In Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others, killed dozens of players with big moves, [Group Blessing Scroll] status, Oriental star cast [Five Poisons and Poisonous Miasma] and used 2 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], Dongfang Killing the sky used the [horn of the dragon clan] to summon more than 10 dragons to defend the city and it became easier and easier to defend the city. At this time, the East Killing the sky still retains the [Holy Beast Coming] and some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. In addition, Ye Luo and the others also kept some scrolls and mobile troops would come to support them at any time, so there was no problem defending the Spirit Snake City.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the defending city here, June Feixue sent it to Jiafu to check the situation there. It was similar to this side. At least the fireworks are easy to be cold. They still have enough energy to defend Red Snow City and Red The reason why the players in Maple City are so easy is not only because of the support of elite players from the gangs such as Miomi Pavilion, but the most important thing is that the heroes of the sky war and the dragon family have received the help of the city defense props. After all, a good-grade city defense item can play The role of this is much greater than that of several pieces of national equipment.

Although they knew this would happen for a long time, they all gave a sigh of relief after they really heard about it.

"But Sister Fireworks, they said something was wrong..." said June Feixue, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"What's wrong?! Is there any conspiracy to add servers and wait for the server?!" Po Lang blurted out, and when she said this, she was a little anxious: "Is it because they worry about the fireworks and the Tokyo mythology in the next dark night? After the ultimate move, he used a killer skill like [Baqi Tianxiang]?!"

Think about it, too. At this time, the only people who can threaten the fireworks and the cold are the dark night and Tokyo mythology. If they really use the ultimate move and then use the assassin skills such as [8 Qi Tian Jiang], then absolutely If it can pose a threat to Red Maple City and Red Snow City, I am afraid that Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng must also rush to support them.

"They haven't shown signs of using assassin skills such as [Baqi Tianxiang]." June Feixue said, seeing the waves and riding the wind more puzzled, and she did not sell them: "Sister Fireworks said that Hanbok, Jiafu and Meifu rushed over. The number of masters participating in the battle was less than expected, and there were also fewer elite players."

"It turns out it's just this. I thought it was something." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and a thick smile appeared on her pretty face: "Japanese clothes, US clothes and Hanbok did not send all The master’s siege of the city is naturally related to our previous actions. Don’t forget that we passed by the Japanese server and deterred them, especially in the US server. We also forced many of them to perform big moves in the operation. Well, even now there are people in Japanese and Hanbok. They worry that our people will use the [Cross-Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport us at any time and then sneak attack on their gang site, so they will leave some masters. Sit down."

"But we didn't go to Hanbok, why is it the same for Hanbok?" June Feixue raised a question, and Ye Luo showed a stunned look when she said this, obviously he had thought of something.

"Ye Luo, did you think of something?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked while attacking.

Ye Luo did not immediately reply to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, but asked June Feixue: "Feixue, have you learned about Flying Eagle City from Fireworks? No, the situation on the British server is not only Flying Eagle City, but also What about the occupied gang sites like Boulder City?"

"This... I didn't ask." June Feixue shook her head, and then she asked: "Why, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Go and see the situation over there. If there is no accident, the people waiting for the server in the British server will definitely be attacking the city with all their strength, even if they are not attacking the city with all their strength now, they will do the same." Ye Luo said, after a short pause, he continued: "It's not just the case on the British server, maybe the same on the plus server."

Hearing that, June Feixue didn't say much, and directly teleported to Flying Eagle City through the teleportation array, and then asked Ye Yu Fei about the situation here.

"Ye Luo, did you think of something?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked again: "Is there any conspiracy in the major servers?"

"Well, I suspect that the people who will add service, Japanese service and Hanbok in the future are confusing us. They have other purposes." Ye Luo said solemnly, and his tone was condensed when he saw the disapproving look of Po Lang Cheng Feng Some: "They don’t want to act on the gang site of our server, but on other servers, such as Russian server, non-server or court server, and if they try their best to conquer our people and those on the server Just send some elite masters to sneak attacks, especially when you see that there is almost no chance of taking back the gangs such as Red Snow City."

"They are going to be stationed against the gangs of other servers?!" The voice of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased by a few points, but she quickly understood: "Yes, that's right, they are trying to make a noise, using additional servers, British servers, etc. The large forces of the server and some elite players of the major servers dragged us, and then they started to work on the Russian server and other servers, because most of us and the players in the gang station such as the Russian server were restrained, so they did not need to use too much Experts can take down some gang sites. This is a chance for them to gain more benefits. At the very least, they can sneak into Russian servers and other servers to carry out sneak attacks. They can also force them back to the masters of Russian servers and other servers, so their people can grab them again. It's much easier to go back to Boulder City and wait for the gang's location."

"Yes, if we didn't guess wrong, that's the case." Ye Luo nodded, and after a short pause, he continued: "If there is no accident, the Japanese server and other servers will send some elite players to sneak into the Russian server and other servers. Because they sneaked in ahead of time, the people of the Russian server and other servers believed that they were harassing them as much as possible and then weakening their ability to rush to the British server guard gang station, so they will not be too suspicious, and these people should use it directly. [Cross-server*Community Teleport Scroll] Teleport some elites to the past."

While Ye Luo was talking about this, June Feixue finally came back. She didn’t wait to ask about the waves and wind. She said directly: “Yes, servers such as the British server and German server sent a large number of players to attack the city. The offensive is fiercer than ours. The siege intensity here is much stronger. In order to defend the servers such as Boulder City and other gang resident Russian servers, a large number of players have been mobilized to defend the city."

"You ask Wuming and others, whether the servers such as Hanbok have dispatched some elite teams to sneak into the servers such as Russian servers." Ye Luo said, and when he said these, he was more certain of his previous guesses.

This time, June Feixue asked quickly. She nodded and said: "Yes, Hanbok and other servers have long sent some elite teams to sneak into Russian servers and other servers, and they even lost Boulder City yesterday. Not long after waiting for the gang to be stationed, an elite team was dispatched to sneak into the Russian server and other servers."

"Ye Luo, it seems like you guessed that the servers such as Hanbok are going to attack the Russian server and their allies." Breaking the waves said, and then her tone changed: "If this is the case, then what should we do?"

"In fact, at this time, Hanbok and other servers dispatched some masters to sneak into Russian servers and other servers to carry out sneak attacks. It is not a bad thing for us." Ye Luo said, after a short pause, he explained: "This means the next siege of Red Snow City. The strength of Red Maple City is much weaker, and we will have a better chance to defend these gang sites."

"That's how it is said, but if people from Hanbok and other servers capture the gangs of Russian servers and their allies, they can get some rewards and their strength will be greatly improved, and then their threat to us will also increase." Po Lang Chengfeng Road Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she looked at Ye Luo excitedly: “Why don’t we sneak into other servers and mess up, hey, while they are working on Russian servers and other servers, we will also work on them, so they have to adjust Back to the strong combat power to defend the city, so you can't occupy the gang resident of the Russian server and other servers."

"We have analyzed before that it is not wise to sneak into other servers to mess up, because they can take advantage of the large number of players on this server to delay the time. Don’t forget that they are transferred to the plus server. The British server supports only the elite, and a large number of players remain. Under the guard, we need to mobilize a lot of players if we want to work on it. We don’t have too many people to mobilize when the major servers are fully attacking the city.” Ye Luo shook his head: “Not to mention the major servers must be left behind. Some space players, when they see us attacking, they will use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city. This can also delay for more than 10 minutes. I am afraid that the battle is over for such a long time."

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind silently, she muttered unhappily: "Is it possible to watch them attack the gangs of the Russian server and other servers?"

"I said before that this also has some good news for us, even if the gang site of the Russian server and other servers is taken down." Ye Luo said: "Because the Russian server and other servers will act on it next, this will restrain it. Living in major servers has more combat power, and we naturally have a lot easier."

Without waiting for the waves and riding the wind to speak, he continued: "After the Russian server waits for the servers to contain some of the major servers' combat power, it is much more likely that we will sneak attacks on the gang sites of the major servers and occupy them. Kill many of them, and even let them directly abandon the gangs they have occupied."

"Oh, this is also true. After all, the strength of the Russian servers and other servers is also very good. Once they have a gang site and are occupied, they will completely match up with the major servers. It is not a problem to contain them by 20-30% or even 34%. "Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, thinking of something, she was excited: "And if the people in Hanbok and other servers have a greater consumption during the attack on the Russian server and other server gangs, then we have a better chance, even today. Occupy some of their gang sites."

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