VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3242: : Don't do it yet

Zhiyue’s luck is very good. The lottery draws a cross-server skill book—[Cross-server*Transport]. Although this skill book is not an attack type, it has many uses, and it is not even comparable to a national weapon to a certain extent. The effect is much worse. For example, after learning this skill, Ye Luo can directly teleport from the server to any server. As long as he leaves the teleport point in advance, it can teleport to it. This will be much more convenient, and it will not be used by the player at all. [Cross-server*group teleport scroll] or space players cast [Cross-server*space portal] to teleport him over.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo learned [cross-server*space portal]. After he completes the teleportation, he can use this skill to teleport the waves and ride the wind and others. This will not only save a lot of time, but also greatly improve the mobilization of troops. Efficiency, the least economical can also save a lot of [Cross-server*group transfer scroll].

There are many clever people among the crowd, and they soon realized the value of this skill book, and everyone looked at Ye Luo together, and the meaning was self-evident-ready to let Ye Luo learn this skill. After all, he has been to many places. , Leaving a teleportation point in many places.

Although the slender jade hand also left a lot of transfer points in the outer server, improving Ye Luo's mobility is more effective for the Misty Pavilion and even the middle server. It is no exaggeration to say that this skill book can only be played in the hands of Ye Luo. Play the most important role.

Ye Luo also knew the value of this skill book, so he didn't say much, so he took it over and learned it directly.

"Hey, before Ye Luo wanted to rush to the foreign server, he needed the player to use the [cross-server*space portal] or use the [cross-server*group teleport scroll] to teleport, or he could only teleport to the border of the country and then teleport to In the destination server, now with this skill, he can directly teleport to the past. Tsk tsk, this will increase his hunting efficiency a lot. Not surprisingly, he will have a better chance to get the first place in the'killing game' standings." For the excitement and authentic.

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and then thought of something, Othello looked at everyone expectantly, and then turned his eyes on Fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, this time we completed this serial task but got extremely rich. The rewards, especially the [Group Blessing Scrolls], we have 2, 30 more scrolls, tut, this is a very exaggerated number, plus what we have accumulated before, we must now have the direct capture of Hongyan City and then Destroying the strength of the [Space Fortress] in it means that we can do something against Hongyan City."

Yes, they have analyzed before the fireworks are easy to be cold. When the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] owned by the Chinese server alliance is far more than that of the enemy alliance, they will have the power to take down Hongyan City. Maybe they had the number of scrolls before. It hasn't reached much more than the opponent, but it should have been achieved after this mission. Thinking that the attack of Hongyan City in advance can give the Chinese server alliance a complete advantage in advance, they naturally hope to do this sooner.

"We have completed a series of difficult tasks, and during this time the enemy alliance has also completed a lot of tasks. The total number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] won is not necessarily much less than ours." Seeing the fireworks Yi Leng did not speak and just shake She shook her head, and the samādhi poem explained on her behalf. Not waiting for everyone to refute, she continued: "The most important thing is that we have used 2 combination equipment awakening skills to kill the BOSS. This is not possible with the [Group Purification Scroll]. The CD is over, which means that we can’t do anything against Hongyancheng at all, because even if we can capture Hongyancheng, we can’t destroy all of the [Space Fortress] in it."

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others want to attack Hongyan City not only to take Hongyan City back, the most important thing is to destroy the [Battlestar] in it, and if they want to catch up with [Battlestar], they must use big moves and The awakening skills of combination equipment. At this time, Ye Luo and their [Taozhidao] and [Thunder God’s Fall] are all in the CD. It is almost impossible to destroy [Battlestar].

"Uh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but soon she changed her tone: "Since today is not good, then tomorrow, hey, when the time comes, our combination equipment awakening skills will end the CD, when the time comes. It should be possible to destroy the enemy's [Battlestar] of the alliance, so that our fortress will give us a greater advantage, which can also suppress the enemy's server in advance and make it completely impossible. "

"As I said before, none of us knows how much [Group Blessing Scroll] has been hoarded by the enemy server, maybe not less than us, plus they have the advantage of defending the city, we don't necessarily have any advantage if we rush to attack the city." Explained: "It is dangerous to do this before at least ascertaining the strength of both sides."

Although the whole robbery game became a lot chaotic after the "killing game" was launched, it gave more players the opportunity to do tasks. After all, only super masters and assassins like Ye Luo can hunt players around. , And other players have received many tasks, and even some teams have received some difficult serial tasks. In addition, the number of servers in the enemy alliance and the number of players are far more than those of the Chinese server alliance. So many days have passed. The [Group Blessing Scroll] won is not necessarily less than that of the Chinese server alliance.

"Then what are we going to do, is it possible to continue to drag?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

"If there is no'killing game', we will consume the enemy alliance in the same way as before. Maybe after so many days we have [Group Blessing Scroll] far more than them, so we can capture Hongyan City long ago. "Sit on Qin's heart and said, when she said this, she had a faint regret in her tone.

"Perhaps then we won't have much chance to complete this series of tasks, so everything has advantages and disadvantages." Samadhi said, seeing that the waves and the wind are a little anxious, she continues: "Don't be too anxious, if there is no accident The first place in this month’s "Killing Game" is Ye Luo. If he can obtain the national equipment he can equip..."

"It's not that easy to get a national weapon. The system is just a high probability of obtaining a national weapon, not a certain one." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Samadhi Shi: "Not to mention that Ye Luo can equip nothing. There is a chance. If Ye Luo was equipped with [Thunder God's Armor] before, then there would be nothing so much. Maybe we would directly act on Hong Yancheng."

"With a high probability of acquiring a national weapon, it is almost certain to obtain a national weapon, but the chance that Ye Luo can equip it is not too small." Samadhi poem said, thinking about what she continued: "Even if it is not the national weapon that Ye Luo can equip, it is nothing. , Don’t forget that it won’t take long for Ye Luo to be able to achieve 360 ​​level nine ranks. Once the [Ghanjiang] and [Reincarnation Blade] are combined, he can almost sweep the entire Heavenly Tribulation game. When the time comes, Hong Yancheng will be taken down and then It’s not a problem to destroy all the [Battlestar] inside, and even then it was easier to do it than it is now."

"In addition, don’t forget that Ye Luo is the most efficient at getting points. This also means that he can accumulate 10 million points at the earliest and then exchange for a national weapon. That is what Ye Luo can equip, plus the [Blade of Reincarnation] It’s no surprise to merge with [Ghanjiang]," Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed. At the very least, no one was anxious except for breaking the waves and riding the wind.

The mission is over, and the trophies have been allocated. Now that the decision is made not to take action on Hongyan City for the time being, everyone gets busy. Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind will naturally continue to hunt down players in the foreign server to obtain integral.

Perhaps it was because Ye Luo and the others were prompted to complete the task and then they judged that the awakening skills of Ye Luo and their combo equipment were in the CD, even the big move, so many people did it to Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. They don’t want to Missing such an opportunity, even Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology combined a kind of super master to do it.

However, their ideas still fell through, because Ye Luo's strength has improved a bit after this mission. The most important thing is that he still retains many other skills, such as the ultimate move. After all, it is because of the [God Coming Scroll]. Easily killed the Seventh Demon God, and using these Ye Luo also easily resolved the dark night's sneak attack, especially the slender jade hand was ready to teleport him away at any time—the fireworks are easy to cold guess it is very likely Someone will do something to Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, so a delicate hand is arranged to watch Ye Luo and them deliberately.

Since they didn't succeed in Ye Luo's place, Dark Ye and the others would retreat, but this time they didn't act on Dongfang Tiantian, but on Po Lang Riding the Wind.

That’s right, the dark night and the others started to fight the waves and ride the wind, because in their hearts the strength of the waves and ride the wind is much weaker than the East Killing the sky, and the personality is relatively hot, the success rate of the action is higher, and the hands of the waves and ride the wind There are also 2 national artifacts. Killing them and exploding these national artifacts will also increase their strength a lot. At this time, they don’t know that Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind has obtained another national artifact, and it is still relatively powerful. Products of the country.

And it is precisely because of the additional national weapon that the wave and the wind are much easier to deal with than imagined. At the very least, she persisted until Ye Luo used the [cross-server*space portal] to teleport it away, so she got rid of it. Critical—Ye Luo and their [Tao Chi Dao] and [Thor Deity Fall] are still on the CD, so even if the fireworks are easy to be cold, they may not be able to get cheap if they rush to support them, so the best way is to avoid the edge.

Although she was a bit resentful, she also knew that it would be wiser to avoid her edge temporarily at this time, so she endured it and acted more cautiously. In addition, Ye Luo and the slender hand were always paying attention, which was quite safe.

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