VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2626: : Sneak attack on the court

Yesterday, when the Russian server and other servers were working on the gang sites such as Boulder City, the people in the Japanese server and other major servers were really surprised. Only then did they think that there is such an alliance, and they also realized that letting this alliance action is right? What kind of threats they had, so they immediately decided to find ways to deal with these servers, and at the worst, they had to contain them and cause them some trouble. Then they sent some elite teams to sneak into the Russian servers and other servers.

However, at this time, the people in Hanbok and other servers were not prepared to immediately attack the gang sites of these servers, because the most important thing in their minds is to take back the gang sites such as Boulder City, and concentrate on dealing with China Server and weakening China Server’s strength. the most important.

Only after the start of the action did they discover that the defense of the gangs such as Red Maple City was much stronger than they expected. For example, Red Maple City, Red Snow City and Flying Eagle City were equipped with relatively powerful defense equipment, plus At this time, Shanghai White Bull City can mobilize more power to defend these gang sites in the upgrade of the service. This made Tokyo Shinhwa and others realize that it is not so easy for them to regain these gang sites, so they thought of the other A way to increase the strength or weaken the enemy's power-sneak into the Russian server and other servers to sneak attack on their gang sites, and occupy some of their gang sites as much as possible. This will not only greatly enhance the strength of your side, but also regain the spear. It's much easier to wait for the gangs in the city.

Think about it too. After occupying the gang site of servers such as Russian servers, people in Hanbok and other servers can directly send a large number of players into servers such as Russian servers, so that the major servers can mobilize more combat power-the fact is. For example, when Hanbok and other major servers have a large number of players on this server that cannot participate in the battle, these combat powers are also wasted.

However, it is not so easy to mobilize players to sneak into another server to support or sneak attacks on a large scale. After all, the target of large-scale troop deployment is too large and easy to be discovered by the enemy's elite team and then launched a sneak attack. It is safe only through teleportation. It is extremely convenient, so you need to occupy some gang sites waiting for the server of the Russian server, so that they can make full use of their alliance's number advantage.

Tokyo Mythology, they have also thought about working on the gang sites of China Server. After all, for them, occupying some gang sites and then mobilizing a large number of combat power to drag the players of China Server can almost solve their current most worrying problems, but they also Knowing that it is not so easy to occupy the gang resident of the Chinese server, they can only retreat to the Russian server and other servers.

Just do it if you think about it, and Tokyo Mythology also knows that they need to contain a large number of players on servers such as the Chinese server and the Russian server at this time, so they will let the elite players go all out to attack the city, and entangle Ye Luo, Polar Silver Wolf and other super Experts, then they chose the target to do it, and this target is also one of the weaker ones in the Russian server and other servers-the court server.

As Ye Luo and the others speculated, after receiving the order, the elite teams of Hanbok, Japanese clothing, and U.S. clothing lurking in the court clothes rushed directly to the nearest 3rd-level gang station and used the [Cross-server*Group Blessing Scroll] to convert the Tokyo myth. The masters of Japanese service, Hanbok, and American service, as well as some elite players teleported over, and 3 reels sent 30,000 players past, among them there are many elite masters like Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji.

After the Tokyo Mythology was transmitted, they didn’t say much. They directly launched a sneak attack on the target. Many masters, like tigers into the flock, easily killed the city wall and then occupied the city wall-the reason is not only because of the court. The strength is relatively weak. The most important thing is that the strength of the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others are relatively strong, especially when they are still in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. When a large number of elites in court clothes are entangled in Long Spear City, they are naturally like a broken bamboo. Up.

Think about it, maybe they can hardly ask for any cheapness to the masters of the middle service such as Yeluo and Tokyo Mythology, but that is because the masters of the middle service such as Ye Luo and Dongfang Jitian are too strong, so they changed to court clothes. People can't stop them at all, they are under the circumstances of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and their joint charge.

It has to be said that Dark Night's actions are quite quick, and they are extremely powerful. The imposing attack made the court servants almost unresponsive. They attacked the city wall and approached the heart of the city. Even the space players of the court service had no time to teleport and then. Cast [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city-there are only 2 space players in the court suit, and both of them are in the Long Spear City. It is difficult for them to send support in a short time.

It’s too late to wait for the space-based players of the court clothes to transfer over, because the Tokyo myth has already killed the heart of the city, and then they can easily kill all the players around and destroy the heart of the city. It's a lot easier for a gang resident.

It’s worth mentioning that the people in Hanbok used [Cross Server*City Heart] to occupy this gang site ahead of time. Fortunately, it was not occupied by the dark night and the cool twilight, which means that they will not be occupied by the court. The reward of the gang resident, this made Ye Luo and others who heard the system prompt a sigh of relief, and this result was acceptable.

After occupying a gang station in the court clothes, Dark Night and Tokyo Myth had no intention to stop. At this time, other elite squads directly used the [group teleport scroll] to teleport it back, and then attacked it again. Fortunately, at this time, the space player of the court server finally rushed back, which means that next he can use [Space Enchantment] to trap the heart of the city, so in the dark night, they want to occupy this gang residence at least 10 Minutes later, at that time their [Group Blessing Scroll] state was over long ago, and some more consumption was needed.

Not to mention that they suddenly attacked the gang station of the court clothes, and back to a few minutes ago. At that time, the night and the Tokyo myth were suddenly teleported away, and they were as smart as fireworks and cold and guessed what they were going to do next.

Because some elite masters in Hanbok, U.S. and Japanese servers such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have been transported away, even if the remaining players on the additional servers and other servers use more [Group Blessing Scrolls], they cannot attack Red Maple City and Red Snow City. Cause too much threat, so fireworks are easy to be cold, they can mobilize some extra power to support Flying Eagle City, Spirit Snake City, and fireworks are easy to cold, every night unless they are sent to the Spirit Snake City to support-the reason why The reason for the city is that the people on servers such as India and Australia did not sneak into the court, and even because more of their elite players were teleported by [Space Portal], [Group Teleport Scrolls] and used some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Spirit Snake City's attack strength has increased a lot, and it is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold, they will be sent to support.

"Sister Fireworks, the people from the Assassin’s House said that the dark night and other masters sneaked into the court and launched a sneak attack. What are we going to do next?" June Feixue asked expectantly. Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Dark Night When the master sneaks into the court server, the power to besiege Red Maple City and Red Snow City is weaker, can we also spare some manpower to do other things? Even just sneaking into other servers to harass some can greatly reduce the server such as court server Pressure."

"Although the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth have left, the players who besieged Red Maple City and other gangs have used some [Group Blessing Scrolls], so their siege strength has not weakened too much. The players we can mobilize It's also quite limited." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "And even if we can mobilize some people to sneak into other servers, there won't be much gains, at least there will be no gains in a short time, so we waste our top The state of [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "Don't forget that the major servers are still guarded by many people. At the worst, they can also use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city in the gang that we attacked. So we can't attack it in 10 minutes at all, it needs more consumption. I think dark night they wish we will have more consumption, so they are not afraid that we can pose too much threat to them, even When they see that we consume a lot of money, they will return to besiege Spirit Snake City and other gang sites, and even sneak into our middle service."

"It's not impossible." Dongfang Star took the stubbornly and looked at everyone while talking about her: "Don't forget that the total number of players on the major servers is far more than us, and before they occupied each other's The gang resident has also obtained a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the number is much more than what we got. They can use the [Group Blessing Scrolls] to consume us, which is why the people who suddenly besie us use some [Group Blessings] Scroll] then increased the attack."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If we transfer some players away now, then maybe people from the major servers will have the opportunity to take advantage of it. If we lose the gang resident such as Spirit Snake City, then some of the gains will not be worth the loss, especially Red Maple. The city, the Red Snow City, and the Flying Eagle City were captured because these three gangs had castle defense items."

Once the city defense props are installed, they can’t be removed and placed in other gang sites. The destruction of the gang’s site also means that the city defense items are also destroyed. The loss is a bit big. After all, the city defense items are quite expensive. It is precious, much more precious than the national weapon, it would be a shame to be destroyed.

"That's right, the major servers have the advantage in numbers, and they now come up with a gang that divides into two groups and then captures each other's gangs. This gives them more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Wars of attrition and tug of war are not good for us. "The fireworks are easy to say coldly.

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