VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3260: :Let’s do it again

Ye Luo and the others suddenly rushed to the Australian server to make a large number of Australian server players nervous and came to Minecart City to stop them, but because the big move and other assassin methods were in the CD, most of the double professional masters did not come, including the emperor's hymn , Furious Chariot and others, and even the dual-professional masters who came to Minecart City were only 7 or 8, and even if they used all their abilities, they were not enough to stop Ye Luo and the others, not to mention Ye Luo and the others had not rushed to the wall at this time. , So they could not pose any threat to Ye Luo and others.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others also know that the emperor’s hymns and others will not watch them occupy Minecart City. Even smart like samādhi, fireworks and others can analyze what the Australian service will do next, for example, they will use some [Group Blessing Scroll], for example, they will ask for support from allies, and in Ye Luo and their hearts, no matter which means they are, they are happy to see, because no matter which is good news for Zhongfu.

The fact is also true. When Ye Luo and the others spent some time rushing to the city wall and then attacked like in White Bull City, the players of the Australian server decisively used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and even directly used 2 of them, more than 200 at a time. A player in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] brazenly rushed towards Ye Luo and others with the cooperation of other players, and a large number of players attacked from outside the city wall and behind Ye Luo. This can also cause Ye Luo and others. A big threat.

"Hey, the players of the Australian server are too anxious. We just used two [Group Blessing Scrolls] less than 1 minute after we rushed to the wall, and at the same time, they also arranged a large number of people to besiege from behind us. Come, obviously they don't want to give us any chance." Even though he said this, his face was full of smiles.

"The most important thing is that this doesn't give us much chance to earn points quickly." Midnight Shu added.

Think about it, this time, the purpose of Ye Luo and their actions is to consume the enemy alliance’s [Group Blessing Scrolls] besides earning points. The Australian server uses 2 of them, which is a little bit beyond the fireworks. Expected.

"It is estimated that they already know what happened in Yinfu, so they don't give us a chance to kill." Sitting on Qin Xindao, while talking to her, she looked at everyone: "Fortunately, we haven't had time to install the mobile demon at this time. Crystal Cannon, so we can withdraw easily. The most important thing is that 10 minutes have passed since the players of Yinfu used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and then we can continue to work on White Bull City."

Although it took less than 1 minute to climb the city wall, it took Ye Luo and the others to destroy all the defense equipment on the minecart city before. It took a lot of time. After such a long time, the status of the [Group Blessing Scroll] held by the players of the printing service is certain. It's all over, and then naturally you can start working on the White Bull City in Indian clothing.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree to kill and print clothes, but I didn't want her to shook her head and said: "No, we will enter the British server next."

"Enter the British server?!" For a moment, he broke the waves and blurted out: "Why is it better to kill the Japanese server? Isn't it better to go to the Indian server? After all, the defensive equipment on the White Bull City has been destroyed by us. They probably haven't done all the repairs in such a long time, so it will be easier for our team to print the clothes."

"When we started working on the Indian server before, the players on the Australian server should have already rushed over part of it, and even they have reached the White Bull City, which means that at this time, the players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] can easily rush to the White Bull City. Bull City then hindered us. Faced with their state, we can only retreat. Although we can directly transfer to the British server or other servers, this is more or less a waste of time." Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf.

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "After all, although the Australian server must have arranged some manpower in the British server, especially when we discovered that we have successively worked on the servers that complete the large-scale team tasks, they did not know how to pick up. Next we are going to work on which gang resident, so it will take some time to rush over, so we don’t have to worry that these Australian servers with the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] can stop us, at least it will let us Is more efficient."

After hearing this, everyone wanted to understand this, and then they didn't say much, let the slender jade hand transport them to a safe place, and then Ye Luo displayed [Cross-server*Transport] and then killed them in the British server. Then naturally, as before, continue to work on the gang resident of the British server.

However, it is worth mentioning that all the gang sites in the British server have been upgraded to level 5, which means that they can't choose the level 4 gang sites as their targets, and working on the level 5 gang sites will greatly increase their pressure. After all, The level 5 gang station is stronger than the level 4 gang station in terms of defense and attack.

Randomly chose a gang resident to do it, and then Ye Luo rushed to perform the old trick again, and he continued to consume the city defense equipment on the target gang resident.

Although the attack power and defense of the level 5 gang station have increased a lot, Yeluo can also withstand the attack by using the advantage of ultra-long-range attack and other means, so he can naturally destroy some defensive equipment and weapons with his strong attack power. Killed the six-winged fallen angel NPC defending the city, but it took a little longer.

However, their efficiency improved a little after the addition of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and it only took 2 to 30 minutes to destroy all the defensive equipment on one city wall.

Facing Ye Luo and the others’ siege, Longying and the others were also helpless, especially watching the defensive equipment on the gang’s resident’s gang being destroyed one by one, but they knew that even though they came all the way and then used all the means. It didn't necessarily pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others. To do so was just a waste of time and some equipment and props.

But they naturally don’t want to watch their gang’s resident occupied, especially thinking that even if they can’t kill Ye Luo and the others, they can change other goals. For example, they can'drive Ye Luo and the others to the Indian or Australian servers. They still understand the truth that the dead friends do not die. So after thinking about this, the players in the British server also used the [Group Blessing Scroll], but they were more stingy than the players in the Australian server and only used 1 scroll.

Even so, Ye Luo and the others did not sway with it, and then they directly chose to withdraw and then carried out a sneak attack on the legal service.

Although the players of the French server did not have any impact on their status due to large-scale team tasks, the main consideration for Ye Luo and the others was that the British server must have received the help of the Indian server and the Australian server before sending some players to support in the past. This means that the players in the British server with the state of [Group Blessing Scrolls] can chase the past and then intercept Ye Luo and the others, so they will do the opposite to the French server and other servers, so that these players can't catch up in the first place. Passed.

As for the strength of the perfume beauty at its peak, they don’t care much. After all, the players in the French server are not enough to pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others, especially the players in the Australian, British, and Indian servers because they consume some killer tricks. Without being able to cause many threats to Ye Luo and the others.

After sneaking into the legal service, Ye Luo and the others tried their tricks again. Although the legal service had more dual-professional masters to stop Yeluo and the others, they could not pose much threat to them, even if more and more dual-pro players used their big moves. It was just for Ye Luo and the others to be a little more cautious.

Seeing more and more dual-professional masters use their ults, they still can’t help Ye Luo and others, and the perfume beauty and others can’t let all the dual-pro players of the lawsuit perform ults, let alone directly use the awakening skills of combination equipment. So they could only use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so Ye Luo and the others were finally'driven away'.

I thought that the fireworks would be easy to get cold in the future to send Ye Luo to the German server or other surrounding servers, but she told Ye Luo to return to the Indian server and then attack White Bull City again.

"Fireworks, why return to the printing service? We can obviously continue to work on servers such as German service. Hey, they will definitely choose to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] in the face of our sneak attack, so we can consume a lot of their scrolls. The purpose of our action this time has also been achieved." Po Lang Chengfeng asked.

"People from all major servers have seen that the goal of our actions is not fixed. At this time, they must have been prepared, so there is not much meaning for us to do this." Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf, thinking of what she is most likely to do. Jia evoked a smile: "But now our enemies shouldn't think that we will suddenly return to the Indian uniform, so more or less we can beat them by surprise."

"Of course, we should also increase our attack. It's just a [Group Blessing Scroll] that can't send us. After all, this consumption speed is too slow. Maybe the major servers did some tasks during the siege. Hunted some high-ranking BOSS and obtained the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Samadhi Shi added.

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others took 2, 30 minutes to attack the city wall, and then they can consume a [Group Blessing Scroll] from the enemy server. This is too inefficient, and even the target server for such a long time as Samadhi Shi said. You can get [Group Blessing Scroll], maybe the number will be more.

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, thinking of something, she looked forward to it: "Then how do we increase our attack? Is it possible that we have to mobilize more players, such as mobilizing tens of thousands of elite players to attack the city. ?!"

"Hey, if that's the case, the people of the enemy alliance only consume one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls] but they can't send us, so the efficiency of consuming them will naturally increase a lot." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

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