VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3235: : Open the tenth ring

The situation of Ye Luo and the others was already clear after hearing the system prompts. For example, Eastern Stars and Eastern Killing Sky knew about them, so they did not accuse Ye Luo and others at all, and they did not say anything about a player from the Eastern family who stood up. The accusation, this is obviously abnormal. Fireworks are easy to get cold, and the Eastern star immediately noticed something, so the latter winked the former and the former left with the people of the misty pavilion.

Next, the Samadhi poem explained these to everyone, and then they all came to their senses in Othello.

"Yes, we are not wrong from any aspect. Even Eastern stars are grateful to us. At this time, an unknown junior stood up and accused us. Obviously that person was deliberately picking things up." Midnight Book Nodded, while talking, he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng and others: "If I didn't guess wrong, that person should be a spy who has mixed into the Eastern family, and the purpose is to provoke the relationship between the Eastern family and us."

"Well, it must be." The firework is easy to be cold, and she will not wait for the people to speak, and she continues: "If it hadn't been for us to be vigilant and restrain the people in the gang because someone had pushed the flames behind us before, maybe this This level of provocation has further intensified and even fought against the conflicts between us and the Eastern family."

"Of course, it's not just us, the Eastern Stars must have noticed something because of the incident, and they also restrained the players in the gang. In addition, both of us reacted quickly and left the place of the incident quickly without letting the matter go further. Deteriorating, so the situation is still under our control." Fireworks Yiyi added.

"So the people who jumped out before are likely to be the same people who smeared Yeluo last time?" Although they were guessing, the tone of the wave riding the wind was quite certain: "Now the Eastern star is also aware of it. Nothing wrong with that person’s problem. Next, she will deliberately investigate that person. Maybe she will be able to figure out a lot of problems along the way, and maybe even figure out who is behind the scenes. Hey, then we will have a reason to act!"

"That's right." June Feixue took the stubbornly. When she said these, her tone was full of expectation: "Especially tomorrow we can complete this serial mission and get rich rewards, which will further enhance our strength. The next complete suppression of the enemy alliance is just around the corner. Once the foreign enemies are resolved, then it is natural to deal with those behind the scenes."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all looked forward to it.

"Well, Sister Fireworks, next Tokyo Mythology will they still do something to the East Killing the Sky and the others?" Changhe Sunset is hard to express his opinion, and while talking, he looks at everyone: "This time it’s the East Star and the others. Life protected him, and next time he might not have such good luck. Once killed, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us."

"That's right." After June Feixue took the conversation, she instantly understood the worry of Changhe Sunset: "After all, Eastern Killing Sky is equipped with 4 national artifacts. Once killed, these national artifacts will be exploded and then be used by Dark Night and Tokyo. It is myth that the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us after they are acquired, and maybe they will be at a disadvantage because of this.

"Even if the East Killing Sky is very powerful, it is difficult to be killed, there are the Oriental Pearl, the Oriental Star and others, they also have some national weapons, if they burst out and then they are snatched by the dark night, it will be a great threat to us." Yue Feixue added.

After hearing this, everyone is also a little worried. After all, they also know how the strength of both parties will be changed if the four national artifacts of the Eastern Killing of the Sky are exploded and the Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others are acquired, not to mention the Eastern Stars and the Oriental Pearl. Players with national equipment are also more likely to be killed.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. They didn't expect Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology to launch a sneak attack on them before, and they were a bit hasty in dealing with them, but after this experience they will definitely be more cautious." Samadhi shook. Shaking her head, she looked the same when she said this, obviously not worried: "The most important thing is that the Tokyo Myth and Dark Night of World War I had used several combination equipment awakening skills, but they did not have these skills. The threat to Dongfang Tiantian is much smaller, and even they won't do anything against Dongfang Tiantian."

"Well, that's true, especially since Uncle Bacchus arranged for some manpower to stay there so that we can rush over to support as soon as possible, so there is no problem." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, thinking of what appeared on her pretty face A thick smile: "Even I think this is a good thing for us, because the East Killing Heaven will definitely be scrupulous in the future, and will no longer be as arrogant as before, which means that his efficiency in gaining points will be improved. So it reduces a lot."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, the dark night and Tokyo Mythology have used the awakening skills of combination equipment such as [8 Qi Tian Jiang], so their threat to Ye Luo will be much smaller, and they can no longer even deal with Ye Luo. If it poses any threat, Ye Luo can improve some efficiency, so he wants to surpass Tokyo Mythology and Eastern Killing Heaven will become the number one.

"Hey, that's really true." Black and white, thinking of what she said, she was full of expectation: "If there are really some masters who do something to Ye Luo, we can also take the opportunity to counterattack, try to kill it, and use some [group purification] Scroll] It won’t be difficult for us to do this in the future."

Regarding the proposal of Othello, everyone had no objections, and then everyone acted separately, and Ye Luo continued to hunt down the foreign players as before.

Because they thought of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology that they had already used the awakening skills of combination equipment, Ye Luo didn't worry much, and faced the person who attacked him directly as before, and killed him with powerful strength. , Including the face of double-professional master sneak attacks.

Yes, there will be some dual-professional masters coming to attack Ye Luo. After all, there are not many players who know that Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will attack Dongfang Tiantian. They continue to attack Ye Luo as before, but this time Ye Luo Luo didn't get used to them, and attacked them with thunder, and because those people didn't react in time, two or three others were caught by Ye Luo and the waves and the wind, the sunset over the river and others. The kill.

It's just that they are slightly disappointed by the fact that although these people have dropped their ranks and exploded their equipment, they don't have national weapons. This is also considered a flaw.

Because Ye Luo is once again strong, and super masters such as breaking waves and riding the wind will also come to support. Of course, the most important thing is that many people already know that Tokyo Mythology has already used the awakening skills of combination equipment, so most of them are not. I dared to rush to Ye Luo again, and this also increased Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points a lot.

In addition, because the awakening skills of the combination equipment of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others are on the CD, super assassins such as Midnight Book and Wuming also deliberately launched sneak attacks on them. In addition, assassins from Eastern families such as Dongfang Jiutian, it is also correct. They caused bad troubles and reduced their efficiency in earning points. This is a good thing for Ye Luo. In the previous battle, the Eastern family was killed many people, even Eastern stars, Players with national weapons such as Dongfang Zhantian almost exploded. People from the Dongfang family naturally couldn't swallow this breath, so let Dongfang Kill the sky mobilize the assassins of the Dongfang family to launch a sneak attack on the dark night and others. Obviously, they were retaliating.

Of course, after experiencing the previous sneak attack, Dongfang Killing Sky has also converged a bit. Being cautious also means that the efficiency of gaining points has been reduced a lot, and even in this regard, he has been caught up by Ye Luo.

That’s right, at this time, Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points is the first in the robbery, surpassing Dongfang Tiantian, Tokyo Mythology and others, but because of the previous events, he lags behind these people too much, and wants to catch up and surpass them. Time will do.

Time has been lost, another day has passed in a blink of an eye, and Ye Luo's points ranking has also moved up 2 places to seventh, but it will take some time to catch up with Dongfang Jitian and others.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Luo and the others logged in to the game on time and started the final task. Because they were very confident in their own strength, they did not ask for the support of players from the Fine Wine Family, Fengxing and other gangs. After all, this can maximize the strength of the Misty Pavilion. ——Of course, the premise of all this is that they have the confidence to complete the task of this link, and it is to complete the task without attenuation.

The monsters faced by the tenth ring mission are much stronger than those on the ninth ring. Even if it is the Misty Pavilion, everyone feels a lot of pressure, but because the mission has no time limit, they can take the most secure method. For example, super masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Ye Luo will be at the forefront, while other players will attack after Ye Luo and the others have steadily held the monster’s hatred. Fortunately, Ye Luo’s attack power is very high, and even normal attacks. Also because of splashing and [Reincarnation*Split Arrow], it can cover many monsters, which means that they can steadily hold the hatred of many monsters, so their efficiency in killing monsters is also very good.

"The monsters in this mission seem to be particularly powerful, and these are elven dragons. Although they are all bone dragons, they are very powerful because they are dragons." June Feixue said, suddenly thinking of something, her beautiful eyes lit up: "I Come to think of it, it seems that the seventh demon **** of the top ten demon gods* is led by the elven enchanter is the elven bone dragon, maybe the final BOSS we face in this task is the seventh demon **** of the top ten demon gods, right?!"

"Well, it's very possible." Black and white chess said, and then she became excited: "This is a devil with a name and a surname. After killing it, the equipment and the final rewards should be more generous than dealing with other BOSS."

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