VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3212: : Not trapped

Although in the eyes of Eastern Stars, there is a five-ninth chance of trapping Ye Luo for 1 minute and one person is a bit risky, at least in the eyes of Dongfang Xiaotian, it is best to let Dongfang Killing the sky to play against the waves and the wind and others. [Dragon God * Mirror image Prison], the chances of trapping a team of Mental Pavilion would greatly increase, but his proposal was rejected by the Eastern Star.

"Although there are 9 people on their side in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, don’t forget that they can all use the clone skills, and there are even people who have mastered the [Eight Shadows clone] like Ye Luo Zhiqiu. In this case, you want to be trapped. The probability of the player being is too low." Dongfang Star explained that she stopped the Eastern Zhantian who wanted to say something: "I know you want to say that they can completely force the waves and ride the wind to use their clone skills and then use [ Dragon God * Mirror Cage], but it takes a long time to include the time we spend on the road, and Bright Eyes may not be able to hold on to that time."

"Even Xiaotian and Zhantian you might be killed by Ye Luo Zhiqiu, even if you are two to one." Dongfang Star added.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I have seen Ye Luo as a pair of two Amaterasu gods. The strength of these two people is no worse than Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Zhantian. Once three people are killed by Ye Luo, they will be there. The fear of some people being killed is not enough to reverse the situation.

The most important thing is that although Dongfang Xiaotian didn't want to admit it, they also knew that Dongfang Xiaotian's words were true. For a while, Dongfang Xiaotian's face flushed, and he couldn't say anything anymore.

"The most troublesome thing is that even if the eldest brother successfully casts the [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], the chances of trying to trap the waves and wind, fireworks are easy to be cold, and it is meaningless to occupy them if they cannot be trapped, so the most Fortunately, now I am showing Ye Luo Zhiqiu, at least there is a five-ninth chance of trapping it, more than half." Dongfang Star said: "And once Ye Luo Zhiqiu is trapped, then our chance of winning is at least the least. It’s over 90%, so it’s worth trying."

Dongfang Xiaotian’s proposal has been rejected. The most important thing is that the five-ninth probability is already very high in the eyes of everyone, so they all agreed to do so. In the end, Dongfang Killing Tian also made a decision, and then he easily used the displacement. Skills get rid of Ye Luo, after all, it is not so easy for him to successfully cast [Dragon God*Mirror Cage] under Ye Luo's obstruction.

On the other hand, they were surprised to see that Ye Luo alone could deal with Dongfang Killing Tian and the 10 others, and it was so easy, breaking the waves and riding the wind, they were pleasantly surprised, especially seeing Dongfang Mingmu and other players close to Ye Luo being forced out of them. They are even more excited after counting the 3 invincible skills of [God Dance Step].

"Tsk tusk, I thought Ye Luo would be very strenuous and needed our support, but I didn't expect him to be so relaxed alone." Othello Tsk tut was amazed: "At this time Dongfang Mingmu has already used 2 invincible means, including the [God Dance Step]. Three more were cast. When his invincibility state is over, there should be no other invincibility skills. Hey, the next thing waiting for her is to be killed. A priest can't resist Ye Luo's attack, even if it's just a normal attack. is also like this."

"That's right." Samadhi said, and she said this with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "I have to say that Ye Luo is very smart, no, fireworks are very smart, let Ye Luo entangle Dongfang Mingmu, Dongfang Mingmu is the priest, in Ye Under the entanglement of Luo, it is difficult for him to display any skills, even if he wants to use [Spell Immunity], it is also difficult. The most important thing is that it is useless to fight against himself [Spell Immunity], because Ye Luo will launch ordinary attacks on it. Ordinary attacks also have a great chance to kill him, so Dongfang Mingxue has to use invincible skills. Once all of them are consumed, what is waiting for him is killed."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo is very good at group battles, because he can use the enemy's body as a shield when using the Nine Palaces Bagua Steps and the Double Sword Secret Art. In this case, he will be more comfortable." Samadhi poetry added. One sentence: "That is to say, it is best not to attack Ye Luo from the crowd, especially melee players."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they naturally knew what Ye Luo could do so easily.

"I don't know when I will reach the realm of Big Brother Ye." Midnight Shu was quite envious.

"Hey, then you have to practice for a few more years." June Feixue joked, and then her tone changed: "Uncle Ye Luo can deal with Dongfang Tiantian and others alone, and force Dongfang Mingmu and others to perform one after another. Invincible means, doesn't this mean that he alone can consume the members of the Eastern Family Family team seven or eight, and we will definitely win this game?!"

"I'm afraid it's not as optimistic as you think. Don't forget that Eastern Killing Sky can also use [Dragon God*Mirroring Cage]." Sitting on Qin Xin suddenly said, seeing the appearance of June Feixue and others who didn't care about it, she Continue: "Don’t forget that Ye Luo has been circling in circles before, at least within 10 seconds, he did not cross a large range, and his reincarnation clone will soon be cleaned up, so even if he casts the [Eight Shadow Clone] There is a high chance of being trapped."

"The five-ninth chance is more than half." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Seeing the instant change in the expressions of the crowd, her tone changed: "But even if Ye Luo is really trapped, it doesn't matter. We people face Dongfang. They still have a great chance of winning in Killing Tian, ​​and they can desperately kill most of them, especially Dongfang Mingmu. As long as he is killed, we will definitely win this game."

"Yes, although we only had 9 people after Ye Luo was trapped, Dongfang Killing Sky consumed a lot of invincible means under Ye Luo's entanglement, and Dongfang Mingmu would soon have no invincible means. In this case There is a great chance of defeating them if we are one less person. After all, everyone except the East Killing the Sky is a little different from us." Samadhi said, a smile evoked her lips: "At that time, Sister Feng will go to pester the East. Killing the sky, the rest of us deal with the eight people of Dongfang Xiaotian, hey, especially Yue'er’s three-headed celestial beasts, tusk, all kinds of group attack skills can be used to easily force the invincibility of Dongfang Xiaotian’s invincible skills, so They are still easy to kill, and we can even kill them all without Ye Luo."

"At least we can persist for 1 minute with our strength, and there is no problem, especially after seeing Ye Luo trapped, we deliberately went around with Dongfang Tiantian and others to delay time." Samadhi Shi added: "At that time, Ye Luo still had problems. There is a great opportunity to participate in the battle, so our chances of winning are even greater."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and then they no longer worried about anything, even if they saw Ye Luo's reincarnation clones have been cleared and Dongfang Tiantian’s head appeared multiple mirrored cages—it was obvious that Dongfang Tiantian had already used it. [ Dragon God * Mirror Cage].

Despite the previous analysis, they are still a little worried after seeing the [Dragon God * Mirror Cage] displayed by the East Killing Sky. At least they are praying that Ye Luo will not be trapped. After all, their odds of winning are even greater. Up.

Ye Luo is also a smart person. He knew that it would be completely useless to use [Time Backward], so he judged the time to use [Eight Shadows Clone], and saw that the five mirror cages did not come to his own body. There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then he continued to attack Dongfang Ming's eyes while saying: "It seems that my luck is not bad this time, and more than half of the chances have escaped."

That's right, the mirror cage did not go to Ye Luo's body, which meant that he would not be trapped, and this undoubtedly further increased the odds of winning for the Misty Pavilion team.

"Haha, Goddess of Luck is still very kind to us, this time it's finally our turn to have good luck." Midnight Shu couldn't help but laugh: "Big Brother Ye is not trapped, and the [Dragon God of the East] *Mirroring cage] has been consumed, then we have nothing to worry about, and then we can go directly to support Big Brother Ye!"

Seeing that Ye Luo was not trapped, the people like Polangchengfeng and others were also excited, because they also knew that this would greatly increase their chances of winning, and even as the Midnight Book said, they could win the final victory if they rushed up together at this time. .

"Fireworks, we don't have any scruples, can we rush to it now?" Po Lang Chengfeng said excitedly: "Ye Luo will be passive when dealing with 10 of them alone, so we should rush over to help. ."

"Well, I can go and help." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she went straight to Ye Luo, not fast or slow.

"Huh?" Frozen for a moment, breaking the waves and blurting out the wind: "Although Ye Luo has no time to use the [Space Portal], we can lock him and send it over. Dongfang Mingmu is entangled and can't display it at all [Space Interference] ] Bar."

"What if Dongfang Mingmu displays [Space Interference]?" Samadhi asked rhetorically, before breaking the waves and riding the wind to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that we are not too far away from Ye Luo and them at this time, and it's just over 10 The time in seconds is up, and it takes 10 seconds to transmit it, so it’s safer to go straight to the calculation."

"What's more, Fireworks and Feixue are all long-range occupations. It is still very dangerous for them to fall into the enemy's camp, even if they can use their displacement skills against the invincible state to keep away from Dongfang Tiantian." Samadhi added.

Think about it, too, melee professions such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Book in the Middle of the Night, and Sunset in the Long River can naturally lock Ye Luo and send them over, even if Dongfang Mingmu has the opportunity to use [Space Interference], remote professions such as fireworks are easy to cold, and Zhiyue are sent to the enemy camp Among them, it is undoubtedly a sheep's mouth.

"Well, this is also a problem, so we'd better rush to it directly." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "What's more, this will allow Ye Luo to deal with them for a longer time, so Dongfang Tiantian and them will be further consumed. "

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