VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3265: : Behind the scenes

After getting help, the masters such as the sun never set, the dark night, etc. came to the Indian server. Some experts have even come to Ganges City. Obviously they are ready to support the Indian server. It is very likely that they will follow the middle server here. A large-scale battle broke out in the alliance of one side.

But breaking the waves and riding the wind they are eager to do this. After all, in their hearts they can take advantage of this opportunity to severely damage the enemy alliance and then be able to take action against Hongyan City in advance. Don't worry about working on Hongyancheng.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking of these they were a little excited.

Although the masters such as Dark Night and Perfume Beauty have already arrived in the Indian clothing, this did not have much impact on Ye Luo and their actions. Ye Luo continued to consume the guards on the Ganges City and the six-wing fallen angels, while breaking the waves. Feng and others will also lock him in the state of [Spell Immunity] from time to time, teleport and attack with all strength, and this has also allowed them to gain some gains, such as destroying some defensive equipment on Ganges City, such as hunting. Many Indian server players, and these will make it easier for them to rush to the walls of Ganges City. The outbreak of large-scale battles between the two sides will also slightly reduce the pressure on the Chinese server.

Facing Ye Luo and the others’ tactics, Dark Ye didn’t have a very good way. After all, they knew that even if some people performed big moves or used the [Group Blessing Scroll], they couldn’t help Ye Luo and the others, because the latter could be avoided for the time being. Sharp, and doing so means that their consumption will be slightly larger.

It is precisely because of this that they did not act rashly, especially the colorful sacred cows who have not acted. After all, they only came to support, and they will only start their actions after the colorful sacred cows and other Indian players have started their actions. .

Wucai Shenniu and others naturally knew that they had nothing to do with Ye Luo and others at this time, and they didn't want to consume too much, so they discussed how to deal with it, but it was only a short while but there was no good way. .

During the discussions between Wucai Shenniu and the others, Ye Luo and the others were not idle, and continued to harass as before. Of course, they were also prepared to fight or retreat at any time. As for how to do it, it depends on the specific situation.

"Hey, almost all the face-to-face masters of the enemy alliance have come to print clothes, why didn't the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese clothes come?" June Feixue was the first to discover this problem, and she frowned slightly when she thought of it: "Could it be that Tokyo Mythology, they are going to sneak into our server and then do something to our people?"

I also know the strength of the Japanese server masters such as Tokyo Mythology, and their infiltration into the middle server can also pose a big threat to the middle server players, so after hearing June Feixue's words, everyone's expressions became a little more solemn.

"No, our people didn't get the news that Tokyo Shinhwa and others had sneaked into the Chinese server, and they didn't even sneak into our ally server." Wuming shook his head, and said this in a calm tone.

The **** kills organization is in charge of intelligence work, and knows a lot about these things. Since he said so, then things must be like this. After listening to his words, everyone was a little relieved that they no longer worry about the Zhongfu being attacked by Tokyo Mythology. Up.

"In fact, even if Tokyo Mythology they sneak into our server, even if most of our masters in the Chinese server come to Yinfu, they will not be able to capture our gang site, but they are just hunting some of our players." Po Lang Chengfeng disapproved. Dao, she sneered: "Could it be possible that they will attack our gang's resident, hey, I would like to do so, so we will have the advantage of defending the city, and this will cause more casualties and consumption to them."

"Of course, it is better for them to send their allies over." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

In this regard, everyone also deeply agrees, and after thinking of these, they no longer worry about these things.

"But Tokyo Mythology hasn't sneaked into our server, and it hasn't sneaked into our allies' servers. Why don't they come to support Yinfu?" June Feixue was puzzled as she spoke, and looked at everyone: " In other words, they have already come to Yinfu, but because they are not allies with Yinfu in name, they can’t enter Ganges City, so they lie in wait for opportunities, such as when we attack Ganges City with all their strength. ?"

"Well, it's quite possible." Everyone nodded, but even then they didn't worry too much, because once the Tokyo Mythology appeared within 100 meters or more of their side, they would be discovered, after all, behind them. There are many assassins in the Chinese server alliance, and they will not be able to hide under the props and skills such as [True Sight Gem].

"Did the points of Tokyo Shinhwa and others have not improved for a while?" Suddenly, Samadhi asked, although she was asking, but her tone was very determined, and after getting the affirmative answer from sitting on the piano, her brows wrinkled slightly. Qi: "I'm afraid it's Tokyo Mythology that they also received a large-scale serial mission, because I found that their points did not improve as they were before 2 or 3 days. This naturally means that they were dragged by the mission, otherwise they won't fail. Hunt the players on our side."

Hearing that, everyone looked a little more solemn. After all, they also knew what kind of rewards they would get for completing a large-scale team task. Originally, Tokyo Mythology, Fujiyama and others were already very strong. If they were to get some generous rewards, such as Get some national equipment suitable for him, then his strength will be further improved, and the threat to the alliance of the Chinese server will naturally be greater. They are naturally a little worried when they think of these.

"Even if they receive a large-scale team mission, at least they can't come to support the printing service now, and even if they can complete the mission, they will definitely have a great consumption, so even if they can rush over to support the combat power they can exert. It is quite limited, which means that we want to cause consumption, casualties and more easily for them." Dongfang Star said indifferently.

"That's right." Ye Yu Fei Fei took the stubborn words: "Even we can occupy Ganges City and then destroy two of them [Battlestars], which will cause more damage to the enemy alliance."

"Of course, we can also take the opportunity to work on the Japanese clothes and cause some losses to them as much as possible, so even if they get a good reward after completing the task, the threat to us will not be too great." Ye Yufei added. .

Hearing that, everyone nodded. They are looking forward to working on Japanese clothes. Of course, this will have to be done after the issue here is resolved. At the same time, they also hope that Tokyo Mythology will complete the task later. After all, Not having to face them will make the pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server side less.

While breaking the waves and riding the wind they said this, Ye Luo destroyed some defensive equipment, and the six-winged fallen angel NPC in front of the city wall is also very few, even the players of the Chinese server alliance think that if this is a forced siege They can easily attack the wall, but they also know that doing so will greatly increase the casualties and consumption of the Chinese server alliance, which is not what they want to see.

Of course, the most important thing is that at present, letting Ye Luo consume in the front will make the middle server alliance take the initiative, but the players of the enemy alliance will have a headache. In this case, naturally there is no need to forcibly attack the city, even if you are ready to forcibly attack. The city had better wait, waiting for Ye Luo and the others to destroy some defensive equipment and even kill all the six-wing fallen angels.

After seeing the decrease in the number of guard equipment and six-winged fallen angel NPCs on the wall of Ganges City, the players who were impressed by the colorful sacred cow were a little anxious, because they knew that if this went on, then the Chinese server alliance They really have the power to take down Ganges City, and even [Battlestar] will be destroyed by them, which is not what they want to see.

After thinking of these, a large number of Indian players rushed out of the city wall. They charged Ye Luo with invincibility. They wanted to prevent him from destroying the city's defense equipment on the city wall as much as possible, but it also had some effects, but during the period there were also more printings. If the player is killed by Ye Luo, the most important thing is that he still can’t stop Ye Luo from destroying the defense equipment on the city wall. Ye Luo is also a smart man. He mainly destroys the defense equipment on the city wall, and in [Reincarnation* Killing those players who rushed towards him under the effect of Split Arrow was just a matter of convenience.

And these people rushing to Ye Luo also let Wucai Shenniu have a better understanding of them. For example, they realized that there is no much use for Ye Luo to do it.

Since it was useless to attack Ye Luo, the colorful sacred cows thought of another way-to use the waves and ride the wind, the fireworks are easy to cold, etc., after all, they can prevent the waves and the wind and others from teleporting to Ye. Luo's side can also greatly reduce the efficiency of destroying the defensive equipment, and it is even easier to deal with Ye Luo after they have driven away the waves and the wind.

If you think about it, once you drive away the people like Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, Ye Luo will naturally not be able to superimpose all the component attributes of [Shifangzhanqi], plus you can’t get [Ice Dragon Arrow] and [Ghanjiang*Moxie] 】’S blessing, his overall strength will be discounted, so the threat to Ganges City is naturally much smaller.

Just do it when they think about it, and then some of the double-professional masters in Indian clothing directly teleported to the nearest place behind them, and then brazenly rushed towards them. Of course, they used them while rushing to the others. [Space Portal] or [Group Teleport Scroll], hundreds of thousands of players rushed over at a time. In the hearts of Wucai Shenniu and others, these players can definitely pose a great threat to the waves and wind riders, especially they Of people are ready to perform their big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll] state.

Of course, the allies of Yinfu also acted, even among the players who rushed towards the waves and the wind and others, there were still their people, and there were many others.

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