VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3243: : Temporarily avoid the edge

After failing to successfully attack Yeluo, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, they chose to attack the waves and ride the wind. After all, killing them in their hearts can also explode her national weapons and then pick them up, making their own strength very great. Ascension, and their hands on the threat of breaking the waves and riding the wind is still very great, because they are not only the dark night, Tokyo mythology, they also cooperate with super masters such as the colorful monster fox, the colorful sacred cow, and the hero Wuming. After all, this way has a better chance of winning.

However, they didn’t know that Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind had obtained the [Armor of Thunder God]. This national tool not only greatly improved the overall attributes of Waves and Riding the Wind, especially the defense power, but the most important thing was that it had a 10-second Invincible skills, and this skill also allowed her to hold on for some time and then wait until Ye Luo used the [cross-server*space portal] to teleport it away-at this time Ye Luo and the [Tai Chi Dao] and [Lei Shen Tian] Descending] are all in the CD, it's irrational to fight against the dark night and the others. It's the best choice to avoid the edge for a while.

Of course, the reason why Polangchengfeng can escape safely is not unrelated to the fact that the fireworks Yi Leng deliberately arranged manpower to secretly protect Polangchengfeng and then tell Ye Luo the news that she was attacked for the first time.

Although the dark night did not succeed, they also greatly affected the efficiency of Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to obtain points. Fortunately, they were not very worried, because this situation only lasted for 1 day. At this time, the end of the month is still For a long time, Ye Luo still had a good chance to get the first in the points of the'killing game'.

Not only Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dongfang Killing the Sky has also become the focus of Tokyo Mythology. Not only because Dongfang Killing is still the number one in the standings, the most important thing is that the dark night **** knows Ye Luo and others. The state is not good, this time is the best opportunity to work on it.

The fact is also true. Even if Yeluo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others rush to support in time, they can't help much. At least they can't pose too much threat to Dark Night. Even if they fight hard, the Chinese server will still The casualties were heavy, especially when the allies of the Chinese server were not able to support them in the first time, so it was a good choice for Dongfang Tiantian to avoid the edge for the time being.

I have to say that Dongfang Killian was a lot more cautious after being attacked for the first time. There are always space players and assassins hidden in the dark to support him. This has won him a chance to get out, although there are some assassins hidden in the dark. To be killed, but as long as the East Killing Sky is not killed, there is a big problem. Of course, because I don't know whether Dark Night and Tokyo Myth will do anything, East Killing Sky is more cautious and makes the efficiency of earning points much lower.

However, Eastern Killing Sky and the others also know that the reason why Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others are so "arrogant" must be that they heard the system prompts and then judged that Ye Luo and Palang Rongfeng were in a bad state, and this state only lasted for one day. At that time they naturally no longer need to hide.

Of course, it’s good news for Ye Luo that the East Killing Sky was attacked and the efficiency of points gained was greatly reduced. Although he will also be'taken care of', he has more invincible means and higher mobility, so At this time, his efficiency in gaining points is still higher than that of Dongfang Jitian, which means that he has more chance to surpass him.

It is worth mentioning that while Ye Luo hunts down foreign server players to earn points, he will also kill high-ranking bosses from time to time, and most of the bosses found by players sent by the Misty Pavilion let him kill, not just because Ye Luo is more efficient and safer to kill BOSS. The most important thing is that he can upgrade with the highest efficiency. If this goes on, he can rise to 360 as quickly as possible and then turn nine-because [Ghanjiang] and [Samsara Blade] can be integrated. Because of this, Ye Luo's promotion to Rank 360 is very important, and everyone in the Misty Pavilion naturally knows this, so they will deliberately leave the BOSS they find to him.

This is the case, Ye Luo wants to rise to level 360, but it will take a long time, but he is not too anxious, and continues to act step by step.

Time passed faintly, and one day passed in a blink of an eye, and after so long, the awakening skills of Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding Wind’s combined equipment finally ended the CD. At this time, they don’t have to'let' the dark night and Tokyo myths anymore. Even with the cooperation of Midnight Shu, Wuming and others, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng also carried out sneak attacks on Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Although the actions failed to kill Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and even the super masters with national weapons, they did not kill them. It also makes them become'stunned birds', so that the efficiency of these people to earn points is much lower, and the players in the China Server Alliance, the China Server Alliance, are therefore much safer.

Although Dongfang Tiantian didn’t need to be too scrupulous and the efficiency of earning points was improved a lot, but Yeluo still had a lot of advantages over him. After all, after rewarding this serial mission, his strength has been very good. , Especially learned the cross-server skills-[Cross-server * Transmission].

That's right, the efficiency of earning points with these Ye Luo has improved a lot. If this continues, he still has a great chance to surpass Dongfang Tiantian and become the number one in the standings at the end of this month. After judging these, he breaks the waves and rides the wind. The others are also very excited. After all, Ye Luo's first chance will give them a national weapon, and this will greatly increase their strength, especially if the national weapon is still Ye Luo, and the wind energy equipment is broken.

Needless to say, Ye Luo didn’t have any suspense against the Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others at this time. Even the Eastern Killing Sky would have a 90% chance of winning because of the strengthening of [Clone] and other improvements. Not to mention that he will get another national weapon that he can equip.

Breaking the waves and Chengfeng already owns 3 national artifacts at this time, and two of them are top-grade national artifacts, and the worst is also the middle-grade national artifact [Thunder God's Armor]. If she obtains another national artifact, it will rely on the comparison Dongfang's much higher overall attributes and equipment advantages match him, and he still has a big chance to win.

Of course, even if the national weapon that rewards Ye Luo is not what they can equip, but fireworks, easy to cold or Misty Pavilion other players can equip, it will greatly enhance the strength of Misty Pavilion and even Zhongfu, so if you want to suppress the enemy alliance, it will naturally It's easier.

Perhaps it is because they learned that Ye Luo and the others have completed the series of tasks and their strength has improved a lot, especially when they think of Ye Luo and they have won a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Older players such as Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing came to the door and asked about fireworks. Can Yi Leng act together and then target the enemy alliance, such as attacking Hongyan City or other gangs.

The reason why Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing are so natural is that seeing many enemies sneaking into the middle server greatly affects the leveling and tasks of the middle server players, and so being able to force the enemy alliance’s gang station will undoubtedly shift the majors. The attention of the server in turn made the server more secure.

Smart as fireworks and easy to cold, Samadhi instantly understood the purpose of the Bacchus Du Kang and the others, but they did not directly refuse, but said that they could not do anything against Hongyan City for the time being. In addition, as long as Dongfang Killing the sky participated in the action, they would naturally participate. action.

The **** of Bacchus, Du Kang, naturally knew why the fireworks were easy to cold. They mentioned that Dongfang Tiantian must be involved in the action, and people were as good as they knew why the fireworks easy to cold suggested that they could not do anything to Hongyan City, and then they naturally went to convince Dongfang Tiantian. However, he was rejected by the latter, and the excuse he gave was also straightforward-this would affect his efficiency in gaining points and lose the first place.

Eastern Killing Sky’s worries are not superfluous, because even if Ye Luo and the others team up with the enemy server’s gang resident Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, they will not necessarily support them but choose to continue hunting players from the Chinese server alliance to earn points. Under this circumstance, their points may surpass Dongfang Tiantian.

Of course, the Eastern Star gave some more euphemistic reasons. For example, she analyzed that even if they cooperated with the gang of the enemy alliance, they would not be able to attract the enemies who sneaked into the server back. Instead, it would be because of the super masters such as Ye Luo. Being absent makes these people even more'rageous', so that some of the gains outweigh the gains.

"Bacchus, did you say that the fireworks girl had already calculated that Dongfang Killian would not agree, so he said that deliberately?" Feng Xingdao, although he was asking, his tone was quite sure. When he said this There was a bit of helplessness in his tone: "Dare to love us because they are playing tricks."

"Although this is the case, what the celebrity girl said is not unreasonable. After all, most of the assassins sneak into our servers, and the assassins can't play a big role in the defense battle. It's better to continue to lurk in our servers." God Du Kang said in a deep voice: "Maybe more assassins will sneak into our server because of our team's enemy alliance's gang station. After all, there were not many masters left behind at that time."

Hearing that, Feng Xing nodded, he naturally knew this, he shook his head for a moment, and this thing could only be done like this.

"Actually, you and I are worried about being redundant. The fireworks girl and the star girl are obviously already well-informed, or they already have their own plans, so we don't have to worry about these issues anymore." After seeing Fengxing still a little worried, Bacchus Dukang Comforted: "You and I know how smart those two girls are, so we don't have to worry about anything, we just need future support and cooperation with them."

"I'm afraid that they are a little too clever. I can't take into account the spirit of sacrifice of my generation." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice. When he said this, his brows wrinkled deeply: "Especially there are more Misty Rains. You and I can see that little girl of her ambition and courage, and even those things may have something to do with her before, I am afraid that their various calculations will make us take advantage of."

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