VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3228: : Ye Luo Return

Ye Luo and Zhiyue are back, and their emotions are obviously very bad. This is not only the message from the nanny, but the most important thing is that Ye Luo and Zhiyue have gone to rest so early. And this made Polangchengfeng a little worried. She couldn't help but want to see Ye Luo or Zhiyue, but she was stopped by the fireworks, and she also gave a reason-Ye Luo and the others need to have it at this time. Own space.

At this time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind thought of Zhiqiu, the woman who looked exactly like her, and the woman's mind instantly made her understand a lot of things. She also knew that it was not convenient for her to see Ye Luo at this time, but thought of these. When she was upset, she was a little irritable and faintly worried.

"Don't worry, Ye Luo will get better soon." Samadhi poem comforted, but the effect of these words was limited.

"Sister, are we going back to the game now?" In the middle of the night calligraphy, his tone was faintly expectant as he said this: "Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, they should be in the game soon after they rest for so long, let's talk to them Have fun!"

A foul breath flashed in his eyes, breaking the waves and riding the wind: "This is natural!"

The mood of breaking the waves and riding the wind is not good at this time. Naturally, I need to vent it. It is undoubtedly the best way to do something about Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. When they see them landing in the game, the fireworks are easy to be cold and others are a little worried. After all, Dark Night and Tokyo The current state of Mythology is not comparable to before, so they have also landed in the game.

Next, Midnight Book, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they continue to join forces to hunt down the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. Of course, fireworks are easy to be cold, the Long River Sunset and other people are sniping and infiltrating the enemies in the server, and they also rush to support from time to time. While the book was safe, it also caused even greater trouble for them in Dark Night.

Although the state at this time is much better than in the morning, they also know that it is not easy to kill the waves and wind, fireworks and other people, especially they suspect that Ye Luo is likely to appear at any time and then act on them. , So they would be a little risky to fight against the people's congress such as Po Lang Cheng Feng, the most important thing is that they know that this will waste a lot of their time, and all they have to do is to get as many points as possible and then get the first place in the standings.

Think about it, since there is no chance to kill the people like Polangchengfeng and others, and there will even be a chance to be attacked by the hidden Ye Luo, the Tokyo Mythology will naturally not deal with Polangchengfeng and others, but transfer and then hunt. Kill players in other places.

Of course, even if there are many space players on servers such as Japanese server and Hanbok, their possible sneak attacks at any time in the face of breaking waves and riding wind have also affected the efficiency of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Fortunately, their points are also increasing rapidly. Especially thinking that Eastern Killing Sky and Ye Luo would also receive the same'treatment', so their resentment was alleviated a lot.

Although there is no chance to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, the waves and the wind have vented their resentment through chasing down again and again, especially since they also killed a lot of players who blocked them, so they are in a better mood. Some.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng got up and ate on time. At this time, Ye Luo and Zhiyue’s mood was much better than before. They were not allergic to Huiru Samadhi poems, and they could see that Ye Luo was cold when sitting on the piano. Not even better than when they first met.

However, Samadhi and they also know why Ye Luo is like this, and they know that Ye Luo will return to what it was before, so they didn’t worry about anything. Of course, the fireworks and others were also with Ye Luo during the meal. Speaking of the things in the game, after more than a day, there have been many changes in the game world, especially after the triggering of the'killing game' system, the situation of the robbery game has changed drastically from before.

"Ye Luo, then you can get your points at ease. We will notify you when we need you." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, but everyone who knows her knows that her tone is trembling slightly at this time, and it is clear that she is not in the mood. As calm as it appears.

"Yeah." Ye Luo said, his tone was more or less cold when he said this, and even his eyes flickered with faint suffocation.

Next, Ye Luo logged in to the game first, but Samadhi and sitting on the Qin Xin stopped Zhiyue and asked what happened yesterday and why Ye Luo was in such a bad mood.

"Nothing happened, it was just to worship my sister." Zhiyue said, and then she glanced at Po Lang Chengfeng: "Maybe it is thinking of sister Hou Ye brother in a bad mood."

"It's not bad, it's very bad." Othello said solemnly, her expression was a little sorrowful when she said this: "When I faced Ye Luo before, I even felt depressed and cold, and I was a little afraid of him. You can see how bad his mood is just by clicking."

"Yes, Ye Luo is a bit more hostile than before. This, this is very unusual." Sitting on Qin Xin said, her brows frowned slightly when she said this, and she couldn't hide her worry.

"It's normal to be hostile." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice. She glanced at the room where Ye Luo was located: "Ye Luo has logged in to the game. Next, he will vent this hostility by hunting down the players in his server. It should be fine. Didn't Sister Feng return to normal in this way very quickly yesterday."

He smiled and said, "Ye Luo is not in the same situation as mine, but it should be the same. I believe he will recover soon, so we don't have to worry about anything."

"Yeah." The firework Yi was cold and nodded, "Next, let's pay more attention to some Yeluo, especially Zhiyue you. If it is you, Yeluo should be more receptive to some and then easier to restore calm."

From the coldness that Ye Luo showed before, I can also see that Ye Luo faintly refuses people thousands of miles away. She is as smart as fireworks and is easy to get cold. It is easy to understand why. She knows that at this time she or the waves and wind and others will calm down. Ye Luo won't be very effective, and only Zhiyue is the most suitable. After all, Zhiyue is Zhiqiu's younger sister, and the person who cares about or feels the most guilty about Ye Luo.

Nodded, Zhiyue didn't say much, and then everyone logged in to the game together.

Fireworks and Samadhi continued to do serial missions, while Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Midnight Book they continued to hunt and sniper operations. Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also began to concentrate on hunting players on the enemy server to earn points. After all, she was still The one who has the opportunity to get the first place, at the worst, after getting 10 million points, she can also exchange for a national weapon that she can equip, and this will also greatly improve her strength, so accumulate 10 million points earlier. Still very important.

As for Midnight Book, after all, he is an assassin. It is almost impossible to get the first place in the standings. He also knows this, so he didn't care about it. Then he concentrated on harassing Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others, and waiting for them. With the help of Wuming and others, plus Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng can rush over to support at any time, so he can do it unscrupulously-Po Lang Chengfeng will no longer chase Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, want to be able to The great threat to Tokyo myth and dark nights naturally requires cooperation with Wuming. Of course, in the middle of the night, Shu can also ask Wuming for advice.

Although the operation of Midnight Shu gradually became more proficient, especially under Ye Luo's guidance, the assassination skills are still unknown and better, so learning with him can make Midnight Shu go further on the road of assassination. This is still very good for him.

It is worth mentioning that Dongfang Qitian and others have also logged into the game. They did not waste time and continued to sneak into the enemy's server to carry out hunting operations. Of course, Dongfang Qitian also received'special care', and even players who played against him. It's much more than yesterday. After all, his points are ranked first at this time, even about twice as much as the second. It is a matter of course for him.

However, he is also safe under the **** of Eastern Stars, Oriental Pearl Towers and others, especially his strength is almost standing at the top level among the players of Heavenly Tribulation, but this makes him less efficient in earning points. Few, thinking that Ye Luo had logged into the game and his points were increasing rapidly, the people of the Eastern Family became a little worried. Of course, many people wondered why Ye Luo didn't have a firework and cold waiter to do serial missions with him.

Of course, after the Dongfang star explained it, everyone quickly understood, and at this time they were more worried that Ye Luo's points might surpass Dongfang Shutian, especially thinking of the situation that Dongfang Shutian would be deliberately targeted because of being the number one in the standings. under.

"Ye Luo knows that Qiu's points are too far behind Big Brother, and because of this, there shouldn't be too many people against him, and the efficiency of his gaining points is probably faster than Big Brother." Dongfang Ming said, While talking about this, her tone was faintly worried: "There is still a long time in this month. It is not impossible for the eldest brother to be overtaken, and it is even possible to be overtaken."

"Don't worry, although Ye Luo Zhiqiu has not done a serial task now, it is because the task is still very simple, and he will need to take action next, so he will waste a lot of time. It is so easy for him to catch up with the big brother. "Dongfang Mingzhu said, thinking of something she laughed: "In addition, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu's points are not on the list, you and I all know his strength, and the dark night and others also know, so they will still send people to target him. , And even sent more manpower than the big brother here, so that his situation will not be much better than this side, and this will greatly reduce his efficiency in earning points."

"Well, that's true." Dongfang Ming nodded, and the others did the same, they were a little relieved.

"Hey, it's really like this. According to our reports, there are many players targeting Ye Luo Zhiqiu at this time, and there are even some dual-professional assassins. Tsk tsk, the treatment is better for the big brother..." Dongfang Zhantian smiled.

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