VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2817: : Take the initiative

After 24 hours, the rewards for occupying Baqi City have been put in place. 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other rewards can allow Ye Luo and the others to do a lot of things, not to mention the players in the middle server within 1 day. Tasks and killing monsters have also obtained very good benefits, so that they can better support them in a sneak attack.

Although the Chinese server did not suffer much in assassinations and anti-assassinations, it is still keen to take the initiative to attack the passive defense against the waves and the wind, especially when there is a great opportunity to occupy the target gang's location, so After hearing about the system rewards for occupying Yachi City, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind couldn't wait to urge the fireworks Yi Cold to launch a sneak attack again.

"No hurry, let's see if the people on the Japanese server and other servers have done anything to Yachi City." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she was anxious to see the waves and wind, she explained: "The people on the major servers are not Fools, they should have thought that we will launch a sneak attack again after we get the reward of occupying Yaqi City. Not to mention that they are ready to defend at any time, just say that the players who take advantage of us to sneak attack on the Japanese server are also very likely to attack the eight. Qicheng takes action, and even those who add service at the same time will also take action on Redfish City, so we have to arrange defensive strength."

"Of course, we will continue to do our own thing next, so that we can confuse the people of the major servers, so if we launch a sneak attack, we will have a better chance to occupy the target gang site." Firework Yi Leng added.

Although I was a little impatient, Brave Waves and Ride the Wind knew that the fireworks were easy to be cold, so she didn’t persuade anything, but she couldn’t help but muttered: “According to the previous discussions of our major gangs, our major gangs will take out Two-thirds of the six-winged fallen angels’ [recruitment order] is used to defend and occupy the gang’s station of his service. Counting that there are 1, 20 six-winged fallen angels to defend Yaqi City and Redfish City, this is also very Powerful strength, and only the major servers have a chance to break it, but when they join hands, we will rush to the key defense, which will cause them great consumption, and after they have a great consumption It’s easy for us to start with other gang sites."

"So we have to see if the people from the major servers have done anything to Redfish City and Baqi City, and it's not too late for us to use the [Recruitment Order] when they do it." Samadhi Shi said, she was pretty when she said this. The face is full of smiles: "Of course the most important thing is to confuse the big servers, so that they are not sure when we will start and then relax our vigilance, so that our chances of success will be greater."

"Of course, this will make the major servers panic, but we have taken the initiative, so dragging them like this will have a very good effect." Samadhi poetry added.

"Yes, it is not us who should be anxious, but them." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "Next, we will continue to do tasks and kill monsters, so let the people of the major servers worry."

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she did not persuade anything, and then continued to do the task, hunting high-level BOSS, but she was also ready to do it at any time.

"Fireworks, which server shall we choose as the target next?" Curiously asked while doing the task to break the waves and ride the wind, "You said before that we have to work on the servers that border us, and every server must at least be occupied. A gang residence to contain them. Now that we have occupied the gang residence of Japanese clothes and Jiafu, which one should we choose next, Hanbok, India clothes or which?"

"Let's do it again depending on the specific situation." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "But I personally tend to work on printed clothes..."

"Why? Isn't Yinfu the weaker one of the servers bordering us? Why do you deliberately act on them?" June Feixue blurted out: "Should not be the first to act on servers that pose a great threat to us? At present, Hanbok and Southeast Asian clothing pose a greater threat to us."

"Because there are more players in the printing service, and there are a lot of players who can sneak into our server, at this stage the number of players can also pose a great threat to another server, because as time goes by, the higher the player level, the higher The more difficult it is to upgrade, the difference between everyone’s levels gets smaller and smaller.” Samadhi explained on behalf of him: “The level of the players in the India server is not much worse than that of our server. The most important thing is that their players have accumulated a lot in the past so long. Good equipment, especially there are a lot of equipment with flying skills, so printed clothes are a great threat to us, and the worst threat to us will become great over time, so we have to occupy their gang station Then they will restrain their actions, and at least the players who occupy one or two of their gang sites can greatly restrain them from sneaking into the middle server."

"Of course, with the gang station as a springboard, it will be easier for us to act on them and then have a greater containment effect on them." Samadhi Shi added.

"What about Hanbok, when will you start with them?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, "There are many super masters in Hanbok, especially Dark Night. They are also a great threat to us. The most troublesome thing is that the addition of service seems to reach Hanbok. It was an agreement that they occupied a gang site with each other, and the gang site occupied by the hanbok was very close to the border of our Chinese server, which meant that they could also send a large number of players to skip the hanbok and start to work on us."

"Even when the time comes, Hanbok can send a large number of players to Jiafu and then take action against Redfish City. If they do not occupy some of their gangs to contain them, it may really cause us a lot of trouble." Polang Chengfeng added.

That’s right, not long after the people from China Server occupied Baqi City yesterday, they added service and Hanbok each occupied each other’s gang site. They were as smart as samaya and fireworks were easy to cold. They quickly analyzed the two servers doing this. In order to target the service.

"Well, these two servers are also very threatening to us." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "But things must be done step by step. After dealing with the Indian clothes, there is no need to deal with them. Late, in addition, although Jiafu has occupied a gang site in Hanbok, and Hanbok also does the same in Jiafu, it is not so easy for them to capture Redfish City. After all, Redfish City is a level 5 gang site. We are there. There are a lot of defensive forces left behind, and even when they are aggressively attacking the city, we can use some of the [recruitment orders] of the six-wing fallen angels. In such a short time, they have no chance to **** Redfish City back."

"Unless other major servers mobilize heavy troops to rush over, but we will also deploy troops, so even if they can break the Redfish City, there will be great consumption and casualties, so we will be able to deal with other gang sites next. It's easy to succeed." Fireworks Yiyi added.

"Hey, yes, it's not too late for us to work with them after we work on the printed clothes. According to the previous plan, we will at least occupy a gang site on the surrounding server, but this matter needs to be done step by step." Chess Road: "And during this time, what we have to do is get as many sky suits and the [recruitment order] of the six-winged fallen angels as possible, especially the [recruitment order]. After all, as we occupy the other service gang resident, the more The more we come, our defensive power will be somewhat lacking."

And while everyone was talking about this, there was news from the unknown person who sent the Assassin’s House. The players of Jiafu and Hanbok have joined hands on Redfish City. At the same time, the two servers of Japanese and American servers are also preparing to fight against the eighth. Qicheng made hands-on.

"Hey, the people in Hanbok and Jiafu really have to do something to Redfish City. This is good." Polang took the wind and cheered up: "Take advantage of this opportunity to severely inflict them on them, and let them have a great deal of trouble. It’s much easier for us to work with other servers."

Speaking of these breaking waves and riding the wind once again urged everyone to act quickly, but they were blocked by Fireworks Yi Cold, because Fireworks Yi Cold had to ask the people in the Assassin’s House some questions, such as the servers used this time, such as Whether people from other servers have already done so.

"What, only the people of these 4 servers did it, and it's a two-by-two teamwork instead of four servers concentrating on attacking one server?!" After hearing this news, the waves and the wind were full of doubts: "Hey, they too Underestimate us. After all, Redfish City is a level 5 gang resident. Its defense is amazing. Even if you add a server and a hanbok to send a large number of players, no, even if they mobilize all players to attack, it will be difficult to capture it, even if we Only half of the players were mobilized to defend, especially during the first and two days we obtained some [recruitment orders] from six-wing fallen angels."

"As for Bayi City, although Bayi City is only a level 4 gang resident, its defense is also very good. The big deal is that we will send more people to defend. Hey, defending the city has too much advantage than attacking the city, not to mention that we only face There are 4 servers, plus server, US server, Japanese server and Hanbok." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"They should be just tentative attacks." Samadhi said, seeing the puzzled look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, she continued: "The purpose is naturally to contain us, so that we can not concentrate on tasks or hunt high-ranking bosses, the most important thing is The main thing is that the major servers think that this will allow them to take the initiative, and we can only be led by them, so that other servers can take advantage of this opportunity to do the task with peace of mind, at least in the face of such a situation, we can not attack These servers, after all, once we go all out to sneak attacks, they are likely to go all out to attack the city, so there is still a chance to **** Baqi City and Redfish City back."

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