VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2816: : Assassination against assassination

That’s right, only after a certain number of assassins sneak into a server can it cause a certain degree of riots and then a greater threat to it, and although the major servers have not sent too many assassins into the server, there are so many servers. The total number is a little too much, and it is precisely because the number is so large that the fireworks are easy to get cold, so that the assassins in the Chinese server will intercept them.

However, in order to intercept the assassins who sneak into the server, the server has to send a lot of assassins, especially the elite assassins of the major gangs, so that the assassins that can be sent into the server are much less, as mentioned before, the small number of assassins can’t cause the target Too big threats, such as tickle actions, have no meaning at all.

What's more, assassins who are currently fancy server can only sneak into one goal, so that other goals can continue to develop, which still does not have much impact on the overall situation, and after realizing this, Ye Yufei directly stated that this approach is fundamental. It makes no sense.

And at this time, Ye Luo put forward a suggestion—they can sneak attacks on major servers from time to time, just like before attacking the Baqi City of Japanese servers.

Yes, maybe some assassins can't pose any threat to the target, but if it is an elite team composed of Ye Luo and their masters, it will be different, and if they have a lot of [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll] or [Group] Teleportation Scroll] There is still a great opportunity to capture the gang resident of the target server, just as they did with the Japanese server's Yaki City.

Occupying the gangs of the target server, this threat is much greater than sending assassins. The most important thing is that Yeluo and the others will sneak attacks from time to time, and the targets of the sneak attacks are different. This will undoubtedly make the major servers even more panic. Have to send more forces to defend, so that it can have a great containment effect on them.

Of course, occupying the gang sites of the major servers can also give Zhongfu a very good harvest. For example, it is possible to obtain national weapons. The worst is the [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Teleportation Scroll]. A lot of killer features, so the next action [biqusa www.biqusa.info] will be easier.

Everyone is wise, and they soon want to understand this, and they also think this is a very good practice.

"Of course, it will be better if we save up some killer tricks before we can do it. For example, we get some [Group Blessing Scrolls], [Cross Server*Group Teleportation Scrolls] or something." Ye Luo continued, after a short pause, he continued. "But it’s not a hassle to get these. For example, we have already occupied Yachi City, and we can get system rewards tomorrow, and there will be directly 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Cross Server* Group Transmission Scrolls]. In addition, during the period we did missions and hunted high-ranking bosses, some of the gains should be enough for us to take down the target gang resident, especially in the case of sneak attacks."

"Yes, we have this strength." Dongfang Star took the stubbornness, and then she changed her tone: "Of course, even if they can force the people from the major servers back to support them, it can cause them a lot of trouble, and this It is very beneficial to us, at least the initiative is in our hands."

Compared with sending assassins to sneak into other servers for assassinations, the people in China Server are more inclined to carry out sneak attacks from time to time by Ye Luo and others. After all, this poses a greater threat to the major servers. The most important thing is the gangs that have the opportunity to occupy the major servers. Residents, so that they can get more benefits, so everyone agreed to Ye Luo's proposal, and this matter was settled.

Of course, because the players in the Chinese server have not received much [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, and the people from the major servers have returned from the Sky City and are prepared, so they did not act immediately, but were prepared to wait. Next, Ye Luo and a group of people rushed to the Sky City to do missions and kill monsters, while the assassins in the middle server such as Midnight Shu went to intercept the assassins of the major servers.

"Fireworks, the total number of assassins dispatched by the major servers is too much, and there are many super assassins such as the colorful monster fox and the hero's blade. They may not be able to cope with the small book." Po Lang said, and then her tone changed. Looking expectantly at the fireworks, it's easy to get cold: "Fireworks, why don't you let me go too, hey, I have the most experience against those assassins. The heavy armor profession is almost their nemesis."

"Sister Feng, the people on the major servers are eager for you or Ye Luo to entangle those assassins, because even if you can intercept and kill many assassins, you will waste a lot of time. With this time, you should have completed some difficult tasks. Missions or hunting down bosses with very good grades will give you more benefits." Samadhi discouraged, and then changed his tone: "In addition, although the number of dual-professional assassins in our server is not as good as that of major servers. Yes, it’s not even as good as sneaking into our server, but don’t forget that there are also many super masters among our assassins, such as Wuming, Xiaoshu, and Eastern Slaughter, plus Sword Four, Thousand Cups Not Drunk, and Dark Clouds and Rain. Assassin, so the power of the assassins in our server is not much worse than that of the major servers. It should be no problem to intercept them."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubborn words: "After all, the Chinese server is our turf. Our people can support at any time, and it is not only the assassin, but also various other professions, including Restraining the heavy armor profession of assassins, it is not a problem to hunt down some assassins from major servers like this.

"I also know that compared to Sister Feng, who is doing the task, you want to fight with a major server, but you can bear with it a little bit." Sitting on Qin Xin continued: "Because according to the previous proposal of Ye Luo, we will respond from time to time. People from major servers are launching sneak attacks, and you will have to fight against players from major servers at that time, so you can have fun too."

She curled her lips, but the waves and the wind also knew that she could have fun and'kill' in the sneak attacks on the major servers. Of course, the most important thing was that she knew that the benefits of continuing to do missions in the Sky City were more, so she didn't do it anymore. People who are clamoring to intercept the major servers, then do the task patiently.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the middle-server masters are doing missions in Sky City and hunting high-level monsters, and it is said that Midnight Shu and Wuming are going to intercept the assassins who sneak into the middle-server from the major servers.

As Samadhi they said, although the number of dual-professional assassins in the middle server is far less than the number of assassins who sneak into the middle server, assassins like Midnight Book and Wuming are the most powerful assassins in the middle server and the entire game world, especially Dongfang Slaughter. Tian, ​​Wuming, plus this is the site of the Zhongfu, the people of Zhongfu are more convenient to support, so the assassins facing the major servers are not at a disadvantage.

Although many Chinese server players were hunted during the period, there were also many assassins who were hunted on major servers. After being hunted, Chinese server players did not necessarily lose their ranks and explode equipment. After all, every one Players have 5 minutes to lie down, so long enough for players in the server to rush over to support, including priests, the loss of such a server is not much.

However, once the assassins of the major servers are killed, they will almost certainly lose their ranks or even explode their equipment. In this way, although the total number of casualties in the server is larger, the losses of the major servers are not small, at least the major servers want The purpose achieved has not been achieved-the people of the major servers want to use these assassins to make the players of the Chinese server panic or to contain the super masters such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, so far, it seems that these two goals have not been achieved.

Of course, the players who were assassinated in the China server will have some complaints. Some of them blame Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng for not rushing to support them, but most of these are complaints from small gang players or idle players, at least There are no players in the top ten gangs, and the top ten gangs are the root of the game's power in Zhongfu, as long as they mess up, there is no problem with Zhongfu.

Of course, the most important thing is that many people know that China Server will definitely launch a revenge action, and once the retaliation must be a stormy action, and this will cause a lot of trouble and casualties to the major servers, China Server also There will be a lot of benefits from it. After thinking of these, most of the players in the Chinese server have no worries, and even they start to look forward to when they will launch retaliation.

In this way, time passed in the assassination, anti-assassination, and Ye Luo and the others' accumulated various powers. In a blink of an eye, one day passed. After such a long time, the number of assassins who sneaked into the Chinese server was about a quarter, which is not the middle of the night. They didn't kill many, but many assassins sneaked into the middle server again after they were killed, so the total number of assassins still in the middle server did not decrease much.

In fact, the total number of assassins hunted by the assassins in the middle server at this time has exceeded the sum of the assassins who sneaked into the middle server at this time. That is to say, the average level of the assassins who sneaked into the middle server has dropped by 1 level. Although the number of players killed in the middle server is more, It was even several times higher, but most of the players killed were ordinary players, and there were even a lot of players who did not reach level 300, not to mention that many players were resurrected by priests who arrived in time, so the loss of the server was lost. Bigger than the major services.

The most important thing is that 24 hours have passed since the occupation of Baqi City at this time, which means that the Chinese server has received system rewards and then obtained some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Cross-Server*Group Transmission Scrolls], and then Ye Luo They can launch a sneak attack again, especially when the people on the major servers such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are in the sky city.

"Fireworks, at this time we have completely occupied Yachi City, which means that we have obtained system rewards. Occupying the 4th-level gang resident of his service can get 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls, plus People from our gangs did missions and hunted high-ranking bosses and gained some, so that's enough to carry out a sneak attack." Breaking the waves and riding the wind are full of anticipation.

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