VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2694: : Dive into the German service

According to the current situation, Fireworks Yi Leng decided to do a two-pronged approach. The large forces continued to attack another 4th level gang site in the British server, while Ye Luo led an elite team to sneak into the German server to relieve the pressure on the Russian server and other servers and then let them occupy More German service gang resident sites, of course, if you have the opportunity, you must also occupy some of the German service level 3 county cities.

They also know that following Ye Luo into the German service will also have a lot of benefits, so the major gangs began to recommend manpower to the fireworks.

I also know that the major gangs also want to share a piece of the pie, and because it is the action of the entire Zhongfu at this time, it is not good not to let the people of which gang follow. After a little thought, the fireworks is easy to cold and the decision is made, she said lightly : "Except for the manpower I mentioned before, each gang sends two melee players to follow Ye Luo. They must be dual-professional players. Do you have any comments?"

I also know that the arrangement of fireworks is the most fair, so everyone has no objection. This is the decision.

"As for the gang sites under occupation, they are allocated one by one according to the gang ranking, how about?" Yi Leng continued, and her arrangement was fair, so everyone had no objection.

"For precaution, let Yingyue Contrasting Shadows follow Ye Luo and them." Yi Leng Yi Leng continued to give orders, and while she said she looked at Yingyue Contrasting Shadows: "Inviting Yueys Contrasting Shadow, after sneaking into the German service, you hide in In a secret and safe place, always pay attention to Ye Luo and their situation, and use the [Space Portal] to teleport them away if there is any danger."

"Well, don't worry, there will be no problem." Yaoyue vowed to Yingxin.

Next, everyone continued to attack and quickly attacked all the walls of Fire Dragon City, and the other players in Fire Dragon City were killed or driven away except for the protection of [Space Enchantment]. Not surprisingly, they must be Can capture it, so Ye Luo and the others don't need to stay anymore, and then go to Defu.

Because Yingyue Duying has been in the German service activities for some time and then left some teleportation points, everyone's actions are also very smooth, which is why the fireworks Yi Leng suggested that he follow Ye Luo and others to act.

Not to mention that Ye Luo took a group of masters into the German clothing, and that the fireworks are easy to cold their situation.

Because they have to wait for the space barrier to disappear, the fireworks tend to be cold. They can’t immediately do it on another Level 4 gang station, but it’s not a problem to make some arrangements in advance, such as which gang station to choose, how to attack the city. So much.

"Fireworks, which gang resident of the British server will we do next?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "It's better to do it on Black Ice City, that gang resident should be other than Fire Dragon City Outside the British server, the defense power of the 4th-level royal city is the weakest. After all, the city guards of this gang resident are only Primordial God-level."

"It's not very good to work on Black Ice City." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head. Seeing the puzzled look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, she continued: "We have to consider the matter of defending the city, although Black Ice City It is the weakest level 4 gang site except Fire Dragon City, but there are 4 or 5 level 4 king cities around this gang site, and they are even surrounded, which means that the British server can send a large number of players to besiege Black Ice City At the worst, it will make it easier for them to mobilize their forces. It is undoubtedly difficult to defend Black Ice City like this."

"Oh, that's true too." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then changed her tone, she asked: "Since we don't do anything against Black Ice City, which gang resident shall we do against?"

"Black Sun City." Ye Yu Fei Fei's voice sounded, and she continued with a slight smile: "Black Sun City is not too far from Fire Dragon City. The most important thing is that there are only 1 and 2 4th level gangs around, and relatively far away. , The most important thing is that Black Dragon City is not too far from Fire Dragon City. These two gang resident sites can form a horn, so that even if they still can’t hold them, they can contain more enemies’ combat power and cause greater damage. Casualties and attrition."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, if you place [Guardian of Yaki] on top of the Fire Dragon City, and there is another Black Sun City around, then there is no chance to defend it, at least it will be easier to defend one."

"Yes, it's better to do it with Black Sun City." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Although Black Sun City's defense items are holy, they can only summon land monsters. This will pose a small threat to us. Many, after all, most of the players we dispatched have mastered flying skills."

Since the fireworks are easy to get cold, and the rain at night Fei Fei said so, then this matter is also set.

"Hey, everyone, if we take down the Black Sun City, should we let the Ouyang family occupy it?" Ouyang Feiri said, while looking at everyone: "We have found some allies to help defend the city, and we We have also obtained a holy city guarding item. If the Fire Dragon City is placed in the [Guardian of Eight Qi], we will have a better chance to defend it. From these aspects, it is better for our Ouyang family to occupy the Black Sun City. "

Speaking of these, Ouyang Feiri focused his gaze on Firework Yi Leng, which meant it was self-evident.

"Well, we don't have any opinions in Miomi Pavilion." Yanhui Yi said coldly, and then her tone changed: "If the other gangs have no opinions, then it is entirely possible for Black Sun City to belong to you."

"We have no opinion in the Yi Nian family." The Yi Nian family hurriedly said, this was also discussed with them by the Ouyang Family.

I also know that it is time for Ouyang Family to obtain a Level 4 gang resident, so other gangs have no opinion. Of course, at this time, Fengxing and other gangs also put forward some conditions, such as paying other gangs according to the conditions of the fine wine family occupying Castlevania. Some remuneration, the Ouyang family did not have any opinion on this, although at this time they were very envious and even jealous of the Long Family-because of the Misty Pavilion, the Long Family did not need to pay the major gangs, even if Long Teng Tianxia proposed to average the tax on Fire Dragon City To distribute to the major gangs, at least there is no need to pay other kinds of remuneration compared to the Ouyang Family Long Family.

Not to mention that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they continue to wait for the space barrier to disappear, and that Ye Luo and the others have sneaked into the German clothes.

"Brother Ye Luo, next, shall we directly attack a level 3 county town in the German server or directly attack the gang station that is besieging the server players such as the Russian server?" Yan Yue directly asked the film, the wine family and the Misty Pavilion The relationship is very good, so I don’t need to be polite.

"Going directly to the Russian server and other servers will make it easier for them to occupy the German server's gang site, but we will lose a little bit." Dongfang Zhantian said coldly, and then his tone changed: "So I propose to directly confront the German server. The gang’s resident location will also be able to contain a large number of German service forces and then reduce the pressure on Russian servers and other servers."

"Well, it's better to directly work on the gang resident of Defu." Long Teng said in a deep voice, while talking about him while looking at Ye Luo: "After all, we are not allies with Russian servers and other servers. There is no need to abandon our own interests. Help them, even if their growth is more or less good for us."

Because the leader of the team this time is Ye Luo, the most important thing is that everyone knows that he also has high attainments in command and tactical arrangements, and he is not even inferior to the Eastern Stars, Fireworks and others, so all decisions are ultimately made by him. .

“It’s better for us to directly attack the 3rd-level county town of the German server.” Ye Luo quickly made a decision: “Although this can’t directly help the Russian server and other servers, as time goes by, the German server we occupy There are more and more gangs, so naturally it can help them. The most important thing is that we can also get a lot of benefits from it."

Because the major servers occupy some gang sites in the British server, and the Chinese server has already occupied the gang sites of multiple servers, this means that the pressure on the Chinese server will be great, so you need to occupy some gang sites in the German server to obtain [Group Blessing Scroll] Waiting for the reward.

Everyone also expressed their support for Ye Luo's decision. Then he invited the moon to the shadow without saying much, and directly teleported to a place not too far away from the third-level gang station, and then used the [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and his group. In the past, after Ye Luo and others began to attack the city, he retreated, looking for a hidden place to hide-as the fireworks Yi Leng said, the most important task of inviting the moon to the shadows is to display [Space Portal] at any time. Teleporting Ye Luo and others to ensure their safety, so it is very important to invite the moon to be safe and hide in a safe place.

In the previous battles, the German server had already consumed a lot, and now the Russian server and other servers have held back most of the combat power, so the defense of the third-level county city is much weaker, plus Ye Luo and Qian The cup is not drunk and leads the battle. Although they did not use the ultimate move and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], they were full of attack power, and the damage output was also extremely impressive, so they easily killed 30 meters from the city wall.

Next, Eastern Zhantian and other melee players are responsible for intercepting players who rushed out of the German service, while Ye Luo and other dual-professional archers attacked 30 meters away from the city wall, or attacked the German players who rushed out, or displayed Group attack skills are controlled, but their most important task is to attack the defense equipment on the city wall. After all, destroying them can greatly reduce their pressure.

Although the damage output of the defense equipment of the level 3 county city is quite good, but at this time, Ye Luo and the others are standing behind them, sitting on the piano, Saturday and other double professional priests. There is no problem for everyone under the powerful healing output, especially Sitting on the piano heart, they cast [Spell Immunity] or [Dispel] from time to time to dispel the negative state of everyone.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo and the others can attack unscrupulously, and as this continues, they will soon be able to destroy all the defense equipment on this side, and the next step is to occupy this gang resident.

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