VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2664: : Siege with all strength

In Tokyo Mythology, it’s natural for them to let their large forces consume the masters in the middle service like Ye Luo, so that they can easily regain the Baqi City, but they are a little under-watching the middle of the Baqi City. Convince players. With the help of the city wall of the 4th gang resident, many defensive equipment and holy defensive items, Xia Yeluo, they can resist players in the day service without using big moves and using the [Group Blessing Scroll]. , Especially after the major gangs sent half to 10% of elite players to defend.

In addition, dual professional masters such as Yeluo and Polangchengfeng are not idle. They returned to Baqi City, and then guarded different walls. With the help of professional airborne cavalry, priests and other professions, they can even easily rush to the enemy line. In the game, the group attack skills of various small CDs are displayed, but they can also deal a lot of damage, especially Ye Luo and others-Ye Luo and Midnight Book. They kill and add to their attack power, even if they don’t use big moves. Hit a high damage output, especially when the priest continuously increases blood and applies [spell immunity] to them.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others easily withstood the attacks of the Japanese army and other server reinforcements, without using big moves or anything, and this made the look of Tokyo Shinhwa and others a little more serious, because they did not expect to have a large number of players. Come to support Yachi Castle.

However, at this time their large forces and reinforcements from other servers have begun to attack the city, and the arrows have to be sent on the string, so the Tokyo Mythology has to be sent over, and then began to attack the city, and they also know that since the attack is going to be thunderous Take it down, so they used more than 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] at once, and then thousands of players in this state began to attack the city.

In Tokyo Mythology, they started to attack the city with all their strength, and the players from the Australian server and other supporters did not go too far. Many of them double-professional masters directly performed their big moves, and even used some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and this further The siege was increased, and the pressure on Ye Luo and others increased dramatically.

However, seeing the Tokyo Mythology, they started to attack the city with all their strength, Ye Luo and the others did not idle. In addition to controlling the city defense equipment to perform group attack skills such as [Laser Arrow Rain], they also used 4 or 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and The fireworks are easy to be cold and also used the [Five Elements Array], which is equivalent to using 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls].

Although this number is nearly half less than the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used by servers such as Japanese servers and Australian servers, Yeluo and the others are the defenders of the city. The most important thing is that Baqi City is still a level 4 gang resident, plus They are not incapable of resisting the swarming players because of the existence of holy city defense items.

Of course, the most important thing is that after seeing the Tokyo mythology, Ye Luo and others have used various group attack skills, such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], [World Destroying Thunder], etc., and they even used dozens of them at once. Hundreds of such powerful and wide-ranging skills, and this also caused extremely high damage, killing many siege players at a time, and also forced them to use invincible methods in Tokyo Mythology.

Not only that, the combination skill team led by Ye Luo has also begun to show off. Even after all the opponents with the [Group Blessing Scroll] and ult status players approached, they also ordered the group combination skill team to perform group combination skills. This also caused greater casualties to servers such as Japanese servers.

In addition, June Feixue and Yeye unless they also used the [Vulcan Domain] and [Thor Domain] in the places where the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology are located, and even later used similar skills on other city walls, and this It also caused a lot of trouble and casualties to the siege players.

It is also because of the many group attack skills that Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others deliberately suppressed the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology, so they can easily defend the city, and as time goes by, they have to face the Japanese service. Casualties caused by players waiting for the server are also increasing rapidly.

For now, Ye Luo and the others can still hold on. Although there will be some casualties from time to time, the priests behind can use [Resurrection], and even those who have been killed can choose to return to the city and resurrect, they can teleport again and then join the battle again. Medium-This is the advantage of having a gang resident. Players can continuously support from this server, and this is also the advantage that the defender has.

"Fireworks girl, the players who sneaked into our server have also begun to attack the city. There are still a lot of people, there are tens of millions, and many of them are double professional masters, and they also used the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Bacchus Du Kang The news in this server was passed over for the first time. When he said this, his tone was a little condensed: "Of course, if it's just those tens of millions of players, even if they are elite, they can't pose too much threat to us. , After all, there are still many players left behind on our server. The most troublesome thing is that they don’t know what peculiar items have been obtained for them. They actually summoned a few commander-level bosses, and these bosses also led many quasi-bosses and a large number of them. Monster, this puts a lot of pressure on our people."

"What, how many commander-level bosses have been summoned?!" After hearing these words, the voice of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased by a few points, and then she asked while attacking: "Fireworks, what should I do now? Even though I still stay behind. Some dual-professional players, but most of their strengths are not very strong. With their strength, they are afraid that they can't resist those BOSS. Once our server is compromised, the enemy will continue to send troops to invade, which is a great threat to us. "

"Sister Feng, you and Xiaoshu return to support." The firework is easy to cold and decisively: "If necessary, use 1 [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Although the people of Misty Pavilion have to guard Bainiu City, Baqi City, and the gang sites of this server at the same time, Ye Luo and the others captured too many gang sites yesterday, and there is even a level 4 gang site, plus killing the BOSS. Out, at this time they have 2, 30 reels, even if Bai Niucheng and Baqi City used 5 and 6 respectively, there are still a lot of them, and there are extras that can be used.

Break the waves and ride the wind, return to the book in the middle of the night to support, plus you can use 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], plus other gangs will also send troops to support, so as to kill those commander-level BOSS and resist the attacks of major server players The city is not too problematic.

"But what should we do if we leave Yachi Castle?" Po Lang said in a deep voice, "Although we can still resist them at this time, the Tokyo Mythology still retains their big moves and [Yaki Heaven] Waiting for the means, and no one knows if they still have other assassins. Once we leave, will you be able to hold it?"

"We still have a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] left here, and Ye Luo still retains [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], [Tai Chi Dao] and other assassins, so even if Tokyo Mythology they have other assassins, they will not be able to capture it in a short time. Baqi City.” The fireworks said coldly, and then she changed her words: “Sister Feng, Xiaoshu, after you rush over, mainly hunting down those commander-level bosses, plus there are hundreds of players wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] It won’t take long to solve it, so you can come back, and it won’t take long without accident."

After a while, she nodded, and then she didn't say much, and she evacuated directly, and also brought the Midnight Book and others. After all, it was impossible for her to deal with the boss of the leader of the head, let alone this time. There are also many masters of the major servers.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and the Midnight Book and the others left Ye Luo's pressure a lot, but Ye Luo was also very decisive to successively use the powerful and large-scale skills such as [World Extinguishing Thunder] and [Wind and Fire]. Even sitting on the piano heart and Zhiyue teamed up to use the two powerful combined skills of [Six Dao* Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium (group)] and [Six Dao* Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield (group)], which was slightly suppressed. Masters such as Tokyo Mythology.

In addition, Fireworks Easy Cold and others also increased their attacks, and even later Fireworks Easy Cold ordered the player to use a [Group Blessing Scroll], which successfully suppressed the enemy’s offensive. There is no problem inside.

Seeing that the enemy's offensive was suppressed, they sat on Qin Xin and they breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to inquire about the situation of White Bull City, Luofeng City and Devil City.

"The pressure on Sister Shi's side is a bit heavy, after all, the Spirit Snake City is currently being upgraded and is under system protection. In this way, the players of the printing service and supporting the printing service can concentrate their forces on the white bull city." June Feixue said in a deep voice: "Fortunately, Sister Shi directly used 7 or 8 [Group Blessing Scrolls], together with Xiaoxiao Hongchen and Misty Rain, they used the additional skills of the national weapon, and even they used another group combination skill, which is also a bad example. Those who served have caused greater pressure."

"Of course, the people from the Eastern Family have also sent 20% of the players to rush over to support. After all, we helped them defend the Snake City yesterday, so they also sent some masters to support, and even used one or two [groups] Scroll of Blessing], this finally stopped the offensive of Yinfu.” June Feixue continued, after a short pause, she continued: “Of course, the most important thing is that the defense and attack power of Bai Niucheng after reaching level 4 is great. It has been increased, and there is a [Golden Winged Ant Nest], so there is no big problem with Sister Shi and the others, even at this time they still kept 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls] just in case."

Eastern Killing Sky is a proud person. Misunderstanding Pavilion sold them some favors yesterday, so they will directly repay the favors. Although Dongfang Killing Tian wants to defend Luofeng City and some of the resident locations they occupy, they cannot send superstars such as Oriental Stars. The master used to support, but dispatching 20% ​​of the players and 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] can be regarded as repaying this favor.

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