VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3227: : A battle sooner or later

Just like the fireworks are easy to be cold and others, as smart as Eastern stars, they also noticed the strangeness from this incident of Ye Luo’s verbal criticism and deduced that someone was behind it, and she even faintly guessed which force was behind it. It’s just that She also has no solid evidence, and even the reason for speculation is not as accurate as the fireworks easy to cold infer.

Of course, this cannot be ruled out that they hate the black hand behind this incident, especially when thinking about the outcome of the violent conflict between the Eastern family and the Misty Pavilion-although they don’t want to admit it, the players of the Eastern family know this. There is still a gap between them and the Misty Pavilion. At this time, the situation of the conflict in the Eastern family will be very unfavorable and may even be overthrown.

"It's a pity that the star does not have full evidence, otherwise we will definitely pick out those people and spurn them." Oriental Pearl said coldly, while looking at the Oriental star: "And as the star said, this is the period of the national war. , We must control the situation. At this time, whoever initiates infighting is likely to become sinners through the ages, so we can only endure it, just in case the Misty Pavilion takes the lead against us..."

"Don't worry, firework is colder than you and me. She is much calmer than you and me. She can definitely perceive the strangeness and infer many things. Even in this kind of thing, I am not as good as her, and she will try her best to control the players of the Misty Pavilion. Maybe avoid conflicts with us." Dongfang Star said, and then thought of something, her mouth raised a smile: "Of course, with the character of fireworks and coldness, she will not let go of those who vilify them, and we will definitely get revenge in the future. Just wait for a good show."

"No, we will also participate when the time comes, and let those hiding in the dark know that we are not so easy to provoke." Dongfang Qitian said coldly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes as he said this: "Even In the future, we will definitely have to do something against the Misty Pavilion, because only in this way can we prove that our Eastern family is the strongest, and that the Chinese server and even the first gang of Heavenly Tribulation are none other than us!"

Yes, Eastern Killing Sky also has his own pride. He is bound to win the throne of the first gang in the Chinese server and the game industry, so they will inevitably fight against the Misty Pavilion, but he is still very calm and focuses on the overall situation. One thing can only be done after the enemy server is completely suppressed.

"Hey, that's right, sooner or later, we will have a battle with Ying Ming Pavilion. By then, everyone will know that our Eastern family is the first gang." Dongfang Mietian said that this suits him excitedly and looking forward to it.

Seeing the Dongfang star frowning, Dongfang Sutian instantly understood why she was doing this, and he said solemnly: "Of course, we don't necessarily have an advantage over Shangying Pavilion now, plus the national war is underway. So this matter needs to be considered for a long time, and what we have to do during this period is to work hard to improve our strength. Fortunately, the "killing game" system is a rare opportunity for us. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will definitely be able to reproduce the past. Glory."

Seeing Dongfang Killing Tian still remaining calm and wise, Dongfang star breathed a sigh of relief, and she was as smart as she could naturally judge that the'killing game' system was a rare opportunity, especially if Ye Luo asked for a day off. They have more opportunities.

At this moment, the intelligence agency of the Eastern Family came to the news that Midnight Book, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they were chasing down players such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology had been pursued offline.

"Breaking the waves and riding the wind, Midnight Book, they didn't hunt down the players of the foreign service to fight for the top score, but they went to chase the dark night. This would waste a lot of their time." After hearing the news, Dongfang Zhantian Can’t help but laugh, and while talking, he looks at everyone: “But this is also good news for us, because Dark Night and Tokyo Shinhwa’s efficiency in earning points will surely be greatly reduced, which will give the eldest brother a better chance to get the points. First in the standings, after all, Dark Night and Tokyo Myths are still very threatening to Big Brother."

"That's right, let them fight, and we will be the fisherman who will profit." Dongfang Ming said with a chuckle.

"I'm afraid that things are not as simple as you think." Dongfang Star said, seeing the doubts of everyone, she continued: "No accident, they did this because they wanted to harass the waves and ride the wind and then let them Ye Luo Zhiqiu has a chance to catch up with them. After all, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology still have a good chance to get the first place in the standings, and Ye Luo Zhiqiu is also bound to win this."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course the most important reason is that they really want to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. After all, you and I know that Dark Night and they have a lot of national weapons in their hands. If they can kill them, they can explode. It’s more efficient to produce some national tools than to hunt down ordinary players and then earn the top spot in the standings."

"The most important thing is that Midnight Book and Po Lang Chengfeng combined with the cooperation of other people in the Misty Pavilion still have the opportunity to kill the dark night and others." Dongfang Star added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

"Although this is the case, this is more or less beneficial to us. After all, the efficiency of the dark night and the Tokyo myth to gain points has been reduced a lot, so that the big brother will have a better chance of winning the first place." Dongfang Mietian smiled, and His words were echoed by everyone.

"Since Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have gone offline, let Brother Slaughter come back." Dongfang Star said, while she looked at the Japanese player who was lurking over to take action on Dongfang Tiantian: "Big brother because it is First in the standings, it was also targeted. Players are constantly harassing. Even though we are under a lot of pressure here, Brother Tutian is best at assassination and anti-assassination. Letting them come can greatly reduce our pressure and then make Big brother is more efficient in earning points."

The order for the Eastern Star was meaningless. Soon Dongfang Slutian and his team of assassins rushed over. As the Eastern Star said, Dongfang Slutian is very good at assassination and anti-assassination, his arrival is also great. Reduced the pressure of Dongfang Killing and others.

Although they stayed up late, they didn’t feel tired at all. After all, they had a rare opportunity in their hearts. They had to make the most of their time and strive to surpass Ye Luo more. Dongfang Jitian also knew that he would get points under normal circumstances. The efficiency is slightly worse than that of Ye Luo, which can be seen from the fact that Ye Luo's points easily surpassed Dongfang Tiantian and then opened the gap with him in the early morning.

And after two or three hours, Dongfang Killing Tian, ​​they heard the reminder that the fireworks Yi Leng and others completed the second ring mission, and while this worried them, they also breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried because they knew Ye Luo and the others were there. After completing the team serial mission this time, his strength will definitely improve, and he may even obtain the national equipment he can equip. In this way, Ye Luo's personal strength may surpass that of Dongfang.

As for a sigh of relief, they knew that Ye Luo would definitely waste a lot of time doing this serial task, so Dongfang Jitian would have a better chance of surpassing him in points and winning the first place.

"Hey, even if Ye Luo and the others completed the serial mission this time, they might not have a chance to obtain a national weapon. Even if they obtain a national weapon, Ye Luo may not be able to equip it. After all, the player encounters a kingdom that he can equip. The odds of the instrument are too small and too small." Dongfang Mingmu said: “In this case, we naturally don’t have to worry about anything. Especially when the big brother has a better chance of getting the first place in the standings, he will also have a chance to win the national instrument. After 10 million points, he can exchange for a national weapon he can equip, which will also greatly increase the strength of Big Brother."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they stopped worrying about this issue and continued to kill.

Time passed faintly, and more than 10 hours passed in a blink of an eye, and after such a long period of struggle, the East Killing Sky scored not only firmly ranked first, but also far away from the second-ranked Tokyo Mythology. It is even twice as much as the latter, and Ye Luo's points are even harder to match. This makes Dongfang Jitian and others more confident, especially after they discovered that Ye Luo has not logged into the game.

It has been so long, although Eastern Killing Sky can still bear it, but the Oriental Pearl, Oriental Bright Eyes and others can no longer bear it. Of course, the most important thing is that the dark night and Tokyo myths are online again after the rest-dark nights, Tokyo myths The others are likely to be united with them and attack the East Killing Heaven, just as they attacked them before Midnight Shu, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. At this time, the tired East Killing Heaven may not be able to retreat from their sneak attacks. , So the best option is offline.

Of course, Eastern Killing Sky and others also hope that Po Lang Cheng Feng and others can continue to chase Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, but they are also offline before they go offline. This makes Eastern Killing Heaven and others puzzled at the same time. Knowing that they have to go offline, after all, there is no such thing as Midnight Book, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, after Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others are more likely to take action on them.

That's right, it was only around ten o'clock in the night at this time, and there was still some time to go offline on time at 11 o'clock in the night. When the waves and the wind and the book in the middle of the night went offline at this time, Dongfang Qitian and others were puzzled.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, Ye Luo and Zhiyue are back. Thinking that Ye Luo and Zhiyue are in a bad mood, so the waves and the wind and others will naturally go offline to comfort them, and it is normal to go offline so early. Things.

However, what made Polangchengfeng and others a little depressed was that Ye Luo and Zhiyue took a rest before they went offline. According to the nanny who was invited, their looks were a bit ugly, which also made them a little worried. , Even Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind could not help but want to see Ye Luo or Zhiyue, but was stopped by the fireworks.

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