VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 294: : Mission open

Ye Luo also understood the arrangement of fireworks easy to be cold, and nodded, indicating that he knew.

Next, Ye Luo continued the team activities, quickly became one with everyone, and the relationship became much more harmonious.

After most of the day, although Ye Luo's level has not improved much, his prestige in the gang has been much higher.

At around 11 o’clock in the evening, the fireworks were easy to be cold and the others went offline on time. Ye Luo continued to struggle, but instead of continuing to kill monsters with everyone, he refined various elixirs on the spot. After all, tomorrow’s mission would be very difficult. Difficult, all kinds of immortals are urgently needed.

Seeing that their gang leaders are still'struggling', the players of the Misty Pavilion are also very excited, and they are all working hard to kill monsters.

Of course, there are many players who come to chat with him, some ask him to practice, help with tasks and so on, and some female players even come to ‘mouse’ him, which makes him laugh wryly.

Of course, Ye Luo is unlikely to help everyone with tasks, and it is impossible to wait for these people to upgrade frequently, but he did not let these people come back empty-handed. Depending on the difficulty of the task, he will let Jian Wu, Jian Ba ​​and others If you help, you will also give them some mutated pills, which makes these people quite satisfied.

Seeing that their gang leader is so unassuming, they are more fond of him. There are even some female players who often laugh at him for fun, and they don't know how Po Lang Cheng Feng and others would feel when seeing this.

After busying for two hours, Ye Luo instructed everyone to take a good rest, and he also went off the line to rest.

The next day, Ye Luo and others went online, but did not act alone. After all, the task of [Resisting the Demon Army] will be launched at 12 o'clock. During this period, he will continue to accompany the gang members to fight monsters and level up, and earn some gangs by the way. integral.

For gang members, gang points are very important. Points are not only linked to wages, but they can also be exchanged for things in the gang’s warehouse, such as equipment, such as pills.

Of course, Ye Luo didn't care about wages and redemption, but as the leader of the gang, if his gang points were too low, it would be unsightly.

As for how to earn gang points, there are also clear rules, such as participating in gang group actions, completing gang tasks, donating money or equipment, these can all get gang points.

When killing monsters, Ye Luo glanced at his points at random, perhaps because he had donated hero suits and various elixirs. His gang points were temporarily ranked first, which was worthy of his status as a gang leader.

At 10:30 noon, Ye Luo, with the help of Monday, recruited those people according to the list given by the fireworks Yi Leng, and told them that there would be a team activity at 12 o'clock to let them prepare.

These people are also smart people. They immediately realized something, and they were all excited, and then they went to prepare to go.

"Tsk tsk, these people are very well equipped. In addition to a set of hero suits, there are two or three pieces of golden equipment. Most of them have three ranks. This is now the elite of the elite." Ye Luo praised.

"These people are our focus. Letting them do tasks together and accepting task rewards can make them have a strong sense of belonging." Monday laughed.

"Well, that's true." Ye Luo nodded, and then ordered: "Monday, go offline for dinner. Although the task is to start at 12 o'clock, it will take time to reach Mochizuki Canyon. Don't be late."

"Meet on time at 11:10, don't worry, you won't be late," said Monday, and then greeted him at random and went offline for dinner with others on Tuesday.

Go offline, eat, go online on time, glanced at the number of people, Ye Luo and the others headed towards Mochizuki Canyon.

"Explore the way in front of Sword One and Sword Two. Behind the Little Book Hall, prevent anyone from following." Fireworks Yi Leng made arrangements, and then looked at Sword Three and others: "Sword Three, you are exploring on the left wing, Sword Four and Slim Hand are you Right wing, please report at any time what happens."

The Slender Hand is a female assassin from the Misty Pavilion. She is the strongest assassin other than Midnight Book. She has a good level of operation and consciousness, and is even stronger than Jianyi.

Jianyi and the others didn't hesitate, they disappeared, and then they acted separately.

"Ye Luo, the slender jade hand is a good assassin in our fragile pavilion, the operation is very good, I will let her go to your alliance with Xiaoshu." The firework is easy to cold, and Ye Luo said, she continued: "except for the slender jade hand There are dozens of good assassins besides, let them all come under your jurisdiction. These are our elite assassins in Misty Pavilion, and it is also very good for them to bring Xiaoshu."

"Well, I know these things." Ye Luo nodded.

"Although you don't need to be too in charge of things, but you also need to know the main members of the gang, and also know some of their specialties, so that they can arrange things so well." Fireworks Yi Leng taught Ye Luo: "Of course, there are some other things. Tell you slowly."

"Well, I will study slowly." Ye Luo nodded again.

Nothing happened all the way, Ye Luo shared the task when he was about to reach the Moon-Flat Canyon, while Firework Yi Leng briefly explained the task, requiring everyone to follow their own arrangements.

Everyone is also a smart person. Just seeing the difficulty of the task on'B', they know what kind of reward they will get for completing this task. They are very excited about Ye Luo sharing this task, and they also know that they are already considered as ethereal The core players are excited one by one, and they have a sense of belonging to the Misty Pavilion.

Next, the firework is easy to be cold to observe the surrounding environment, so as to facilitate the next deployment.

Mochizuki Gorge is a long and narrow gorge. The widest point is only fifty feet, and the narrowest point is only four or five feet. It is just as Wang Yue said.

After investigation by Midnight Shu and others, Fireworks Yi Leng decided to block the demon army at the narrowest point. The deployment was also very simple. Ye Luo, Othello, Jian Ba ​​and others, and the Ice Fire Demon Tiger King served as MTs in the first row. The main output of scholars and magicians, and other professional assistance.

At about 12 o'clock, a faint tremor came from a distance, the clearer it was, as if the whole earth was shaking, and everyone cheered up and knew that the monster was coming.

The firework is easy to be cold. With a wave of his hand, the book immediately understands in the middle of the night. His figure flashes and disappears. Seeing that he moves faster than Ye Luo and the firework are easy to cold.

"Tsk tsk, fast speed, worthy of the wind assassin." Black and white chess, and then showed a look of expectation: "I don't know when I can have a mount. With the mount's movement speed bonus, it will be easy to drive in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that it’s better to charge and be in the battle."

"Hey, it's estimated that it will take a while, at least we need to turn three times, and someone needs to trigger the mount system." Jian Wudao, and then remembered something, he looked forward to it: "I don't seem to need a mount at all. I have learned [Swordsmanship]. Although I can only attack the target now, I should be able to fly with the sword in the future. Tsk tsk, fly with the sword, it can fly, it will definitely be handsome and cool."

"Come on, now even the mount system is not turned on, let alone the flying mount." said Tuesday, she poured cold water: "According to my estimation, it will be difficult to fly after four or five revolutions. Maybe it will be possible in the middle and late game. It can fly. Hey, that will take a long time."

"Anyway, I still have a chance to fly, at least I have a chance than your magician." Jian Wu retorted.

"According to our past experience, there are not many flying mounts even in the late game." Samadhi said, she looked at Sword Five: "In this way, it is also a big advantage for Taoists to fly with swords. It is estimated that this profession will become the future The most envious and favorite profession of players."

"Well, yes, I just don't know if this kind of profession can be mass-produced. It is estimated to be difficult." Yi Leng Yi Leng shook her head, and then she said to herself: "Players can fly. This is a huge advantage, almost standing. Invincible."

"In addition, even if it is not used for combat, it is very convenient to fly on the road, at least it will save time." Fireworks Yishui added: "After all, the map of the game is very large, and it often takes a long time to reach the destination. ."

"That's true." Po Lang Riding the Wind nodded, she was a little anticipating: "In the future, we will tame a few flying mounts and form an air force. Tsk tusk, think about it. Especially the flying dragon, in the past. In the game, the dragon knight or other dragon mounts are almost invincible."

"I want to tame the flying dragon, that is almost late in the game, and there is still a great opportunity." Zhiyue said, and then her tone changed, she became a little excited: "But our animal trainer has an advantage in this respect. In addition to mounts, we can also tame summoned beasts. Some summoned beasts can fly, plus I have the skill [riding]..."

"Hey, that's also true. The possibility that Moon Girl can fly is very high." Black and white chess said, and then the tone changed, she pointed to the Ice and Fire Demon Tiger King: "Of course, it would be nice if your tiger can have wings. It can fight and fly, and it has both ice and fire attributes. This is very exciting."

"Flying tigers are Qiongqi." Ye Luo muttered to himself, watching Zhiyue reveal an attack, he smiled: "Let’s talk about it later, we will kill a lot of BOSS, maybe there will be flying snow. Pet eggs, plus your [riding] skills..."

"That also needs to be suitable for riding, such as flying dragons, such as great eagles, if you carry a sword and break a hand, it will be Yang Guo." Tuesday joked.

As he was talking, Midnight Book had a message, and he sent a monster illustration:

[Magic Marching Ants] (War Song Monster)

Level: 70

Physical attack: 850-900

Defense: 1500

Qi and blood: 180,000

Skills: [Formic Acid Invasion], [Bite]

[Formic Acid Invasion] (Passive Skill): The formic acid of the enchanted marching ant is highly poisonous. It can be poisoned by attacking the target, losing 300 points of vitality per second for 3 seconds. This effect cannot be superimposed.

[Bite] (active skill): The huge chelating teeth bite, causing 150% damage to the single target, and causing it to bleed, losing 400 points of blood per second for 5 seconds. This effect cannot be superimposed. The skill display interval is 3 minutes.

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