VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 293: : Wind Binding

After reading the introduction of the Storm Assassin [Wind Array], everyone was shocked, lamenting the strangeness and power of this skill.

"Hey, the group attack damage, although the damage is not as good as the flame mage's group attack skills, but it can also slow down the target. The most important thing is that this skill can be used for 5." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "Think about it. Ah, cast 5 such formations in a row, and the enemy stepped on it. That is equivalent to 5 group attack skills."

"The 5 group attack skills are a bit exaggerated. After all, the effective range of the wind array is only 5 meters, and it is difficult to cause damage to too many targets. In addition, when fighting players, they will not foolishly even hit 5 skills. "The firework is easy to cold, and then the tone changed: "Of course, this skill is very good, whether it is killing monsters or PK against the enemy is very useful."

"Hey, tomorrow will be the mission of [Resisting the Demon Army]. I know that there are many monsters when I hear it. I will use a few more of these skills at that time, and the damage output should be very good." The color of expectation.

"Generally speaking, this skill is not bad." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed, she asked: "What are the effects of the other two skills?"

With a faint smile, Midnight Book also posted the illustrations of the other two skills:

[Wind Strike] (Active Skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of the blast assassin, which turns the wind into a thorn, causes 140% damage to a single target, and comes with 100 points of wind attribute damage. Under the influence of the gust of wind, the hostile target's movement speed is reduced by 10%, and the attack speed is reduced by 10% for 5 seconds. Casting skills consumes 200 mana, and the interval between skills is 3 minutes.

[Tear] (Passive skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of blast assassin, gust of wind is like a knife. When attacking, there is a 5% chance to tear the target. The blood in the tearing state will drop 100 points per second for 5 seconds. This effect cannot be superimposed.

"[Wind Strike] damage is very high, and it can also slow down the target, but the beginner has this effect, it is very good, this skill is very useful in single-player PK." Fireworks easily cold instantly analyzed this skill Then his tone changed: "[Tear] skills are also very good, passive output skills, when the level of the small book is higher, the attack speed is faster, this effect is triggered almost always, and the overall output is also very high."

"Hidden occupations are hidden occupations, they are very powerful." Sitting on Qin Xindao, and then looking at the Midnight Book: "Little book, these skills are the exclusive comprehension of the Storm Assassin. I remember that the system also rewards you with a skill. That should be pretty good too."

"Control skills are pretty good." In the middle of the night, Shu nodded, and while speaking, he posted another skill chart:

[Wind Binding] (active and non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of the wind profession. It can control the power of the wind to bind a single hostile target for 3 seconds. The bound target cannot move or attack, and it will drop 1% of the current blood per second under the wind cutting. Skill Consumes 500 mana points, and the skill is played in 3 minutes.

"This skill is also very good. It is almost the same as the swordsman's [Scary Slash]." Breaking the waves and riding the wind pondered: "The loss of 1% of the current vitality and blood is not too high for ordinary monsters. It is not expensive to millions of dollars. The damage is high for qi and blood BOSS, tens of thousands of damage, tusk, this skill is very powerful."

"It's just that the CD time is a bit long, 3 minutes, if every 10 seconds is fine." Midnight Shu was still not satisfied.

"Your kid is too awkward, once every 10 seconds. Doesn't this mean that you can solve a BOSS in one minute? Why don't you ask for a second shot to kill the BOSS." Othello joked.

"Hehe, it's better to dare to love." Midnight Shu laughed.

"Little book, I plan to transfer you to the sub-league to bring swords to them. Do you have any opinions?" Po Lang Chengfeng said, before the book said in the middle of the night, she changed her words: "I have some reservations, you are a kid What's wrong with being in our girls group."

"I have no objection, I am so ignorant. I don't want to be among the women. Those assassins are too bad and their consciousness is too bad. They don't know how to teach them. At the beginning, they should choose magician or bow and arrow. Hand, stand behind and attack, how good." Shu muttered in the middle of the night.

"Why, our magician is a brainless profession." June Feixue angrily said. Looking at Tuesday and other magicians, they all have a similar look.

"Uh, no, no, of course the magician also needs to operate." Feeling the murderous glances of the girls, Shu Shu hurriedly said in the middle of the night.

"Oh, do you have an opinion on the archer?" Fireworks said coldly, and her voice was as calm as ever.

Although the sound of the fireworks is easy to be cold, but the book feels the majestic pressure in the middle of the night, he hurriedly said: "No, no problem, the fireworks sister, you have such a good operating awareness, and the operation is also very good, so that you can become an archer. Carrying forward, this shows that this profession also needs to be operated."

Although he said this on the face, he whispered: "Nothing is strange. I don't know that assassins are born to hate archers. Who makes archers have the ability to detect invisibility and is fast? He is born as an assassin. Nemesis."

"They should be allowed to choose the summoner, as long as they stand behind the summoned beast and add state..." The calligraphy in the middle of the night, but seeing the angry faces of Zhiyue and Thu and others, he hurriedly shut his mouth, and then looked at sitting on Qin Xin and waited. people.

"Why, the priest doesn't need to operate?" she sat on the piano and said to herself: "It seems that Xiaoshu does not need us to add blood in the future. This is good, and it saves a lot of magic."

"Uh, sister Qin, I was wrong." Midnight Shu decisively admitted his mistake. The assassin was blood thin and could easily die. A good priest can greatly improve his survival.

"Let them choose a knight or a swordsman?" Othello looked provocatively at Midnight Shu.

"Uh..." In the middle of the night, the book was depressed, and he whispered: "You can choose anything. Anyway, you can't choose an assassin. The assassin's mission is to assassinate, investigate, and pay attention to secrecy. These people are good, and it is not clear when they are invisible. It’s easy to reveal whereabouts and lead to mission failure."

"Our magician is also very..." June Feixue argued, but was interrupted by the waves and wind before he could finish.

"Okay, stop making trouble. It's a task to let you go to the sub-league. You know what you want to do." Po Lang Chengfeng said, seeing the midnight book nodded, she was a little energetic: "Hey, little book, I want Let you build a powerful assassin force and make the enemy frightened."

"Hey, this is also my highest pursuit as an assassin." Shuguai smiled in the middle of the night, and then looked at Jianyi and others: "I have been with Jianyi and the others for a while, and their operations and consciousness are very good, and they cooperate with them. They are very comfortable, they have great potential, and talking to him is also good for me."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he looked at Ye Luo again: "What's more, the sub-league belongs to Big Brother Ye. You can go to him to ask him for advice and operation, and his ability to take on tasks is so strong, you must have good luck with him."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a while, but thought that the [Heroic Road] and [Resisting the Demon Army] these tasks were received by Ye Luo, and these two tasks have greatly improved everyone's strength.

"That seems to be the same. Uncle Ye Luo has taken on a lot of missions. There are only two large main missions, and the missions we get from them are not limited." June Feixue nodded, and then she chuckled: "So follow along. Uncle Ye Luo is very good, at least he doesn't have to worry about not having a task to do."

"I have taken a lot of tasks, but they seem to be very perverted, not to mention the Trial of the Tribulation task, and looking for Pound's daughter, looking for the reincarnation career of Samsara, these tasks have no clue." Ye Luo said, he smiled bitterly. A cry: "Now I'm a little bit afraid of taking the task. I have an unwieldy task on me. It feels too uncomfortable."

"Hey, you get cheap and behave. It's impossible for others to take on such tasks." Polang Chengfeng teased, and she had a faint expectation in her tone: "Although these tasks are difficult, they don't even have a clue. The rewards you get after completing such tasks are more generous."

"Yeah, not to mention looking for Pound's daughter, the career that seeks to reincarnate in reincarnation. After completion, you can get a dual career. This is what all players dream of." said Tuesday, and then changed his tone: "Anyway, the mission failed. There is no penalty, if it is done, there will be many benefits."

"This is also..." Ye Luo nodded.

"Now that you are all here, let’s discuss who will participate in the mission tomorrow." Suddenly the fireworks said, she glanced around: "This mission can share 50 people. This is a large main mission. The benefits after completion are self-evident. Yu, so we have to choose the core players of the Misty Pavilion."

"This is natural." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then changed his tone: "Fireworks, you know the situation of our main league best, and you are also managing the sub league now. The person who chooses the candidate will be left to you. rest assured."

As if I had known that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind would say this, the fireworks were easy to cold and nodded: "Well, sister Qin, you are also very clear about the situation of the gang members on Monday, and then I will give some comments."

In this regard, sitting on Qin Xin and Monday they naturally had no opinion. The three discussed together and soon a list was made. These people are all operational, first-class equipment, and have very good positions in the Misty Pavilion, which is also very important.

"Ye Luo, there are also a few people in your league, and you will tell them about the task in person." Fireworks said coldly, seeing Ye Luo thoughtfully: "Yes, this is also a way to win over people. After all, this task will have a very good reward."

"Well, I understand." Ye Luo nodded.

"Remember not to say what the task is, just say that there is a task that requires their help, so that you can prevent leakage as much as possible." Firework Yicold exhorted: "Of course, this task will be opened at 12 o'clock tomorrow. You can notify them before then. ..."

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