VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3222: : Killing is on

The intellectual brain system naturally does not give players unlimited opportunities to "swipe" national devices, so there are many restrictions in the "killing game" system, such as limiting the number of national devices that each player can exchange cannot exceed 3, and they are different Only high-grade national implements will work, and the exchanged national implements cannot be given to other players and so on.

However, they also understand the limitations of the brain system. After all, they also know that the brain system cannot allow players to obtain too many national weapons through this system, which greatly affects the balance of the game.

"Hey, even if you can only exchange for one low-grade national implement, one middle-grade national implement, and one high-grade national implement, it's enough." Po Lang Chengfeng said: "Plus, the player who gets the first point has a big chance. Obtaining national weapons, so Ye Luo and I will surpass Dongfang in the number of national weapons just around the corner."

"The exchange items in the'killing game' are tempting to most players, especially masters like Feng Jie and Dongfang Tiantian." Samadhi said: "In this case, we want to harass the enemy. The plan of the Fang League gang resident is even more unworkable."

"Hey, although this plan cannot be implemented, if we can obtain one or two national weapons through the'killing game' system, we can greatly enhance our strength. This strength can also suppress the enemy alliance, and even this is more efficient. "Bao Lang Chengfeng Road, and then her brows frowned slightly: "Unfortunately Ye Luo asked for a day off, and we will have to do that serial task next, which will waste a lot of time because of this. This may be caused by Eastern Killing the Sky and Tokyo Mythology. They took the first place."

"We can completely put down the task for the time being, and focus on hunting down the players of the enemy alliance." June Feixue proposed, and her proposal was immediately echoed by many people.

"No, I can't give up the mission temporarily." Yi Leng Yi Leng shook her head, seeing the puzzled look of June Feixue and others, she explained: "Because doing missions is more efficient to improve strength, even than hunting foreign players. It is more efficient, not to mention that once we complete this task and obtain some powerful equipment and props, it can also increase our hunting efficiency."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, the'killing game' is settled once a month, and will be rewarded according to the points ranking. This is the case this month, next month, and even next month. Do you want to put this serial task on hold forever?"

"Uh, this is true." June Feixue said, and then she frowned: "But doing serial tasks will greatly affect our time. Maybe because of this task, Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng won't get the first place in points. Now, what should I do?"

"Simple, let Sister Feng and Ye Luo hunt and kill the foreign server players, and we will do the task." Samadhi said, seeing the shocked look of June Feixue and others, she continued: "Anyway, we people have no chance to get For the first place in points, only a limited number of people such as Ye Luo and Sister Feng have the opportunity. In that case, we naturally don’t have to worry. We can allocate some time to do serial tasks. Anyway, the first few links and even the last of this serial task. The ring will not be too difficult before, and we should be able to complete it with our strength, so that Ye Luo and Sister Feng will be able to hunt down the players of the foreign server with all their strength."

"Well, that's right, this is a very good way." Sitting on Qin Xin took over the stubborn words: "When we feel the great resistance, let Sister Feng and Ye Luo do the task, so it won't be wasted. They have too much time."

"You and I know that Ye Luo's killing efficiency is much higher than that of Eastern Killing Sky, Tokyo Mythology and others. Even if he wastes some time, he has a great chance to win the first place in points, especially his luck is very good here. In a serial mission to obtain some high-level equipment that he can equip or even national equipment." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Everyone agreed with this, and then they decided to do so, because at this time there is still a long time before 12 o'clock in the morning, and if you complete the task earlier, you will be able to do other things earlier, so the fireworks are easy. They didn't waste time when it was cold, they immediately called in their staff and started to do the task.

As expected by sitting on Qin Xin and Samadhi, the first few links of this serial task are very simple. At least the first link is like this. It depends on the situation. The waves and the wind, Ye Luo and others will not participate, but the fireworks are easy to be cold, etc. , It can be completed more easily only with the second team of the Misty Pavilion.

However, the rewards for tasks that are easy to complete will also be much less. For example, after completing the first task, they have been rewarded with 10 full attribute points. If it is not for the reward of the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the reward for doing the task, With little experience, they might even think that doing this task is a waste of time.

Of course, they also know that this is just the beginning, and the rewards for the next missions will become more and more generous, so they are still looking forward to it.

After completing the task, they did not waste time, or did dungeon tasks, or hunted high-level BOSS. Of course, they did not forget to pay attention to the changes in the game, because fireworks are easy to cold, they know that it is officially in the'killing game' After opening, the situation in the game industry will definitely change a lot.

"Sister Fireworks, as you said, the players on the major servers are all gearing up to prepare, and even they have begun to take action. For example, they dispatched more assassins and elite teams to sneak into the major servers. Not surprisingly, in the early morning. Then there will be a large-scale assassination." June Feixue said, and when she said these, her tone was full of excitement.

"It seems that the next Heaven Tribulation game will be more chaotic than before." Sitting on Qin Xin, she muttered to herself, and then her tone changed: "However, the more chaotic the Heaven Tribulation game, the better it is for us, and even we can. Take the opportunity to do a lot of things, such as sneak attacks on Hongyan City, because then I am afraid that many people will not imagine these, and we may have very good gains by surprise."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng shining brightly, she nodded repeatedly, and said: "This is also a very good way, and if it is a sneak attack on Hongyan City, Uncle Bacchus and the others will definitely support and then forcibly gather everyone to participate, of course. The major servers will also cooperate, especially the Central Asian server. After all, they also know that once we can break Hongyan City and destroy the [Battlestar] within it, we can completely gain the upper hand, and this will also greatly increase the efficiency of the subsequent hunting. , And even this is a once-and-for-all solution, so I believe that many people will support it."

Speaking of these breaking waves and riding the wind to see the fireworks is easy to be cold, it is self-evident.

"Well, maybe there is such a chance." Fireworks Yi cold nodded, but they were excited about breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "As for the details, it depends on the situation. If the time is right, we can summon some people to attack Hong. Rock City."

When Yi Leng agreed with the fireworks, everyone was even more excited, and they began to look forward to it.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo has calmed Zhiyue during the quest, and Ye Luo’s mood has calmed down a little bit. The most important thing is that he has also realized what the'killing game' can do to the game world. Influence, so he also knows that the first point is bound to be won, even he decided to start after the early morning, so that more or less can be less than some other people-anyway, Ye Luo used to go to bed after one or two in the morning. It's okay to delay more time today, but for him, one or two hours can kill many players.

Time passed faintly, a few more hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the early morning finally arrived, and the'killing game' system was officially opened. Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng also started their actions at the first time, and they were sent there as soon as possible. In the printing service-the reason for the transmission to the printing service is naturally because the printing service has the largest number of players, and the average strength is relatively poor. The hunting efficiency here will undoubtedly be higher.

Of course, fireworks are easy to be cold. They also thought that there will be many people invading the Chinese server, so there are still many people who stay behind. For example, fireworks are easy to be cold, and they stayed behind when they sit on the heart of the piano. Can deal with various emergencies, especially in the case of great danger, you can let Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind come back to support them.

Before the early morning, the assassins of the Misty Pavilion sneaked into the printing server and other servers and began to investigate. Soon they found a lot of leveling locations. After the "killing game" was officially opened, Yeluo and Breaking Wind Riders chose them separately. Several locations proceeded to take action, and after the teleportation, they didn't say much, and directly launched a sneak attack, and a feast of killing was officially opened for a time!

Ye Luo's goal is a leveling point for thousands of people. These people's strength is relatively poor, even the average level is 4 or 5 lower than the middle server players. Compared with Ye Luo and the others, the difference is even greater. In addition, there are no double-professional masters among them, so they can't resist Ye Luo, Breaking the waves and riding the wind at all.

The most important thing is that after learning that Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and their sneak attacks, the colorful sacred cow, colorful demon fox and others know that even if they support it, it will not be of any use. On the contrary, they will waste a lot of time and may even be killed. , So they will naturally not come to support, and this has further made Ye Luo and the others unscrupulous, and various skills are displayed, even because of splashing and [Reincarnation* Split Arrow], they can kill a lot with ordinary attacks. People, especially after the attack power of Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng added up, the efficiency is even more impressive.

Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also have a big advantage, that is, they have [Fallen * Devour], because the existence of this skill is directly mobilized by the players killed by them without the chance of lying down and being resurrected. , And this also improved Ye Luo's efficiency a lot, especially Ye Luo, who soon occupied the first place in the standings, and the gap with the players below was getting wider and wider.

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