VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3220: : Killing Game

In the eyes of Fengxing and Bacchus Du Kang, the overall strength of the game in this tournament has been very good, especially the strength of Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian, so that they will be more handy if they implement the previous consumption tactics. Next, you can occupy some gang sites of the enemy alliance and consume their [Group Blessing Scrolls], and then you can naturally take action on Hongyan City-the **** of Bacchus Dukang and they naturally know that the enemy alliance is here. The total number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained this year is very large. It is not wise to launch a strong attack on Hongyan City rashly. It is best to consume the enemy alliance first.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but didn't want her to shook her head, and then threw a sentence: "Ye Luo asked for leave."

"Ye Luo asked for leave?" For a moment, the **** of Bacchus Du Kang blurted out: "Couldn't he be worried because he didn't win the individual competition of this tournament, especially because Dongfang Killing took a leave of absence. Improve your strength in private, so he wants to do the same."

"Ye Luo is not so selfish." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, seeing the suspicion of Bacchus Dukang, she continued: "Ye Luo really has something to do, and he just asked for a day off, and he will log in to the game again the day after tomorrow. "

I still believe in the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind, not to mention when she gave out when Ye Luo will be online, so Dukang, the **** of wine, has no doubt about it. He said: "Ye Luo is the key to our actions, even if the East kills the sky. Now that the strength has been greatly improved, we can’t replace him, so we can only temporarily give up the action, but this is also very good. The competition has been going on for such a long time, everyone is a little tired, and then we can do well. Take a day off."

Without waiting for Po Lang Cheng Feng and others to speak, he continued: "Firework girl, since the enemy alliance is not consumed anymore, what are we going to do next?"

"We received a serial task, so naturally we have to do the task." Breaking the waves blew out of the wind, and without waiting for the Bacchus Dukang to speak, she continued: "As for the time outside the task, naturally they will act separately. After all, all major gangs have. What to do by yourself."

"What, you got another serial mission?!" Feng Xing's voice increased a little, and his tone was faintly expectant: "Do you want us to help, what we need to say directly, we will definitely not be paid for anything."

Fengxing naturally knows what kind of benefits can be gained from the serial missions, even if the monsters are not destroyed. This has been verified since the last time they participated in the [Road of Devil Slayer], so after hearing the words of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind He naturally expressed that he wanted to participate, and even because they were worried about breaking the waves and riding the wind, they refused him and directly promised that he would not receive any compensation.

After Fengxing, Dukang, the **** of wine, also expressed his willingness to help, and like Fengxing, he did not receive any compensation.

"The task at the beginning is very simple, and there should be no rewards, so I won't bother with the two uncles." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Without waiting for the Bacchus Dukang to speak, she continued: "However, if we fail to complete the task later, it will be natural. Uncle, please help, and don’t refuse then."

Although he was a little disappointed because he could not participate in the early missions, Bacchus Dukang was able to accept these, especially considering how good the initial mission rewards were, so he didn't care too much about them, and then hurriedly said: "Haha, naturally not. decline."

For Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, they did not get nothing at all this time. Thinking that they would have a chance to participate in the serial team missions of Misty Pavilion in the future, they looked forward to it. Of course, what they have to do next is naturally to temporarily give up the consumption of enemy alliances. Tell the other people in the gang.

Hearing that Ye Luo asked for leave, people from the Ouyang family, the Yinian family, and the Eastern family inevitably had some criticisms. They thought that Ye Luo was worried about the fact that Ye Luo failed to win the championship because of Dongfang Tiantian's private promotion of strength, even if the wine God Dukang and Fengxing explained that Ye Luo just asked for a day off and couldn't stop these things.

"Since we can't attack the gangs of the enemy alliance to consume them, let's use the elite squad action to hunt the enemy." Suddenly Ye Yufei said, while she said she looked at Dongfang Tiantian: "Ye Luo Zhiqiu has asked for leave, but the first person in the robbery is still there. Hey, we will definitely get a good harvest if we form an elite team to start operations."

I have to say that the words of Ye Yu Fei Fei made Dongfang Jitian quite useful, and of course it also inspired the rest of the Dongfang family. After all, this is a long-lost name for Dongfang Jitian and they thought of defeating Ye Luo before. It is to make Dongfang kill the sky and their spirits.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (full server): The martial arts tournament ended successfully, and the catastrophe triggered the'killing game' system. Starting at 12 o'clock in the morning, all players who hunt other servers will get points, and every person killed will get a point, one month later Rewards are awarded according to the level of points, and points can also be exchanged for items and props in the points store. The player who wins the first place will have a chance to get a random piece of national equipment. Please check the'killing game' system for specific information, and hope that everyone will participate actively .

The system prompt sounded 10 times in a row, resounding through the entire Celestial Tribulation game, and this also caused an uproar in Celestial Tribulation. Countless players began to investigate the'killing game' system, especially the super masters such as Dongfang Tiantian. After all, they are. Those who have a good chance to get the first place, think of the opportunity to get the national weapon, they are naturally excited.

"Tsk tusk, this seems to be tailor-made for the big brother." Dongfang Zhantian said, his tone was full of excitement when he said this: "Big brother now has 4 pieces of national equipment, and this tournament has won the individual. After the championship, the eldest brother’s equipment level is better. It’s no exaggeration to say that he is the first person in the robbery, and the eldest brother will definitely get the most points in the next hunting action. Tsk tsk, if the eldest brother gets another national weapon , Hey, then I am afraid that no other player will be your opponent."

This time the system reminder also excited Dongfang Tiantian. After all, he is still very confident in his own strength, especially when he thinks of Ye Luo still taking a day off, thinking that he is very likely to get the first and then the national weapon. , He is gearing up, and he can’t wait to start acting right away-Ye Luo is his biggest threat in Dongfang Jitian's heart, but since Ye Luo takes a day off, the gap will be pulled out, and his points are likely to be higher than Ye Luo. .

Of course, Ye Yu Fei Fei and others are also quite interested in the'killing game' triggered this time, especially when they are very confident in the strength of the Chinese server, they all look forward to the'killing game' to start soon, of course The system prompt will officially start at 12 o'clock in the morning, so they can only wait patiently.

On the other hand, the fireworks are easy to be cold and they also heard this system prompt, and this also excited them by breaking the waves and riding the wind, especially when they thought that Ye Luo's killing efficiency was far higher than the others.

"Hey, the'killing game' seems to be tailor-made for Uncle Ye Luo. After all, everyone knows how efficient Uncle Ye Luo is in hunting enemies. At this point, whether it is Tokyo Mythology, Eastern Killing Sky, Dark Night, etc. It's far less than that." June Feixue said, saying this is that her pretty face is full of smiles and expectations: "Just now the system said that the player who gets the first point is likely to get the national weapon, tusk, If Uncle Ye Luo can obtain a national weapon, and he can use it, then his equipment level will surpass that of Dongfang Jitian, and it will be easier to defeat him in the future."

"Yeah, that's right." Black and White Chess said while investigating the'killing game' system: "Fortunately, the intellectual brain system said that the player who killed the ally server is not counted, otherwise we and the alliance of the Japanese server may be It fell apart."

"But it seems that the disintegration of the alliance between the two parties is also very good for us, because the strength of our Chinese server is worth the sum of several servers. This means that as long as they don’t form an alliance, no server can threaten us. We will be able to defeat them one by one." Othello added, and her words were echoed by many people, but they all regretted thinking of players who could not hunt allies' servers.

"Players who can't hunt allies' servers are also very good. We can completely deal with people from the enemy alliance." Po Lang Chengfeng said nonchalantly, thinking of what she looked forward to: "Unsurprisingly, there will be various outbreaks in the future. The melee is everywhere, and most of the server players are overwhelmed by themselves, so we can still get a lot of opportunities."

"Especially Ye Luo, he is very good at this mode. Not surprisingly, he will definitely get the first place. Tsk tsk, so he can get rich rewards." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"The system triggered this time is not a good thing for us." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold, and when she said these, her tone was a little calm, and people familiar with her also realized the seriousness of the matter through this change. .

"Why is it not a good thing for us?" June Feixue asked suspiciously. Without waiting for the fireworks to explain, she continued: "Could it be that Uncle Ye Luo is taking a day off, and we do it every day. Let’s do a series of tasks, but this doesn’t seem to affect anything, because Uncle Ye Luo only asked for a day off, and that series of tasks only consumes us two or three hours a day. Of course, these times are very long. But we can do the task later, let's focus on the players who hunt the enemy alliance first."

"No, it's not just because of these, but the hidden changes are what we should be most worried about." Samadhi shook her head, and she looked solemn when she said these, obviously she already understood what the firework Yi Leng said. meaning.

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