VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2945: : The situation is grim

Yeluo, who was only dealing with servers such as German server, was very struggling, so after learning that the local server and Yifu also dispatched the [Mobile Fortress] and even a [Battlestar] rushed to the Central Asian server. Players feel a little desperate, especially after hearing that the printing service has created another [Mobile Fortress] and it is very likely that they have already obtained materials that can be upgraded.

It's not just that most players feel desperate, including fireworks are easy to cold, because no matter how she calculates the power of the server is not enough to compete with the major servers.

"Fireworks, what shall we do next?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked, and when she said these, her tone trembled slightly, which shows how her mood is at this time.

"Do your best." Fireworks said coldly. Although the voice was the same as before, no one could hear some helpless emotions, and her words made everyone even more desperate.

"Yes, do your best." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, looking at everyone as he said: "Next we can destroy as many [Mobile Fortress] as much as possible. If tomorrow is still unable to withstand the siege of major servers , Then we will directly abandon half of the gang resident and fight guerrilla warfare with major servers, just as Sister Feng said before."

"Abandon half of the gang resident?!" After hearing Ye Luo's words, the Dongfang star's beautiful eyes lit up, and then she nodded: "This is a way, although it will cause us to suffer huge economic losses. It can prevent being occupied by servers such as Japanese servers. As long as they are not occupied by them, they can’t send troops through the gang garrison, so we won’t get beaten up.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "As long as the Japanese server and other servers do not occupy too many of our gang sites, then we have a chance to stand up."

"That's right." Ye Yu Fei Fei took over: "If we really can't destroy the major servers [Mobile Fortress] and [Battlestar], or they still have the strength to easily occupy our multiple gang sites, then We decisively abandon half of the gang sites. The alliance of Russian servers and other servers has arranged a large number of people on our servers. I think they will be happy to give them the gang sites."

Although it is difficult for people who abandon half of the gang’s resident gangs to accept it, if you really can’t destroy too many servers such as German clothes [Mobile Fortress], then this is also the best way, and everyone is a little silent for a while.

"Well, if you have to do this as a last resort," Dongfang Tutian said solemnly, and then changed his tone: "But we have to make an appointment with the Polar Silver Wolf. We can't give them to the gang resident, their people. The system rewards we get should be given to us. Let’s say nothing else. We need such scrolls as the [Group Blessing Scroll]. After all, this is the foundation for our counterattack."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they naturally knew that this kind of "free" sending the gang resident to other servers could be negotiated with them. Previously, Russian servers and other servers sent the gang resident to a neutral server. Naturally, they can do the same, and in this way, they can also obtain a large number of [Group Blessing Scrolls], which can give them the opportunity to deal with server alliances such as Japanese servers.

"This method does not necessarily solve the problem." Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said, seeing the doubts of everyone, she continued: "Although the loss of half of the gang resident will trigger the awakening of the guardian beast and the guardian pillar, but if it is At that time, the Japanese server and other servers only attacked the gang sites occupied by the Russian server and other servers? Because we did not lose other gang sites, so the guardian beasts and pillars would not actively attack them, and those gang sites would naturally fall into the sun. The server waits in the hands of the server."

Think about it, it’s not that the gang resident of a certain server cannot be occupied by other servers after being occupied by one of the servers. For example, when Ye Luo and the others occupied the gang resident of Yinfu, they let other servers take it away. Those who serve servers can naturally take away the gang sites occupied by servers such as Russian servers one by one.

Hearing that, everyone also thought of this problem, and for a while their expressions became solemn again.

"Although the servers such as the Japanese server can take away the servers occupied by the servers such as the Russian server, but it takes an extra day to wait, and we can do a lot of things with this extra day, such as continuing to destroy the major servers. 】" Fireworks said coldly: "Although there are a lot of [Mobile Fortress] and [Space Fortress] on servers such as German clothes, we can destroy a lot in nearly 2 days, and we can't even compete with them. ."

"Yes." Ye Yu Feifei took the stubborn words: "Especially the Russian server will give us part of the various rewards obtained by occupying our gang site, such as multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]. We want to use these to destroy the German server. Waiting for the [Mobile Fortress] of the server is not too difficult, even if their fortresses are gathered together, don’t forget that the number of [Battlestars] we serve is still the largest, and it is not impossible to use these full interceptions to destroy them. There are so many forts that they can no longer suppress us."

"Well, that's true." Dongfang star nodded: "It is still very good for us to have an extra day of buffer time. Of course, we can't do this when it is not a last resort."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, if in the end too many gang sites are still occupied by the Japanese server and other alliances, then we are not necessarily without the power to fight, as the handsome Ye Luo said. We can also engage in guerrilla warfare with people from major servers. Our Chinese server has a lot of power that can threaten major servers. As time goes by, we always have a chance. Especially the alliance of servers such as Japanese server sees us being suppressed. Their alliance is likely to fall apart due to profit reasons, or they have to deal with other neutral servers, and this is our opportunity."

Hearing that, everyone nodded. They naturally know the strengths of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others. After they form an elite team, they pose a great threat to the major servers. For example, they can form an elite team and gradually merge the major players. The server’s [Mobile Fortress] and [Space Fortress] are destroyed, and once all of them are destroyed, the overall strength of the major servers will be greatly restricted. At that time, the Chinese server will not have the opportunity to counterattack.

After thinking of this, the despair in everyone's hearts was wiped out, and then they didn't say much, and continued to attack the [Mobile Fortress] in front of them, and it didn't take long for them to change the US server, Japanese server, and additional server. [Mobile Fortress] destroyed all of them, and then they did not stop, and went directly to the Central Asia server and then started a single [Mobile Fortress] on the French server.

It’s not very accurate to say that it’s an order, because the [Mobile Fortress] of the French server is not too far away from the other two [Mobile Fortress] of the British server. If you fly towards each other, you can gather together within 3 minutes. Together, Ye Luo and the others would have a lot of difficulty in destroying it, and there would be no chance at all.

After knowing this, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind said indifferently: "Three minutes is enough, because many of us still bear the status of [Group Acceleration Scroll] and [Group Blessing Scroll], and now that we have made it The previous decision then does not need to save the scrolls, you can use all of them, so there is no problem in destroying this [Mobile Fortress] of the legal service."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, there are 3 or 4 space players on our side, and 3 of them have [Space Enchantment], plus I can use [Yatari Mirror*Dreamland], So even if the two [mobile fortresses] of the British server arrive, it’s nothing, we can still destroy them all."

In this regard, everyone is deeply convinced. After all, they used these to destroy 4 or 5 [Mobile Fortresses] in the Japanese service, the US service and the Japanese service before, not to mention the British service and the French service. There are only 3 [Mobile Fortresses], and their fortresses are still temporarily separated, so they are also full of confidence, which also makes them highly motivated.

Although everyone knows that even destroying the three [mobile fortresses] of the French server and the British server will not change the situation much, but they are naturally happy to do it if they can destroy more. This can more or less vent their anger, and in the future It will be easier to deal with major servers.

"I'm afraid that things will not be as optimistic as you think." Dongfang star said solemnly. Seeing the doubts of everyone, she continued: "No surprises, Japanese, Jiafu, US and Hanbok will send masters here. Come on, after all, they don’t have the [Mobile Fortress], so they don’t worry that we will kill another carbine. In addition, people from servers such as German servers will also send people to support, which means that we will face masters from almost all places. In this case, even if we still have some [Group Blessing Scrolls], it is difficult to destroy their [Mobile Fortress], not even one."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The most troublesome thing is that we have used too many players, and these people will become the targets of major servers to intercept and attack. Many people will be killed in the future, even our main attackers. Personnel may also be killed, and once so, we will be even more powerless to destroy the [Mobile Fortress] of the British or French servers."

"We still have space players who can use [Space Enchantment]..." Inviting Yue toasted and blurted out, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Before we trapped the US server in the [Mobile Fortress] in the Japanese server. There was a lot of luck. After all, the enemy did not expect us to do this. But now they must be guarded against these. Our chances are not great." Ye Yufei He shook his head: "And even if we can trap a [Mobile Fortress], with our current strength, we may not be able to destroy more, so it still doesn't help."

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