VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3258: : Temporarily avoid the edge

Ye Luo and the others rushed to the city wall and quickly cleared a vacuum area with their powerful damage output. Then Jianliu and a group of melee double-professional masters rushed over and blocked the continuous charging of Indian players. , Relying on the advantages of equipment, level, skill system and overall attributes, it can easily intercept those Indian players, and even rely on its own recovery and blood-sucking ability to keep the blood in a healthy state, not to mention the priests such as sitting on the piano. Here.

In this case, Ye Luo and other long-range dual professional players can attack unscrupulously, and under their attack, those players who are not invincible are killed one by one, which further reduces the pressure on the waves and the wind and others. Unexpectedly, if Wucai Shenniu and others do not support it, then these Indian players in front of them are not enough to knock Ye Luo back, which means that they can always keep doing this-one-sided killing.

Because it can attack unscrupulously, and there is no need to deliberately find the target-a large number of Indian players continue to rush to charge and naturally do not need Ye Luo to find them, so Ye Luo's killing efficiency can be called abnormal, and the efficiency of his points is also It has greatly improved, far surpassing the Eastern Killing Sky at this time, and of course it is much more efficient than Ye Luo's previous leveling point deliberately looking for enemy alliances.

Of course, the players of Yinfu also want to attack Ye Luo and the others from both sides or behind, but Ye Luo and the others are very smart. The place where they attacked is a corner of the city wall, so they only need to face the enemies from both sides, although there are also seals. The subdued players attacked from behind, but under [Samsara’s Eyes] or [True Sight Gem], those people have nowhere to hide. Next, the second-class assassins of the sword will also stop them, plus Zhiyue they arranged a lot Moving the Magic Crystal Cannon, it is no exaggeration to say that these people can't get close to Ye Luo within 30 meters.

It is not only that the enemies on both sides and behind cannot get close to Yeluo within 30 meters, but also the enemies on the front. Even the waves and wind have rushed out of the city wall, while Yeluo and the others can stand on top of the city wall and attack condescendingly. , This not only further improves their killing efficiency, but the most important thing is that they are also safer after they have the advantage of vision. After all, they can always find the situation of the enemy's attack and make them make more correct decisions, which is the worst. Allow them to make military adjustments and make the enemy even more unable to rush over.

"Tsk tsk, Uncle Ye Luo's killing efficiency is too high, this speed is more than two or three times higher than before." June Feixue said excitedly after watching the changes on the standings: "Even this is not as efficient. Uncle Ye Luo's state of performing big moves or holding [Group Blessing Scroll] is much higher, so Dongfang Qitian and they can't catch up anyway. If this continues, we don’t have to worry that Dongfang Qitian and others can surpass Ye. Uncle Luo, even if we often tentatively attack the gangs of the enemy alliance."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points at this time is even higher than when he casts a big move or bears the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, so Dongfang Tiantian and others naturally have no chance to catch up with them, especially Ye Luo before. The points are a bit higher than these people.

"You don't need to deliberately find the target, and you can attack unscrupulously. In this case, Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points will naturally be very high, far higher than before." Samadhi Shi said, thinking of something, she laughed: "It's not just Ye Luo, Sister Feng and even our efficiency in earning points have improved a lot. Maybe the players who see our points change now must think that we have used the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but laugh, because they also saw how fast their points are increasing. Although there is almost no chance for anyone except Po Lang Cheng Feng and Ye Luo to get the first point, but the ranking will be rewarded in advance. If you are richer, you can redeem more equipment and props if you have more points, and they are naturally delighted after seeing these.

"Don't be too happy, because this situation should not last long. After all, there is no shortage of smart people in Yinfu. After seeing that they can't pose any threat to us, they will naturally give up. Continue to attack will undoubtedly increase their casualties." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "And after they realize these and then retreat, we will not want to kill people like this, of course."

"Of course, if Wucai Shenniu and other masters in the printing service rush over to support, especially the Tokyo Mythology and they also come, then we may have to avoid the edge for a while and make a decision after seeing the situation clearly." Fireworks Yi Leng added. .

"Hey, it's okay even if this is the case. Anyway, we can get a lot of points during this time." Midnight Shu laughed and said: "If the colorful sacred cows don't come, it will be fine. We can occupy White Bull City. If they come, then Even better, then we can confront them head-on. Maybe there is a chance to kill some of them, and of course it may cause them to be consumed further."

Regarding this, everyone is also deeply convinced that no matter what the situation is in their minds, it will be more beneficial to them, so they don't worry about anything, and even vaguely look forward to what will happen next.

I have to say that the fireworks are easy to be cold. Their analysis is correct, because they are not only expensive to do large-scale team tasks, but also some dual-professional masters have been killed. At this time, their state is not good, although There are [Group Purification Scroll] and time players can let their ults end the CD, but they cannot use the awakening skills of combination equipment. In this case, they naturally know that they are not the opponents of Ye Luo and others, so they rush to support Not only can it not keep the White Bull City, but it may be killed. In the best case, some assassin tools will be lost. This is not what they want to see.

Of course, they would not just watch Ye Luo and the others attack White Bull City. At this time, they asked their allies for help. In their hearts, as long as their allies came, they would naturally have the opportunity to beat Ye Luo and the others back. Especially when they found that only Ye Luo and other people from the Misty Pavilion weren't dispatched by most of the masters in the middle service.

However, it will take some time for their allies to rush over to support them, especially the Dragon Shadow, the Emperor’s Hymn, etc. because of their tasks, they are similar to the Wucai Shengniu and others at this time. In this case, they are naturally even more uncomfortable. Being positive, it took longer, and this also gave Ye Luo some opportunities, such as delaying these time, they killed more Indian players and then gained more points.

Of course, seeing Ye Luo and the others attacking the city so arrogantly, the players of Yinfu were also quite angry. Then some players could not help but use their big moves, but there are not many players. After all, most of the double-professional masters of Yinfu have participated in the tasks triggered by the colorful **** cows. At this time, there are not many double-professional masters who can support White Bull City, and only eight or nine.

There are not many dual-professional masters who use their ultimatums, so Ye Luo and the others naturally don’t have to temporarily avoid the edge, and they can even resist them by breaking the waves and riding the wind. Especially Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Midnight Book, they have more attributes of [Shi Fangzhan] than them. After all, this makes them more equipped with a middle-grade national weapon, so even if the opponent's dual-professional masters used them. It can also resist, especially when sitting on the piano and waiting for the priest to add blood and state to them.

The most important thing is that even if those dual-professional players perform their ultimate moves, their invincible methods are only those, and they still can’t stand the attacks of players with full attack power such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, especially Ye Luo and the others. A crit is triggered, and in this case there is even a chance to kill it in seconds. In this case, even if the dual-professional masters use their big moves, they can't pose much threat to Ye Luo.

The fact is the same. After 2, 30 seconds, the first dual professional master was killed by Ye Luo's attack that triggered multiple critical strikes, and the invincible methods of other dual professional players were exhausted, waiting for them. There are only two kinds of fate, the first one is to retreat in time, and the second one will naturally be killed by Ye Luo and the others if they continue to stay.

After 1, 2 minutes, only 4 of the 8 or 9 dual-pro players who used the ultimate move escaped safely, and the other 5 were killed. Of course, the main reason is that they did not expect Ye Luo and others to be able to play such a high without using the ultimate move. In addition to the damage caused by Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, and Midnight Shu directly chased them up, only 5 people were killed. Even if the fireworks were not easy to cold in time to prevent the breaking waves and the wind, their remaining 4 dual professional players could also be killed.

The reason why the fireworks are easy to cold prevent them from breaking the waves and riding the wind is because the players of Yinfu used the [Group Blessing Scroll], yes, they used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and at a time hundreds of players brazenly rushed towards it. Breaking the waves and riding the wind and others, if they rush up hard, they are likely to be surrounded. In this case, they will also have a little trouble.

Of course, it’s just a little troublesome. They can still withdraw safely by breaking the waves and riding the wind, but they have to use some life-saving methods, such as the use of invincible skills, such as the use of big moves, and they are very likely to follow. To face super masters such as Wucai Shenniu and even Tokyo Mythology, it is extremely detrimental to them to consume too many life-saving methods.

"Hey, they really used the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is considered to consume them, plus the killing of 5 dual-professional masters of them, our action this time has achieved the goal." Othello laughed. Then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, what are we going to do now? Hundreds of players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status are still a bit of a threat to us, especially the colorful sacred cow and others who may come to support at any time. Circumstances."

"Withdraw temporarily and attack the city again in 10 minutes." Fireworks Yi said indifferently.

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