and upgrading outside. If you are lucky, you can still meet them. It is precisely because of these. She didn't insist on sneaking into other servers after hearing the arrangement of fireworks and easy cold.

Not to mention the trouble of breaking the waves and riding the wind to find the major server masters, and that Ye Luo and his team easily sneaked into the British server, and this also made the players of the British server nervous, even if Ye Luo only had a few people.

Think about it, even though Ye Luo and the others only have a few people, everyone knows that Ye Luo and the others can use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] to send a large number of masters in the middle server, especially when I think that Ye Luo and the others have almost nothing in the add server before. The large loss, which also means that they still have the strength to capture the gangs of the British server, especially the Indian server has many double-professional masters and elites going out-the British server has sent many masters to support the Australian server and India. At this time, the strength of staying behind in the British server is weaker.

Because the British server had captured the gang's resident of the Chinese server before, the people of the British server have reason to believe that Ye Luo and the others came in revenge. This also makes them like a big enemy. Next, they will mobilize all the British server players who went out to support them. They even sent messages to other servers for help, and they were ready to face Ye Luo and their siege.

All the players of the British server in the foreign server returned, which also gave a little bit of pressure on the Chinese server, and even these people dare not act rashly tomorrow-Ye Luo and the others can leave teleportation points in many places in the British server, so they can at any time Infiltrated and attacked the gang site of the British server. In this case, the players of the British server did not dare to act rashly, even if the major servers besiege the gang site occupied by the server tomorrow.

If you think about it, if the players of the Chinese server see that they can’t hold the gang sites such as Bai Niucheng, then they can just give up and then sneak into the British server’s gang sites to work on the British server. At this time, most of the elite servers are adding services. In the Indian server, if the Chinese server launches a sneak attack on the British server, it will be difficult for them to support it in a short time. Therefore, the Chinese server player is still very likely to take the British server's gang station. This naturally makes the British server player quite. For fear, then he will not send a master to support.

Next, in addition to leaving a teleportation point in front of some level 3 gangs in the British server, Ye Luo and the others were wandering around in the British server because of the midnight book they brought some assassins over and then scattered and found some good grades. The boss, killing him, also revealed something.

After Ye Luo and the others infiltrated the British server, Eastern Killing Heaven and Eastern Slaughter Heaven and Hua Nongyue infiltrated the Pakistan server. Their purpose was similar to Ye Luo and the others-they were mainly based on high-ranking BOSS hunting the target server. After all, this will give you more [Group Blessing Scrolls], even if the explosion rate of this item is extremely low.

When Ye Luo and the others started their action, the people from the major servers held a meeting, and the things discussed were naturally how to deal with the service.

"Zhongfu has already possessed the ability to capture Level 3 gang sites in a short period of time, especially in the case of sneak attacks. If this continues, I am afraid that they will be able to capture more gang sites." As he said, he looked at everyone: "This will not work, even if the Chinese server can hold only one or two gang sites at the same time, after all, you will get system rewards when you capture gang sites, even if you can't get national weapons, there are other rewards. "

"Yes, if this continues, the strength of the Chinese server will become stronger and stronger, because they will accumulate more and more national weapons, and we will be less and less able to compete with them." Red Maple Leaf took over the words: "The most The important thing is that China will always have the initiative in the future, and we will be very passive, and even don't have much time to improve our strength. This will make the gap between us and China server bigger and bigger."

Hearing that, everyone is silent, because they also know that they have been led by the nose of the players in the server these days, and if this continues, they will become more and more passive.

"No, we must find a way to change. If we don't change, I'm afraid we won't have a chance again." The Flame Cobra said solemnly, and he looked at everyone while speaking, that was self-evident.

It's just that there are not many players who can think of a countermeasure, and they are silent after hearing the words of Flame Cobra.

For a long time, the cherry blossoms said: "I have an immature idea, that is, half of our servers are separated from allies..."

"What, half of the servers are out of the alliance?!" After hearing this, the emperor's wild song directly interrupted the cherry blossoms, and he said coldly: "Originally, our strength is not stronger than that of the Chinese server. If we split half of them, then we are even more It's not the opponent of the Chinese server anymore."

"Yes, after we split the half, we are afraid that we can't prevent the people from the middle service from occupying our gang site." Red Maple said, but she realized something just after saying this, and her expression became a little excited: "I understand, Sakura, you want to split half of the servers after we are not in the same alliance servers to occupy each other’s gang sites, so we can get a lot of benefits from it, such as national equipment, and at the worst, we will also get [Group Blessing Scroll ] Waiting for equipment and props, once we obtain these things to a certain level, then we..."

"Then we will directly start the counterattack. Not only can we directly take back the gang station occupied by the Chinese server, but also directly enter the gang station of the Chinese server and then occupy the gang station." Twilight took the conversation, he laughed He said: "Although we will be more passive in the early stage, we will be able to accumulate enough [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other props in a few days. Then we will fight back with all our strength, and the Zhongfu will not be able to resist it."

"Yes, this is a good way." Mt. Fuji nodded, not waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Not only the above benefits, we can still besiege those gangs occupied by the central service after we are divided into two alliances. , As long as we separate and besiege it, so we can also regain a lot of resident sites."

After a short pause, he continued: "Not only that, because we have reached an agreement, so there is no need to send out too many masters. Our masters will be free to do a lot of things, such as sneaking into the Chinese server to start hunting operations. Each server has sent some elite teams, which will cause a lot of trouble for the players in the server."

"The most important thing is that our people in the Chinese server will contain a large number of players in the Chinese server, so our server pressure is much smaller." The sun never sets Long Ying said in a deep voice: "In addition, we can also hunt down some of the Chinese server. High-rank BOSS, this can also explode some things we need, such as various high-rank equipment, such as [Group Blessing Scroll], etc., if you are lucky, you can even explode some national weapons."

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes lit up. For them, this is an active attack, which is much better than passive defense. What's more, doing so can not only contain a large number of masters in the Chinese server, and make them unable to attack their gang. Hands-on, the most important thing is that hunting high-ranking BOSS can also improve their strength, especially to accumulate the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls], after all, the more such things, the better.

After a short pause, the sun never sets, Long Ying continued: "Even we can also work on the Chinese server players who are gang resident in Yinfu. Most of these gang resident players are elite masters. Hunting them can greatly weaken the Chinese server. Strength, the most important thing is to delay their time to upgrade the gang station."

"Yes, that's right, this method is good." Colorful Monster Fox hurriedly said: "Playing with the players who are the gang resident of the Zhongfu can minimize the strength of the Zhongfu masters, and it can also attract Ye Luozhiqiu and other Zhongfu players. Experts go to support, if we are lucky, we still have a chance to kill them, so that we can explode the national weapons in their hands, even if they can’t, we can force their big moves and other assassins, maybe it will make him tired, and this is also It will turn us passive into active."

Wucai Yaohu is a member of the Indian server. He naturally hopes that the major servers will send some elite teams to sneak into the Indian server and then work on the players of the Chinese server, so that the players of the Indian server will be much safer. The most important thing is that this move will definitely give the Chinese server Players caused a lot of trouble and casualties and then further weakened the strength of the players in the server.

"We have an advantage in numbers, but the masters of the Chinese server are so small. As long as we take the initiative, they will be passive and then be held by us, so they will be exhausted to deal with it. As the demon fox said, they will attract them to use big moves, etc. Assassin, this will be quite good for our next actions." Dark night said, obviously he has agreed to such a proposal.

After the dark night, most of the players on other servers also agreed, and then the next step is to discuss specific details. There are red maple leaves, twilight coolness, and the bottom of Mount Fuji, and other players who are savvy and scheming will soon be there. The specific plan, and the next thing to do is naturally that half of the players withdraw from the alliance and then form another alliance, and the next step is to implement it as previously discussed.

Ye Luo and the others didn't know what the leaders of the major servers were discussing, otherwise they would have a headache for it.

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