VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3223: : May be harassed

Compared with most players, Ye Luo and the "Falling * Devouring" of Breaking the Waves and Wind makes them more efficient in hunting foreign players. After all, this skill can ignore the player's resurrection skills, state and even the state of lying down and directly kill them. , This undoubtedly greatly saved their time and then improved their hunting efficiency.

Of course, Eastern Killing Sky, Colorful God Cow, Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, etc. also have this skill, especially Eastern Killing Heaven because of having 4 powerful national weapons and receiving generous rewards for his equipment level in previous competitions. Even the overall attributes are better than those of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Ye Luo, so their hunting efficiency is also very high. They are also among the top ten in the'killing game' standings.

However, Ye Luo has advantages that these people don’t have. For example, he has high mobility and a perfect skill system. With these Ye Luo’s hunting efficiency is higher than Eastern Killing Sky, and with the passage of time, he and The second place in the standings, East Killing, opened the gap wider and wider.

According to the inference of fireworks and snow in June, even if Ye Luo took a day off and wasted some time because of the serial task, he is very likely to win the first place, especially the early stage of the serial task does not require Ye Luo. participate.

Inferring these, June Feixue and others were very excited. In their hearts, this month’s “killing game” must belong to Ye Luo. Everyone began to look forward to it after thinking that he might get a national weapon. .

"Hehe, according to the current situation, Uncle Ye Luo is very likely to win the first place even if he asks for leave and wastes some time because of serial tasks, especially if he is a little harder and plays more games." June Feixue chuckled. Said: "In other words, he is very likely to receive system rewards in a month, plus the points he can get will be the first to be exchanged for the national weapon, and that is the national weapon he can equip, tusk, by then his The level of equipment will definitely surpass Dongfang Killing Heaven, and it will be no problem to defeat him. By then, Uncle Ye Luo will still be the first person in the service and even the Heaven Tribulation."

In this regard, Zhiyue and others also deeply agree, and they are a little looking forward to this.

"Maybe things are not as optimistic as you think." Suddenly, Samadhi said, seeing the disapproval look of June Feixue and others, she continued: "After seeing the rapid increase in Ye Luo's points, the players on the major servers will definitely Will deliberately target him, for example, they will send some masters to harass and stop Ye Luo, or someone will deliberately pester Ye Luo after they learn of Ye Luo’s traces. Although it may not pose any threat to Ye Luo, it will affect him. There is still no problem with the efficiency of hunting foreign server players, especially among the players who harass Ye Luo, there are some dual-professional masters and people who wear the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Hearing that, June Feixue is silent, she naturally knows the truth of "Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it", and after seeing that Ye Luo is very likely to get the first point, the players of the major servers will definitely deliberately target, even Even players in the middle server such as Eastern Killing Sky will quietly stumble, so Ye Luo's hunting efficiency will definitely be affected.

"If this is the case, what should we do?" Zhiyue asked worriedly. Without waiting for everyone to speak, she said to herself: "Now there are a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] stockpiled in major servers. This state and the dual-professional masters who use their big moves, even if they can't stop Brother Ye, will definitely cause him a lot of trouble, which will slow down his efficiency a lot."

"Hey, what's so worrying about. Others can harass Ye Luo, and we can naturally harass Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others." Othello said indifferently: "Even we can make a move by ourselves, anyway, we have nothing to do. The chance to get the first place, so you can spend a lot of time harassing Tokyo Shinhwa and others, so Ye Luo still has a great chance to get the first place in points."

They didn’t wait until Yue Yue they spoke, and she continued: “In addition, you and I both know how powerful Ye Luo’s life-saving methods are, and his mobility is also very strong. The most important thing is that he still has [cross] compared to super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa. Service*Space Portal] We can send people like us to support at any time, which means we can deal with those who harass Ye Luo, and even cooperate with Ye Luo to kill them several times. I don’t believe those people will do it again. Come to harass Ye Luo."

"Well, this is a very good way." Sanmei Shi Zhenshou lightly said: "After all, those who dare to harass Ye Luo should be elite masters, or even dual-professional masters. Kill them a few times. Can deter them."

"But what if those people harass Brother Ye with invincible means?" Zhiyue asked: "We all know that there are some space-based players in major servers. They can send players who are about to consume all invincible means away at any time. , In other words, it is almost impossible to kill them, and even if we rush over to support Brother Ye’s efficiency, it will definitely be affected. The most important thing is that Brother Ye and I have to take a day off, and in the future because Doing that serial task will waste some more time, so it's not so easy for Brother Ye to get the first place."

"Actually, this is not necessarily a bad thing." Suddenly the fireworks became cold, and she explained after a short pause: "Tomorrow Yeluo will take a day off, and some time will be wasted because of serial tasks in the future. Not surprisingly, Dongfang Jitian, Tokyo The points of Shinhwa and others will surpass him, especially Eastern Killing Sky. In this case, the attention of the enemy alliance will naturally stay on East Killing Heaven and others, so Ye Luo will not be affected much, so it’s a good time. Making good use of these leaves makes it easier to get the first place in the standings."

"In addition, Ye Luo can also make full use of his high mobility advantages. Using these will also make him a substitute for a lot of hunting efficiency." Firework Yi Leng added.

"Hey, it seems to be the case. Maybe it would be a good thing for Ye Luo to ask for leave this time." Othello smiled, and then she thought of something flashed in her beautiful eyes: "In addition, we can also cooperate with Ye Luo to find opportunities to attack Tokyo. Mythology, Dark Night and others, including those players who have national weapons, tsk, maybe we have a chance to hunt some people and then get some national weapons, and even the efficiency of obtaining national weapons in this way is higher than that of Ye Luo's first place in the standings. The most important thing is that this can weaken the enemy's strength, one will go down and the other will grow, and it will be easier to face the enemy alliance in the future."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and Zhiyue said excitedly: "It is estimated that Sister Feng is more inclined to do this, she will definitely support it."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but laugh, after all, once they knew about breaking waves and riding the wind, they naturally knew that she was more inclined to attack masters.

"It's just that in this way, it seems that the Eastern Killing of the Sky will be able to profit from the fisherman." Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said, she said while looking at everyone: "After all, we can't attack him, but from the current situation. He is also the person who has the best chance of surpassing Ye Luo to get the first place in the standings."

"This is also a problem." June Feixue said in a deep voice, but she chuckled when she thought of it: "It's no surprise that tomorrow and the next few days, Eastern Killing Sky will have more points than Uncle Ye Luo, and he will do it too. Becoming the target of the enemy's alliance deliberately, he may not feel comfortable in this situation."

"In addition, if we have the opportunity to obtain the national weapon by hunting other servers who own the national weapon, then it doesn't seem to matter whether Uncle Ye Luo can get the first place in the standings." June Feixue added.

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and then they stopped struggling with this matter, and continued to get busy on their own.

Because of the official start of the "killing game", the players of the major servers have taken action. For example, fireworks are easy to cold, they infer that the general game has become more chaotic. Almost everywhere there are assassinations and anti-kill actions, including the Chinese server. , And even the Chinese server has become the focus of many major servers. Players on servers such as the Japanese server naturally know that the Chinese server is the most threatening to them, so they want to take this opportunity to focus on the Chinese server, so that they can do their best. May weaken the strength of China Server.

This is also true. Servers such as the Japanese server have sent many elite teams to sneak into the middle server. For a time, the middle server is also full of killings. This also greatly affects the leveling and tasks of the middle server players. This is also what they inferred that the "killing game" system is not good for the Chinese server.

Of course, this is the end of the matter. What they have to do is to kill the elite teams of the enemy alliance as much as possible, and this is also an important reason for them to stay in the middle server, and they have also killed a lot of infiltrations. The player of the enemy server in the server.

Of course, the players of the enemy server are also smart people. They will deliberately avoid fireworks and others. The most important thing is that they are the assassin party, are well prepared and have the initiative, so even if the fireworks are easy to cold, they can't count them frequently. Blocked, there are still many players in the Chinese server who have been assassinated, including many players who are doing missions and leveling.

"Fireworks, it is not enough for us to kill the enemies who sneaked into our server, because this time there are many players who sneaked into our server." Othello said solemnly: "The most important thing is that there are many masters among them, and there are even like the sky. Super masters like the God of Zhao and Hero's Blade, even if we make a move, no, I am afraid that even Ye Luo's move will not stop them from hunting our people. After all, they can try to avoid us, and we want to keep chasing us. They are not so easy."

"We also don't have a good way. We can only discuss with Uncle Bacchus and the others, so that the major gangs will send some elite teams to kill the players who sneak into our server." Samadhi said in a deep voice: "This will reduce our casualties as much as possible. "

"Well, that's right, we can only do this." Firework Yi cold nodded.

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