VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3256: : The purpose of fireworks

At this time, Ye Luo and his party were only more than 10 people. Although their strength is very strong, even Ye Luo and others have national weapons, but it is too difficult and too difficult to rely on these people to occupy White Bull City. Even if they can occupy it, it will take a long time-although Ye Luo and the others can directly kill the heart of the city, it is too dangerous to do so, because the lone army is likely to be surrounded on all sides, and even the colorful sacred cow will wait. People and even Tokyo Mythology will come.

Think about it, if you don’t occupy a city wall, then the players of Yinfu can naturally take advantage of Ye Luo and the others to rush to the heart of the city in White Bull City to re-occupy the city wall and then install mobile magic crystal cannons and other defense equipment, and then gather them. The army surrounded Ye Luo and the others. In this case, Ye Luo and the others were still very dangerous, especially the Tokyo Mythology, the colorful sacred cow and others all came over to besiege them. After all, in their hearts, they still have the opportunity to attack Ye Luo. Luo and others killed it.

Once Ye Luo and others are killed, the benefits will be too much. Not only will their strength be greatly reduced due to the explosion of the national weapon, but the most important thing is that their strength will be greatly improved after the national weapon exploded by Ye Luo and the others. He is long, the alliance of the Japanese server will naturally occupy a great advantage and even completely suppress the people of the Chinese server.

Of course, this possibility is very small, because Ye Luo and the others will not rashly go deep alone, especially for things that only need tens of thousands of players to solve, it is not that difficult for them to mobilize these personnel.

That’s right, only tens of thousands of players are needed, because so many elites can occupy a city wall and then install the mobile magic crystal cannon, so there is no need to worry about being surrounded by a lone army, and even with these people, they can continue to occupy. With the other walls, it is safer to occupy White Bull City in this way.

It is precisely because of this that June Feixue proposed to mobilize some manpower. She thought that Fireworks Yi Leng would agree to it, but she didn't want her to reject it directly. This made June Feixue and even Polang Chengfeng and others puzzled.

"Yes, at this time, the Tokyo Mythology hasn't come yet, and even the masters of the Indian clothing such as the colorful sacred cow have not come. In this case, Ye Luo can easily destroy all the defensive equipment on this city wall. We It’s also the easiest to occupy this city wall. Then it’s easier and safer to occupy White Bull City. So why don’t you mobilize people to come over?” Othello took the conversation, and she was also puzzled. After saying this, she looked towards The Samadhi poem on the side asked, "Sister Shi, do you know why the fireworks don't let us mobilize our hands?"

"I'm not too..." The samādhi stopped here, and then her eyes lit up. It was obvious that she already understood why the fireworks Yi Leng had to do this.

Seeing her like this, everyone knew that she must have understood it, and they were all curious for a while, and then they asked Samadhi why she did it.

"The fireworks are done on purpose, because doing so may be more beneficial to us." Samadhi said, the smile on her face became stronger when she said this: "Don't forget the purpose of our action this time. It is not to occupy the gang resident of his service, but to test the strength of the enemy alliance and consume them as much as possible, and even consume them as much as possible is our most important goal, and in order to achieve this goal, we naturally need to use some special methods. "

"Special means? What means?" Midnight Shu blurted out: "At this time, he still didn't understand why the fireworks were so cold."

Samadhi did not immediately explain, but asked: "If we mobilize tens of thousands of players or even more players and then occupy one side or even several walls of White Bull City, what will happen next?"

"It's just a matter of saying. After we have occupied their city walls, they will naturally choose to withdraw when they see that the guards are hopeless, so that we can easily occupy the White Bull City." Po Lang blurted out the wind, and her words also made everyone Nodded, they all agreed.

"Well, yes, once this happens, they will definitely withdraw, and it is almost the first time. If we want to consume them, it will be difficult to do so, and the purpose of our trip will not be achieved." Shi explained, and then she changed her tone: "But if we are people like us, hey, if we occupy a gang resident, it will be embarrassing to print clothes. This is not what they want to see. , So they will send a lot of people to support the defender, even because there are only a dozen players here and they don’t care about us, they will send more people, which will naturally consume more of them during the period [Group Blessing Scroll] What, especially the colorful sacred cows who just completed that large team task and obtained a lot of scrolls. In this case, they naturally can't be stingy with the scrolls."

"That's really true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "This way their consumption will be even greater, which is also very important to us."

Without waiting for Samadhi, she continued: "But if we can easily occupy White Bull City, we can also get a lot of rewards, so we will hoard more [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is also very good for us. Ah, especially when we occupy White Bull City, we can still get some of their taxes."

"As for the consumption of them, we can deal with their level 5 gang station. I don’t believe they will just watch us occupy their level 5 gang station. To stop us, we naturally need to consume more means. In this way, we can still achieve the purpose of this trip." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"The defense of the level 5 gang resident is very strong. Even if our current strength is not too threatening to it, at least it will be a lot more difficult. Players of the India server only need a little consumption to be able to withstand it. It consumes more of them here." Samadhi said, after a short pause, she continued: "The most important thing is that this can greatly improve the efficiency of Ye Luo's points. Hey, you also saw the reward for the first place in the'killing game'. How rich it is, it’s not even worse than the reward for doing a large team task, so you should increase Ye Luo’s points as much as possible.”

"The most important thing is that it can consume the enemy and greatly increase the points that Ye Luo gets, and there are other benefits. This is naturally the best, not to mention that we will naturally occupy the White Bull City in the end." Samadhi poetry added. Tao.

"The efficiency of allowing Ye Luo to gain points is greatly increased?!" The voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little, and then she blurted out: "How can the efficiency of allowing Ye Luo to gain points be greatly increased?"

"This is simple. Ye Luo waits for the city wall of the shopping mall. Then there will be a steady stream of Indian players rushing towards him, especially when we only see more than a dozen of us, and in this case Ye Luo hunts the players. The efficiency is naturally faster than deliberately looking for leveling points, or even much faster, so his efficiency in gaining points will naturally increase." Midnight Shu took the conversation, and it was obvious that he had completely understood at this time: "Sister Ru Shi As I said before, if we mobilize a large number of players now, the enemy will retreat directly, but if we are only those of us, they will naturally not watch us easily occupy White Bull City. Then naturally a large number of players will rush here to support and then Intercept us so that we can naturally kill it."

"That's right, that's right." June Feixue finally understood: "Because we have the advantage of being condescending the city wall, we can even install some mobile magic crystal cannons, so our killing efficiency will naturally increase greatly. After all, the enemy is It will continue to be delivered to the door, hey, in this case not only Uncle Ye Luo’s efficiency in earning points will be greatly increased, so will we."

"Not only that. Seeing that we are so arrogant, the people of the enemy alliance will naturally not sit and wait for death. They will use some powerful methods to drive us away. For example, some people use big moves, such as using the [Group Blessing Scroll], and this will also Let us consume them to achieve their goals." Sit on the piano and take the stubbornly.

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she said: "It seems to be the case, hey, so it is more beneficial to do so. At the very least, Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points will not be much worse than that of Dongfang Qitian. "

Although I have thought of harassing and testing the enemy gang’s location, I will also look for more players’ leveling points and then sneak attacks on it, so the efficiency of Ye Luo’s points won will not be reduced too much, but after all, it still has some influence on it. Under this circumstance, Dongfang Qitian and others still have a chance to catch up with him, especially when Dongfang Qitian did not participate in this action, this is also the thing that they worry about most. After all, the "killing game" There will be generous rewards for the first place.

But now it is different. Ye Luo and the others occupy the city wall and then condescendingly attack. Faced with a steady stream of players rushing over, their efficiency in earning points will naturally be greatly increased. Especially Ye Luo, it is natural to keep surpassing Dongfang Tiantian and others. problem.

"It's good to do this, but is it a bit too dangerous?" Sitting on Qin Xin said in a deep voice, "After all, we only have more than a dozen people. Although there is no problem facing the ordinary players of Yinfu, if the colorful sacred cows rush Come here? Of course, super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa may also come over and besiege us, so we are in danger."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? They can mobilize manpower to come and we can too. I believe that Uncle Bacchus and the others are ready. Even the Polar Silver Wolf have learned about our situation here. Next, Ye Luo will use [Cross Server* Space Portal] can teleport them over, and then everyone can use [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll] or use [Cross Server*Space Portal], so that we can teleport a large number of elites in a short time, so that we can follow the enemy It's a big fight." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and even when she said this, she was faintly looking forward to it.

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