VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2665: : Battle conditions everywhere

Because the Spirit Snake City is in a state of upgrade protection, the Yinfu can almost concentrate more than 80% of the elite and all dual-professional masters to besiege White Bull City, plus the players supported by the Australian and Southeast Asian servers, which makes Samadhi Poetry and other players guarding White Bull City are under a lot of pressure, and even Samadhi they directly use 7 or 8 [Group Blessing Scrolls].

Fortunately, the Good Wine Family and other gangs each sent some players to support, and in order to repay the favor of yesterday, they sent about 20% of the players to White Bull City to support, and also used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], This resisted the enemy's siege. At this time, the samādhi and they still have some reservations, such as 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which can also solve many emergencies.

After hearing this news, Othello and they were a little relieved, and then asked about Luofeng City and Castlevania. These two are the 4th-level gang resident. According to the previous plan, they must guard them, but the US server, The people in Hanbok attacked them like the Japanese players, and the players from other servers rushed to support them. Not surprisingly, the pressure on the gangs such as the Yeyu Family and the Fine Wine Family will be quite high.

"In addition to sending some players to guard the Flying Eagle City to contain and consume the players in the British server, most of the battle power of the Ye Yu family is in the city of Luofeng. In addition, the Dongfang Family, Ouyang Family and other gangs sent a lot of troops to defend the city. The Yu family has a lot of national weapons, and even they have 2 group combo skills, so they are easier to deal with." June Feixue will inquire about the news, but she got it right after she said it. After hearing the news about Luofeng City, her expression became a little solemn after hearing the news.

"Fei Xue, what's the matter?" Othello asked hurriedly.

"People from the Assassin’s House told me that the situation in Luofeng City was a bit troublesome. The people in Hanbok used a lot of siege equipment, such as siege repeaters, siege chariots, etc., and there were a lot of them. The members of the Yu family and other gangs caused greater trouble." June Feixue said in a deep voice, "Especially under the strong attack of super masters such as Twilight and Dark Night, the people in Hanbok are less than 50 meters away from Luofeng City. The place where the master of the formation made a high platform with [Change Heaven and Earth]. The people in Hanbok arranged a lot of siege equipment on the high platform, and these further caused trouble to the Ye Yu family and other defenders."

The mobile magic crystal cannon needs to be in a relatively high place to play its due role, especially when siege the city, so you need the master of the formation to cast [Change the world] to create a high platform, but the players who defend the city will compare Caring about these, they will deliberately guard against it, but the people in Hanbok still made a high platform, which surprised the Othello and others. Of course, they also knew from this aspect how strong Hanbok's siege players were.

"They actually made a high platform less than 50 meters away from the city wall?" Othello said in astonishment: "Could it be that Dongfang Tiantian, Yuexia Tingzen, they just watched the people in Hanbok set up on the high platform. Move the magic crystal cannon and other siege equipment?!"

That’s right, apart from sending 20% ​​of the players to guard White Bull City and some players rushed to Baqi City to support, most of the players from the Eastern Family are in Fengcheng, and even the super masters such as Eastern Killing Sky and Eastern Stars are there. Coupled with masters such as listening to Zen under the moon, dark clouds transforming rain, and night rain, especially the defense equipment of the 4th level gang resident, it is still so that the people in Hanbok still arrange a lot of siege equipment on the high platform. Naturally, Othello and others were shocked and then puzzled.

"No way, they directly used the awakening skills of the combination of props, plus the service and other servers sent some super masters over, they directly intercepted the masters such as Dongfang Tiantian, Yuexia Tingzen, and so on. The Hanbok’s formation master and other players have bought some time.” June Feixue said solemnly: “It’s the Dongfang Killing the sky directly using [Holy Beasts] can’t prevent this from happening, and even they can only rely on it. The advantage of the city wall and the dark night they deal with."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Fortunately, at this time, the Long Family has sent some experts to support, and the Ye Yu family used 1 or 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the most important thing is that they used a group combination Skills, so it also suppressed the players who were siege. Now their situation is pretty good, at least they can hold on for some time."

After hearing the words of June Feixue, everyone's expressions relaxed a little, especially when they heard the words after sitting on Qin Xin: "Ye Yu Fei Fei is a very scheming person. She will definitely prepare many methods to defend Luofeng City. Not surprisingly, she should still have some means, so we don't have to worry too much, especially the Long Family has sent some experts to rush to support."

Speaking of Othello, she suddenly thought of something, and her brows frowned slightly: "The Long Family sent many players to help us defend Yaqi City and White Bull City, and they also left many players in this server. Defensively, they even sent a lot of players to Castlevania, and now they have sent so many masters to Luofeng City. Can they defend Red Maple City? After all, the players added to the service are not vegetarian."

"Yes, although the people who added the server sent some players to support Hanbok, only the Red Snow City and the Red Maple City were occupied by us, and the two gangs were also Level 3 county cities. Can the people of the Long Family defend the Red Maple City if the players are under the siege?" Sitting on Qin Xin was also quite worried about this issue.

Hearing that, everyone was silent. They also knew that in this case, it was indeed difficult to defend Red Maple City and Red Snow City with only about half of the Dragon Family players and less than half of the Heroes of the Sky.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, the people who added the service yesterday didn't occupy many places of the other service gangs, which means that the amount of [Group Blessing Scrolls] they got was not too much." Zhiyue controlled the Black Dragon King and other summoned beasts. Intercepting Heilong Tianzhan and the others said: "And the Long Family and the Heroes of Heavenly Battle occupied a lot of gang sites yesterday, and they have obtained a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], so even if they deploy nearly half of their combat power to support other places, There is a chance to hold on."

"It doesn't matter if you can't hold it." Black and White Chess said, when she said this, her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance: "As long as they can contain a large number of additional players and cause greater consumption to them, it will do. After one siege, we can help the Long Family’s people to grab the gang resident back, and even when we have the opportunity to occupy the 4th level gang resident of the additional server and give it to the Long Family’s people."

The Long Family supports the largest number of players in Bayi City and White Bull City, accounting for almost 30 to 40%. This is undoubtedly a favor of the Misty Pavilion, or a reward for reward.

"Well, that's right, after solving today's troubles, we can repay the favor of the Long Family." Fireworks Yi said coldly, while she said she used [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrows]: "And what we have to do now is Find ways to defend Baqi City and Bai Niu City, because defending these two gang resident Japanese and Indian servers will hold a large amount of combat power by us, and then we will have a lot easier on other servers."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and then they increased their attack intensity. Various group attack skills and control skills were displayed, which also caused greater casualties to the people of the Japanese server and other servers. In particular, Ye Luo has also used [World Destroying Thunder] and other powerful and wide-ranging skills-counting the skills learned and equipment additional skills, Ye Luo can use 2 or 3 [World Destroying Thunder]. Not to mention that he can use the skills he learned after casting [Cooling Reset].

Then everyone did not forget to ask about the situation in Castlevania. After all, there were many players supporting the US server at this time, and even Pakistan served a lot of people to support the US server. The occupied gang station in Pakistan served only 2 , And they are all Level 3 counties, and one of them was occupied by Miomi Pavilion, but only a few players were sent to guard Bainiu City and Baqi City Miomi Pavilion, so Pakistan Service has enough players to mobilize.

"Uncle Bacchus and the others' situation is pretty good, because Fengxing and Nangong family each sent 30 to 40% of players to support, and other gangs also sent some masters to support, especially Mei There are no super masters with 2 pieces of national equipment like Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, so their situation is not bad, at least there will be no problems in a short period of time." Again.

"Fengxing's strength is very good, and so is the Fine Wine Family. As for the Nangong family, after having the two super masters of Thousand Miles Riding Alone and Xiaofeng Wanyue, the strength is quite good, not to mention the Thunder Dragon Magician of Nangong Yunlong. It’s very powerful, so it’s okay for them to join forces to suppress players on servers such as US and Pakistani servers.” Othello said in a deep voice, “Maybe they can solve the battle as quickly as possible, and they will naturally come to support us next.”

According to the previous plan, once the battle is resolved there, apart from leaving some players to guard just in case, other players will go to other gang sites to support, and once so, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the defensive power of other gang sites in the service, so resist The siege of server players such as Japanese server and Hanbok is not a big problem.

Hearing that, everyone’s expressions stretched a bit again, and they also faintly expected that the battle on the US server would end soon. At the very least, other gangs don’t need to send players to support them, so they can send these combat powers to White Bull City, etc. Gang resident, even just staying behind in the middle service is also very good, after all, the pressure on them to break the waves and ride the wind will be much less, and they can free up their hands and return as soon as possible to support.

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