VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3282: : Battle upgrade

The alliance of the Chinese service party occupied almost three of the four walls outside the Japanese service imperial city. It can be said that the situation is very good. This gave Fengxing and others further ideas-rushing into the inner city wall and destroying the Japanese service imperial city.

Destroying the imperial city of the Japanese server can not only cause great consumption and weakening of the Japanese server, but most importantly, it can also weaken the overall attributes of the Japanese server by 10% in the next 3 days, which will have a great impact on them. So if you have the opportunity to do these things, it would be best.

"Even if the imperial city cannot be breached, it can cause greater casualties and consumption to the Japanese clothes. Maybe we can beat them down." Feng Xing added.

"It depends on the situation. If the situation is very beneficial to our side, then we can naturally do it." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Before doing this, our task is to occupy the four walls as soon as possible. Only in this way can we cut off as much as possible. The connection between the Japanese service and their allies, so that we can more easily enter the inner city and destroy their imperial city."

Naturally, they also knew this. Everyone was high-spirited and prepared to occupy the outer wall of the Japanese Imperial City as soon as possible.

"Fireworks, it's better to let Ye Luo and others use the [Group Blessing Scroll], which will greatly enhance our strength, so that we can quickly occupy the outer walls of the imperial city." Polang Chengfeng said quite excitedly: "And The earlier we occupy the outer wall, the less our consumption will be, and the less pressure will be. This is of great benefit to us."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get colder, June Feixue’s voice sounded on the team channel: “Hey, why did the Japanese [Battlestar] rush to our side, don’t they worry about us destroying these fortresses in Tokyo Mythology? "

That’s right, after seeing Ye Luo and others’ combo-type equipment awakening skills, the Tokyo Mythology started to use [Battlestar] as previously discussed. At the same time, they used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], of course. Tell their allies about this, hoping that their allies will increase their attacks.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology's method is still very good. At least after learning this news, US servers and other allies have used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even they said that if the players of the Chinese server alliance use it next They will also use the awakening skills of combination equipment-in the hearts of server players such as the US server, if Ye Luo still retains some of the awakening skills of combination equipment, they can only retain some. After all, if Ye Luo waits next, People carry out sneak attacks on their servers and they can only deal with them by relying on the awakening skills of the reserved combination equipment.

Let’s talk about Ye Luo and the others. They saw that the Japanese server used [Battlestar] and the enemy alliance used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]. For a time, the pressure on the Chinese server alliance increased sharply, and some enemies had even rushed to it. It is very likely that the wall will be retaken in front of the city wall, and once this is the case, the pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server will increase, and it is worthwhile to cause heavy casualties.

Seeing this situation, the allies of the Chinese server for a time asked for help, or waited for the next order of the fireworks.

"Fireworks, the damage of [Battlestar] is still very high, especially when 3 [Battlestars] are gathered together, but the state of holding [Group Blessing Scroll] is not enough to deal with, especially the enemy alliance also used multiple [ Group Blessing Scroll], there are many players in this state in [Battlestar], it is not so easy to destroy it." Samadhi said in a deep voice: "And if these [Battlestars] are allowed to treat us If we launch an attack, our losses and casualties will increase significantly, and even the previously occupied city walls will be robbed. The situation will become even more serious for us. What should we do now?"

Although saying this, it is obvious that Samadhi has already thought of a countermeasure, but the final decision is to make the fireworks easy to make cold.

"Let Sister Feng and the others perform big moves, Sister Feng will use [Thunder God's Fall]." Fireworks Yi cold issued an order: "Next, Sister Feng will use [Kuang Lei Sprint] to rush to the Japanese suit [Battlestar], and the next step is Destroy it in the shortest time."

"Fireworks, it’s just that Sister Feng’s [Thunder God’s Fall] is not enough, and the damage output is not enough. After all, the Japanese server uses 3 [Battlestars]. Although we can destroy them within 10 minutes, but if we delay too much time Then the pressure faced by other places will be greater." Ye Luo noticed this in an instant, he reminded.

"Tell our allies, let them also send some masters to target the [Battlestar] of the Japanese clothes, and even use some combination equipment awakening skills if possible." Firework Yi Leng did not reply to Ye Luo, but continued to give orders. : "Tell Dongfang to kill the sky and let him cast [Holy Beast Heaven], and then focus on attacking the [Battlestar] of the Japanese suit, and we must destroy it in the shortest time."

Naturally, I also know that the damage output of the awakening skills of Dongfang Tiantian also used the combination equipment is enough, and Ye Luo didn't say much. With the assistance of Jianliu and others, he escaped from the battle, and then he locked the waves and rides the wind to use [Transport], Others continue their previous actions. After all, Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport the player over.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind didn’t say much. With the help of Midnight Shu and others, he decisively used the [Kuang Lei Sprint]. The target was naturally [Battlestar] in the day suit, and Ye Luo was the first time she completed the teleportation. After completing the teleportation, Ye Luo used [Space Portal] to teleport all the Midnight Book, Long River Sunset, Eastern Killing Sky and others, and then everyone used their own methods.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind directly cast [Thunder God's Heaven], Dongfang Killing the Sky unwilling to show weakness and cast [Holy Beast Heaven], and the players of Bafu used a combination of equipment awakening skills, and then everyone did not say much, divided into The three groups brazenly launched an attack on the three [Battlestars]. In their state at this time, they can also cause greater damage to [Battlestar ] Destroy everything.

Of course, Japanese players will naturally not watch their [Battlestar] be destroyed, even if Tokyo Mythology uses these fortresses to consume Yeluo’s assassin skills, after all, it’s best to keep some fortresses. So while they controlled [Battlestar] to withdraw to the inner city, they arranged manpower to stop Ye Luo and them.

It’s just that Yeluo’s strength is too strong, far surpassing those Japanese players who came to intercept them. The most important thing is that there are players who have locked Yeluo, they teleported over and assisted them in the fight, so they can always stand [Space] The attack of the fortress attacked it, and the toughness of those fortresses was still falling at a faster speed.

Even so, Tokyo Mythology had already made such a decision, so they didn’t worry too much, and they immediately told their allies about Ye Luo and the others' awakening skills for combination equipment. , Asking them to also use some killer tricks.

After learning that they have used some combination equipment awakening skills, the players on the US server and other servers are cheered up, and they no longer worry about Ye Luo and they will do their hands on their gang resident, and the next multiple servers Players have used the awakening skills of combination equipment-obviously they want to increase their attacks while Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others are targeting the Japanese suit [Battlestar] to seize the city wall occupied by the Chinese server alliance. This will definitely cause great consumption and casualties to the Chinese server.

The fact is also true. Players on servers such as the US server have used combination equipment awakening skills, especially after breaking the waves and riding the wind and they went deep into the city to pursue those [Battlestars], the players in the Chinese server alliance on the wall felt tremendous pressure. This can be seen from the huge increase in casualties.

"Fireworks..." Bacchus Du Kang said, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"Each server uses 3 more [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Fireworks Yi cold decisively issued an order: "Dragon Sky, you cast [Seven Stars Fall], and then the seven of you are responsible for intercepting the enemy alliance and awakening with combined equipment. For players with skill status, I will also use the [Five Elements Great Array]. In addition, Sand Suit will also use a combination of equipment awakening skills. This should be enough."

Speaking of these fireworks, Yi Leng brought hundreds of dual-professional masters into the team, and then used the [Five Elements Array] on them. These people did not say much, and used the [Group Purification Scroll] After using the scrolls, they performed their ultimate move. For a time, their strength greatly increased, and then they brazenly met the enemy rushing from outside the city.

The players in Longteng Tianxia and Sand Suit did not say much, they directly used the awakening skills of [Seven Stars Fall] or combined equipment, and then they met the rushing enemies according to the firework Yi cold said, relying on the city wall and moving magic The advantage of the crystal cannon was easily resisted. At least at this time, the city wall was still firmly in the hands of the alliance of the Chinese server. This meant that the casualties and consumption of the enemy alliance were still larger than those of the Chinese server alliance.

"Hey, this time the battle is too fierce. The two sides have used almost all the awakening skills of combination equipment, and the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used has reached an unprecedented number." Bacchus Du Kang laughed: "No After the accident, many servers consumed most of the previously hoarded [Group Blessing Scroll], and it will be convenient for us to take further actions, such as attacking Hongyan City..."

"Yes, the battle has escalated further, but the overall situation is still very beneficial to us." Dongfang Xing said, and then her tone changed: "It's just that we don't have any chance to destroy the imperial city of Japanese clothes."

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