VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3259: : Change goal

If only 8 or 9 dual-professional masters use their big moves, it is not enough to cause too much threat to Ye Luo and others. This is why Ye Luo and the others did not withdraw before, but if there are hundreds of against [ Group Blessing Scroll] Players in the state are coming straight, so their pressure is too great. At this time, they need to use some methods, such as using big moves, such as using [Group Blessing Scroll], but Ye Luo and the others are trying this time Those who consume the enemy alliance will naturally not easily use items such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

As for the big move Ye Luo, they don’t want to use it, even if only 5 or 6 people use the big move, it is enough to intercept the players of the Yinfu. The reason for this is that the masters of the Yinfu such as Wucai Shenniu and even their allies have not yet At this time, Ye Luo and the others would naturally prefer to keep some means. Anyway, the [Group Blessing Scroll] state can only last for 10 minutes. After this time, it is OK for them to make a comeback.

Hearing that the fireworks are easy to get cold, the people like Polangchengfeng and others immediately acted, but they did not directly withdraw, instead they used the state of [spell immunity] to cast [Charge], intercepting the player who charged in the front. Because the players behind the printing service were blocked by the players in front, they couldn't directly rush over for a while, which also bought some time for the players behind.

Zhiyue, Sitting on the Qin Xin, etc. did not say much, either adding blood to the crowd or attacking while reclaiming the mobile magic crystal cannon. They are not willing to abandon these items here, even if they are made by living players at this time. Moving the magic crystal cannon is much easier than before.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they bought some time, Zhiyue and they easily took away all the mobile magic crystal cannons, and then the slender hand directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport everyone away, and all the players in the middle server here disappeared. No, if it weren't for the many players lying around and the defensive equipment on one of the walls of White Bull City were destroyed, no one would have known that a great battle had broken out here.

That's right, Ye Luo and them all evacuated, and no one stayed.

Think about it, too, there are not many double-professional masters among the Indian clothing players in White Bull City, and there are no masters at the level of Wucai Shenniu, so it is almost impossible to leave Ye Luo and the others.

"Hehe, although I only rushed to the wall for 7 or 8 minutes, I have already scored hundreds of points." Unless Ye Ye was quite excited and authentic, and after seeing something, her smile on her face became stronger: "Uncle handsome The speed of the points increase is too exaggerated, it is 5 or 6 times more than mine, obviously he is just a non-regular archer."

"Although Ye Luo can only be regarded as a crossbowman, he has full attack power, and his equipment level and overall attributes are higher than you. It is normal to get a lot more points than you." Samadhi chuckled. Don’t wait for Ye Ye unless she speaks, she continues: “Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo is not just a crossbowman, but he can also use the skills of a magician, and he can use all kinds of group attack skills almost without stopping. This is also the reason why his points far exceed yours."

Naturally, I also know Ye Luo’s advantage, even if Ye Ye, who is also a super master, is far less than that, but everyone is happy to see Ye Luo’s points increase so much. After all, this means Dongfang Tiantian, It is difficult for Dark Night and others to surpass him, and of course everyone is looking forward to continuing to attack the city in this way and earn points.

"Fireworks, let's not idle. Although we can't work on the gang station of Yinfu at this time, we can do it on the gang station of British or Australian clothing." Po Lang Chengfeng said, while she said this. There was a faint excitement in the tone: "10 minutes, so long is enough for us to do a lot of things."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they naturally hoped to continue attacking the city and harassing other targets, and then looked at the fireworks expectantly.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but didn't want her to just look at June Feixue, and then asked: "Fei Xue, what happened to what you asked you to check."

Wei Wei was taken aback, but soon June Feixue understood, and then she said: "Our people have made some contact with the people in the Assassin’s House. They have found a lot of information, such as the polar silver wolf, the colorful sacred cow, and others. Most of the previous large-scale team tasks have been awarded national weapons. By the way, the Australian server has obtained 2 pieces of the past, and the two were given to the emperor’s hymn and the violent chariot, which means that they have at least 2 national weapons. And the emperor's hymn even possesses three national weapons. Maybe by this time his strength has surpassed the Berserker and became the number one master of the Australian service."

"What, the emperor's hymn they actually got 2 pieces of national artifacts at once?!" The wave of the wind and the wind increased a lot. When she said these, her tone was a little envious: "Their luck is so good, and the emperor's hymn is in possession of After three pieces of national weapons, I am afraid that his strength has reached the level of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and the threat to us is even greater."

Think about it, every piece of national equipment can greatly enhance the player's strength, let alone own 3 pieces, and there are no more than 10 players who have 3 pieces of national equipment at the same time in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game. The emperor’s hymn is One of them can see his strength from this alone.

"Don't worry about anything, we got more national implements when we were doing [Charming Fairy] before, and even at this time we have more national implements than the Australian server combined." Midnight Shu didn't think that. He looked at the fireworks and became cold after thinking of something: "Sister Fireworks, why not take advantage of the emperor's hymn and their many killers are in the CD state, let's do it on them."

"Hey, they just completed a large team mission and got a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Then they should consume some to deal with us, so we can do more with them." Midnight Shu added.

The proposal of Midnight Book was immediately echoed by many people, and they all wanted to work on the Australian clothes. Obviously they all wanted to'beat and beat' the Australian clothes.

"Yeah, good." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. After she said these, she pondered for a moment, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, teleported to the Australian server near the minecart city. That is the only level 4 gang in the Australian server. It’s a resident, let’s practice hands with this gang resident.

Hearing that, Ye Luo didn't say much, and directly used [Cross-server*Transport]. After completing the teleportation, he came to Minecart City as quickly as possible and then used [Cross-server*Space Portal] to make fireworks easily cold, etc. People teleported in the past, and the entire process took less than 30 seconds, and this shows how much Ye Luo’s mobility has improved after having [Cross-server* Teleport], and how this will cause him to affect the enemy alliance Kind of threat.

As before, Ye Luo rushed towards the minecart city first, and then launched an attack on it. Of course, his priority was to attack the city’s defense equipment and kill the NPCs of the six-wing fallen angels. After all, they can destroy all the city’s defense equipment. Rushing up to the city wall and then killing like before in White Bull City-everyone has also seen how efficient the way to get points is, so they naturally want to continue to do so.

The sudden arrival of Ye Luo and the others made the players of the Australian server nervous. For a time, a large number of players flocked to Minecart City to stop Ye Luo and them, but there were not many double professional masters. Obviously, most of the double professional players of the Australian server participated in the previous games. The team mission and the big move are in the CD. In this case, they did not dare to face Ye Luo and the others. Of course, the emperor's hymn and the violent chariot did not come, even if they had obtained a piece of national equipment before.

Since the Australian server does not have any dual-professional masters to stop, Ye Luo is naturally very relaxed. With various methods, especially the state of full attack power, he can easily destroy the defensive equipment and strikes on the minecar city. Kill those six-winged fallen angel NPCs.

After 3 minutes, Ye Luo's [Cross-server*Space Portal] ended the CD, and then he sent the [Spell Immunity] Wave Breaking Wind, Midnight Book, etc., and these people did not say much, and started directly. After they joined, they also improved the efficiency of destroying the defense equipment and killing the six-winged fallen angel NPC. It will not take long for them to destroy all the defense equipment on the wall of Minecart City. .

Of course, during this period, some dual-professional masters of the Australian server could not help but then used their big moves, but the number was not large, or even not as many as the Indian server. Although their strength is generally higher than that of the Indian server players, but But it did not pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others.

"Hey, I thought the emperor's hymns would be very arrogant to stop us after their strength was greatly increased. I didn't expect that they would still be a tortoise with their heads shrunk and would not dare to stop us at all, or even come here." Po Lang Chengfeng Disdain authentic.

"The emperor’s hymn, they are not fools, they know that their current state is not enough to cause any threat to us, so rushing to support us will not stop us, but may be killed by us, so they will naturally not rush over. "Samadhi Shi explained, thinking about what she laughed: "But they should also think of some means to deal with us, such as letting their people use some [group blessing scrolls], such as asking their people to support, whether it is Both are good for us."

Think about it, too, if the players of the Australian server display the [Group Blessing Scroll], this is naturally what Ye Luo and the others want to see most. After all, the purpose of their action this time is to consume the scrolls of the enemy alliance.

As for requesting support from players from other servers, this is also very good for Ye Luo, because it means that they can lead the nose of the enemy alliance, so the Chinese server alliance will naturally have a greater active advantage. .

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