VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3266: : Guerrilla warfare

The colorful sacred cows are not fools. Soon they discovered that Ye Luo's mobility is too good, and also has the advantage of ultra-long-range attacks. Handling it will not prevent him from destroying the defensive equipment on Ganges City, and even will So some players were killed.

Since it was useless to start with Ye Luo, they would change their tactics and directly deal with the people like Polangchengfeng. After all, the maneuverability of the people like Polangchengfeng is not as mobile as Ye Luoqiang. If a large number of players are sent to do it. They may be driven away, so Ye Luo's strength will be greatly reduced without the blessings of [Ten Fang Battle Flag], [Ice Dragon Arrow] and [Grant *Moxie]. It's easy.

Of course, if they drive away from the waves and ride the wind, they can also attack Ye Luo back and forth. In this case, it is easy to force Ye Luo back. After all, Ye Luo only wants to guard against the players in front. Regarding the back, he could only retreat from the front, back and even the left and right charges from many players, otherwise he would only be beheaded here.

The colorful sacred cow and the others thought that instead of retreating, they chose to send a large number of players to fight them head-on, but they wished to do so, because in the hearts of the colorful sacred cow and others, it was printed clothes after all, they could mobilize Tens of millions of players, plus their allies can also mobilize a large number of players, not surprisingly, they must have an advantage in numbers.

Not only that, it’s very close to Ganges City, which means that the Indian server can continuously send player support, and even their allies can also be sent through the teleportation array, plus the two [Battlestars] will also Joining the battle after the frontal battle begins, so their side will have a greater advantage, at least not as passive as it is now.

"Hey, I didn't expect them to think of a countermeasure so quickly." Seeing the enemies rushing over behind him, Othello was not worried, but a little excited: "Fireworks, these people are outside the city, they don't have the advantage of the wall. Can we fight them head-on? It is easy to kill them all with our strength."

"Although they only mobilized tens of thousands of players, if they are willing to mobilize millions or even tens of millions, even at the same time they can rush out of Ganges City tens of millions of elite players, especially seeing us After being entangled." Ye Yufei shook his head: "Although we can also mobilize a large number of elite players, the number of players is definitely not as good as them, and far less than them. In this case, fighting is very detrimental to us."

"Especially the players they were killed can quickly teleport over through Ganges City and join the battle, which means that their ability to continue combat is stronger than ours, not to mention the two [Space Fortress] that were printed after the battle started. They can also participate in the battle, which can also cause them a lot of casualties." Ye Yufei added.

"Yes, and once some of us are entangled, it will be difficult to evacuate." Dongfang Star took the stubbornly: "So it's better not to have a large-scale battle with them now."

"In addition, unless we can rush to the walls of Ganges City in a short time and then occupy a wall, otherwise we will be attacked back and forth, which will be even more detrimental to us." Dongfang Star added.

They are also very clever in Othello, and they wanted to understand this in an instant, and then Dongfang Zhantian said: "Then we will try to occupy a wall of Ganges City in a short time..."

"At this time there are still a lot of defensive equipment on Ganges City, and once they see us forcibly attacking the city, they will definitely use a large number of [recruitment orders] of six-wing fallen angels, and they can even place a large number of mobile monsters. Crystal Cannon, even if our strength is much stronger than them, it is very difficult to occupy a city wall in a short time, especially when the dark night and others have arrived." Samadhi poetry interrupted Dongfang Zhantian: "but not We will be surrounded by occupying the walls of Ganges City, not to mention that we will have great casualties during the forcible assault, so at this time we'd better avoid the edge."

"Avoid the edge for the time being?!" The second person frowned deeply: "But our previous efforts are in vain. Maybe they can take the opportunity to repair the destroyed city defense equipment. Doesn't that mean we can't do it anymore? What threat does it pose to Ganges City that can't even consume them?"

"The most important thing is that they have thought of using this method to deal with our consumption. If we can't think of a way to deal with it, then they can always use this method to deal with us. Doesn't it mean that our tactics are useless? "The second person added.

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and then they all looked at the fireworks Yi Leng and others, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Retreat." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she stopped everyone who wanted to say something: "Evacuate most of the players, leaving only nearly a hundred people. These players must have the ability to protect themselves and have more double professional archers..."

"There are only nearly a hundred people left. Is this too small? These people can't withstand the charge of tens of thousands of players, especially when they may face a front and back attack. What's more, the enemy alliance can mobilize a large number of players. Come to support." The deep sea whale frowned deeply, and his tone was full of worry when he said this.

"Naturally won't head-on with them." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "We teleported behind these people and then fight guerrilla warfare with these people, and strive to cause the greatest casualties to them in the shortest time."

Everyone is smart, and they immediately understood the tactics of fireworks that are easy to cold. For a while, they were all excited and agreed to do so.

Think about it, too, teleporting behind these people, so as to avoid the situation of being attacked back and forth by the enemy, and with the mobility of Yeluo and others, they can naturally deal with the enemy, especially the fireworks are easy to cold and deliberately select the player with the highest mobility. , With these guerrilla warfare with the enemy, there is no problem. After all, the players who can be selected, 51 are not super masters. These players are not the ordinary players can catch up, and the only ones who can catch up with them are the dark night and the colorful sacred cow. Super master now.

If Dark Night, Wucai Shenniu and others do it, then Ye Luo and the others can choose to retreat or continue dealing with them depending on the situation. At least super masters like Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and Dongfang Qitian can continue to deal with them. Yes, with their powerful offensive power, they can still cause a lot of trouble and casualties.

That’s right, although the fireworks are easy to cold, only dozens of people are selected, but among these people are super masters such as Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and among them, there are many players with full attack power, plus Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian. There are [depraved* swallow], I believe they can cause a lot of casualties to the enemy.

Although it cannot pose a major threat to Ganges City for the time being, it is a very good result to be able to kill a large number of players in the enemy alliance, especially after seeing so many players on their own side. They will use this method to deal with Ye Luo and others again, and Ye Luo and the others will naturally continue to harass Ganges City as they do now and destroy the defense equipment above it.

As for why there are only less than a hundred people selected, it is naturally because the smaller the number, the stronger the mobility. The most important thing is that a space player can teleport all these players away without worrying about being entangled by the enemy. .

Thinking of this, everyone didn't say much, urging Fireworks Yi Cold to act quickly, especially when they saw that the players of the enemy alliance were not too far away from them.

"Ye Luo..." The firework is easy to be cold, and Ye Luo has been listening to their tactics before, so he understood it instantly, and then he retreated directly, especially the tens of thousands of dark nights and colorful sacred cows. Of players have rushed out of Ganges City.

Next, the slender jade hand and others used the [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, and then Ye Luo did not say much, and directly used [Transport] to prepare to teleport to the back of a large number of enemies. , Of course, it takes some time to cast this skill-10 seconds.

Not to mention that Ye Luo began to teleport, and that the colorful sacred cow saw Ye Luo and others withdraw, which made them very excited. After all, their tactics are still useful in their hearts, which means they can use this Because of the tactics harassing Ye Luo and the others, they were naturally excited when they thought that this was a solution to the trouble.

However, the colorful sacred cow and the others were not happy too early, because soon Ye Luo appeared again, and appeared behind a large number of players outside Ganges City, and the look of the colorful sacred cow and others after seeing his appearance and where he appeared. Become dignified, because they instantly understood what Ye Luo was going to do, and what kind of situation they would face next.

"Well, I didn't expect them to think of the tactics to deal with our tactics so quickly." Colorful Shenniu said solemnly: "I'm afraid that we will have many players killed next."

Before the voice of the colorful sacred cow, Ye Luo has completed the [Cross-server*Space Portal]. Players such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Polar Silver Wolf were teleported over. They are all double professional masters, and even super masters. There are some dual-professional archers, although these people are not many, but the overall strength should not be underestimated.

After completing the teleportation, Ye Luo didn't say much. The players who directly caught up with the enemy alliance then launched an attack on it. At the same time, the two professional archers such as firework easy to cold and misty rain were launched. As for Breaking the waves and riding the wind, Dongfang Killing the sky, they stood in front of Ye Luo and others and did not attack, but they were prepared to intercept the charging players at any time according to the orders of the fireworks and easy cold.

Again, their task is to ensure that Ye Luo and other ultra-long-range professions can attack unscrupulously.

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