VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3221: : The downside

In the hearts of June Feixue and others, the "killing game" system is most beneficial to Ye Luo, even the Eastern Killing of the Sky, Tokyo Mythology and others are far less than him, because Ye Luo has an advantage that everyone does not have-of course, like the increase in killings. The attack power is also shared by Tokyo Mythology and others. Ye Luo has more advantages than them in that he has higher mobility and a powerful skill system with Ye Luo.

Because Ye Luo has [Cross Server*Space Portal] and [Transport Pearl] not only can transfer and rush to a battlefield very efficiently, but also [Cross Server*Space Portal] also allows him to break the waves and ride the wind, etc. People send past support. After all, in the face of many enemies, especially when encountering masters of the level of Tokyo Myth and Dark Night, it is a lot of trouble for Ye Luo to deal with it alone, but can send the waves and the wind and others to support. It will make him safer and kill more people.

As for the skill system, Ye Luo has far more skills than other players, even players with two professional skills such as Midnight Book and Damo Guyan are far behind. These skills are not just a large-scale group attack. , Group control skills, in addition to many invincible means, displacement skills, and these will increase Ye Luo's killing efficiency a lot.

It is precisely this in mind, so June Feixue and others believe that Ye Luo will definitely be able to take the lead in the'killing game', overwhelming the crowd, and even have a great chance to surpass the Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Mythology to become the'killing game' points. No. 1 on the list, thinking that the first player is likely to be rewarded with national equipment, they are naturally excited and looking forward to it.

However, after hearing this system prompt, Firework Yi Leng thought that it was not good for the Chinese server. Smart as Sanmai Shi quickly understood her meaning. She knew that firework Yi Leng was not worried about Ye Luo taking a day off and they paid it back. It takes some time every day to do serial tasks.

"The hidden changes in it?" After a moment of stunned, Breaking the waves and riding the wind blurted out and asked: "What is the change?"

Also puzzled were June Feixue and others. They all looked at the fireworks and samādhi poems. At this time, their expressions became a little more solemn.

"Under normal circumstances, while doing this serial task, we will work on the gang station of the enemy alliance at the same time, because this will consume their [Group Blessing Scroll]. Of course, we still have the opportunity to occupy their gang station and get some [Group Blessing] Scroll], one will go down and the other will grow, we will have the opportunity to take action on Hongyan City and completely destroy their [Battlestar].” Samadhi explained, seeing Po Lang Chengfeng and others nodding, she continued: “But now it’s triggered With the system of'killing game', everyone will definitely be keen to hunt down the players of the enemy alliance. After all, you and I know that the efficiency of killing players when harassing the enemy gang’s resident is too low. Not surprisingly, the next thing is like Eastern Killing. Super masters like Sky and Polar Silver Wolf are keen to act alone, which will have a great impact on our consumption plan."

"Well, it seems to be the same." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "Because I am also more inclined to directly find the enemy alliance's leveling points and then kill special kills. This efficiency is several times higher than that of harassing the enemy gang. ."

"So, next we don’t necessarily have to consume the enemy alliance much [Group Blessing Scroll]." Samadhi said: "In addition, we can’t occupy the enemy alliance’s gang resident and get some [Group Blessing] Scroll] rewards, it’s even more difficult to [Crowd Blessing Scroll] far surpass the enemy alliance."

"But facing our hunt, it seems that the enemy alliance can be forced to use [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially after we use some [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Po Lang Chengfeng mentioned this.

"Because it is a sneak attack, and most of the targets are very weak. In this case, Sister Feng, you don’t need to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and Tokyo Shinhwa and others also know that support will not have any effect, and they are more inclined to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Those who hunt us, in this case, it is almost impossible to force the players of the enemy alliance to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Samadhi explained, after a short pause, she continued: "At least there is no harassment of the enemy. The gang resident of the Fang Alliance consumes their [Group Blessing Scroll] faster."

"What's more, we will be rewarded some [Group Blessing Scrolls] after we occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing this, everyone understood this, and then June Feixue asked: "Since we know this, then we will directly tell Uncle Bacchus to them, and then continue to organize players to harass the gang of the enemy alliance. This is not the case. Is it all right?"

"It's not that easy." Samadhi said, she smiled bitterly: "Because a new system is triggered, most capable masters tend to act alone. At this time, it is not so easy to restrain them, such as the Eastern Killing. Is it possible that we can ask them to take part in the action when they asked for leave like the day before?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, not only the people of our server, but the players of the Russian server and other servers must also tend to act alone, and it is even more impossible for us to restrain them. It is very likely that we will next I can't organize the manpower anymore."

"It seems to be the case." Sitting on Qin Xinzheng, she looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng, "Of course, we can also organize manpower to harass the gang of the enemy alliance, and even we have the opportunity to capture the enemy. The league’s gang resident, but because the efficiency is much lower than that of hunting players, especially the players with the highest points in the'killing game' still have a great chance to obtain national weapons. In this case, I am afraid that it is Feng Sister and Ye Luo. I'm more inclined to act alone."

"It's natural. Eastern Killing Sky can hunt players. If we don't do this, wouldn't we be even more behind them." Breaking the wind blurted out: "Especially if Dongfang Killing Sky acquires another kingdom he can equip. It’s almost impossible for us to defeat him anymore."

"Of course, if dark night, Tokyo Shinhwa and others are allowed to obtain national weapons, then they are also a great threat to us, so we must not let them get the first point." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"So, the situation is just like what the fireworks said before. The system that triggers the'killing game' is not beneficial to us." Samadhi said helplessly.

"Not only that, if the points obtained in the killing game can be exchanged for some good equipment items in the system store, such as [Devil Crystal Soul], then more players tend to act alone." Said coldly.

In this regard, everyone is deeply convinced, especially sitting on the piano to investigate the'killing game' system and then found that points can be exchanged for many good things, such as high-level pet equipment, such as [Demon God Crystal Soul], even can be specified Exchange some national implements.

After hearing the words of sitting on Qinxin, June Feixue hurriedly investigated, and soon she was astonished: "Uh, you can actually exchange points for national weapons!"

"Can you exchange for national weapons?!" The voice of Po Lang Chengfeng raised a few points, and then she hurriedly asked: "What grade of national weapons, what type?!"

"There are all types and grades. You can specify the exchange according to your needs. For example, you can exchange for a national armor breastplate, which means you can directly equip it." Sitting on the Qin Xin said , Seeing the beautiful eyes of Polang Chengfeng light up, she continued: "Of course you can also exchange for rings and so on. In short, as long as you have enough points, you can exchange for almost any kind of national weapon."

"Doesn't it mean that both Ye Luo and I can have the opportunity to exchange for the national equipment we can equip?!" Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, and then she continued: "Hey, that would be great, get one or two more equipment that we can equip The national equipment of China, then our equipment level will surpass Dongfang Jitian, and it will be much easier to defeat him in the future."

"That's the case, but the points required to redeem the national equipment are very high. For example, the low-grade national equipment requires 100 million points, which means that players who need to kill 100 million enemy servers can exchange the low-grade national equipment. "Sit on the heart of the piano and pour cold water on the wind and waves: "The points required for the middle-grade national equipment and the top-grade national equipment are even higher, which are 500 million points and 1 billion points respectively. I am afraid that the majority of players. It’s not necessarily possible to do it even though his gaming career is poor."

"What, such a high score?!" Midnight Shu was a little dumbfounded, and then he muttered: "It seems that it is not so easy to obtain a national weapon through this method. At least it is simply to get a set of national instruments. impossible."

"Uh, a set?!" Othello couldn't help but stunned, and then she ridiculed: "You really dare to think, I am afraid that Ye Luo is not confident that he wants to use this method to get a set of national tools, let alone other things. The player."

"It's natural to get a set, but it is not impossible for Ye Luo and I to spend more time to get one or two low-grade national implements or even middle-grade national implements." Po Lang Chengfeng said this. Her pretty face was full of smiles: "And this is enough, at least our level of equipment can surpass Dongfang Tiantian. If we pass this serial mission and get some national weapons, they will surpass Dongfang Tiantian. There is no problem."

"It is not impossible for Ye Luo and Feng sister to accumulate enough points to redeem one or two low-grade national implements." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she poured cold water again: "However, the intellectual brain system is still limited. For example, a player can only redeem one low-grade national implement, one middle-grade national implement, and one high-grade national implement, and the exchanged national implement cannot be traded to other players."

"What, there is a quantity limit?!" Midnight Shu's voice increased again, and then he muttered: "It seems that there is no chance of getting a set of national implements through this method."

The words of the book in the middle of the night made everyone amused, but they also understood that the brain system still has many restrictions on the ‘killing game’ system.

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