VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3237: : Kill the boss

[God Descends Scroll] The effect against BOSS is much better than everyone thinks, because after this state, their attack will not only not appear Miss, but also ignore the defense. The most important thing is that their control system skills can also be hit. This not only enables the BOSS to be controlled, but also has a great possibility of interrupting its skills. This undoubtedly makes Ye Luo and the others a lot safer, and the BOSS's vitality is reduced at a very fast speed under their attack. You don't even need to cast a [Necromancy *Curse] on it at all, and it can be killed within 5 minutes.

After judging such a result, everyone was overjoyed. They were full of confidence in the mission this time, especially after the fireworks were easy to cold, and the night and night attacks interrupted the BOSS's two powerful and large-scale group attack skills. This means that BOSS has only one skill that is full of question marks.

In their hearts, even if this question mark skill is extremely powerful, everyone with invincible means can definitely resist it, and even if others are killed in seconds, they can be resurrected under the effect of [Resurrection Prophecy (group)], and even Sitting in the heart of the piano, they can be resurrected on Saturday, so there is almost no suspense in killing the BOSS.

"Hey, that's right, this time we will be able to complete this mission without attenuation." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, thinking of what she continued: "Even I feel that we are a bit wasteful [God Coming Scroll], after all, we can keep it. This scroll deals with more powerful BOSS. There are many powerful BOSSs on the seventh demon, and it is even possible to kill the first demon. Hey, if that happens then we will make a lot of money."

"Because we used the [God Descending Scroll], we completely suppressed the Seventh Demon God. If we can’t control it, then its horror will exceed our imagination. After all, this is a powerful BOSS that exceeds the Ninth Demon God, especially At this time, it’s been a long time since we killed the Ninth Demon God.” Samadhi said, as she continued to attack: “If we don’t use the [God Descending Scroll], then even if we can kill the Seventh Demon God There must be casualties, so the rewards we receive will be greatly reduced."

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others nodded, they naturally knew it was likely to be the case, and then they did not say anything, and continued to attack the BOSS with all their strength. Under their attack, the blood of the BOSS was rapidly decreasing. It won't take much time to kill it.

Next, although the BOSS used the question mark skill, and he was in an invincible state when the skill was cast, Ye Luo's control skills could not interrupt it at all, but the question mark skill was charged for 3 seconds, which was enough time for Ye Luo. They displayed invincible means, and even sat on Qin Xin and jointly used Ye Luo to display [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Sword Guardian Shield (group)], such a 10-second invincible state can surely ensure that they will not be killed.

The fact is also true. Even if the skills that the BOSS displays are no matter how powerful it is, Ye Luo and the others are in an invincible state, so they can easily resist the BOSS's attack, and naturally they can continue to attack the BOSS with all their strength.

It took another 1 minute, and the blood of the BOSS was finally cleared, which means that Ye Luo and the others completed this mission, and they completed the mission without attenuation. This made them very happy, especially when they saw the explosion around the BOSS. A dazzling array of items, and even one or two of them looked like national artifacts, which made them look forward to and excited.

At this time, a system reminder sounded, which was the reminder that Ye Luo and the others were rewarded by the system after completing this series of tasks:


System tips (full server): Congratulations to the team of Ye Luo Zhiqiu, breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks are easy to be cold, sitting on the heart of the piano... the team has completed all the tasks of the [Charming Wizard], and the system will reward them with 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] , 10 [Group Guardian Scrolls], 10 [Group Mirror Scrolls] and other common scrolls, reward them with 5 [Cross Servers * Group Teleport Scrolls], 5 [Cross Servers * City Hearts] and 10 Demon Gods Treasure chest, 1 [Demon God Crystal Soul], 3 [Group Purification Scrolls], 2 Natural Energy Stones. In addition, all players who participate in this mission will get 500 points of all attributes, 5 points of luck, a random piece of equipment to increase a rank, a random skill to be strengthened, 100,000 points of military merit, 100,000 points of prestige, and 5 For the chance of this lottery draw, given that they have completed the task perfectly without attenuation, all rewards except for the [Demon God Crystal Soul], random equipment upgrades and skills enhancement, and the chance to draw a lottery, other rewards are increased by 50%, to encourage them.

"Haha, sure enough, this time the reward is even more generous, even more than the reward after completing [Devil Slayer]." After hearing the system prompt, June Feixue was quite excited: "For example, this time the full attribute points are 500 points, 200 points more than the last time, the other things are not much different, but there are 2 more natural energy stones, and the bonus is increased by 50%, which means 3 more, which means that we can have 3 more ethereal pavilions. A powerful dual professional player."

"Of course, there are five more chances to draw a lottery. Tsk tsk, last time we got a good thing, maybe this time we can." June Feixue added.

"Well, indeed, this time the reward is much richer than last time, and our strength will be greatly improved." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, I remember your Except for the national weapon, the spirit weapon and the [Taiji Bagua Pan], the equipment is of the Demon God level. This time the system rewards us with a random item of equipment to be upgraded. Which of your equipment has been upgraded?"

Obviously, not only Ye Luo was curious about the equipment on the Demon God-level equipment, but also the Wave Breaking Wind. Of course, other people looked at Ye Luo together after hearing the words of Wave Breaking Wind Wind. Obviously they were the same.

"It shouldn’t be that the Demon God-level equipment has been upgraded, because the Demon God-level equipment should be a national weapon, and the Demon God-level equipment should not be upgraded to a national weapon. Otherwise, if we complete this task a few more times, wouldn’t it be a national weapon? , It’s impossible.” Ye Luo didn’t wait for the samādhi poem to analyze and said, thinking of something, she couldn’t help but mutter: “It’s not [Various Wishful Stick] promotion. There is no level."

Ye Luo is also very good, so he checked, only found that there is no equipment to upgrade the rank, including the [Various Wishful Stick] is also the case, which made him puzzled, but soon he noticed A system prompt in his personal system:


System reminder (Ye Luo Zhiqiu): Dear Ye Luo Zhiqiu players, since your equipment has been upgraded to the Demon God level except for national weapons, spirit weapons, and magic weapons, the system rewards you with a random increase in the reward of one equipment. It can’t be achieved, and if you can accumulate such a reward 10 times, then you can upgrade your spirit weapon to a rank, ignoring the level, and upgrading to a rank. In particular, each spirit weapon can only pass through this One way to upgrade the rank.

Seeing this prompt, Ye Luo couldn't help but smile, and then he sent this system to others, and June Feixue and the others couldn't help being angry for him.

"This is too unfair to Uncle Ye Luo, he didn't have equipment to upgrade his rank." June Feixue couldn't help but said, "Although he has reserved an opportunity to upgrade his equipment, he still needs to accumulate the ranks of spirit weapons. 10 such opportunities, this condition is too harsh."

"Yes, there is such an opportunity that we can upgrade 10 pieces of equipment." Zhiyue said: "And spending ten times like this can only increase the level of the spirit weapon by one, and this reward is too bad. ."

"No, this reward is not bad." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head, and looked at everyone as she said: "After all, in the final stage of the game, most of our equipment has been upgraded to or changed to the Demon God level and then we can only upgrade our equipment. Through the acquisition of national weapons, but you and I both know that national weapons are not so easy to obtain, especially we are not willing to give up spiritual weapons, after all, spiritual weapons are very powerful, and at this time, it is very important to improve the level of spiritual weapons. ."

"It seems to be so." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "After all, the spirit weapon is much stronger than ordinary equipment, and it is only a little worse than the national weapon. Therefore, if the national weapon can be retained, it can also improve the quality of the spirit weapon. Such a magic weapon of the order will be very powerful and then more suitable for us."

"But we need to accumulate 10 chances to upgrade the equipment level to make a spiritual weapon upgrade to the level. This is too harsh." Po Lang Chengfeng added: "Maybe we won't be able to get a spiritual weapon at the end of the game. Raise the rank."

"In the future, we should have a lot of opportunities to take on team tasks, plus competitions and so on. It is not impossible to accumulate 10 opportunities in this way." Samadhi Shi answered on her behalf, thinking of something, she continued: "Right, You and I all know that even after the ninth rank, the spirit weapon will not be upgraded to the Primordial Saint level, and the Primordial Saint level equipment is still a grade behind the Demon God level, so the system will allow the spirit tool to be upgraded by one level, and through this Way to upgrade the rank."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s [Blade of Reincarnation] was upgraded to the Ancient Sage Level after his eighth turn, and even if he was 360 Level Nine, he can only be upgraded to the Primordial Sage Level, with the equipment of the Demon God level. One rank difference, although the Primordial Saint-level spirit weapon is not necessarily inferior to the Demon God-level equipment, but it is naturally best to upgrade a rank, which can also reflect the power of the spirit weapon.

Hearing that, everyone was aware of this, and for a while they also realized the importance of being able to upgrade the spirit weapon.

"It's no surprise that the Demon God-level spirit weapon is much stronger than the ordinary Demon God-level equipment, and it may even be not much worse than the lower-grade national weapon." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "So the player's equipment level will also be greatly improved. And this should be a way to open up the equipment gap with other players."

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