VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3236: : The Seventh Demon

At that time, one of the top ten demon gods led by the elven charmer was the elven bone dragon. Now Ye Luo and the others are facing the elven bone dragon when they start the tenth ring quest. According to these, they have determined that the final boss is likely to be seventh. Demon God * Elf charmer, this makes Othello and the others excited. After all, this kind of BOSS with a name and surname must be more generous, and the rewards they receive after completing the task are also the same.

"So, but the premise is that we can kill it. As you said, BOSS with a name and a surname is more powerful." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice.

Hearing that, everyone's expressions are a little more solemn, but they don't worry much when they think that they have the [God Coming Scroll] in their hands, and even look forward to it even more.

Even so, everyone did not dare to take care to kill the mobs, and as time passed, their task progress also moved forward a little bit. After spending 4 to 5 hours, they finally eliminated all the mobs. Killed, and the task progress has come to 99%, and then you want to love you, but you only need to kill the final BOSS to complete this series of tasks.

Soon the BOSS appeared in front of everyone, and after seeing the name on the BOSS's head—the seventh demon*elf charmer, they finally confirmed their previous speculation, and this also made them more cautious, because they also knew the face. They will be more dangerous to such a BOSS, even if they have the [God Coming Scroll].

According to the old rules, Ye Luo used [Samsara Pupils] to detect the monster's attributes and skills, and after sharing these with everyone, he broke the waves and asked: "Fireworks, how about it, can we kill this boss without attenuation? ?"

After pondering for a moment, the firework easily cold nodded, saying: "There is a good chance, especially the [God Coming Scroll] can be superimposed with the awakening skills of combination equipment, and then Ye Luo and Feng sister will use [Tai Chi Dao] and [Thunder God Heaven] respectively. Descending], and then we select 10 people and then stand up to the state of the [God Coming Scroll]. It is easy to kill them."

"Well, let's use two combination equipment awakening skills?" June Feixue was quite confused: "I'm not reluctant to use skills, but is it possible that so many players will be killed when playing together? Sister has no time to bring these people back to life, so we won't be able to complete the task without reducing our staff."

"Furthermore, the [God Descending Scroll] can only be used by 10 people. Other players will have a lot of Miss facing the BOSS, and the BOSS's defense is too high, even if it hits, it can't deal much damage. They can't help too much. "June Feixue added.

"First of all, the more people shot, the higher the damage caused to the BOSS, so we are more likely to kill it within 10 minutes, especially those players who use the [Tai Chi Dao] and then use their ultimate damage output are also very high. High.” Yi Leng Yi Leng explained. Seeing June Feixue nodding, she continued: “In addition, Sister Qin and the others will use the [Resurrection Prophecy (group)], so that even if they are killed, they will have a chance of resurrection, and no chance of resurrection. Of players withdrew from the battle, so there is no need to worry about being killed."

"In addition, if we judge that we can kill the BOSS in a short time, such as killing the BOSS in about 4 minutes, then everyone can attack unscrupulously, because even if Sister Qin is killed, they can also use the [Group Resurrection Technique] ] And [Resurrection] skills, because the corpse state is 5 minutes, plus some invincible means, there is plenty of time to resurrect." Firework Yi Leng added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all understood, and there was no objection to the arrangement of the fireworks being easy to cold.

"But we only have one dual-professional Necromancer player, which means that we can cast [Necromancer *Curse] on the BOSS at most 3 times, which means that the BOSS can't recover the blood within 3 minutes, so we can hit the BOSS. Kill?" Othello thought of this question, and then she muttered: "I would have let Xiaofeng Canyue follow, so that we can kill it easier."

Under normal circumstances, [Necromancer *Curse] is cast once, but there is a time player in the Misty Pavilion, plus [Group Purification Scroll], so that you can cast [Necromancer *Curse] 3 times.

"Enough." Firework Yi said indifferently: "Because we won't have Miss in our next attack, coupled with ignoring the defense of the BOSS, you can deal extremely high damage with the attack power of Ye Luo and Feng sister, far away. It’s much faster than the recovery speed of BOSS, even if necessary, you only need to cast [Necromancy *Curse] once or even without casting it. After all, there are too many disadvantages in using this skill. ."

That's right, casting [Necromancy *Curse] will drop 1 level, which is a serious matter for current players, let alone cast it many times in succession.

"Yes, let's try first. If we see enough to kill the BOSS during the state of [God Coming Scroll], then there is no need to use it." Samadhi said, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, Let’s start now. Let Ye Luo and Sister Feng come on first and see the situation before deciding whether to use the [Necromancy*Curse]."

Hearing that, the firework Yi was cold and nodded, and then gave Ye Luo and the others a wink. The latter immediately awakened. Ye Luo took the lead in rushing to the BOSS. Of course, he used the [Tao Chi Dao] before that, and the firework was also cold. Using the [God Coming Scroll], Ye Luo's strength was greatly improved, but his vitality exceeded 10 million. It is no exaggeration to say that in this state, it would be fine for him to stand up to the BOSS attack.

That’s right, at this time Ye Luo can not only have high energy and blood, but also his defense is extremely terrifying. As long as he is not controlled by the BOSS and is attacked one after another, then he can maintain his energy and blood in a healthy state by virtue of his powerful attack power and blood-sucking ability. Don't worry about being killed.

Next, Ye Luo rushed directly, and directly a [Charge], because [God Descends the Scroll] state will not Miss, so the BOSS is also stunned, but thought that the BOSS has a strong resistance, it can only be It looks dizzy for 0.3 seconds.

That being said, it also made them happy, because in their hearts they have a lot of control skills, and they don’t have to worry about not being able to hit the boss, even if the control effect is reduced a lot because the boss has a strong resistance. But time is enough for them to do a lot of things, such as the ability to interrupt the BOSS, and even if the 10 people holding the "God's Advent Scroll" take turns to use the control skills, it is possible to keep the BOSS under control. After all, Ye Luo and the others have 10 people. There are many control skills.

Seeing the BOSS stunned, Ye Luo didn't hesitate to cast [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Slash], multiple attacks hit the BOSS, plus ignoring the defense, just normal attacks can also cause damage to the BOSS. Wan’s damage, not to mention [Reincarnation Slash] and other skills have a very good damage addition, and if Ye Luo’s attack again has a critical strike, the damage will be even higher.

Before the BOSS wakes up, Ye Luo has another [Scary Slash]. This skill control time is very long. Even if the BOSS has strong resistance, it can be dizzy for 2 seconds, and Ye Luo can do it for such a long time. He attacked unscrupulously, and under the powerful attack, he naturally held the boss' hatred firmly.

"Uh, the attack is so high, there are tens of thousands of tens of thousands, although the BOSS has billions of vitality and blood and the recovery speed of vitality is on the order of a million, but if so many of us attack together, it will drop the vitality and blood. The speed is much higher than the recovery speed of qi and blood, so it is easy to kill it, and it is not even necessary to cast the [Necromancy *Curse] on it." Othello was quite excited and authentic.

"Yes, that's the case." The firework said coldly, and when she was talking about this, she also launched an attack. Energy arrows shot away, and each energy arrow could hit the BOSS. The effect was very good. It's impressive, even at this time, the firework's attack effect is not worse than Ye Luo's.

Think about it, too, the attack damage of fireworks is much worse than that of Yeluo, but her attacks have ice-blocking and slowing effects, and her attack speed is very fast, so the BOSS will be iced from time to time under her attack. Sealing, coupled with deceleration, this is not only the movement speed, but also the attack speed. The pressure on everyone to buy it will naturally be greatly reduced, and even good luck can interrupt the BOSS skills, which will undoubtedly make everyone safer.

"Hey, so we can definitely kill this boss this time, and it must be killed without attenuation." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled, and when she said this, she was like an arrow from the string. He rushed to the BOSS, and then boldly attacked the BOSS with confidence.

After breaking the waves and riding the wind, the sunset of the river, the book in the middle of the night, and the night of the night have also launched attacks. 10 players with the state of [God's Advent Scroll] attacked the BOSS together, and everyone took turns using their control skills, let alone It’s almost enough to keep the BOSS under control. With the addition of hundreds of other players attacking [Taozhidao], the blood of the BOSS drops very quickly. For now, Ye Luo and the others are sure to do so within 5 minutes. Can kill it.

That's right, it seems that Ye Luo and the others can definitely kill the BOSS within 5 minutes, and the BOSS will be under control for a lot of time during these times, which means that everyone is more anxious and safer than previously thought, and even Even if it’s killed, it’s okay. After being killed, there is 5 minutes to lie down, and everyone is in a good state at this time. Coupled with various invincible methods, the remaining time is enough to sit on the piano and use their skills on Saturday. The slain player is resurrected.

And this means that everyone can attack the BOSS unscrupulously, so the damage caused to it will be higher, and there is no suspense to kill it.

"Yes, this time we killed the BOSS without any suspense, and this is the effect of [God Coming Scroll]." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and her words also made everyone excited, especially the thought of killing the seventh demon. There will certainly be extremely rich bursts.

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