VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 278: : Magical footwork

"These are all possible, and they may even be hidden scrolls suitable for knights. Who said that if you have one, you can't have a second?" The firework was easy to cold, and then his tone changed: "It is meaningless to guess and analyze these. If we win, we know it naturally, and if we can't win, then guessing is even more meaningless."

Nodded, knowing so, Midnight Shu no longer entangled with this problem. Looking at the desert Guyan and Tiandi across the ring, he laughed: "Hey, the faces of Damo Guyan and Tiandi are a bit ugly. They should be in a bad mood. it's not good."

"It's not only bad, I'm afraid the lungs will explode," said June Feixue, with a smile on her face: "I don't know what they are talking about? How about winning the final battle? ."

That’s right, the faces of the people like Damo Guyan and Tiandi are not good-looking, but they are not talking about how to win the game, but blaming the first seven people. Tiandi said: "You seven, don’t ask you to win Ye Luo Zhiqiu , After all, he is a bit strong, but you can always force him to use some of the exclusive skills of reincarnation, it seems that they are all advanced skills of the swordsman system."

"Boss, we have tried our best." Tiandi Beast said, his face was full of unwillingness: "You have also seen, his attack is outrageous, facing the summoner actually killed the summoned beast directly, so I can do nothing at all. No."

Among the people, the most helpless against defeat was the Heaven and Earth Beast. After all, he had no way to deal with such a direct and domineering Ye Luo. When the beast was summoned to death, his speed was no better than Ye Luo, and he was powerless to defend against the sky.

"Boss of heaven and earth, no wonder they, this leaf drop is a bit strong." Da Mo Guyan spoke for the heaven and earth beasts. Seeing heaven and earth's expression turned slightly, he looked at the sunset in the long river that had already appeared on the stage: "Let's see if the sunset can force it out Ye Luo uses the reincarnation skills, I think it should still be possible."

I have also seen the strength of the sunset in Changhe, and the expressions of heaven and earth stretched a lot, so I continued to watch.

If the people like Po Lang Cheng Feng learn that these problems are entangled by the people of Heaven and Earth, I don't know if they will laugh and stomach pain. After all, Yeluo's exclusive skills are passive skills.

While they were talking about this, Changhe Sunset had already arrived in the middle of the ring. He held the scarlet [Flame Sword] and saluted, and then his momentum changed. The original childishness and innocence were swept away, and he became wary. , With a faint momentum, he said: "Brother, your operation is very good, why don't we fight for it."

When I was in Luoshui Town, I also saw the relationship between Changhe Sunset and June Feixue and others. I also knew what kind of person he was. He held the sword in return and nodded, "Okay."

Feeling the sudden rise of the sunset in the Changhe River, Ye Luo also knew that he was a master, but he did not despise him, and stood upright [Blade of Reincarnation] to meet him.

The fiery red long sword fought with the black and white long sword, and the horns of the sword rang through the ring, while the sunset of the river and Ye Luo leaped up, and the two crossed after one blow, and then immediately turned around, the sword swept across. Attack the back of the opponent directly.

It's just that the two of them have turned around, and the long swords fought together again, still not attacking the enemy.

Stepping out below, Changhe sunset walked in a beautiful arc, and then the long sword pierced Ye Luo's left arm.

Players mostly hold weapons in their right hands and have nothing in their left hands. Attacking the left hand in this way is the best choice. After all, right-hand weapons have to go around a large circle to block, which will undoubtedly delay some time.

Moreover, from the previous battle between Ye Luo and Tiandi Kuang and the others, Changhe Sunset felt that Ye Luo's left hand was a little uncoordinated, so he focused on attacking this weakness.

Secretly praised the Changhe sunset with keen observation, but Ye Luo kept moving, his figure flashed and avoided, and then wanted to attack with a sword, but did not want Changhe sunset's attack to attack again.

That's right, as if he knew that his blow would be avoided, Changhe's movements kept on setting sun, his figure drew another arc, and he didn't know how to circle to Ye Luo's back left again, and attack his left arm again. .

For a moment, Ye Luo escaped again with the advantage of speed, but his eyes were fixed at the foot of Changhe sunset, because he faintly discovered the strange movement of him.

Sure enough, the sunset in Changhe slid again, and after a beautiful arc, he circled to the left and back of Ye Luo again, and attacked again, like a shadow, like a tarsal maggot.

With his body slightly turned sideways, Ye Luo waved his sword to block this time, watching the setting sun on the long river that was touching and leaving. He muttered to himself: "Some time ago, I heard Sister Feng said the '8' footwork and double footwork. The '8' footwork seems to be called Butterfly Step by another name. I have also watched the demonstrations by Sister Feng and Xiaoshu, but his footwork seems to be more than just a butterfly step. What footwork is it?"

Relying on the advantages of reaction speed and the short interval between long sword attacks, Ye Luo could easily block the attack of Changhe sunset, while observing the footwork of Changhe sunset while blocking.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Luo has been crushed and beaten by the sunset over the long river, looking like the wind is all down. Some people can't help but cheer up, especially the Heaven and Earth Alliance and those who have overcome the world.

"What's the matter with Ye Luo, why do you just fight for the operation?" Othello is puzzled: "Only one [charge] can dizzy the sunset of the Long River. If you can't use various skills, you can easily solve him. Why now only As for the operation, doesn't he know that his operation still has some flaws?"

"It should be the two who have agreed to only fight, man, credibility first." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she has a more favorable impression of Ye Luo: "For ordinary people, Ye Luo can win by virtue of his skill and professional advantages, but This trick won’t work when playing against a master. What he has to do now is to improve his operation as soon as possible. Now it’s okay to practice with the sunset of the river. Anyway, he won’t rely on his reaction speed and the advantage of the interval between the use of the sword. lose."

"Yes, Uncle Ye Luo recovers so quickly, even if he is accidentally attacked one or two times, it will be difficult for the little kid in Changhe Sunset to kill him." June Feixue said.

"Ye Luo is observing the footwork of the sunset in the Changhe River, maybe you will have some clues." Samadhi Shi said suddenly, smiling slightly, she said to herself: "Combining the Four Elephant Array with the Butterfly Walk, the sunset in the Changhe River can be considered a genius. I don't know if Ye Luo can discover this."

"Four elephant footwork?" Jian Wu was taken aback for a moment, a little unclear.

Not only her, but Tuesue, Zhiyue and others also showed doubts. Only the three people, such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks, and the book in the middle of the night, remained unchanged. Obviously they are worth it

"Four elephants footwork is actually very simple, it is to center on yourself, move back and forth, left and right." Samadhi Shi explained, seeing Zhiyue and others showing a sudden look: "Of course, the footwork is simple, but how to use it properly in combat That’s the most important thing. There is no doubt that Changhe Sunset has been very skilled in using this footwork, and it can even be combined with butterfly steps, which is considered a fighting genius."

"The four elephant footwork only moves back and forth, opening and closing, which is not very practical in battle." The calligraphy in the middle of the night, and then the tone changed: "However, the butterfly step is mainly curved, which is quite smooth, which makes up for it. The disadvantage of the Four Elephant footwork is that Changhe Sunset can integrate the two footwork together, and the actual combat value has increased very high. At the very least, using this footwork can always follow the shadow and look for opportunities to attack. This will gradually gain an advantage."

"You talked about the sunset in Changhe so badly, wouldn't Brother Ye lose?" Zhiyue said, she began to worry.

"Hey, don't worry. Big Brother Ye is so powerful. Only a four-elephant combined with a butterfly step can't trouble him." Midnight Shu didn't care, he was very confident in Ye Luo's strength: "In reality I have played against Big Brother Ye. His footwork is much more profound than the Four Elephant footwork, but he hasn't integrated it into the game yet."

"Hey, Brother Ye knows such footwork too?" Zhiyue said lightly, she was curious: "What footwork does he master?"

"The Jiugong Bagua footwork is a footwork that combines the Jiu Gong with the Bagua." The fireworks said coldly. Seeing that several people showed a dazed look, she continued: "This type of footwork is very complicated. Tell you. You won’t understand it for a while. But I’ve observed that Jiugong Bagua footwork is most suitable for fighting with two-handed weapons. Ye Luo can only use one hand in the game, so he can’t take advantage of footwork.”

"Yes, and because many settings of the game are a bit different from reality, he still can't integrate the nine palaces and gossip steps into the game." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then the tone changed: "The most suitable footwork for the game is The butterfly step, especially the positive and negative butterfly step, may be inspired by the footwork of the sunset in the river."

"Nine palaces and gossip, these seem to be more profound than the four elephants. Doesn't this mean that Brother Ye's footwork is much better than that of Changhe Sunset." Zhiyue said, she was a little excited: "Since Brother Ye has such a profound body skill , Then you must be able to see the footwork of Changhe Sunset, and it is not difficult to defeat him."

"Well, it's like this in theory." In the middle of the night, he was looking forward to the call: "I am a little curious about how Big Brother Ye will combine footwork with games. Hey, he should be better."

"Then let's wait and see." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Knowing that Ye Luo would not lose, Zhiyue and the others also breathed a sigh of relief and continued to watch the match.

On the other side, seeing the sunset over the Changhe River, Tiandijie and others became excited. They all wished that the sunset over the Changhe River would kill Ye Luo in one fell swoop, and then kill the others in the Misty Pavilion one by one.

However, Tiandi and Damo's lonely smoke look a little more solemn, the former said: "Although the setting sun has the upper hand now, there is nothing to do with Ye Luo, and it seems a bit unrealistic to kill Ye Luo by operation and ordinary attacks..."

"That's right, not to mention that Ye Luo's attack interval is short, reaction speed and movement speed are all accounted for and it is difficult to be attacked. Even if the sunset attack causes him not much damage, he can only rely on his strong recovery ability. "Da Mo Lone Smoke Road, and then sighed: "If the sunset can display skills, relying on the powerful output ability of the Flame Swordsman..."

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