VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3229: : Refusal to support

After learning that Ye Luo returned to the game and then sneaked into the Indian server to start the killing, the people in the Eastern family were a little worried, worried that he could get more points than Eastern Killing, and won the first place in this month’s'killing game' points, but after learning After Ye Luo also received'preferential treatment' and the'treatment' was better than Eastern Killing Heaven here, they all relaxed, especially after knowing that there were some dual-professional assassins who had shot against Ye Luo.

"Hey, there are actually dual-professional assassins who acted on Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and his treatment is really good." Dongfang Mingxiao smiled lightly, and looked at everyone while talking about her: "So we don't have to worry about Ye Luo Zhiqiu's gains. He can surpass his eldest brother in points, especially at this time the efficiency of elder brother's points is faster than him.

"It seems that the players of the enemy alliance are aware of Ye Luo Zhiqiu's threat, so even if his points are far below the big brother, he will be targeted even if he is not on the list at all. This is a good thing for us. "Dongfang Star said, but after thinking of something, her brows frowned slightly: "Although fireworks and others went to do the serial task, but the super masters such as Midnight Book and Breaking the Waves did not do the task. They should go to support Ye Luo Zhiqiu, just like we help big brother, and you and I know the strength of Midnight Book and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. With their help, Ye Luo Zhiqiu will be a lot easier, especially it can deter many people. Dare to act on Ye Luo Zhiqiu, so that the efficiency of Ye Luo Zhiqiu's points will be greatly improved."

Hearing that, everyone looked a little more solemn, but thinking that Ye Luo took a day off for a day and wasted a lot of time, and that he would waste time doing serial tasks in the future, they didn’t worry much, and they even thought that Dongfang Tiantian had a great opportunity to get. First place in the standings.

Even so, under the order of the Eastern Star, the Eastern Family still sent a lot of power to pay attention to Ye Luo's situation. Of course, these people would not do anything to Ye Luo. All they had to do was to observe Ye Luo's situation. , In the hearts of Eastern Stars and others, we know ourselves and our opponents with all victories.

Not to mention the situation of the Dongfang family, let’s say that Midnight Book and Po Lang Cheng Feng also learned about Ye Luo’s being targeted, and then they immediately decided to rush to Ye Luo to support, but Ye Luo let them busy themselves. Thing, don’t help him.

"Ye Luo, you let us leave will greatly reduce the efficiency of your points, let us stay." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, when she said this, she was a little worried, because if it was Ye Luo never before Did this.

But Ye Luo shook his head and said: "Sister Feng, you don't need to help me, do your own affairs, I can solve these people alone."

Stopping the breaking waves and riding the wind, who had to say something else, in the middle of the night, Shu pulled the waves and riding the wind to leave. Although the latter was very confused, he did not continue to stay.

"Xiaoshu, why did you let me leave? Ye Luo alone faced the harassment of so many people..." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite suspicious, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Big Brother Ye has his intention to do this naturally. He is not a person of high spirits, even if his mood is not good at this time." In the middle of the night, he saw that the waves and the wind were a little doubtful, he continued: "Maybe Big Brother Ye I just want to vent the resentment in my heart through this killing, but your presence will greatly affect him."

Hearing this, Palang Chengfeng was silent for a moment, and then she said: "That's what I said, but you have also seen how people from the enemy alliance have targeted Ye Luo. The power to work on him is even more powerful than against Dongfang Tiantian. Many, this will greatly affect Ye Luo’s efficiency in earning points. In addition, he takes time off for a day and will take some time to do serial tasks in the future, so it is even more impossible for him to get the first place."

"The most important thing is that the low-key approach that fireworks said before is no longer useful. You have also seen how many people have targeted Ye Luo." Po Lang Chengfeng added, thinking of what she could not help but muttered: "If it was before Ye Luo will definitely let us help. Even if we don’t let us help, he will move to other places to continue hunting. But now he doesn’t move and fights hard with those who attacked him. This will undoubtedly further affect his ability to earn points. effectiveness."

"I think Big Brother Ye did it deliberately." In the middle of the night, he chuckled when he saw the puzzled look of the waves and the wind, "As you said, older sister, even if Big Brother Ye's points are not on the list, he will still Being harassed by a lot of people, the method that Sister Fireworks said before will have no effect. In other words, Big Brother Ye will be attacked and harassed by many players wherever he goes, and his efficiency in earning points will still be greatly reduced."

"That's what it says, but if we help him, the pressure will be reduced a lot, and the efficiency of earning points will also increase a lot." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, without waiting for the book to speak in the middle of the night, she continued: "In addition, Ye Luo's mobility is yours. I all know that if he moves to other places, even if he will be chased again soon, his efficiency in earning points will be much higher than it is now. I think that is the wisest approach."

"Deliberately avoiding those players who chase him and then moving there will only increase his efficiency in earning points, but he will still be harassed and the efficiency of earning points will be affected. At least he wants to surpass Dongfang Tiantian and become the number one. Difficulty..." The calligraphy in the middle of the night, but was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"That's better than he fights hard with the players who sneaked on him, especially if we don't let us help, I'm mad at me." Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

"That's why I said this was done by Big Brother Ye deliberately." In the middle of the night, he saw that the waves and the wind were strong and he controlled his emotions and listened patiently. He continued: "Because if they deliberately avoid and then move to other places, those people will Continue to harass Big Brother Ye, this will make Big Brother Ye overwhelming, but what if Big Brother Ye directly confronts these people and kills them one by one?"

"Kill them one by one?!" Po Lang Chengfeng's beautiful eyes lit up. It was obvious that she had already understood the meaning of Midnight Book. She said, "Well, this is also a way. After all, the person responsible for harassing and attacking him Players will also have a fear, especially if they are killed too many times, maybe they will not dare to rashly deal with Ye Luo anymore. In this way, the power to harass Ye Luo will be greatly reduced, and then he will gain The efficiency of the points will be much higher, at least better than the transfer place I mentioned before."

"That's right." Midnight Shu nodded: "And this is also a way that has a better chance of surpassing Dongfang Tiantian to become the number one. I have to say that Big Brother Ye is very smart in doing this, because more local servers have been killed. Players don't dare to rush, especially those dual-professional assassins. After all, they are the most powerful assassins on every server. If they are killed more times, their strength will be greatly weakened, so they should be worried about this."

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng said, but she changed her tone when she thought about it: "Although those dual-professional assassins will not rashly take action on Ye Luo after they have been killed more often, there will be others. Assassins, after all, every server has many assassins, and there are so many enemy servers, they can still send a large number of assassins to attack Ye Luo, this is for Ye Luo..."

"It's okay, as long as it's not the kind of dual-professional assassin who does it to Big Brother Ye, it won't be a big problem." Midnight Shu interrupted Po Lang Chengfeng's words, and a smile evoked his mouth: "Because there is only comparison. Only powerful assassins can cause some harassment to Big Brother Ye and affect his killing efficiency. Other ordinary assassins, even hidden professional assassins, will not pose a great threat to him. Maybe this will increase his efficiency in earning points. After all, those assassins After being killed, Big Brother Ye's points will also increase, especially when Big Brother Ye used various group attack skills to solve those assassins by the way."

"Well, that's the same." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she frowned when she thought of something: "But why didn't he let us help? Wouldn't it be easier to kill those dual-professional assassins if we help? Don't forget Those dual-professional assassins will let their people use [Space Portal] to teleport away after encountering danger, so it is not so easy for Ye Luo to kill them."

"If even Big Brother Ye can't kill those assassins, then we can't help much if we rush over." In the middle of the night, he saw the disapproving look of Po Lang Cheng Feng, and he continued: "The most important thing is to do this. It will greatly delay our hunting enemies and affect our efficiency in gaining points, especially Sister Feng. After all, you also have a chance to get the first place in the standings. If it is just to help Big Brother Ye, then naturally there will be no such opportunity. Maybe No, it must be because Big Brother Ye thought of this that he would not let us stay and let us do our own thing."

"Well, that's true. After all, our efficiency in helping to get points will be greatly reduced. At least it is far less than our acting alone." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, she seemed to understand why Ye Luo didn't let her and The book was left in the middle of the night.

"Of course, we help him to take away some of his points, especially when we will use various group attack skills, which will affect the efficiency of Ye Big Brother's gaining points, and it may even be without him. The points earned by himself are even higher, especially after those dual-professional assassins have been killed by him too many and dare not to do anything to him." In the middle of the night, he nodded when he saw the waves and the wind, and he continued: "Also, look. After we pass, those assassins may be more vigilant, so that Big Brother Ye wants to kill them even more difficult."

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then she laughed: "It seems that Ye Luo did this deliberately. If so, it would be fine, as long as he is okay."

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