VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3255: : More relaxed

Ye Luo's strength has been greatly improved compared to the previous competition, not only because of the rewards of the competition and the [Charm Wizard], the first place in the killing game last month was extremely rich. The rewards have greatly improved the overall attributes and skills. In addition, his equipment level has also been greatly improved, and even added a powerful national weapon. As a result, the efficiency of sneak attacks on White Bull City is naturally higher-fireworks People like Yi Leng, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are all present, so the stacking of the components of [Shifangzhanqi] is equivalent to that Yeluoduo is equipped with a powerful national weapon.

Perhaps the players of Yinfu have also improved their strength compared to before the tournament, but the defense equipment on White Bull City and the NPCs of the Six Winged Fallen Angels have not been improved. As a result, Ye Luo is naturally more likely to destroy them, at least The efficiency has improved by a few points.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Wucai Shenniu and the others have consumed too much killer skills because of the previous large-scale team tasks, making them weak and then dare not to support White Bull City in the first time. After all, it is more unscrupulous if there are no such masters to stop Ye Luo. .

Of course, the players of Yinfu will not watch Ye Luo attack the city, so there are still many players defending White Bull City, but it is difficult for them to get the highly mobile Ye Luo, not only failed to stop it. Ye Luo destroyed the city defense equipment on the White Bull City and killed the Six-Winged Fallen Angel NPC. Instead, some players were killed, but the killing efficiency was lower than Ye Luo's deliberate sneak attack on a certain server.

However, thinking of doing this can test out how the enemy alliance’s strength is and consume some of them [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The most important thing is that there is still a chance to occupy some gang sites and then get rich rewards. Ye Luo and the others are not too entangled in this, especially I thought that this would lead the enemy's nose to go.

That’s right, although Wucai Shenniu and other super masters of Yinfu did not come to support, but when the players of Yinfu saw that Ye Luo had the opportunity to rush to Bainiucheng by himself, naturally they didn’t want to just see Bainiucheng. Occupied in this way, or some dual-professional masters have performed big moves, or used the [Group Blessing Scroll], this can be regarded as the people of the enemy alliance causing some consumption.

"Sister Fireworks, someone in the printing service has already performed a big move, and has used the [Group Blessing Scroll], should we temporarily avoid the edge at this time?" Zhiyue asked: "After all, we are just here to test and consume. Now When the goal is reached, we can take action on the next goal, so that they will consume the [Group Blessing Scroll] in vain, and we can be safer."

"Of course, our team's next goal can also force them to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] or perform big moves, so the consumption effect will be better." Zhiyue added.

I thought that Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but I didn’t want her to shook her head. She didn’t wait until Yue and others asked. She explained: “We not only need to consume the enemy alliance, but the most important thing is to put pressure on them so that they can see. It's not that random people can use the [Group Order Scroll] to send us away, let them see that we have the determination to attack the city, so that they can lead them by the nose."

"Yes, so we can have more proactive advantages." Samadhi took the stubborn words: "If Yinfu and their allies come to support, it will not only waste some of their time and affect their efficiency in earning points, especially The most important thing about the points of super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa is that we have to keep them exhausted. In this way, our search server will be relatively safer. At least the number of players who sneak into our server will be reduced."

After pondering for a moment, Zhiyue nodded and said, "Well, that's true."

"But at this time it has been two or three minutes since we attacked White Bull City. Not only did Wucai Shenniu and other super masters of Yinfu come to support, but also the allies of Yinfu also did not come to support. Can't it be achieved?" June Feixue couldn't help but said.

"At this time, the time is short. Maybe Tokyo Mythology hasn't gotten help from Yinfu. Even if they know, they need to mobilize manpower or something." Samadhi Shi explained, thinking of something, her mouth raised a smile: "Actually, I I hope they don’t come to support it. Not only will it be easier for us to occupy White Bull City, but the most important thing is that the ally between them may also break and even fall apart, which is more beneficial to us."

"Hey, it's really true to say that." June Feixue said, she chuckled: "I am looking forward to Tokyo Mythology that they will not come to support, so that we can occupy more gang sites in Yinfu, so that we can Hoarding more [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially after we work on the Indian server, we can also work on other servers."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, but soon after thinking of something, Othello couldn't help but mutter: "It's a pity that there are only 2 level 4 gangs in the Indian server at this time, which means that at most we can only occupy them. Two gang sites, after all, we can’t do anything about their level 5 gang sites."

At this time, it has been one or two months since Ye Luo and the others used this method to occupy the gang station of his server. During this period, although the "killing game" made the major servers more chaotic, for many players It is also a rare calm period. After all, there is nothing to do as long as they hide in the gang resident, so they have enough time to do gang resident tasks and dungeon tasks. After such a long time, most of the gang resident of Yinfu have been upgraded to level 5. At that time, only White Bull City and another gang resident were still level 4.

"No, we don't necessarily only work on their level 4 gang resident, but also their level 5 gang resident." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing their puzzled look of Othello, she continued: "Not just because The colorful sacred cows just completed the task at their weakest time. The most important thing is that our strength has been greatly improved compared to one or two months ago. At this time, we have been able to cause damage to their level 5 gang station. It's a small threat."

"Of course, working on their level 5 gang station can further threaten them and make them consume more, and this can further achieve our goal." Firework Yi Leng added.

Hearing that, Othello and the others have only reversed their minds. After all, Ye Luo and the others are not what they used to be. Even a team of only a dozen people can pose a big threat to the 5th level gang resident, even 5th level. The gang resident is more important because waiting for the server will spend more power to stop Ye Luo and the others, after all, losing a level 5 gang resident in this way will cost them too much.

Thinking of this, Othello and they cheered up. For them, it would be better if they could capture the enemy alliance’s level 5 gang site. After all, the rewards would be more generous, and there would even be a certain chance of obtaining high-grade national weapons. If you get one or two pieces of national equipment, they will make a lot of money.

"But it is not so easy for us to occupy their 5th level gang site, because they will definitely strengthen the defense, and we have a little manpower this time, and the chance of success is not great." Seeing everyone so excited After the expectation, the fireworks are easy to be cold and splashed with cold water.

"Although this is the case, if we occupy White Bull City and the system prompts spread throughout the whole day of the catastrophe game, someone will definitely join us, maybe even Tokyo Myth, Polar Silver Wolf will also participate, so our power will naturally be strong. It’s a lot, it’s easier to capture the level 5 gang resident.” Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

"It's possible." Samadhi said: "Especially after seeing Tokyo Mythology and other super masters also kill the Indian server to support, the battlefield next here will be more chaotic, and there will definitely be a lot of people in our alliance. Come to fish in troubled waters, and this shows that our goal of leading them by the nose is successful, and we will have a great advantage in the future.

"But will they come to the Tokyo Mythology?" Zhiyue thought of this question: "Maybe they are eager to hunt down some players to surpass him by taking advantage of the fact that the efficiency of Ye brothers' points is greatly reduced. After all, they are ranked first in the'killing game'. The rewards of fame are also quite generous."

"No, they will definitely come to support." Fireworks Yi Leng said with certainty: "It is not only because they are worried that we will occupy many gang sites in Yinfu and then get rich rewards so that the strength far exceeds them, and the most important thing is them. There are still some opportunities to get the gang station of the Indian server, especially after seeing that we can’t stop us, in this case they will naturally come to support the Indian server.”

Everyone is also a smart person, and they quickly understood what the fireworks Yi Leng said, although this would greatly increase the difficulty for them to occupy the gang’s resident, and they could not even occupy it, but they did not care too much. After all, it attracted Tokyo Shinhwa and others. It can greatly reduce their efficiency, and the most important thing is that they can lead them by the nose.

"But we only have so few people. It is almost impossible to occupy White Bull City." June Feixue suddenly thought of this problem, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Sister Fireworks, should we mobilize more manpower? Come here, at least it will need more than 100,000, so we can occupy a wall, and then it will be much easier to occupy White Bull City."

Not only did June Feixue think so, but other people also thought that only this little manpower was not enough. In their hearts, Fireworks Yi Leng would definitely agree to mobilize more manpower, but they didn’t want her to shook his head and said, "No, now There is no need to mobilize manpower, wait and see."

"Wait?" Po Lang Chengfeng was full of doubts: "What are you waiting for, Ye Luo will soon destroy all the defense equipment on this city wall, so this is the best time for us to occupy this city wall. ."

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