VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2614: : Further plans

The Polar Silver Wolf attacked the city with players from servers such as Russian servers. With a powerful force, they were like wolves into a flock. They easily smashed the walls of Spirit Fox City. Of course, the main reason was Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and other major servers. The people are hesitant to consume some means to resist, especially when Ye Luo and other players in the middle server are looking forward to it. After all, they also know that people who want to resist servers such as the Russian server will require a greater consumption, and this will undoubtedly Give the Chinese server players an opportunity to take advantage of.

The people in the major servers such as Dark Night hesitated and did not try their best to stop them, but the players in the British server wanted to stop them but couldn't do it, because the players who used the British server's big moves and held the [Group Blessing Scroll] state were killed It’s a seven-seven-eight, and only some limited masters such as the sun never set, dragon shadow, etc. can't stop the players of the Russian server and other servers, not to mention the previous harassment of Ye Luo and others in the spirit fox city. The equipment was destroyed and could not function.

In this way, players from servers such as Russian servers easily entered the Spirit Fox City. After destroying a teleportation formation, they went to the heart of the city. It will not take long for them to reach the destination and then kill it. Occupy, destroy.

Seeing players from the Russian server and other servers approaching, Tokyo Mythology also knew that it was not time to hesitate. Soon they made up their minds and persuaded the players of the British server such as the Dragon Shadow of the Sun to give up the spirit fox city and retreat. Other gang stations.

Tokyo Mythology, they also easily convinced the players of the British server such as the sun never set, they bluntly said that if they fight with the players of the Russian server and other servers here, they will have a great consumption, which will make the players of the Chinese server There is a chance, because once they have a larger consumption, then players in the middle server can unscrupulously perform big moves, use the [Group Blessing Scroll] and then forcefully attack the city, so the loss of the British server will be even greater.

In addition, the players of the Russian server and other servers have already had a large consumption. At this time, they only have the strength to capture the spirit fox city and no longer capture the strength of other gangs. Therefore, the British server will not have greater strength. Lost.

The sun never sets, Dragon Shadow, and they are also aware of this. The most important thing is that the form is better than people. Who makes them ask for help now, so they can only choose to abandon the spirit fox city and retreat to other gangs. Of course, they don’t forget. Continue to send some people to intercept the Polar Silver Wolf and others to delay the time and then wait for their big move, the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] is exhausted.

Players on the major servers such as Dark Night chose to save their strength, so the players on the Russian server and other servers were more relaxed. They did not take too long to directly hit the heart of the city, and they also chose to see that the time has been delayed to the limit. In order to leave directly here and then retreat to other gang sites, so the people of the Russian server and other servers can naturally easily occupy Linghu City.

During this period, Ye Luo and the others only approached and restrained the people of the major servers as much as possible to reduce the pressure on the Russian server and other servers, but after seeing the dark night and the others retreat, they did not forcefully enter the city and then follow the Russian server. Waiting for the server to compete for Spirit Fox City, after all, at this time they also know that it is also important for the'ally' to get some sweetness.

"Fireworks, as you guessed before, Tokyo Mythology, they don't dare to consume too much, they can only delay as long as possible and then leave. Without accident, the Polar Silver Wolf will soon be able to occupy Linghu City." Po Lang Cheng Feng Dao, and then she couldn't help muttering: "Unfortunately, if they don't consume too much in the dark night, we will also be scrupulous and dare not use too many methods, and we will not be able to grab more gang sites."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although we have contributed to the siege of Spirit Fox City, it is not suitable for us to compete with the Polar Silver Wolf for the gang resident at this time. After all, we are now considered nominal allies, not to mention them. Occupying Linghu City will also help us defend the city tomorrow or in the future."

It was precisely because he knew this, so the talents such as Po Lang Chengfeng forced themselves to hold back and did not compete with the Polar Silver Wolf for the gang resident.

"Fireworks, what are we going to do next?" Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Polar Silver Wolf already has some consumption. Even if they still have some reservations, they will not easily display them. After all, once they are exhausted When it comes to display, then they will counterattack in the dark night, so they will have some trouble. Although those of us who have two ultimatums can perform ultimatums, players with two ultimatums are limited after all. It is good to have more than 10 people. , And these people alone are not enough to capture other gangs in the British server."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, he continued: "The most important thing is that we can't consume Tokyo Mythology and them. So staying here will not make much sense. It's just a waste of time."

"Yes, if we don't force the city to attack, then we might as well hunt high-ranking bosses." Dongfang Tiantian said solemnly: "After all, we can still get some benefits more or less, and if we are lucky, we can get some [groups] Blessing Scroll] and other killer items, so that we will be more relaxed tomorrow and even in the future."

"Next, let’s take a look at the Polar Silver Wolf and their plans." Firework Yi Leng did not directly reply to Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing the sky: "If they still have the power to attack the city, then we must naturally cooperate with them. After all, this can be as effective as possible. Large servers cause losses, and they can consume them at worst. If Polar Silver Wolf and the others have no spare capacity to attack the city, then we can only change our plan."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng shining brightly, she hurriedly asked: "Change plan, what plan?! Is it going to be a forcible siege?"

Fireworks Yibing did not reply, but looked at the Polar Silver Wolf and others. At the same time, she did not forget to attack and kill the surrounding British server players. This can more or less relieve the pressure on the Russian server and other servers, of course, kill Players of the British server get some loot to more or less enhance the strength of the Chinese server.

Not long after, the heart of the city of the spirit fox city was destroyed. It is worth mentioning that this time the player who occupied the spirit fox city was the player of the Russian server, but it was not the polar silver wolf, but the other masters of the Russian server. They also inferred that the Russian service would not forcibly capture other gang locations in the British service.

The fact is the same. Soon the fireworks are easy to get cold, and soon I learned from the polar silver wolf that they will not do anything to other gangs in the British server. Although they still have a lot of people who keep big moves and keep some [Group Blessing Scrolls], but Keeping these assassins can also be a precaution, especially when you see that the dual-professional masters of the major servers have no intention to consume them at all. They are worried about the dark night. They retain the assassination by waiting for the Russian server to wait for the server. After the players consume more, they will be more passive at this time. After all, the players of the Chinese server may not be able to rush to the Russian server to support it. It is not that they do not believe in the Chinese server players, but the Chinese server players have never Infiltrated the Russian server and left some teleportation points.

That being the case, the reserved level should be enough, and then they do not intend to stay in the British server, but withdraw.

"Are you going to withdraw?" Fireworks Yi said coldly, and without waiting for the Polar Silver Wolf to speak, she continued: "Before we gave you three gang sites half and half, and you should help us next, and this matter It’s just a handy thing for you."

The Polar Silver Wolf naturally knows that they can easily capture Spear City, Boulder City and Spirit Fox City so easily. The big reason is due to the Chinese server. This is also considered to be the affection of the Chinese server players. Therefore, the fireworks easy to cold mentioned that they need help. When he did not hesitate, he agreed to come down, especially after hearing what Yi Leng Yi Leng said was just a matter of hand.

"That's right, we owe you the things before, and you said how to help you." Polar Silver Wolf said quite readily.

"Simple, I hope you retreat from the German service and stay in the German service for some time. If possible, you will attack the tank city. It is just a feint." The fireworks are easy to get cold and are not polite, and they directly say what they need help.

Polar Silver Wolf is also a smart person. He instantly understood the purpose of fireworks and Yicold for them to do so, and then he laughed: "You want us to help you contain some of the masters of major servers, and then facilitate your next Action, it seems that you will not stop action next, I am curious about which server you are going to do next?"

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, he continued: "At this time, the British server has already been taken over 4 gang sites, and it is still occupied by people from 4 different servers. Not surprisingly, the British server is considered disabled and it is not enough for you. And we pose a threat, so you won’t do anything on it anymore but on other servers. At this time, we need to contain some of their combat power."

"Well, we are ready to work on the law suit." The fireworks are too cold and do not hide: "If we have the opportunity, we will also occupy some of the gang sites of the law suit. Even if there is no chance, we will also consume them. This is for you and us. Very good."

"That's right." The polar silver wolf said, and then he patted his chest: "Don't worry, we will retreat from the German service, and we will work on the tank city. I believe we will be able to attract many people. In the past, at least it was able to attract back all the masters of the German service."

Think about it too. Although the Polar Silver Wolf had some consumption before, they also retained a lot of assassin skills and props, so their strength is still very strong. Once they start to play the German server, they can naturally force all German players to return. Support, and other servers will more or less send some people over, so Ye Luo and their actions in the legal service are much easier.

"Okay, just do it." Firework Yi said coldly, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you should have left a teleportation point near the legal service, teleport us to the past and start further actions. "

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