VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3211: : One person entangled

As in the previous 5V5, Ye Luo played alone, but the difference was that he did not deal with Dongfang Jitian and others this time, but instead worked on more targets, and focused on dealing with Dongfang star and Dongfang Mingmu, especially The latter, this makes Dongfang Jitian and others quite jealous, because they know that if they continue to rush towards the waves and the wind and others, then Ye Luo has the opportunity to use the [Space Portal] to send the waves and the wind and others over——in Under Ye Luo's entanglement, Dongfang Mingxiao had no chance to show [Space Interference], even if only Ye Luo's clone entangled her, there was no chance.

This means that Dongfang Killing the sky and the others rushed into the air, and facing Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng's joint attack on Dongfang Mingmu, Dongfang Star and others, it is afraid that it will be very bad, and they may even be killed. Once so, the Dongfang family The first team was definitely at a disadvantage and even defeated. After thinking of these, Dongfang Killing Sky, Dongfang Xiaotian and others had obviously'bypassed' Ye Luo but could not continue chasing Polang Chengfeng and others.

In a word, Ye Luo alone was holding everyone in the Eastern family at this time.

After casting [Reincarnation Clone], facing the various skills of [Reincarnation * Six Shields], especially Ye Luo’s target, the people of the Eastern family had to use some invincible means or displacement skills to deal with. But in this way, their consumption is too great, and they will definitely have a great disadvantage when facing the waves of the waves and the wind, especially even if the East Killing the sky and the others work together, it will be difficult to strike Ye Luo in a short period of time. kill.

Think about it, Ye Luo has so many invincible skills, especially the [Cooling Reset]. It is no exaggeration to say that he has more invincible skills than Dongfang Tiantian and others, and it lasts longer. It is not so easy to consume all of Ye Luo's invincible means in a short period of time, and facing the attack of Ye Luo and those reincarnation clones, Eastern Killing, they also had to use invincible means, so their consumption would be too great. Obviously it is not wise to do so.

However, this fact Dongfang Zhantian proposed to clean up all of Ye Luo’s clones first, and then let Dongfang Kill the sky display [Dragon God * Mirror Cage], there is a great chance of trapping Ye Luo in his way, and as long as he can do it Until these 10 of them can work together to easily defeat the nine of Po Lang Chengfeng and others, it will naturally be enough to return to deal with Ye Luo when that time comes.

However, the Eastern star thought that Ye Luo could also cast [Eight Shadows Clone], and also [Time Backward], so [Dragon God * Mirror Cage] The chance of wanting to trap Ye Luo is not great, let alone think. It is not so easy to solve Ye Luo's reincarnation clone.

"Then what are we going to do, is it possible that so many of us have to be entangled by Ye Luozhiqiu? This will cause us to consume a lot." Dongfang Mietian said in a bad manner: "The most troublesome thing is Ye Luozhi. Qiu’s tactics are different from before. He no longer entangles with his eldest brother and them, but haunts us. You and I all know how mobile Ye Luo knows Qiu, even if the eldest brother wants to entangle him, it’s not so easy. of."

The Dongfang star also knew that continuing to drag on would be extremely detrimental to them, and she also knew that it would be difficult for Dongfang Jitian to entangle him when Ye Luo deliberately avoided it. She thought for a while and said: "Let Big Brother and Tutian go to entangle Ye Luo Zhiqiu, coupled with Xiaotian, the three people work together to deal with one of them, it is not impossible to want to entangle him, the rest of us rush to break the waves and ride the wind, especially Mingmu, you must get rid of Ye Luozhiqiu and continue to Breaking the waves and riding the wind and others rushed away."

Naturally, he also knew his role. Dongfang Ming nodded his head to show that he knew. At the same time, Dongfang Killing Heaven, Dongfang Xiaotian, and Dongfang Slaughter began to rush towards Ye Luo. The three of them wanted to entangle Ye Luo. At the same time as the action started, Dongfang Mingmu also began to show [flicker]-she wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ye Luo.

However, Ye Luo did not hesitate to cast [Spur] after seeing Dongfang Ming’s [Flash]. Both of these skills can move 5 meters. It happens that Ye Luo can use it to entangle the East like a tarsal maggot. Mingmu, the most important thing is that when he saw Dongfang Xiaotian attacking him, his figure turned around behind Dongfang Mingmu, and then the long sword block blocked Dongfang Tutian's [backstab], and his figure flashed. Using Dongfang Mingmu and Dongfang Xiaotian as a'shield' to avoid Dongfang Killing Sky.

As mentioned before, Ye Luo is very good at group battles. At this time, he uses his high mobility to shuttle through the crowd, or block, or use the enemy as a shield, so that he can even face three people such as Dongfang Tiantian. Easily deal with it, this is evident from the fact that he can still entangle Dongfang Mingmu and then attack Dongfang Mingmu from time to time.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo is still in the state of [reincarnation*six shields], even if Dongfang Tiantian and others can't attack him, because the Oriental Pearl and Oriental stars can use group control skills, and once they are controlled, they wait. He was only killed. This was not what Ye Luo wanted to see, so the best way was to always maintain an invincible state, and this also greatly reduced Ye Luo's pressure, at least there is no need to worry about being controlled.

At this time, Ye Luo is more handy in a crowded environment, and even after the'shield', he can make Dongfang Kill Tian and others temporarily lose sight, and then he has the opportunity to display some smooth skills, such as [Sword Qi], [Sweeping] Reincarnation] Wait, even if he is lucky with the reincarnation clone, he can still use skills with a charge time of 0.5 seconds from time to time, such as [Reincarnation Shattered] or something, even if it’s just an instant skill. The players of the Eastern Family Family had to use invincible means to deal with it, because Ye Luo's attack power still had the opportunity to kill the target in seconds, especially when a critical strike was triggered.

That’s right, the members of the Dongfang family had to use invincible means, especially Dongfang Xiaotian and others who were close to Ye Luo, including Dongfang Mingmu who had been entangled by Ye Luo, and it was no surprise that Ye Luo could take the lead in taking their Invincible means are consumed, so it will be easier to solve them again and again.

At this time, the Dongfang star also discovered that Ye Luo was'turning' around Dongfang Ming's eyes. She was as smart as she instantly understood why Ye Luo did this. She smiled bitterly in her heart, and the ominous premonition in her heart became even stronger.

"Sister star, no, I have used two or three displacement skills one after another, and I can't get rid of Ye Luo Zhiqiu at all, even if my eldest brother intercepts him." Dongfang Ming said, "Especially he also used invincible means one after another. It’s so difficult for them to stop him and get me out."

"The most important thing is that your mobility is far worse than Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and he seems to realize the importance of you in the team, so he can entangle you." Dongfang Mingzhu said, and then her tone changed: "Star, what should we do now, we can't continue like this, otherwise we will only be killed."

"Then what can we do now, Ye Luo Zhiqiu has been entangled with bright eyes, and can't get rid of him. The rest of us rushing to the waves and the wind and others are of no use, because Ye Luo Zhiqiu can take the opportunity to use the [Space Portal] to come over. , Even he can kill Bright Eyes alone." Dongfang Zhantian said in a bad mood, trying to stop Ye Luo while talking, but they all ended in failure.

But fortunately, more than 10 seconds have passed since Dongfang Zhantian said these words. The state of [reincarnation*six shields] worn by those reincarnation clones has long been over, and it is in the East Star, the Oriental Pearl, and even the East. Under the attack of Tian and others, their vitality and blood were running out, and even the clones of the archer and the magician system had been cleaned up.

"Yes, what are we going to do at this time?" Dongfang Tuotian also asked very hardly.

"Resolve Ye Luo Zhiqiu's reincarnation clone as quickly as possible, and then you have to fight your luck, eldest brother, you can use [Dragon God*Mirror Cage]." Dongfang Star said, seeing the doubts of everyone, she continued: " In the past 10 seconds, Ye Luo Zhiqiu has circled within 25 meters, which means that even if he casts [Time Backward], he can only be nearby. Even if he casts [Eight Shadows Clone], he has a chance to be trapped in the mirror cage. It is five-ninths, more than half, which means that if we are lucky, we can trap Ye Luo Zhiqiu. In the next 1 minute, we can eliminate a part of those who break the waves and ride the wind, so the final victory is still our."

"But what if our bad luck didn't trap Ye Luo Zhiqiu?" Dongfang Xiaotian furrowed his brows deeply: "Then it seems that the only thing waiting for us is defeat."

[Dragon God * Mirror Cage] is the killer of the Eastern Family. It is precisely because of the scrupulousness of this skill that they did not rush over, and once this skill was used but did not trap Ye Luo, then they would naturally also break the waves and ride the wind. There is no scruples, they can lock Ye Luo to send over and then participate in the battle. Under this circumstance, the Mental Pavilion team has a great chance of winning, even if the East Killing Heaven and others are not consumed by Ye Luo.

It is precisely because of this that Dongfang Xiaotian's expression is solemn and even faintly worried.

"There is no way, we only have to do this at this time, because we can't get rid of Ye Luo Zhiqiu's entanglement, especially Bright Eyes, and it is useless for others to rush towards the waves and the wind and others..." Dongfang Star said, but she Was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"Could you let your eldest brother wait for a few people to deal with them, Zhan Tian and I stayed to deal with Ye Luo Zhiqiu?" Dongfang Xiaotian said, after a short pause, she continued: "Big brother, you rush towards the waves and the wind and others, Then the eldest brother displays [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], so there is more chance of trapping their body, at least the chance is much greater than just dealing with Ye Luo Zhiqiu trapping his body, so it is more secure."

"I'm afraid it won't happen..." Dongfang Star shook his head.

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