VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2944: : Desperate

After preparing for so long, Tokyo Mythology found that things were not as good as they originally expected, especially when they watched their [Mobile Fortress] being destroyed one by one, they thought that there were many [Mobile Fortress] and [Space Fortress] 】, coupled with the Russian server and other server alliances are likely to also participate in the war, and they have no confidence in defeating the middle server, and then they all look at Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, obviously want to let They make up their minds.

"Actually, things are not as bad as we thought." Dark Ye said in a deep voice, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Not to mention that the [Mobile Fortress] of servers such as German clothes has a great chance of remaining multiple Then we can occupy multiple gang sites in the China server, even if we can’t, it’s nothing, because we have other means. Don’t forget that the [Mobile Fortress] of the Australian server, Southeast Asian server and Pakistan server are also moving at the fastest speed. Go ahead."

"But those [mobile fortresses] are so far away that it is difficult to reach tomorrow when the battle begins or even has ended..." The violent butcher said, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Even if the battle is over, those [Mobile Fortresses] will not be too late." Huo Wuzhiguang said, a smile was raised on her mouth: "These servers have 6 or 7 [Mobile Fortresses], although Pakistan The [Mobile Fortress] of the server is separate, but the three are also a very powerful force. At least these [Mobile Fortress] are invincible when the people in the middle server are already at the end of the battle."

"What's more, the four [Mobile Fortresses] of the Australian and Southeast Asian servers are also gathered together, and these can also occupy some of the gangs of the Chinese server." Huowuzhiguang added.

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they thought of this, because in their minds, the [Mobile Fortress] that used servers such as German servers in the first battle of tomorrow would surely cause heavy casualties even if they could not occupy multiple gang sites in the Chinese server. In this way, the [Mobile Fortress] of Pakistan Server and other servers is almost invincible, and it is not a problem to use them to occupy multiple gang sites in China Server.

As long as they can occupy multiple gang sites in China Server, then the major servers will have the confidence to suppress China Server and make one of them depressed, and they are naturally excited after thinking of these.

"Not only that, we have other allies." Suddenly Tokyo Shinhwa put down the communicator and said. When he said this, a smile appeared on his mouth. Without waiting for everyone to inquire, he continued: "The soil suit and Yifu decided also Participated in this action. Before their people came to me and agreed to join our alliance, and they have already taken action. Not surprisingly, their [Mobile Fortress] will soon be able to rush to the Central Asian service and then follow the German service. The people waiting for the server meet up."

"What, did Tufu and Yifu finally agree to join our alliance?!" After hearing the news, the hero Jack became excited, and then he hurriedly asked: "How many [Mobile Fortresses] are there on their two servers?!"

At this time, for hero Jack and others, having a new server to join their alliance will undoubtedly greatly increase their strength, and each additional [Mobile Fortress] will also have the opportunity to occupy more gangs in the server. However, Tufu and Yifu did not agree to join the alliance before, and now they agree to join or even take action at this critical juncture, which naturally makes them excited and excited.

"Hey, didn't they not agree to join our alliance before, how come they join now?" Hero's Blade asked curiously, and then he quickly changed his tone: "But these are not important, I'm just curious about native clothes and How many [mobile fortresses] there are in the service, hey, not too much, even if there are only 3 or 4, it is enough to be the last straw in the service."

"There are not many [mobile fortresses] of native and Yifu, and there are only five in total. I guess they saw that we had a great opportunity to suppress the Chinese server, so they joined our alliance, not just because They want to get a share of the pie. The most important thing is that they should also know that once we solve the China server, then we will deal with those servers that have not joined the alliance. After all, we will get great benefits from them, in order to avoid passive hands on them. I can only join our alliance in advance." Tokyo Mythology said, seeing the surprise look of everyone, he continued: "But it is worth mentioning that the soil suit has a [Battlestar]..."

"What, there is [Space Fortress] in the soil suit?!" This time even Dark Night was a little excited, and then he murmured: "That requires two demon-level materials to upgrade [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress] 】Yes, although the strength of the local server is very good, there is still some gap compared with our servers. Their luck is really good."

"But this is good news for us. Four [Mobile Fortresses] plus one [Battlestar] are enough to cause a devastating blow to the Chinese clothing." Mount Fuji laughed, and he was confident when he said these. Full: "Even tomorrow we can occupy half of the gang sites in China Server, when our servers will have a gang site, and then send players to stay for a long time, so that it will be too simple for them to have no chance to rise."

Even the foot of Mount Fuji is so excited, let alone other people, they are more confident in the battle of tomorrow, and then they will not say much, and try to deal with the players of the Chinese server, although they cannot keep their [Mobile Fortress], However, it is still possible to kill more players in the middle server, and this will be more or less beneficial to the battle of tomorrow.

They were fighting. Suddenly Tokyo Shinhwa’s communicator rang again, and after ending the call, he became excited: "Tsk tsk, it’s a good thing again and again, Yinfu has created a [Mobile Fortress], and their people are lucky Obtained the inner alchemy and skeleton of the Demon God level, which means that they will soon have an additional [Space Fortress]."

"The most important thing is that the [Mobile Fortress] of the printing service was made near White Bull City, which means it can be easily rushed to the middle service. Tsk, it’s the [Battle Fortress], and it can be done anytime. Rushing to the Chinese server, this is a great threat to the Chinese server." Tokyo Mythology added.

"We have one more [Space Fortress] on our side?!" After hearing the news, the others were also very excited, and Heilong Tianzhan couldn't help laughing: "Tsk tusk, it's really going to die in the service, I didn't expect it. Our allies are so lucky. No one can save them anymore. Hey, even seeing that we have so many servers to deal with the Chinese server, the polar silver wolf will withdraw directly and they will not dare to go against us, so we are alone. It’s easier to deal with China Server."

Hearing that, the others are also excited, and they are more looking forward to the next battle.

Aside from the Tokyo Mythology, they were all excited after they learned the good news. Moreover, everyone in the Chinese server also learned of the soil server, Yifu's [Mobile Fortress] and [Battlestar] have entered the Central Asian server, and they are smart For example, fireworks are easy to get cold, and oriental stars can easily determine the purpose of these people. For a while, their looks become difficult to look.

"What, the fortress of Tufu and Yifu suddenly appeared in the Central Asian suit?!" After learning this news, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a lot, and her crescent frowns tightly: "At this time they should not be The people who came to help us, especially the local clothing, we had a lot of conflicts with them before. This time they appeared in the Central Asian clothing to do something against us."

Even Breaking Zero Chengfeng has judged this, let alone other people. For a while, their **** [笔趣阁www.xbqg5200.xyz] became dignified, and they learned that the earth suit had a [Space Fortress] Afterwards, their expressions became more ugly, and even a hint of despair was faintly felt.

Think about it, it’s just that there are so many [Mobile Fortresses] facing the German server and other servers, and the Chinese server is not fully sure, not to mention that there are suddenly more [Mobile Fortresses] with native clothes and Yifu, plus a [Space Fortress]. It is not surprising that they felt desperate after learning this.

"There is another thing that is more troublesome." Suddenly said unknown, his voice was even lower when he said this: "Yinfu has created another [Mobile Fortress], and according to our people, the colorful sacred cow and the colorful demon fox They killed two or three quasi-demon-level bosses. Not surprisingly, they should have obtained a demon-level inner alchemy and skeleton, which means that they can upgrade a [Mobile Fortress] to [Space Fortress]."

Hearing this news, everyone's expressions became more solemn, and the feeling of despair became stronger. Then they all looked at the fireworks together and it became cold, which was self-evident.

Hearing these news, Fireworks Yi Leng's heart instantly became at a loss, because no matter how she calculated that the power of the server was not enough to deal with the large number of servers [Mobile Fortress] and [Battlestar], even at the cost of the gang's residence. Nor is it possible, and this also means that half of the gangs will be occupied by the Chinese server.

If it is a server such as a Japanese server, although the occupied half of the gang site will lose a lot of economy, it is not unable to breathe. After all, they have so many allies, and it is impossible for the Chinese server to use all their power to suppress the Japanese server, so they There is always a chance to reverse the situation and then regain the gang's resident. For example, they took back the gang's resident such as Yachi City.

However, the Chinese server is different. Once multiple gangs are stationed, the major servers will definitely send a large number of players to guard and then mobilize a large number of troops in a short time, far exceeding the power of the Chinese server, and this can naturally suppress the Chinese server easily, making China Service no longer has a chance to rise.

Thinking of these, Yi Leng Yi Leng also felt a sense of despair in her heart. For a while, she couldn't think of how to deal with the current situation.

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