VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2613: : Joint Siege

Not long after the Russian server and other servers occupied the Long Spear City, non-server players used the [Cross-Server*City Heart] to occupy the Boulder City. Although it will take 3 minutes to integrate with it to completely occupy it, but it is up to them for now Occupying Boulder City is no longer a big problem. Almost all the dual professional masters in the British server who supported Boulder City were killed. Even after they used the remaining 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], they were not the opponents of the Russian server alliance, as long as the night When the masters of the major servers do not support it, then the occupation of Boulder City is almost a certainty.

"Hey, the people who occupy Boulder City this time are right and wrong." After learning the news from the slender hands and the others, the waves and the wind couldn't help but laugh. She looked at the firework Yi Leng Yan: "It seems like the previous analysis. Generally, Polar Silver Wolf has already negotiated which server will occupy the gang site of the British server, but this is good news for us."

"Yes, it is much better for different servers to occupy the gangs of the British server than just one server. After all, players from different servers can send more players to contain the people of the British server, which will also cause more problems for the major servers. Big trouble, so our pressure will be much less." Dongfang star took the stubbornness, and then her tone changed: "In addition, at this time Russian clothing, Central Asia and other services have not yet occupied the gang resident, but the court and non-service are already Occupied, no accident, it is very likely that they will continue to work on other gang sites in the British server, which can further restrain the people in the British server and even the major servers."

Everyone was convinced of this, and then sat on Qinxin and said with a smile: "The most important thing is that the double-professional masters of the British service such as the sun never set, the dragon shadow, etc. have all performed their utmost skills according to our people. Two [Group Blessing Scrolls] are used, which means that their consumption is very high, and their pressure on us will be much less tomorrow and even in the future."

"That's right." Yingyue raised his glass and nodded, thinking of something, his tone changed: "I just don't know if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have rushed to Boulder City to support them. If they rush to support, they will have a chance to keep Boulder City."

"I would rather they go to support Boulder City." Ye Yu Fei said with a chuckle: "Because in order to deal with the previous support of the British server double professional master and the player with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status, the Russian server and other servers have also been used. For example, many people have used big moves. For example, they used some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Not surprisingly, even if they rush to the dark night to support, they need to consume a lot of money to keep Boulder City, and as long as they use big moves And use some [Group Blessing Scrolls] so we can consume some killer skills and props. Not surprisingly, we will pose a greater threat to the major servers. Maybe we still have a chance to occupy a gang site next."

Everyone is also deeply convinced of this, and they all look forward to the masters of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other major servers rushing to Boulder City to support.

However, the dark night and they naturally know that even if they send people to Boulder City to support and then save Boulder City, there will be a greater consumption, and this will benefit the players in the middle server, and even the next players in the middle server will cause them. The loss would be even greater, so they did not act rashly, but continued to support Ye Luo and others.

Soon after 3 minutes, a system prompt sounded. It was the system prompt that the non-server master occupied Boulder City. After hearing this news, the players in the middle server such as the wave and the wind were very excited. The more gang sites occupied by the server alliance, the better.

"Since the people from the Russian server and other servers have already occupied Boulder City, they should start working on Spirit Fox City next." Breaking the Wave Ride the Wind Road, and when she said this, her tone was full of expectation.

Think about it, if people from the Russian server and other servers rush to siege Spirit Fox City, then Ye Luo and other middle-server players can cooperate with them, which will force the masters of the major servers such as Dark Night to display some assassin skills or use [ Group Blessing Scroll], and this is exactly what they are looking forward to-after the people of the major servers have a large consumption, the players in the middle server can use some killer skills and props. Once so, they will have the opportunity Occupy the gang site of the British server or other servers and gain greater benefits.

"I have communicated with the Polar Silver Wolf before, and then they will lead people to siege Spirit Fox City, and they are willing to cooperate with our people." Bacchus Dukang's voice sounded in the team channel: "At this time, most of the Polar Silver Wolf are still there. With the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] or big moves, and there are still a lot of people, their siege of the Spirit Snake City will definitely pose a greater threat to the dark night and others, and then force them to perform their big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll], In this way, we can also perform big moves."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Although most of our elite players have been withdrawn, we still have many dual-professional players here, but we can also pose a great threat to the people on his major servers, especially After we use one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

"Even at that time we can use the [Cross-server*Community Teleportation Scroll] to send a group of new forces, elite new forces, tsk tsk, this can cause more trouble to the British server." Bacchus Dukang added, and said this. His tone was full of excitement and expectation at the time.

If the people of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other major servers really perform big moves or use [Group Blessing Scroll], then Ye Luo and the others can naturally use [Group Blessing Scroll], although their only players in the British server There are more than 200 people, but these people are all dual-professionals. If they stand up to the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] or perform big moves, they can also cause great consumption to the people of major servers, not to mention Dionysus Du Kang said that they can also use the [Cross-server*Community Transmission Scroll] to send a new force.

"Hey, this is good." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed: "Once the Polar Silver Wolf came to siege the Spirit Snake City, then Tokyo Mythology and them will be in trouble. I don't know if they will use their big moves or use [Group Blessing Scroll] Come to defend Spirit Fox City."

"Ling Fox City is for the British server, and the British server has lost some gang sites anyway, and this one is not bad. It is estimated that Dark Night will not take risks for the British server, especially when we are still there." Dao, then his tone changed: "But this is good news for us, because the Russian server and other servers will occupy more gang sites."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they were more looking forward to how things would develop next, and at the same time they continued to deal with the dark night and others, while waiting for players from the Russian server and other servers to come over.

Because the space players of the Russian server and other servers have left a lot of teleportation points in the British server, including the periphery of Linghu City, and most of their servers still retain some [group teleport scrolls], so it is very It is easy to mobilize a large number of players, although there are only tens of thousands or even less than 100,000, but many of these people stand up to the [Group Blessing Scroll] state and perform big moves, but they are also a very powerful force.

"Firework beauty, how are we going to besiege this gang site next?" Polar Silver Wolf contacted Firework Yi Leng as soon as he teleported over. After all, he also knew that the real command of the Chinese server players was him.

"You attack from our side. If the dark night and others perform big moves or use [Group Blessing Scroll], we will attack them the most violently." The fireworks are easy to be cold, and she directly said her own side. Plan: "We have more than 200 dual-professional players here, and we can also use the [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll] to send a large number of players to support. This force is enough to threaten the people of major servers."

If it's someone else, no, if it's another server saying that only 200 players can pose a great threat to the city of the fox, especially when the dark night waits for more than a dozen server masters to guard, then the polar silver wolf will definitely doubt it. Even scornful, but it’s not the same for the fireworks to be cold. Players in the Chinese server do these things. After all, they used these people to capture the Eagle City and cause great damage to the Long Spear City and the Boulder City. Therefore, he does not doubt whether the players in the middle server such as Fireworks Yicheng have such strength.

In addition, the Polar Silver Wolf does not suspect that the fireworks are easy to cold to deceive them and then make them rush to consume the dark night and others, because he also knows that they are in the same boat at this time. Once the Russian server and the server lose too much, the server There will also be some troubles, at least not getting the benefits that Zhongfu wants.

"But if there is no accident, they will not use their big tricks to intercept you, and they will see you start to attack the city, and they will withdraw directly while we are on the side, so you don't have to worry too much." The fireworks are easy to cold. Added one sentence, and she said that these further strengthened the decision of Polar Silver Wolf.

"Okay, let's start the siege now and see how those people in Tokyo Mythology will react." Polar Silver Wolf said, and then he turned back directly. After more than 10 seconds, players on the Russian server waiting for the server began to attack the city with all their strength.

Hundreds of players in the alliance players on servers such as Polar Silver Wolf and other Russian servers are wearing the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] or ultimate move, plus a large number of elites. The most important thing is that Ye Luo and them are on the other side. Containing the many masters of the major servers such as Dark Night, they easily killed them, and even rushed to the city wall easily, and then they could enter the spirit fox city.

It’s worth mentioning that as the fireworks are easy to get cold before, the people of the major servers such as Dark Night did not use their big moves to block them, or at this time they are also hesitating whether to use big moves or use [Group Blessing reel】.

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