VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 277: : Violent kill

Ye Luo defeated the six masters of the Tiandi League in a row, and everyone present was shocked. Some celebrity list masters knew that by virtue of this kind of record, they were qualified to accept the test of the celebrity list masters. The next step was to watch a new celebrity list master. born.

Compared with the shock of everyone, the people of the Misty Pavilion were more happy, thinking that Misty Pavilion would have one more celebrity list master, and the gang ranking would be more stable as a result, they were very happy.

Compared with the joy of the people in the Misty Pavilion, everyone in the Tiandi League looked solemn and even a little worried. They don't care much about the bets, they care about the face. At this time, almost half of the celebrities in the game industry arrived and were defeated in front of them. This was extremely embarrassing, and it also had a great impact on the development of the Tiandi League.

"Isn't it just that I have defeated a few people? As for this?" Da Mo said coldly, his whole body killing intent: "He can pick six, so can I, and even I can kill all of them. Killed."

Maybe people say this, Tiandi and others will sneer at it, but it is the desert solitary smoke, which is ranked 18th in the celebrity list, which ranks much higher than the desert solitary smoke and the fireworks are easy to cold. It is not impossible to reverse the adversity.

Thinking of this, Tiandi and others settled in their hearts and continued to watch the next battle.

The next one to appear is Heaven and Earth Beast, a summoner with a gold-level BOSS summoned beast.

He summoned his own summoned beast the first time he appeared on the stage. It was a purple-black centipede that was nearly ten feet long. It moved with a hundred feet and moved at a fast speed. The huge chelating teeth were shifting, and the light flashed. Obviously this summoned beast was highly poisonous.

Command the summoned beast to attack Ye Luo, while the heaven and earth beast adds various states to it, so that the centipede's defense and attack have increased a lot. After adding the status, the heaven and earth beasts also raised their magic wand, and energy **** attacked Ye Luo one by one.

The summoner does not have any attack skills, but the attack is a magic attack. The heaven and earth beasts have full intelligence and the attack is good. Normal attacks can cause nearly a thousand damage to Ye Luo, and he can walk with Ye Luo under the cover of the summoned beast. Bit, plus he also has [flicker], it's quite safe to meet for a while.

If someone else is fighting the summoner, then all you have to do is to avoid the summoned beast by virtue of speed, and then force the summoner to use [Flash], and then kill it. As long as the summoner is killed, the summoned beast will disappear automatically.

However, the centipede summoned by the heaven and earth beasts is a gold-level boss, good at speed, and there is a poison in the attack, which can cause a certain amount of good damage. Not to mention that it can slow down under the attack of the poison, so it is undoubtedly difficult to catch up with the summoner.

Ye Luo also discovered this. He swallowed a mutated [Danshen Pill] to increase Qi and blood by 3000, and took a high-level [Detoxification Pill], coupled with the existence of [Poison Resistance Heart], it was almost Immune to poisonous effects.

I calculated it in my mind and found that the speed of the centipede was still a little faster than his own. Ye Luo dispelled the plan to avoid it, and directly faced the attack of the heaven and earth beast and the centipede.

It was a combination of skills as soon as it was shot, and a set of high-attack skills knocked out the 15,000 blood of that centipede.

The centipede's qi and blood growth aptitude was pretty good, with about 25,000 qi and blood, but he didn't want to be knocked out by Ye Luo's set of skills, which made everyone present stunned.

The most shocking is the beast of heaven and earth. He hurriedly used [Grace] on his summoned beast, which restored about 30% of its vitality, but it was nothing compared to Ye Luo's attack.

[Grace] The display interval is 30 seconds, which means that the centipede can only recover by itself during this period.

Ye Luo wouldn't be polite with it. After [Fear Slash], he used [Samsara Blow], plus two group attack skills, to easily empty the centipede's energy. Under the combined attack of the heaven and earth beasts and the centipede, he could not lose 20,000 blood and blood. Among them, he took the pill to restore nearly 4,000. Directly attacking the centipede 15% also recovered 3,000 blood and blood, plus the soul crystal self-recovery. , It has recovered nearly 1,000, and the blood is considered healthy.

After solving the centipede, Ye Luo changed to the mutated Haifeng Wan, and then headed towards him against the magical attack of the Heaven and Earth Beast.

After the summoned beast dies, the next summon is 5 minutes later, which means that during this period of time, the heaven and earth beasts can only attack with ordinary magic. This is undoubtedly a foolish dream to kill Ye Luo.

The next thing is very simple. Ye Luo uses his speed to force the Heaven and Earth Beast to display [Flashing], and then continue to chase. He does not use group attack skills, only single skills. This is not only because of the high damage, because Only single skills or ordinary attacks can exert the effect of bloodsucking.

After solving the Tiandi Beast, he took once [Danshen Pills], plus 15% of the blood sucking, but also recovered a lot of blood, at least when he completed the kill, his blood was around 35,000 points, which is already full The state is 90%.

Seeing Ye Luo solving the summoned beast and the summoner so violently, most of the people watching the battle were dumbfounded. This fighting method directly subverted their previous cognition. After all, fighting the summoner in their hearts and avoiding the attack of the summoned beast is the first choice. Never thought of killing the summoned beast directly.

"Ye Luo's attack is already 5000. It is the wisest way to directly solve the summoned beast with such a high attack." Bacchus Dukang nodded, and his tone was full of approval: "Yes, yes. When solving problems, he solves them violently. He has a good grasp of the situation and is not worse than many old game players."

"Well, it doesn't stick to the form, this little handsome guy is very good." The daughter Hong was not stingy with praise, and then her tone changed, she muttered: "Why can't this little handsome guy be recruited to our fine wine family, not to mention his strength Yes, it’s a lot more comfortable to look so handsome than you guys who are sorry for the audience."

Listening to the ridicule of daughter Hong, inviting Yueyue to raise a glass and others, it was not too embarrassing to mention them. They all sneered and laughed. They wisely chose not to reason with it and continued to watch the competition.

On the other side, seeing Ye Luo solve his opponent so easily and simply, Othello and others also praised him, Zhiyue muttered: "So I can deal with the summoner like this, if I face brother Shang Ye, I don't know if I can resist it. live?"

"The attack, vitality, and defense of the Ice and Fire Devil Tiger King are higher than that of the centipede, and your equipment is better than that of the heaven and earth beasts. Ye Luo will lose a lot of against you with the previous tactics, and he is also a bit risky. The firework said coldly, and then her tone changed, she continued: "However, you are still more than 80% sure of losing in the battle. After all, his recovery ability is too strong. Attacking the Ice and Fire Demon Tiger's blood-sucking is almost equal to your attack."

"Yeah, too." Zhiyue nodded, and then muttered: "It seems that I still have a big gap with Brother Ye. I have to find a powerful hidden career in the future."

"Hey, this is easy. We won the heaven and earth alliance. If the scroll we won is suitable for you to use, we will give it to you." Breaking the waves ride the wind, her tone changed: "The last hidden career scroll should be given to you, but you can't It can only be used for Othello."

Hearing this, Zhiyue's eyes, like black jewels, were a little brighter, and she was quite excited: "Sister Feng, really?!"

"Of course it's true, I always say the same thing." Po Lang Riding the wind patted the towering mountain.

"Sister Feng, the bet-hidden career scroll of the Heaven and Earth Alliance this time is still not suitable for summoners." Suddenly, the samādhi poem said, she was slightly taken aback when she saw the waves and wind, she explained: "That heaven and earth beast is also a very good summoner. Now, if there is a hidden career scroll used by a summoner, Heaven and Earth will not be reluctant to let him use it."

"Uh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then changed his tone: "So it's impossible for Berserkers and Magicians to use them, after all, they were ordinary professions before."

"So there are only swordsmen, knights, boxers, archers, assassins, and priests left." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "But the swordsman is the main attacker and priest of a team. The role is also very important. Tiandi is reluctant to give us these two hidden career scrolls, so only boxers, knights and archers are left..."

"The role of the knight is also very important." Othello snatched the conversation, she was puzzled: "But why were they willing to use the hidden career scroll as a bet before?"

"That's because some of them are capable of being a knight, so there is no need to hide knights from the profession for the time being." The firework was cold. She looked at the sky and the desert: "It seems that the sword demon and the magic warrior have two A profession has a strong defense, or a strong recovery ability, after all, a flame swordsman is not suitable for being a knight."

"Oh, let's be careful about them." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and then her tone changed: "But there is nothing to worry about, Ye Luo has already picked seven, and there is no big problem with the sunset on the river. Even if the two of us are both offensive and defensive occupations, it is nothing, the rest of us can easily solve it."

"I'm afraid that their ability to recover is extremely strong, or they have powerful skills to add vitality and blood, just like Ye Luo." The firework is easy to cold, and her brows that are exposed outside the veil are slightly frowned: "In this way, they may also be possible. Like Ye Luo, he picked six or seven people, and even when he faced me and Sister Feng, he remained full of blood."

"It's also possible." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and then changed his tone: "But if nothing happens, Ye Luo will be almost full against the sunset over the Long River. At least he will be evenly matched against the heaven and earth. The two will finally decide. In the victory or defeat, it is the residual blood, and all the blood-increasing skills are used. This skill has CD time, and then Xiaoshu can kill it with a set of skills."

"Hey, this is okay." The Book Monster laughed in the middle of the night, and then changed his tone: "Let’s analyze what kind of occupation the hidden occupation scroll is suitable for. Other occupations are excluded. Only boxers, assassins, archers and knights are left. No, the possibility of the Cavaliers is not high, because we have already lost one. Next are the boxers, assassins and archers. Which one will it be?"

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