VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2603: : Take action

I also know that these servers will be quite passive if we continue to let China serve this way, so after some discussions, Fujiyama and others came up with some countermeasures. For example, they divided the alliance into two and different allies occupied each other's gang site. Get system rewards. For example, their servers send an elite team to sneak into the middle server to carry out hunting operations to contain the players of the middle server. In addition, they also thought of sneaking into the printed server to hunt the middle server and go out to do the gang resident mission. Consuming the many masters of Zhongfu, it makes them tired to cope.

After discussing these things, the people who added and printed clothes such as Red Ice, Wucai Demon Fox and others asked another question - how to do the gangs in Bai Niu City, Red Maple City and other gangs occupied by Zhongfu.

"Yes, we can't let China Server keep occupying the gang sites such as Spirit Snake City, otherwise they can not only contain our development, but also doing gang resident tasks can greatly enhance China Server's strength, so we can't let it go. "Colorful God Niu said solemnly, and his words were quickly echoed by Red Maple Leaf and others.

Think about it too. Although China Server seizes the gang resident of Jiafu and India Server instead of its own, everyone knows that using these gang resident China Server will gain very good benefits and increase their strength. This will also be for them. There is greater pressure, so it is also very important to grab back the gangs such as Bainiucheng as soon as possible.

"But once our alliance is divided into two, I am afraid that we want to take back the gang resident..." The Hulk frowned slightly, but was interrupted before he could finish.

"This is simple. Since our alliance is divided into two, then half of us rushed to Jiafu to grab back Red Snow City and Red Maple City, while the other half rushed to Yinfu to grab White Bull City and Spirit Snake City. "Mt. Fuji said, and he looked at everyone while talking: "Although the strength of the Chinese server is very strong, but with their current strength, it is almost impossible to defend 4 gang sites at the same time. No surprise, we can. It’s easy to get back 2, and if you are lucky, you can get back 3."

Think about it, too, the servers of the same alliance rushed to add or print the server, naturally there is no problem of mutual scruples and dare not to easily use group skills, because the attack is launched at the same time, in the hearts of major server players, they must Able to take back some gang resident from the service.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Mt. Fuji continued: "Not only that, this action can also consume as much as possible the people in the server, so that they can no longer sneak into our servers to harass, and our players who perform hunting and harassment tactics will also It will be easier."

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and they all agreed to be stationed in the gangs occupied by the Chinese server such as White Bull City tomorrow, and the next step is to assign targets, such as players from the US server, Japanese server and other alliances to support the additional service. , And the British server, Hanbok and other servers rushed to the Indian server to help the Indian server players to grab back the gang sites such as Bai Niucheng.

Now that the goals have been assigned, the next thing to do is to arrange for a large number of elite players to sneak into the Indian server and add the server. The masters such as Tokyo Mythology did not say much, and they arranged it separately, and after the arrangements were made, they also acted separately. Get up, or sneak into the Zhongfu to start a hunting action, or rush to the Yinfu to harass the player who is the gang resident in the Zhongfu.

For the time being, the major servers are discussing ways to deal with the Chinese server, and let's talk about the situation of Ye Luo and others.

Ye Luo and others still carried out hunting operations in the British server, but they still focused on hunting high-ranking bosses. Because there were assassins to help find them, they also found a lot of bosses and killed them. After that, I also got some good equipment and props, but the [Group Blessing Scroll] was less, and I killed so many BOSS only one or two.

Time passed, and another hour or two passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, a large number of elite servers sneaked into the Indian server and added the server. The people like Polangchengfeng and others did not care too much, because they know that tomorrow will be the big ones. The people on the server will definitely act on the gangs such as Bai Niucheng, and it is inevitable to dispatch troops at this time.

Just like the players who sneaked into the Indian server before, the players of the major servers are still dispersing and then sneaking into the additional server or the Indian server. It is obvious that they want to find large troops and cause greater casualties. It’s not possible, I can only take a chance. It’s just that there are few targets for hunting, I am afraid it is less than a hundred, especially the major servers have sent space players to rescue these people-once the players on their own servers are attacked. Players in the space department of the big server will use the [Space Portal] to rescue as many people as possible, which also greatly reduces casualties.

They don’t care about the major servers sending elite support to the Indian server and adding the service to break the waves and ride the wind, but they frowned when they learned that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology each led some elite teams to sneak into the middle service to start hunting operations. They are quite worried.

"Sister Fireworks, most of the super masters of the major servers such as Dark Night sneaked into our server with the elite team. Obviously they are going to launch a hunting operation to contain our people." June Feixue frowned slightly, she asked : "Then what do we do now, should we send some people to intercept them?"

"Even if we send some people to intercept them, I'm afraid we can't help them." Othello shook his head: "Don't forget that the team is led by the super masters of Dark Night. They are very powerful and mobile, and they also carry their own One [country novel www.xiangcun7.com] some space players, even if Sister Feng, Ye Luo and the others rush back to the middle service, they are afraid that they can’t help them, but they will be restrained and become passive."

Although he didn't want to admit it, June Feixue also knew that if the dark night and others didn't want to fight Ye Luo and the others head-on, I was afraid that the latter would not be able to do them at all. That would be a waste of time, and she was silent when thinking about it.

"But the number of elite teams dispatched by major servers is quite large. If they are allowed to continue like this, they may cause us a lot of trouble." Bacchus Dukang said, and then his tone changed: "The most important thing is that they will let us People become panic, and morale will be hit, which is not good, so we have to take some actions."

Naturally, I also know this. The fireworks are easy to chill and ponder for a moment. She said: "Let the assassins of the Heavenly Kill Organization and the Assassin’s House go out, and the major gangs will also send some assassins to let Wuming and Dongfang Tutian lead the team to intercept and attack People from major servers, Sister Feng, we are on standby at any time to hunt down their people as much as possible."

"Currently it can only be like this." Feng Xingdao, and said this, he went to inform Wuming, Dongfang Tutian and others.

"Would you like to bring Uncle Ye Luo and Xiaoshu back?" June Feixue looked at the fireworks and said, "After all, there are super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology who have sneaked into our server, and only Ye Luo and Sister Feng. They can deal with them."

"No, because even if Ye Luo returns, they can't help the Tokyo Mythology. It's better to let him continue to act in the British server. Hunting more BOSS can also explode more [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. , And then his tone changed: "However, during the period, you can let Ye Luo use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] once to send a group of masters in the Chinese server to the British server and then launch my attack on the gang of the British server. You can even use it at that time. 1, 2 group blessing scrolls."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Othello lighted up, and she became excited: "Fireworks, you want to turn passive into active, because once we do something to the people of the British server, we can force the people of the major servers to rush to the British server to support. , Including Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night’s players who have already sneaked into our server, so the trouble of our server will naturally be solved."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "But because they are in the middle server in the dark night, it will take more time for them to get to the British server. Maybe we will use one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls]. We can really capture the next gang site. This will not only enhance our strength, but also contain the people on the major servers."

"That's right." Samadhi nodded, and then changed his tone: "The most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others sneaked into the British server. They should have hunted many high-ranking bosses and then burst out some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and some [cross] Serving*Community Teleportation Scrolls], so we have more scrolls of this kind, and it’s okay to use one or two."

"Hee hee, this is true. I asked about the small book before eating. They have already obtained 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and it’s okay to use them directly." June Feixue chuckled: "Once We use 2 scrolls, so even if they can’t capture the gangs of the British server, they will be able to force their people to use all their ultimate moves and use all [Group Blessing Scrolls], so tomorrow they will have no threat to us, and Our pressure will be a lot easier."

Everyone agreed with this, and then they informed the leaders of the other gangs of this decision. These people agreed without hesitation, and then they began to urge to act quickly. However, there is a great opportunity for the service to take over the gang site. Those gangs who have not occupied the gang site are naturally happy. After all, they will have the opportunity to occupy a gang site.

As for the Dragon Family, the Eastern Family, and the Heroes of the Sky, all those who already have the gang resident of his server also agree to this proposal. After all, the operation of the British server can greatly consume the players of the British server and the major servers, so they will defend the city tomorrow. It becomes easier and easier. The most important thing is that they can only lose 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hearts, and if they can seize a gang resident in the British server, not only can they "return" a [Group Blessing Scroll], but also There is a chance to get national weapons and various other rewards, so they naturally agree to this action.

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