VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2693: : Two-pronged approach

I saw that the players of the Chinese server caused a lot of consumption and even casualties on the major servers such as the Japanese server. Even at this time, they also restrained the combat power of a large number of major servers. Of course, the most important thing is the previous battles of the Russian server and other servers. Since they have greater reservations in the middle of the game, they directly deal with the German service and the additional service, and they are divided into two groups.

I also know that letting Russian servers and other servers occupy some German and additional gang sites is very good for China. Therefore, after a simple discussion, the fireworks and others decided to let Samadhi to lead the remaining players to sneak into the additional servers, and the slender hands , Midnight Book, and Jian Si also rushed over. Not surprisingly, this would pose a great threat to the plus service. At the worst, it can also contain a large number of plus service and its reinforcements. This will give the Russian service and the court service a lot of benefits.

After the Russian server and other servers also launched operations, almost all servers in the game took part in the war. There were fierce battles in the game, but this is good news for the Chinese server, because the Russian server and other servers have contained a large number of servers. Combat power, and this also makes their next siege much easier.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others became more relaxed after the German, Italian, plus, and some Japanese, American, and Hanbok people left. As time went by, they occupied more and more walls of the Fire Dragon City. , The casualties of the British server, French server and other servers are also increasing.

Perhaps they also know that if this continues, it will not protect the Fire Dragon City and there will be greater casualties, so Tokyo Shinhwa and others chose to withdraw after discussion. Although the players on the British server and other servers are somewhat reluctant, they also know that they continue to do so. The casualties would be the greatest, and in the end he had no choice but to abandon Fire Dragon City.

Of course, before giving up, they tried their best to create some trouble for the players in the middle server. For example, let the players of the space department use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the fire dragon city, so it can delay 10 minutes, and so long After time has passed, Ye Luo and other players who used the ultimate move have ended their ultimate status, which will undoubtedly make them less threat to the British server in the future.

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology is really cunning. They decided to withdraw after seeing the situation." Othello couldn't help laughing, and then his tone changed: "But this is good news for us, because we occupy There is no suspense about the Fire Dragon City Association, and there will be almost no casualties."

"They also know that if this continues to go on, not only will they not be able to hold the Fire Dragon City, but there will also be more casualties, so they will naturally choose to give up." Dongfang Star said, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks beauty, At this time, we have no suspense in occupying Fire Dragon City, what shall we do next?"

"Of course it is continuing to capture the 4th gang resident of the British server." Ouyang Feiri blurted out, as if worried about the fireworks and others' rejection. He continued: "The people from the German server and other servers have already withdrawn, and the British server has already With relatively large casualties, and the most important thing is that they consume a lot of money, we can easily occupy the second level 4 gang site of the British server. This is a very difficult opportunity. We can't just give up like this."

The gangs of the Meijiu Family, the Night Rain Family, and the Eastern Family have already occupied the fourth-level gang resident, and the Long Family will also occupy one. The Fengxing, the Yinian family and other gangs have not yet occupied the fourth-level gang resident. If they occupy another 4 The level gang will be left to the Ouyang family to a large extent, which is very important to the Ouyang family, so Ouyang Feiri blurted out a proposal to keep the British server and occupy another level 4 gang.

"Yes, when the British server is the weakest at this time, we naturally have to take advantage of his illness to kill him." The general took the conversation, and he continued after a short pause: "Because the German server and other servers have occupied some of the British servers. The gang site means that these servers can mobilize a large number of players to attack the gang site we occupy, so we would have difficulty protecting the fire dragon city, but if we occupy more 4th level sites, then there will be multiple gangs sharing this Pressure, the chance of holding Fire Dragon City will be greater."

"Well, staying to attack the 4th-level gang resident of the British server is also an option." Ye Yufei said, waiting for Ouyang Feitian and others to reveal the color of information, her tone changed: "But we have another choice, For example, at this time, we sneak into the French server or the German server and then work on it. So although our pressure will be slightly greater, after all, the power of the server such as the German server is not as expensive as the British server, but this can further reduce the pressure on the server such as the Russian server. , And they will occupy more German service gang sites."

"Yes, it is good for us to reduce the pressure on Russian servers and other servers and let them occupy more of the gang sites of German clothing. At least they can share a lot of pressure for us." Daughter Hong took the stubbornness and said while watching. Xiang everyone: "In the long run, this is better."

"In addition, we can sneak into the German server and have the opportunity to capture some level 4 gang sites, and even occupy multiple level 3 gang sites. The benefits obtained in this way are greater than the other level 4 gang sites of the British server." Daughter red said. .

Hearing that, the expressions of Ouyang Family and others have become a little difficult to look at, because they also know that if they sneak into servers such as German servers, then all they have to do is to first act on the level 3 county town of the server. There will be many changes during this period. In this way, the chance of occupying the 4th gang resident will be greatly reduced.

"Both arrangements are feasible." Feng Xingdao, and then she looked at the fireworks easily cold: "Fireworks girl, do you think we should choose?"

"It can be done at the same time." Fireworks Yi Leng suddenly said. Seeing everyone's puzzled look, she explained: "Next we will capture another 4th level gang site in the British server, and at the same time let Ye Luo lead an elite team to sneak in. The German service went to sneak attack..."

"The soldiers are divided into two groups, is this a bit too reluctant?" Long Teng Tianxia said, and when he said this, his tone was a little worried.

"Sister Feng still retains the [Yatari Mirror*Fantasy Domain]. Yue'er can also summon the Yaki Orochi. Using these assassins, we have a chance to occupy another 4th level gang site in the British server. What's more, we still retain Less [Group Blessing Scroll]." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, if Tokyo Myth and others try their best to stop us, then we can also use the [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to drop the leaves. An elite team teleports back, so there is no problem."

"This is also true. At this time, the initiative is in our hands. We can do that." Inviting Yue to toast. When he said this, his tone was full of excitement: "Not to mention that the beauty of poetry will soon lead A group of masters have sneaked into the plus server, and the Russian and Korean servers will go all out to attack the city. This will increase the pressure on the plus server. Not surprisingly, the Japanese server, Hanbok and the US server will send some masters to support."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, they have already used [Yaki Tianxiang] and other assassin skills. At this time, they are not too threatening to us, especially the beautiful women who still retain so many assassins. ." Invited Yueyue to toast and added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and the matter was settled like this.

Of course, what they have to do at this time is to kill and drive away all the players who are still in Fire Dragon City. In addition, they will occupy all the walls of Fire Dragon City. After all, only in this way will they be more relaxed.

However, this was very easy for Ye Luo and the others, especially after Tokyo Shinhwa and others gave up defending Fire Dragon City. Soon they occupied all the walls of Fire Dragon City and installed mobile magic crystal cannons. The people of Tokyo Mythology and others who made a comeback to the Chinese server can easily deal with it. What's more, all the other server players in the Fire Dragon City have been killed or driven away at this time, and the power of the Chinese server has occupied a comprehensive advantage.

"Fireworks, who should I follow Ye Luo to sneak into the German clothing?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked expectantly, and she did not forget to continue attacking as she said: "Do you think I can succeed? Hey, Ye Luo's strength is very good. It's great, but you also need some helpers to follow, so that you can occupy some level 3 counties in the German server. After all, it is not enough to just hold down some players in the server such as German server."

"You still have to stay with us to attack the next level 4 county city in the British server. After all, we are going to attack the level 4 county city. We need some super masters." The firework was cold, and then his tone changed: "As for Ye Luo The leading candidates, their main task is to pin down players in the German server and then create more opportunities for servers such as the Russian server. It doesn't matter if the power is weaker."

After a short pause, the fireworks were easy to be cold and continued: "But if you can occupy some 3rd-level county towns in the German service, it will be better. Therefore, the team with Ye Luo also needs some masters, preferably dual professional archers. In addition to me, Other dual-professional archers besides Yanyu Xiaoxiao can follow Ye Luo. In addition, some priests are needed. Sister Qin and Saturday also need to pass. In addition, there are some melee players who assist Ye Luo. A toast every month..."

"Let my eldest brother pass too." Suddenly, Ye Yufei said, and she said this with a smile on her mouth: "My eldest brother is an ice swordsman, with strong control, and he will sneak into the German service with brother Ye Luo. Can help a lot."

Although Ye Luo and their main task is to contain the combat power of servers such as German servers, they still have a great opportunity to occupy the third-level county towns of German servers, especially when server alliances such as Russian servers play against German servers. And letting Yeyutiange and other masters follow means that gangs such as the Yeyu Family will also have the opportunity to occupy these gang sites, which is a very good reward.

Other gangs naturally know this, so they also recommend their people to follow.

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