VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3234: : Change goal

Seeing that Ye Luo was "bullyed" by Tokyo Mythology and others, especially seeing that Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points has been reduced a lot. She couldn't stand the wind and waves. She suggested to help Ye Luo, but it would be a big fight with Tokyo Mythology. For one game, in her mind, although most of their big moves are in the CD, after using the [Group Purification Scroll], this problem is not a problem.

I thought that the fireworks would change her mind easily, but she didn't want her to still shook her head, and then said: "What if the Tokyo Mythology they use the awakening skills of the combination equipment such as "Yaki Heaven"?"

Hearing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind silently, and she finally realized why the fireworks Yi Leng did not agree with them to support Ye Luo and then fight with Tokyo Mythology.

Think about it, even though the [Group Purification Scroll] can allow all the skills in the player’s skill bar to end the CD, but it can’t let the equipment additional skills end the CD, and whether it’s [Thor Deity Fall] or [Tai Chi Dao] are equipment additions. In other words, even if you use the [Group Purification Scroll], these skills still cannot be used.

Since they can't be used, Ye Luo and the others are naturally not the opponents of players staring at the ultimate move and combination equipment awakening skills, after all, the gap between the two is too big.

"Yeah, even if we use big moves, it is useless, because Tokyo Mythology can use big moves and the awakening skills of combination equipment such as [Yaki Heaven]. In this case, we are not their opponents." Yue Feixue finally woke up: "Although Sister Fireworks still retains the [Five Elements Array], the awakening skills of this combination equipment can be used on more people, but the effect is better than [8 Qi Tian Jiang] and [Lei Shen Tian] Descending] We are a lot weaker, and we still may not be Darkye's opponent even after performing this."

"The most important thing is that they have more awakening skills for their combination equipment. Once the [Five Elements] is also in the CD, then we don't have any hole cards. They are definitely not opponents against the dark." June Feixue added.

"It's not just that." Samadhi poetry took the stubbornly: "If it's just Ye Luo falling down, he can use invincible means and then let the little hand teleport him away, so even if Tokyo Mythology they used a combination of [八其天落] and other types The equipped awakening skills can't threaten him either. After all, even with dark night and the others, he can't catch him with his skills, so naturally he can't be left behind and killed."

"But if we people were different in the past, we might not be able to escape the obstacles of the dark night. For example, we would be caught by them, so even if we used invincible means, we could not escape. Naturally, what awaited us was killed. , Maybe this will affect Ye Luo, after all, he probably won't give up on us." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they were all aware of this problem, and for a while they also knew that it was not a wise choice to support Ye Luo.

"It would be great if the Eastern Killing Sky and the Polar Silver Wolf could also support them." June Feixue muttered to herself: "In this way, if we fight with Tokyo Mythology and the others, we won't necessarily lose, but don't talk about Polar Silver. I'm a wolf, I'm afraid that even Dongfang Tiantian will not come to support him. After all, he is still busy earning points efficiently, and even he is eager for Ye Luo to be killed, so that almost no one can surpass him in points. "

"Even he would use this as an excuse to take responsibility for our Misty Pavilion, accusing us of losing our national equipment and greatly increasing the enemy's strength. At this time, the game industry had already criticized our Misty Pavilion with the help of some black hands. If we make such a big mistake again, it will be even more pointed out by Wanfu." June Feixue added.

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and they further realized that it was not a wise choice to support Ye Luo.

"But letting Ye Luo be attacked like this is not so good. After all, his efficiency in gaining points will be greatly reduced. Maybe he really missed the first place." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite worried.

"You don't have to worry about this, because Ye Luo is in this state for only one day. No, it will only be two days if you count tomorrow to do the task, which means he can only be harassed for two days." Samadhi Shi shook his head: "And now After we finished the serial missions and the awakening skills of our combo-type equipment all finished the CD, naturally no one would dare to do this to us, and then Ye Luo would be able to earn points efficiently."

"Even because Ye Luo's strength has improved even after completing the serial mission tomorrow, he is more efficient in earning points and then surpassing Dongfang Tiantian and the others more easily. Don't forget this month's'killing game'. There are still 20 days before the end." Samadhi Shi added.

"That's true too." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded, and while talking to her, she looked at everyone: "At this time, Ye Luo's killing before has had a very good effect. At least it hasn't been done except for today's special circumstances. How many double-professional masters have acted on him. After Ye Luo and Sister Feng’s [Taozhidao] and [Thorizon] CDs are over, they will not rashly do it on Ye Luo, and the efficiency of his points will be greatly improved. More than Dongfang Jitian and others, let alone dark night and the others, there is no big problem in getting the first place in about 20 days."

"Really have a chance?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was a little skeptical, while she was talking, she looked at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold.

"Yeah, that's right, Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points before was already about to surpass Dongfang Killing the Sky, and there will be no problem surpassing him afterwards." The firework is easy to be cold, very sure and authentic, and her words made Po Lang Chengfeng and others relieved. , They don't worry about anything anymore.

That being the case, they did not go to support Ye Luo, and after instructing Ye Luo to be cautious, they went on their own.

Time passed faintly, and another two or three hours passed in a blink of an eye. During the period, Ye Luo was still attacked by some dual-professional masters, and even Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were attacked from time to time, which greatly affected his efficiency in earning points. , Even Ye Luo's speed at this time to gain points is no longer faster than the elites of some dual-professional masters, and naturally it is a lot slower than that of Dark Night, let alone compare with Dongfang Tiantian.

But Ye Luo doesn’t worry about this, because he also knows that the Tokyo Mythology, as the firework Yi Leng said, they can only target him for a day or two. After he completes the serial task and ends the CD, he won’t. With such treatment, he even wished to do so, so that he would have the opportunity to join forces with Po Lang Cheng Feng and others to kill the dark night and the others. The reward may be even more rewarding than completing a serial mission-killing the dark night and the others. It must be a national weapon, and doing a serial mission may not necessarily be able to obtain a national weapon.

What's more, after killing the dark night and the others, they will not only drop the level but also explode the national weapon, so their strength will be greatly reduced.

And while Ye Luo and the others were continuing to be busy with each other, they suddenly learned the news-Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others suddenly launched a sneak attack on Eastern Killing Sky, and the battle was also very fierce, and even afterwards all parties Many masters have gone to support them, even including those who break the waves and ride the wind.

The result of this battle ended with a loss for the Chinese server. Although Tokyo Mythology failed to kill the East Killing, they killed a lot of players from the East Aristocratic family who were desperately protecting the East Killing, even including the Oriental Pearl. , Dongfang Zhantian, fortunately, they were not killed by Tokyo Mythology and others who possessed [Fallen*Engulf], and the 5-minute corpse state also waited for reinforcements for them, otherwise they were afraid that the national weapon in their hands might be possible. Was snatched away.

Although the Oriental Pearl and other players with national weapons were not killed and then exploded the national weapons, other players were killed by Tokyo Shinhwa and others, dropping the level and exploding their equipment, so this battle was not enough. A small loss, even if Po Lang Chengfeng, Ye Luo and others rushed over to support it, and later even the Russian server, court server and other server masters also rushed over.

Many people in the Eastern family were killed, which made the expressions of Dongfang Xiantian and others ugly, and they even faintly supported some people from the Misty Pavilion who had their responsibilities and did not show their full strength.

"Hey, how do we use our full strength, Ye Luo and Sister Feng's combination equipment awakening skills are all in the CD." Othello said coldly: "And the fireworks directly used the [Five Elements Great Array] after they rushed over. And we also used 2 [Group Purification Scrolls]. Is it possible that these are not enough?"

"By the way, Ye Luo has been attacked in the past two or three hours, and even was attacked by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology three or four times during the period. During the period, you can see that you rushed over to support?" Othello continued, she was completely untouched. Reasonable posture: "You didn't rush to support, but we took the initiative to rush to support, what qualifications do you have to blame us!"

"Shut up!" The Eastern star stopped a member of the Eastern family, and then she looked apologetically at the fireworks Yi Leng and others: "The fireworks beauty, sorry, it's our fault. I didn't take care of the subordinates. Please forgive me."

When she said this, the Oriental star raised her eyebrows and faintly gave Firework Yi Leng a wink. She was as smart as Firework Yi Leng and understood what she knew instantly. She nodded without a trace, and said, "It's okay.

Speaking of these fireworks, the people from the Misty Pavilion left without looking back.

"Fireworks, did you bypass them like this?" Othello said angrily: "In this case, you still dare to accuse us, the Eastern family is too arrogant, hey, this is a rare time to frustrate them. Opportunity, why would you just leave?"

"Because continuing the dispute will not have any good results, but will be taken advantage of by some scheming people." Fireworks Yi said indifferently.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Othello is unclear, and the others who also don't understand are Po Lang Chengfeng and others, and then they all asked what it meant.

"It's very simple, someone is deliberately picking things up..." Samadhi poetry answered on her behalf.

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